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Seducing her Flat Mate

Anna has wanted Jeremy forever,

By Heather KinnanePublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Seducing her Flat Mate
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

I smoothed down the silky-blue satin of my chemise.

It wasn’t something I usually wore, I much preferred to sleep nude, but today was ‘Wear Pajamas to Work Day’, and I had a house-mate to woo.

Jeremy was already in the kitchen. As usual he had coffee brewing for us both, and was busy unloading the dishwasher when I got to the door.

I leaned against the door frame, sticking out a hip provocatively.

Overall this pandemic and the enforced lockdown were horrid, but there was one side-effect that I quite enjoyed, and that was the fact that Jeremy and I were both forced to work from home, which meant full days spent mere rooms away.

“Good morning.”

Jeremy turned, his eyes bulging as he took in my attire.

“Anna.” He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “You’re still in your pajamas.”

“It’s Wear Pajamas to Work Day.” I gave a little twirl. “Lucky we all have to work at home at the moment, hey?”

He pulled his gaze back to my face. “Very lucky.” His voice broke, and he coughed.

My gaze fell to his crotch, where it was clear from the size of the bulge that he wasn’t wearing any underpants beneath his trackpants. I grinned.

“You like?”

He cleared his throat. “You’re stunning.”

“Thank you.” I took the few steps to cross the room and stand next to him. “It’s for you.”

“For me?”

“Mm-hm.” I brushed a loose strand of hair from his eyes.

That was another good thing about lockdown. He hadn’t seen a hairdresser in weeks, and his hair was long enough to get in his eyes. I liked it.

“Was it Neil Gaiman who said that writers are really good at what’s going on inside their heads, and not so good at what’s going on outside their heads?”

Jeremy flushed. “I don’t think I’ve come across that one.”

I put a finger to my lips. “He said that rather than flirting it was best to send a letter, expressing your intentions.” I shrug. “You know I’m not much of a writer.”

His gaze met mine, his pupils dilated. “You’re interested in me?”

“I am.”


I leaned in close and pressed my lips against his.

When I pulled away his breath hitched.

“You want—”

“More?” I nod. “Yes. I want more.”


“If you want that, too?”

He swallowed again. “I do.”

I pressed my lips against his again, and he brought his hand up to run through my hair. His kisses were soft, tentative, but didn’t take long to build up, his tongue meeting mine, his hands clasping both sides of my face as he pulled me closer, his cock rubbing against my hip.

“Shall we take this back to bed?” I asked.

He pulled away, eyes wide. “I don’t have any condoms.”

I grinned. “I do. Come to my room.”

He followed obediently behind, closing the bedroom door behind us though we were the only two people in the flat.

I took the packet of condoms from my bedside drawer, and a tube of lube, just in case he wanted it, and turned back to him, lifting my chemise over my head to reveal my naked breasts and pussy.

Jeremy’s eyes were wide as he pulled his t-shirt over his head, and dropped his track pants.

Just as I suspected, his cock bounced free, thick and hard. I dropped to my knees and wrapped a hand around it, giving it a couple of firm strokes before opening my mouth and taking him deep.

He gasped, his hands gripping my shoulders as I bobbed up and down. In moments he came, spurts of thick creamy come filling my mouth.

“Shit. Sorry.”

I swallowed, licking him clean before I glanced up at him.

“No worries.”

“It’s been a while,” he admitted.

I chuckled. I knew that. Lockdown had lasted four weeks so far, hopefully it wasn’t going to last too much longer. “For both of us.”

He smiled, his shoulders relaxing, and I stood, and kissed him again.

“Can I return the favour?” he asked.

“I’d like that.”

I sat on the bed, shimmying back so I could lie my head on the pillow. He climbed between my legs, leaving a trail of kisses along my stomach, kissing my breasts and sucking my nipples as his hands massaged them.

I ran my fingernails lightly over his shoulders, basking in the touch of the one I’d been fantasising over almost ever since he first moved in. I knew from the start we were meant to be together, but it was only recently, with lockdown and this daily enforced proximity that my feelings had been confirmed.

We were good together. He was a brilliant house-mate, doing his share of the cooking and cleaning, paying bills on time, bringing me a hot-water bottle and painkillers when my period caused crippling cramps.

He was a keeper, and I was going to make sure he knew it.

He kissed my lips, a brief peck, moving back down my body to nudge at my clit. He lapped and circled and sucked, sending wave after wave of pleasure spiralling up my body until I was moaning his name, my fingers gripping his hair as I tilted my hips to guide him to where I needed him most.

An orgasm tore through me, and I cried out, pulling gently on his hair to guide him back up my body.

“Fuck me, Jeremy, please. I want to feel your cock inside me.”

He didn’t need to be asked again. He rolled a condom over his cock, and I was so wet he slid inside with the slightest pressure, and I wrapped my legs around him, thrusting to pull him deeper, faster.

I’d wanted this for so long, now I had him here, between my thighs, I couldn’t wait any longer.

He kissed me, his thrusts building in speed until his cock was deep inside, filling me, satisfying my in ways I hadn’t been for a long time.

I scratched his back as I came, as his cock slammed into me, filling the condom with his seed.

When he was done he sank onto me, the weight of him a comfort, and I held him tight, kissing him.

“Was that good for you?” he asked, when he finally came up for air.

“That was amazing. What about you?”

“Everything I ever imagined it could be, and more.” His gaze searched out my face. “I’d like it to happen again, if you want.”

“That was my hope.” I pressed my lips against his. “Again, and again, and again.”


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You might also like to read some more of my stories here on Vocal, or if you're looking for something longer, I also write steamy romances, which you can find here.


About the Creator

Heather Kinnane

Author of bite-sized steamy romance and erotica. She/Her. For longer works check out my website: And if you like my work, buy me a coffee and help fuel the stories:

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    Heather KinnaneWritten by Heather Kinnane

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