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Sounds of Sex

Sounds of sex vary from the animal kingdom to college dorm rooms, but they can all be turn ons.

By Filthy StaffPublished 8 years ago 5 min read

From the mating calls of birds to the impassioned grunts and shrieks of the gorilla in heat, most creatures use sounds to communicate lust and the various stages of sexual pleasure. For some, the making of appropriate sounds is the only way to arouse a desired mate. Man is the only creature who has hang-ups about freely expressing sounds of sex, which range from moans, whimpers, yells, to more explicit language.

A lack of communication during sex is the major obstacle in achieving peak sexual experiences for many, say these authorities. In other words, too many people are inhibiting the urge to bellow like bulls, howl like wolves, moo like cows—or they fight the urge to say words like “fuck” and “suck” during sex.

Besides being the most direct means of transmitting sexual messages, whether they be in the form of an ecstatic moan, a sigh or an explicit command, the human voice can have the impact of an aphrodisiac upon the listener. Even when not actually involved in sex, there are certain voices and inflections that are immediate turn-ons. The effect of Adam Levine and Mick Jagger’s voices upon women are both cases in point. Meanwhile, Scarlett Johansson or Penelope Cruz merely giving an interview about their films is enough to give some men instant erections. For an older generation, the late Marilyn Monroe merely reciting the rosary would redirect blood flow immediately.

Image via Sick Chirpse

Science of Sounds

Regardless of whose voice we are talking about, there’s something about the sexually-charged sounds of people having sex that adds fuel to the experience. Science throws some light on why this is so. There is good reason to believe that the pitch and frequency of sexual sounds produce electrical vibrations in the listener, which heighten his or her sexual tension. We know, thanks to the electroencephalogram and biofeedback studies, that steady low-frequency and high-frequency sounds can alter the electrical pattern of our brain-waves. When this phenomenon occurs, there’s a corresponding alteration in our physiology. For instance, the repeated chanting of the Sanskrit word “om” produces the alpha rhythm in the brain, and the alpha rhythm always accompanies feelings of well-being and peace. It is just as likely that emotionally surcharged words like “come” and the spontaneous instinctual sounds of sex also alter our brain rhythms in a direction that increases our pleasure. (Note the phonetically related sounds of “om” and “come”).

The energy-suffused sounds of sex also enhance pleasure by changing our breathing patterns, for when we emit raw sounds and words emotionally, our diaphragm works in short jerky exhalations and inhalations, quickening our blood flow and heartbeats, which in turn quickens our excitement.

Just as the growl of a dog in heat is different from its growl when angry, the texture of the human voice changes when a person is aroused. These changes not only indicate the degree of the person’s excitement, but they also collectively act as a wash of aphrodisia upon the central nervous system.

Some people are so sensitive to the animal current conveyed by the turned-on voice that the mere sound and its sexual messages are enough without the listener either seeing or having any physical contact with the speaker. Sexual pleasure derived from sounds only may be called voice fetishism in its extreme form.

Image via Refinery29

Sex on Cell Phones

The above phenomenon explains why phone sex and call girls grew in popularity in the 70s and 80s; the listeners derive varying degrees of pleasure from the voice and erotic words of the unseen caller.

Making love by phone is no longer confined to the lonely middle aged man and the working woman on the other end. Kinky as it may be, phone sex is more common than most people imagine. Phone sex also serves many practical purposes. When distance physically separates two lovers, sharing a sexual fantasy by phone together, while each party masturbates, greatly reduces the temptation to cheat.

Perhaps even more common than ordinary phone sex is sexting. Cell phones have revolutionized the way people communicate on both a regular basis and when sex is involved. Sexting lets people edit, re-edit, and then send out their fantasies to the person receiving the message. Dirty talk is meant to ignite arousal. Alternatively, many people also participate in Skype sex, or video sex. Using apps on their phones or video chatting on laptops, tablets, and phones, people can see one another as they masturbate and dirty talk with the ultimate goal of reaching climax. Seeing and hearing the person while not being able to touch them is arousing.

Photo via The Richest

Sounds of Skype Sex

Jason is a twenty-one-year-old college student who will be graduating this year. He and his girlfriend, Amanda, have been dating since high school. When it came time for college, Jason got recruited to a university in South Carolina to play football and Amanda remained in her home state of Delaware, though she went to a college a few hours from home. Upon high school graduation, the couple decided they would give the long distance relationship a chance, vowing to remain faithful. With the temptation of new options all over campus, parties, and horny young adulthood, monogamy seemed easier said than done for the young couple. But with college graduation looming and Amanda's plans to move down to South Carolina to start a post graduate-life with Jason, the two agree that staying faithful wasn’t as hard as they initially imagined.

“Of course, sometimes I would think, ‘I could just date this girl who lives across the hall from me and fuck whenever I want,’ ” Jason admits, “But when those moments struck, I would text Amanda something dirty and we’d set up a time to have Skype sex.”

Amanda admits at first she was put off by the idea, but goes on to explain, “But after the first time we did it, I got really turned on. Getting a dirty text from him in the middle of the day let me know he was thinking of me, and I was turned on for the rest of the day waiting for the moment we would be face to face through the computer, dreaming up our wildest fantasies.”

Jason believes it also made their sex life better. Amanda agrees, “While we were having sex on the computer, I’d say to Amanda hypothetical situations like, ‘Now I’m tickling your asshole with my finger as I lick your clit. Do you like that baby?’ and I’d wait for her response. Sometimes she would love what I was saying, and next time we were together, I’d do, in person, what I had said over our video sex and gauge her response again.”

Amanda says she did very similar things to see how Jason would respond to things she was thinking about doing in the bedroom. “Sometimes when I would say what I was doing to him through video sex, he would say something kind and gently, like “That’s not what I want right now” and we learned that was our code for not wanting to do that when we were together in person. It definitely helped us to explore all parts of each other's body, likes, and dislikes, without the fear of actually doing it and the person hating it. It definitely brought us closer and made our sex life better.”

From the animal kingdom to college dorm rooms, the sounds of sex are key in initiating and participating in sex. No one likes to have sex with someone who is described as “a dead fish.” More often than not your partner, whether he or she is around for a night or a lifetime, will be turned on by the sounds you are exhibiting during sex. There is no truer barometer of pleasure than the spontaneous and unedited sounds of sex.

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