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The Confession Of A Girl

He lubricated me with sunflower oil and used his fingers to get me ready to suck his cock while his wife encouraged him.

By The Lost GirlPublished 20 days ago 3 min read

About a decade ago, my wife and I were on a cruise that took us took us to several islands. At each of the stops, we went on an excursion to a private beach with miles of wide open sandy beaches. While my wife sat on a beach chair to relax, I decided to wander down the beach and see what else was out there. After about half an hour, I found a small cove with crystal clear water and no one else around. I always wanted to sunbathe nude, so I decided to take advantage of this opportunity. About half an hour later, a couple (also nude) walked by and stopped about 20 feet from me. We greeted each other and chatted a bit. The husband noticed I had a shaved head and asked if I ran. I told him I just liked the feeling of being hairless, and he said something to his wife, and they laughed.

The husband went out for a walk and his wife came over to chat with me. She asked me if I was homosexual or bi and I said no. She then asked me to suck her husband's cock. I was shocked and said no. A few seconds later, my cock hardened and she laughed at me. I was embarrassed but still said no. When her husband came back, he suddenly stood in front of me and asked me to suck his penis while his wife looked on. I said no and he moved closer to me and finally forced his penis down my throat. This was not cocksucking but more like throat fucking. I was choking and he was trying to comfort me and ask me to relax and take his penis.

I did my best to make him cum, but he wanted to do it in my mouth like in porn. I couldn't do that because my teeth were hurting. I wasn't very good at oral, so I told him to masturbate in my mouth. He did, and I swallowed it. I think the only reason why I swallowed it was because I had eaten Brussels sprouts earlier that day, which I didn't like, so at the time, the cum didn't taste bad. I can't remember what it tasted like, but I remember it tasted better than the Brussels sprouts.

Just when I was calming down, he pulled me up and made me lie on the sand with my face in.

He lubricated me with sunflower oil and used his fingers to get me ready to suck his cock while his wife encouraged him. As he slid his clock into my ass, I was in unbearable pain. But then at some point, the pain changed to the greatest pleasure I had ever experienced. He saw that I was pushing myself back up against his cock, and he began to call me his “little faggot”. He had me in his mouth and ass for at least half an hour while his wife was encouraging him. When he was done, they both left and I didn’t see them again.

What am I doing here? Wow, this is great!! Those-deep-throat-this-thing! Oops, Make me feel energetic.

I didn’t tell my wife until recently. It got to the point where I was thinking about cock all day long. I started going to places where I could suck or bottom. I finally told my wife, and this past weekend she watched a huge muscular male top suck me off for an entire hour. It was risky, but it actually seems to have revitalized our sex life because now she wants to see and be involved in the future.

SecretsHumanityWorkplaceTeenage yearsSchoolFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingChildhoodBad habits

About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

You can buy me a coffee HERE😊

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