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The Cities Mafia Queen. PT 13

Reverse Harem Story

By Author Billiejo PriestleyPublished 9 months ago 27 min read
Available on Amazon

Gunner: Her Choice

I stand shocked by Candice’s words. Turning, I watch as Emmi walks towards where Candice is stood, and Dante coming over, meeting us.

“Do you know?” I ask.

“No idea. I guess this is how she’ll tell us who she has chosen.” His words sound sour.

“What's up, Dante?” Zane looks at him.

“Nothing, I just thought she respected us a bit more to tell us in person before announcing it for her own mother’s gain. She should have told us first, we know she is picking you, Zane, but still, she could have told us first.”

I listen to Dante, and I have to agree to some extent. I thought she would tell us.

“So, as my lovely mother has said, I am here today to announce who I will be marrying.” I watch as she smiles at us, although Dante looks ready to kill her.

“You see, this arrangement was created years ago. Many don’t understand that the Wolversons tried to cancel it and find a new way of clearing my family’s debt, my parents refused. Once the Wolversons had died, their sons also tried, to no avail.” I watch as she talks, outing her damn mother in front of both cities!

“You see, my family never wanted me. I was a burden, someone who needed to be protected. More though they wanted to use me to bring down the Wolversons and because it failed, she has gone back to me marrying one of them so she can try to control both cities that way. So here it is, Candice.”

I hear the gasps from people. Yeah, she seems to have a death wish, which makes me smile and feel incredible inside.

“You need me to choose to marry one person. That way, you have a way to use me to get what you want from Wolverson City. So I have spent months now with the Wolversons, trying to decide who to choose. The fact is I don’t want to marry any one of them.”

Her words sting, Dante’s body tenses. “I’m off. I’m not listening to anymore.” His body goes to move, Zane stopping him. “Don’t, she just fucking played us along.” His words are quiet.

“Emmi. You can’t refuse to marry any of them.” Her mother's word is loud.

“You misunderstand me, Mum. I don’t want to choose one because I like them all, so the only way I’m getting married is if it becomes legal to marry four guys.” Everyone stands shocked, but all I can hear is Bear’s laugh. He isn’t helping. I kick him slightly.

“Get down!” Her mum pulls on her hand. We should defend her, but right now, she needs to defend herself. I watch as she pulls her hand away.

“No! I tried choosing, and the fact is each one is different, unique and I like all four of them. So the answer is no, I won’t choose just one to marry. So what is your next move?”

I watch as Candice turns to face the room.

“The party is over. Everyone leave. We will announce tomorrow which Wolverson she will marry.” I watch as the room begins to clear out, Candice looking at us, waiting.

“She expects us to leave,” Zane whispers.

“Well, we won’t until Emmi does.” I won’t walk out without her.

“This is a family matter. Leave.” Candice stands ahead of us, waiting.

“She is our family, so no. When she leaves, we will.” I step forward, pulling Emmi to my side.

“Emmi!” Her mum looks at her.

“What? You’re not even going to apologise, are you? Instead, you want to try to make this work and get your plan back on track. So much for being a mother! I should have just been dumped with Dean. At least then I would have one real parent.”

“Enough now, Emmi!” Jamie shouts at her.

As much as we want to hit him and defend her, we can’t. They’re her family.

“Not enough. You knew, Jamie. Sending me off to marry someone, fine, but knowing she planned to have me hurt? You’re my twin brother. How could you?” She looks at Jamie, hurt.

“You can’t choose your family, Emmi, you can choose who you are close to and who you aren’t.”

“Like Candice did with you.” I turn and look at Dante, shocked. Hell, he can’t say shit.

“What does that mean?” Candice looks at Dante.

“Playing dumb? We know, more people know than you realise. Granted, Emmi doesn’t, but maybe she should know the truth.” Dante steps forward, blocking the view from Emmi. “Jamie is adopted, different mother and father. You’re using him as a way to keep this city, but the truth is, if Emmi wanted to, she could take this whole damn city from under you both.”

Emmi gasps.

“We’re leaving. You want Emmi? Fine, but she comes with all of us, so remember that.” Dante grabs Emmi and walks out with us following. Sitting in the car, I turn and look at him.

“You just caused a fucking war, Dante.” What was he thinking?

“He isn’t my brother?” Emmi looks at us.

“No, we found out, and we were going to tell you. Unfortunately, your mum insisted you be there tonight. As much as I wanted to say no, I knew refusing would cause an argument. Turns out I just started a war, though.” Dante shakes his head.

“I want to know everything! I don’t care why you think you shouldn’t tell me. I want to know everything. No more secrets, especially not about my own life,” Emmi shouts.

“I will tell you everything I know or suspect,” he promises. And he does, although I don’t feel like it matters, it’s more as if she just wants it proving to her. She listens to him as he tells her everything.

“So, what does it mean?” She looks at Dante again.

“It means that if people find out the truth, Jamie won’t hold power. They will know he is in no way part of the bloodline and can’t run the city. It’s like an unspoken rule, a law of sorts. The city needs two people, at least of the bloodline, or one and them married. Otherwise, anyone in the city can challenge and take over.”

“I just want to go to bed.” Her words are quiet. I kick Dante slightly. He shouldn’t have mentioned her brother, or rather Jamie. Not tonight anyway. She seems to be constantly battling her family and their issues and disownment. She is yet to fall, to break down, to quit, or be weak. Will that day ever come?

We walk in, and I watch as she walks straight to her room.

“You fucked up there.” I look at Dante.

“I told the damn truth. She would find out sooner or later anyway. At least now she knows who her real family is.”

I laugh. “Her real family? Jamie still is, Dante, sure they may not be blood, but he was there the whole time she grew up. We’re family, aren’t we? We’re not blood.” I shake my head. “You know what? Forget it, I’m going to go check her other surprise.” I walk off, not wanting to keep arguing.

Emmi: A Life Of Lies

I walk into my room and sit down. Just how much of my life is a lie? Sure, twins fight, they fall out. But I hardly ever hear of one going crazy and happy to have the other one hurt. I thought they saw me as a burden, then found out my own mother wanted me hurt, was using me to take over the Wolverson City, lied about my dad, my brother, everything.

I feel like I’m ready to break down, but breaking down is letting them win, and there is no way I will. So what’s the way forward now? That’s all I keep asking myself, and I have no idea.

“I’m sorry.”

I look up and see Dante stood at the end of my bed. I hadn’t even heard him come in.

“I should have told you first. I guess part of me wanted to, in a way, hurt you because you honestly did that? I thought you respected us enough to tell us, Emmi!” He stands looking at me, and all I can do is laugh.

“I’m sorry, I forgot when I was sent here for an arranged marriage, I should consider how you guys would feel.” Nothing is normal. Everything seems to have fucked up.

“Don’t you dare!” I jump at the loudness of his voice. “I told you to fucking leave, gave you the freedom you chose to come back. So don’t start acting like you were fucking forced into this again, or I swear!”

I move and stand, walking towards him. “You swear what, Dante? You going to bend me over the table again and whip me, make me pay? Spend hours hurting me until I scream sorry, and you feel like it is easy for me to learn a lesson? Fucking psycho!”

His head snaps up, and I step back slightly as he moves towards me. “Yeah, because you were really trying to escape, weren’t you? You were screaming to be saved, screaming to get free? You fucking loved it. Stop acting like I did something you hated.” His body presses mine against the wall. “Guarantee, Princess, if I said I’m doing it now, you wouldn’t even refuse. Hell, you would have those clothes off before I even finish the sentence. Wouldn’t you, slut?”

Hell, that is a turn-on, but no way am I standing for it. I push him back. “Fuck you! Don’t call me Princess like that ever again unless you want to be swallowing your own damn balls!” I turn and walk towards the door.

“So you’re angry I called you Princess but not slut? You’re fucked in the head.” His words make me stop slightly.

“You called me Princess in the same tone as everyone else. Maybe my priorities are wrong, but that is worse than calling me a damn slut, whore or anything else.” I walk out and slam the door. I look around me. I know where he won’t bother me. Walking down the hall, I open the door and step into Gunner’s playroom. Shutting the door, I lean my head against it.

“What did my little kitten do?” I spin around and face Gunner. While part of my heart is thumping, and I am scared, my eyes are fixed on the thing he is holding, and joy overtakes me as a squeal escapes my mouth. “So much for a surprise. What do you think?” He looks at me as he holds the kitten in his arms. It looks so small, so helpless, yet he is so careful not to hurt it.

“You got a kitten?” I step forward, my fingers running along its fur.

“No, I got you a kitten.” His words shock me. “I figured those days when we’re all out and busy, this little guy could keep you company. So anyway, tomorrow, you’re going to Emmi’s club, meet the staff and start training.” His words make me laugh.

“Start training? You’re making it sound like I have never fought before.” I have. They all have a shock coming if they think I can’t fight.

“We will see tomorrow then, won’t we? Now, you need a name for this little one.” He holds out the kitten, and I take it.

“You know, it looks crazy, you holding a kitten.” It does. He looks big, mean and like a crazed lunatic.

“I may be a psycho that enjoys inflicting pain, but something like a defenceless animal, child, no, never.” His words make me smile.

“Children?” I look at him.

He laughs like I am crazy. “Oh, little kitten, don’t. You just told the cities you don’t plan to marry any one of us. You would rather marry us all, don’t go throwing around words like children, because you may regret what happens next.”

I step past him and put the kitten in the small pen he has in the corner before standing in front of him. “Maybe I like the idea of what will come next, Gunner.”

“Emmi,” he whispers. Smiling, I glance down, seeing his cock straining beneath his trousers. My tongue glides across my lip. I have yet to witness the truth behind them all. The truth of each one of them. Sure, I’ve seen a few sides of them, but Gunner? I know he’s an animal. I know he’s a sadistic psychopath who enjoys inflicting pain and seeing someone bleed. I heard Bear mention it, he does it to women for pleasure while fucking, and I still haven’t witnessed it yet.

“Don’t do that.” I look up seeing his eyes on my lips, so slowly, I bite against it. “Do what? This?” I lick my lips again. My hand moves and strokes along his cock, feeling it harden more.

“Strip.” His word makes me laugh. “Did you really just fucking laugh?” He looks at me shocked. Okay, maybe I shouldn’t push him too much to start with. So instead of nodding and being a brat, I step back, my hands removing my clothes as he watches me intently.

“Now what, Daddy?” His eyes widen at my words.

“Now, I’m going to make you scream and bleed.”

A moan escapes my mouth as his hands grasp my wrists and the chains wrap around them, pulling so my body is stretched and I’m on my toes. I watch as he walks around the room, music beginning and lights flashing. He’s crazy, but it’s the sort of crazy I love. Most people torture their prey in a quiet room, with a light shining on them. Trying to intimidate them, to hear their screams, and listen to their final breathes. Gunner doesn’t.

He turns it into some sort of party, so it is like a dance while he is dicing, stabbing, and cutting. Finally, he stops ahead of me, two objects in each hand.

“Now choose one, which would you like me to use?” He smiles at me as his eyes darken with desire. I look at them: one is a pocketknife, another a scalpel, then a dagger, and then, well, of course, he has a sword, a big fucking sword. But, as much as I want to say the sword, I also want to survive this.

“The dagger,” I say smugly. “Next time, the sword.” He chuckles and places the items down before disappearing behind me. I stand waiting and feel his hand grip my hip, his nails pushing into my skin, making me moan. The sting is fantastic, both pleasure and pain. I feel the coldness of the blade against my back, slowly scratching around my body until he stood before me.

He moves the dagger, the tip positioned where my heart is.

“You’re a fool for assuming you will survive.” His eyes look into mine.

“Of course I will survive, you need me to fuck, so you can’t kill me. Hurt me, sure, but kill me?” Of course, he wouldn’t do that. His blade pushes against me more, digging into the skin. Something about the way he said that, though, makes me wonder if he meant it? He doesn’t want to kill me, but at the same time, I can see his eyes, and he is worried himself.

I move, pushing forward and making the dagger dig deeper into my skin, a moan escaping my mouth as it cuts deeper and the blood runs down my body.

“If I twist, it will hurt more.” His hand moves, turning the dagger, drawing a scream from me. His head falls back, and I watch as he pushes it in more, twisting it again. I look at him as a scream escapes my mouth, and pleasure floods through me. He isn’t here. I feel the dagger push deeper.

“Gunner.” My word is quiet as I stare into his eyes. “It’s me, Gunner, Emmi,” I scream as he pushes it deeper and glides it across me slightly. “Look at me, Gunner.” His eyes finally look like they are seeing me, not just looking through me. He glances down to where the blade is, and I watch as desire fuels within him.

“Where did you go?” I ask.

“Nowhere. I was right here.”

He wasn’t, mentally he disappeared, so I will ask later, and for now, I will let it go. I moan as his hand pulls the dagger down my body, a moan escaping my mouth.

“How is that even possible?” I should be crying, screaming in pain, and begging him to fucking stop, not getting turned on and finding this well, unique and epically fucking unforgettable.

“Pain releases endorphins.” His words make sense but also don’t.

“But many people don’t find pleasure in pain. They would scream at this, I’m fucked in the head, right?” I laugh slightly, watching as the dagger runs across my body, leaving a bloody trail behind it.

“Not fucked up. Your body takes the pain and instantly releases endorphins. Everyone’s does, just some people’s release them at any pain, others it has to be the worst pain for it to happen. You just get it quicker than others. Some of the best assassins can tolerate high pain because when it comes to torturing them, they can take far more than the norm.” His eyes widen with humour.

I watch as he disappears behind me. Jumping, I scream, feeling something hit against my ass. Each swing gets harder and faster until I’m screaming his name and silently begging him to fuck me. I don’t, though, because that will give him more pleasure.

Instead, I continue to scream for him while feeling the wetness drip between my legs. The blade cuts against my skin while his teeth bite down, each one leaving marks, some ensuring that blood breaks the surface. My body begins to feel exhausted. It feels like I am flying. Every bit of pain just seems to turn into pleasure. I feel high!

I stand panting as he steps back, grabbing more chains. This time, he loops each one around my ankles. I watch as he fastens them to the floor so I can’t move in any way. His teeth bite against my back, causing a scream to escape my lips. Finally, he moves and stands in front of me.

“You know the best thing about these?” He pulls on the chains. “Your body can’t move up or down. So when I do this, you can’t move.” His words confuse me. I feel his cock against my sex. His hips thrust, and I scream, my body trying to move in any way, but I’m unable to. “It also means I can push so much deeper because you’re locked in place.” I feel him move, pushing his cock deeper inside me. Just when I think he has got as deep as he can go, he smiles, his hips pulling back slightly before slamming into me, causing me to scream. He continues his torture, thrusting hard and deep, each time making me scream, making my body want to try to escape him, but I can’t.

His eyes are on fire with pleasure with every move he makes. The wetness from within me now coating his perfect cock that seems to fill me in the right ways. That damn tiny implant pushing against my clit, and always keeping me on the edge of the orgasm.

He reaches behind me, and I look at him, confused, as he brings out a toy. His head lowers to my ear. “Be glad I am starting with the toy because really, I just want to fuck it relentlessly.” His words confuse me until I feel the toy pushing against my ass. His hips are constantly thrusting now, pushing me to orgasm. My body relaxes against his as the orgasm flows through me, his hand pushing the toy into my ass.

He doesn’t stop. He continues fucking me while his hand moves the toy in my ass. His other hand is wrapped around my neck, digging his nails in deeper and harder. Another orgasm flows through me, and I watch as he slows down.

“Are you tired?” he asks, and I nod.

“Tired and feeling high.” Really fucking high, not that I know what even feels like considering I never took drugs, but from what I heard, it’s just like this. He steps back and walks behind me, his hand grasping into my hair. I feel his cock against my ass.

“Unlucky, because I haven’t finished yet.”

Screaming, I try to fall forward as he forces his cock into my ass, but I can’t. His hand wraps around me so he can push his fingers into my sex. It hurts, but the pain melts and dissolves into pleasure. My head falls back onto his shoulder as I drown under it. I shake as I feel myself ready to give in and beg for him to stop. I feel high and it’s incredible… but still scary.

I hear him groan as his hips speed up, his other hand moves, placing the blade against my neck as he continues to thrust. He slides the blade along my body, cutting me. Screaming, I orgasm, hearing him groan as his fingers move faster inside my sex, his cock pushing against the grip my ass has on him as the orgasm flows through me. His groan is loud as he continues to pump into me. “Fucking teasing little ass needs to be punished,” he growls as he releases himself inside me.

“Time out.” My words are quiet.

“I meant next time.” He steps back, and my head falls back, too tired to even move. I feel him remove the chains from around my arms and legs, feel him carrying me through the building. I snuggle against him, too tired to even consider where he is taking me right now. I vaguely remember him cleaning me at some point.

Dante: Not Weak

I watch as she storms out, but I don’t move. I know I fucked up. If there is one thing she hates, it’s being called Princess, well, in that way. Sure we have called her Princess before, but not in a way that belittles her. I just did, which was a big fuck-up on my side, so maybe I do need to sleep with an eye open tonight?

Stepping out of her room, I walk through and see Zane and Bear sat together discussing business. I glance around, unable to see Emmi.

“With Gunner. You best hope she survives.” Bear glances up at me from the laptop.

“We heard. You actually called her Princess, Dante.” Zane looks at me in disappointment.

“She will be fine. How's that going?” I point to the laptops.

“Nothing yet. If they plan to make a move, we will know. They will. There is no way they will walk away quietly. They want both cities. They want the border down, which means this won’t go away,” Bear explains.

“It had to be said.” It did.

“No, you were just pissed off that Emmi told everyone together instead of us, so you retaliated in a way to hurt her. Which you did, and it was a dick move,” Bear explains.

“Either way, she had to know.” I won’t argue. “Tomorrow, we’re taking her to the club. She needs to train. She needs to be ready to fight to survive.” With Bear and Zane, she will learn to fight without weapons.

“Candice has put out a message. She wants her guards in her place.” Zane’s words make me look at him.

“Anything else? Anything about what she plans?” I need to know.

“Nothing. There is a warning that if anyone speaks, they will be silenced though.” I nod to his words. We will find out their plan eventually. Hopefully before it comes into action.

We sit and talk, but my eyes are constantly on the door, watching and waiting. If Emmi survives Gunner, it will be a shock. He has a tendency to slip away, back to the past, and that means he forgets who is there with him.

“She’ll be fine.” Zane’s words break through my mind. “She’s strong, Dante. She will survive, no doubt enjoy it. She’s a crazy bitch.” He laughs slightly as I hear the door open. My eyes glance towards it, and I watch as Gunner carries Emmi out. Her body is covered in blood. She is alive, though. She is also wrapped around him, cuddling him, so he didn’t scare her.

“Told ya,” Zane whispers as Gunner disappears into his room with her. I want to check she’s fine, but I don’t want Gunner thinking I don’t trust him.

“Right, guess we should get sleep if we’re busy tomorrow.” Bear stands up and walks off, with Zane quickly following. They’re right. We need sleep to be ready for whatever her mum plans. I walk through to my own room, fall back onto the bed, and fall asleep.

Over breakfast, we sit around the table, discussing the plan for today. I watch as Zane constantly looks at Bear, and I know what he is doing. I’ve noticed as well, but asking, bringing it up, might not be the best. Yet Zane is going to. So I sit up, ready for the fight.

“Are you okay, Bear?” Zane looks towards him.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Bear looks up from the phone.

“Because she has been here like, what two, three months and you have touched her once. You’re not avoiding her, but you still are.”

“Just waiting, that is all.” Bear’s words are quiet.

“For?” Gunner questions.

“Look, I’m fine. If I want to fuck her, I will when I’m ready. Your three sides aren’t hidden. Mine is. She won’t know what I like from day to day like she does with you three. So don’t fucking push it.” Bear glares at Zane. He was only helping, but I get it. He’s right that what we like can be seen from day to day, but him? It’s hidden.

Gunner likes pain, cutting people, blood. We see that he enjoys that daily. I like the power, the control, which she sees daily. Zane is sweet, but when he flips, he isn’t. But, again, we see it daily. But Bear? All his sides don’t show what he likes in the bedroom, sure he’s a savage, but he’s different, and I know he thinks he will freak her out if he does it.

Emmi walks through. I look over at her seeing the cuts and scratches, but she’s smiling.

“I’m grabbing something.” Gunner walks off just as she sits at the table.

“Fun night, little lamb?” Bear asks.

“Very, thanks. Although I do have a question.” We all turn to look at her. “Last night, Gunner seemed to disappear. So I was just wondering where to?” We glance at each other.

“He was in there with you the whole time,” Bear states.

“You know what I meant. Now someone tell me or I will ask him. His past is simple, parents died in an accident, saw his real sister for a bit” She looks at us, waiting.

“Look, that is true, and not.” I know no one has told her, but it isn’t easy to. It was never recorded. Only we know. Our parents ensured it stayed hidden.

“You know the story, his parents died in a car crash. But those weren’t his real parents. He had been adopted the day he was born. After they died, our parents adopted him. At about eight, his real mum showed up. He had a sister. From the age of eight to thirteen, he kept visiting them.”

Sure, we told her about Adelia, but this? This is different. This, the only way anyone would know is if we told them. All the others who knew, except for his mum and sister, are dead.

“His mum's partner was abusing his sister. His mum allowed it to happen. Gunner saw it happening one day and lost it, stabbing him over and over again. Our parents sorted it, so he didn’t get in trouble, but his real mum resented him, took his sister, and moved country. She swore if Gunner went near his sister again, there would be consequences. So he hasn’t seen them since.”

“Stabbing is an understatement,” Bear grumbles, and I kick him. Emmi looks at us, confused.

“Look, Gunner was pleading for him to stop. His sister was that much of a mess. She was unconscious. He laughed. His mum told him that he was next. So Gunner reacted. Cut him open, ensured there was nothing left inside him,”

She sits staring at us. Maybe she should have been told before now. Especially since he slips back to that moment so much.

“Is he okay?” she asks, worried.

“He is fine, little lamb. But, sometimes, he slips back. He was trying to save his little sister because he knew his mum didn’t care. He was afraid to tell our parents,” Bear explains, and she nods.

“Everyone ready?” I turn, hearing Gunner re-enter the room. A laugh escapes my mouth.

“She’s learning to fight, not stab people.” Why the hell is he all geared up?

“Yeah, I know. This is my protection. Who knows what she might try to do to me after last night as payback.” He grins and picks her up from her chair.

“We’re ready. Let’s show Emmi where she will work.” We all leave, ensuring we have what we need to do work while there. We will be there all day.

Inside the club, I sit down. Zane stands in the ring with her, showing her simple moves. Well, how to protect herself from hits. I laugh at the annoyance in her face and posture. She doesn’t like to go slow, and apparently, she wants to actually defend herself from real hits, not just slow motion.

“Just do it,” I call over to Zane.

“She’ll get knocked out if she doesn’t block the hit!” He’s looking at me like I’m crazy, but maybe it will make her see slow is better if she does.

“Then she’ll learn not to ask for things she isn’t ready for.” I laugh. Sitting back, I watch as he nods. He’s debating it and finding it hard. I watch as he swings to hit her, and her body moves perfectly in time, dodging the hit while her knee moves and connects with his jewels. He grunts and leans forward slightly before regaining control and going to grasp her. I watch in amazement as she breaks free, her head slamming against his nose.

“Shit.” I stare at her, shocked.

“She can fight,” Gunner smiles, watching her.

“Fight? That isn’t fucking fighting. She’s trained somehow.” She isn’t finding it hard to fight against Zane. I nod to Bear.

“Really?” Gunner looks at me.

“She’s handling Zane, now let’s see how she reacts with two guys coming for her.” I watch as Bear walks up behind her, only she isn’t a fool. She hears the slight movement and moves just in time before he can grab her. Stepping sideways, she swipes his legs from under him before punching Zane.

I sit, amazed and amused in equal measure, as she fights them so effortlessly. I want to know how she knows how to fight like this. She is as good as Zane, maybe even better, and that doesn’t come easily. She came across as weak. That day she was trying to hit Bear in the ring, she failed. Was it an act? I watch as she keeps fighting against them. Neither of them is able to do any real damage, sure they get a few hits in, but they don’t connect hard enough to cause real damage.

All the other women are now stood watching, the other trainers also watching.

“This all you got?” she shouts over at me as she laughs.

“She wants to play. Go play with your blades, Gunner.” Let’s see how well she does with weapons and three guys. I lean back in my chair and watch as Gunner joins in, and while the blade catches her every now and then, she manages to grab it from him and stab him in the leg. I stand and walk over, watching as she beats them up and makes it look so effortless. Taking out the gun, I move and aim it at her, ready for her to stop.

“FUCK!” I shout as her shoe hits my head. She snatches the gun and points it at my face.

“Okay, you win. Now tell us how.” No way did her parents allow her to train.

“I had a little help.” She smiles at me, still holding the gun. Her face is covered in sweat, her dress ripped and bloody.

“From whom and why? I want to know everything.” I watch as Gunner, Bear and Zane sit down, fixing up the damage she caused.

“I told Dean I didn’t want to be defenceless. So, he got one of the best assassins in the cities to train me.”

“An assassin?” I look at her, shocked.

“The assassin, who you guys couldn’t take down for over two years until he got run over by a van.”

“You met Nyx?” How the hell did she manage that.

“Met? No, like I said, he trained me. He hated both families, and he knew the deal. But he said he would ensure should I wish to escape, really escape, I could. So, every day, I snuck to Dean’s, and he trained me there from the age of twelve to twenty. It only stopped because you killed him.”

“I didn’t kill him. He needed to die, we ensured it happened, but I didn’t personally. He came to kill Gunner after your family paid him to. Why would you not say you knew how to fight, really fight?” She should have told us.

“Because then you would have known. If I planned to escape, you knowing meant you would have ensured I was strapped to a pole, unable to fight.”

“True, but you should have said once you decided to stay. We should have been told you can fight. It would have saved those three getting beaten up.” I laugh slightly.

“Gunner loved it, really.” She smiles and winks at him.

“I’m sure they all did. Here I was thinking we would need to spend all day here training you. We need to talk, though.”

“Go ahead, talk.” She stands looking at me, waiting.

“I’m sorry for calling you Princess, for speaking up around your mum before telling you. I hated that you spoke around everyone before telling us what you wanted, and I just did it straight back to you.”

I look at her, waiting. I know I messed up. Calling her Princess in that way is an insult.

“You’re forgiven. So what’s the plan now? I messed up your plans. You can always try with more than four guys if you want? I like a challenge,” she says with a grin.

“Get in that room.” I point to it, and she turns and walks through. Following her through, I close the door. I turn to face her and see the gun. Smiling, I walk closer to her and take the gun. “Now strip,” I command, but she shakes her head.

“No, and to be honest, after that, I doubt you can make me.” Her eyes spark with excitement as she glances at the gun. She wants to fucking play, and in a dirty way. I step forward, dragging the gun along her body and stopping at her neck.

“I said, strip!”

I watch as she begins to remove her clothes while staring at the gun. I step forward, pushing her back against the wall.

“What do you want, sugar?”

“I want you to play with that gun and make me.”

I laugh. She really is a crazy bitch. She bites her lip, pushing her body to me.

“I’m getting a little bored right now.” She yawns, and I push her back against the wall.

“On your knees, sugar.” She stands looking at me, then glances around uninterested. She glances at the gun, but she stays standing. Okay, so she really wants me to fucking threaten to shoot her? I want to laugh, but I don’t. I move, stroking the gun along her body, her eyes fixed on mine. “I said, on your knees. No fucking excuses.” I watch as she moves to kneel, her hands unfastening my trousers. She pulls my cock free, her mouth wrapping around it as her hands move around my body. Grasping my ass, she pulls me to her, and fuck if it doesn’t force my dick deeper into her throat.

“Fuck!” I groan, the gun still in my hand and pressed against her shoulder. Her mouth works like she’s determined to milk every drop from inside me. I grab her and pull her up to stand. “Turn and face the wall.”

She rolls her eyes.

“I said, turn around, sugar.” I stroke the gun along her body, holding it against her neck. I watch as she turns. My hand palming her ass. I thrust into her, her, and groan. My hand moving down to grasp her waist, I fuck her. My body pinning hers against the wall.

I grip her hair, pulling her head back, pressing the gun against her neck, my mouth against her ear. “Is this what you want, me to fuck you while I hold it against you?” She nods, and I keep going, watching as the orgasm builds within her. Groaning, I feel myself come, my body holding her against the wall. While I would be happy to keep going, we can’t.

I step back and sort myself out before putting the gun away as she gets dressed again.

“I think they need help getting fixed. We need to talk, so let's get them fixed up and go grab food.” I push her towards them so she can fix them. We will eat then talk about her plan and if what she said is real.


About the Creator

Author Billiejo Priestley

Indie author of hot fiction, and taboo subjects. You can find my on all social medias and my books on Amazon.

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    Author Billiejo PriestleyWritten by Author Billiejo Priestley

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