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Say You Love Me

Part One

By Ashley NicolePublished 3 years ago 75 min read

Say You Love Me

Hearing her name being called to the stage Brandi found herself to be more nervous than she expected. She has been stripping for almost two years now and did not think she could get any more nervous than the night she locked eyes with her stepdad tipping her a one-hundred-dollar bill. She was so scared she thought she was going to die. She did not even finish her routine and ended up quitting shortly after the incident. She did not think she would ever strip again; she was wrong. It paid way too good.

"Girl you've been working here for six months; you can't possibly still be nervous." She heard the voice of China, one the most popular dancers at Hot Chocolate, passing by. "Shit some of these people have been in here every night to see Big Body Brandi." She said as she slapped Brandi's ass and headed to the back.

"Ugh I know." Brandi sighed as she shook off the nerves and pranced onto the stage.

Brandi took her time with her routine. Like she did every night she circled the stage making eye contact with all the men closest to the stage. She grabbed the pole and slowly dipped it low as the lyrics to the song "Slow Motion" rang through her ears. She could feel the bass with every step she took and with the sway of her hips she could feel all the men and women looking, watching and waiting. She quickly climbed up the pole, turned upside down and slowly let her legs unwrap it. Her legs danced to the music and her ass popped up, down and side to side. With just her hands on the pole she turned upside right, slid quickly down the pole and into a split.

She stood up and walked to the edge of the stage as she slowly unhooked the back of her black lace bra. She slipped it off and tossed it to the back of the stage. Brandi dropped to her knees and pulled the sexiest man she had ever seen sit at the stage of Hot Chocolate, up to her chest. She smiled, slowly took one breast at a time in her hand and ran her nipples along his lips. She took his $500 tip and slipped it into the waist band of her G-String.

As the song came to end, she watched the money fall off her as she slipped out of her G-String and tossed it into the lap of her new favorite customer. She picked up the scattered tips and sashayed off stage.

"Girl I'm so glad you convinced me to come shopping with you."

"I'm glad you decided to come. It's been six months and you haven't hung out with any of us girls.”

"Well back home in Minneapolis I just couldn't trust those chicks so I've just been keeping my distance from everyone at the club until I could really tell who I was really vibing with. But I have to say you seem really cool."

Brandi and the girl she felt closest too were taking a day and walking the Las Vegas strip to do some shopping.

"Kelly! Kelly! Look it's him.”

"Girl, who?”

"The dude from the club." She'd only seen him that night, but she watched him her whole time on stage. There was no way she was going to forget a man that fine. She watched as he popped into the Panda Express near The Planet Hollywood hotel.

"Ugh girl I hate their food." Kelly complained as they stepped inside.

"Girl me too." They laughed and began to order.

Marcus looked back at the two women giggling behind him as he paid for his meal. "Keep the change." He said to the cashier as he walked away. “I know her from somewhere, where though?” He tried to remember; he knew he had seen her face before. Her phone rang and "Slow Motion" blared through the small strip restaurant, it came back to him. “Big Body Brandi.” He whispered to himself. He watched her take her change and she and her friend sat to eat and chat. Even in her grey joggers, a black, men’s tank top and sneakers, she was sexy. Her skin was the lightest he'd ever seen on a black woman, much lighter than Carmel almost a tan color. She had a beautiful sandy blonde afro and big beautiful hazel eyes. He noticed that her hips were so wide and her ass so big that it hung off the edges of her chair. Her breast couldn't be any smaller than a double D. They stretched open the front of her shirt. Brandi was thick in the middle too, she had just enough fat in her belly to complement her perfect shape. Damn she looks good as hell, even without her makeup on. Marcus emptied he's tray and exited the restaurant before he did something stupid like ask the damn girl out. He dated a stripper before and that didn't work out well at all. He was just about ready to propose to the girl but before he had a chance, she ended their three-year long relationship. She said she missed being able to date around and getting easy money. Pretty much she missed being a prostitute. Marcus did well for himself, he owned his own five-star restaurant and lounge in downtown Vegas, and he had no more time for games with women not looking for a good man. However, lately, she was all he could think about. She had a public social media profile and reluctantly started following her. She definitely seems like she has a lot more going on than just being a stripper. He know people like to fake their life online but, something about her had him captivated.

"Oh, my goodness girl. I could smell his cologne way over here. That shit smelled so damn good.”

"Why didn't you say something?”

"What was I gonna say? Hey, I'm the stripper you probably don't remember"

Brandi thought as they threw away their trash away. “He was such a fine chocolate brotha there was no way he was single anyway.”

He had to be about five foot eleven, but he carried himself like he was eight feet tall. He kept his locs neat, but not to neat. They were just frizzy enough to give a nice natural look. He didn’t know it but he had just given here the motivation she needed to finally start her own locs His hair, including the hair on his face, was jet black, silky and shiny. If you just took a quick glance you would think he locs were fake. His beard was short but still long enough to barely curl under his chin and his mustache was well groomed, he made sure it didn't pass the corners of his mouth. Brandi could even see his chiseled chest and abs under his loose-fitting t-shirt. She could tell he hit the gym about three or four times a week.

"No, you could have said "Hello, I'm Brandi and I just wanted to tell you that you are a handsome man.”

"He ain't handsome though he is just downright sexy. I mean that man is fucking fine.”

They ended up at Caesar's Palace dipping in and out of the stores. She bought herself her first Michael Kors bag and matching wallet.

"Ooo girl lets go in here." Kelly exclaimed in excitement at seeing the lingerie showcased in the shop windows.

Brandi glanced at the name, Agent Provocateur. “Sounds expensive.” She said to herself. Quickly, she calculated what she had already spent and what she had left. She decided she could spend about $300 more and that was it. She tried to stay on a budget so that she never had to worry about paying her bills. Some of the of the time she paid them a little late, but she didn't care as long as they were paid.

"You coming!?" Kelly yelled as she walked inside.

Brandi hurried behind her.

"Girl? Doesn't this stuff seem a bit pricey?" Brandi questioned as she watched Kelly pick up and look at everything.

"Hell yeah it does. That's why I'm just getting one bra and a pair of matching parties." She laughed.

"Excuse me miss?" A saleswoman tapped Brandi on the shoulder.


"This was left for you just a few moments ago." The saleswoman handed her an envelope that had her stage name stamped on it.

"Me? Who left it? Brandi asked slowly opening the envelope.

"I'm sorry." The women said. "He didn't leave a name." She looked through the double doors hoping she might spot him. "There he his." She whispered and pointed.

Brandi turned her head and thought she saw him again, Mr. Sexy, was the nick name she had given him. She was pissed she forgot her glasses at home because the man was too far away for her to see clearly but she was sure it was him. He turned his head slightly towards her and she was positive it was him. He turned and walked away. She turned her attention back to the envelope and with her eyes wide, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand in an effort to conceal her gasp. There was at least three-thousand dollars inside and she was just about ready to give it back to the saleswoman when she told her to open the letter.

Dear Brandi,

This is a gift to you for blessing me with such a beautiful sight such as yourself. There's three-thousand dollars in this envelope and I want you to do with it what you please. But I do request that you buy at least one dress, one pair of heals and one bra and panty set. Set it all aside for our upcoming date. I'll be in touch.

Ps stop by Chanel and Bath & Body Works before heading home.

Sincerely Marcus Jones

Brandi thanked the woman and shoved the envelope into her purse.

"What was that all about?" Kelly asked.

"Mr. Sexy left me a card." She really wasn't sure about telling her anything else. Although she and Kelly have become really close and she considers her to be her friend she just wasn’t sure if they were close enough for her to tell Kelly everything.

"Oh! What did it say?” She asked wide eyed with anticipation and envy.

“It was just his phone number and a card asking me out on a date." She decided she would tell her later what else there was. "I think I will get a couple of things here.”

"Oh, good I really didn't want to seem like an ass buying this expensive ass shit while my friend just watched." Kelly chuckled and continued to browse. "I bet you're happy he remembers you." She shouted over her shoulder.

Brandi smiled and picked up a few things to try on. The first thing she decided on was a bustier that buttoned in the front. It was powder pink with a black lace trim around the bottom and at the top across the bust. She picked out a pair of black lace cheeky panties. She also picked up two more bra and many sets for work. She took her time looking for something she was supposed to be wearing for this mystery date. She found a ruby red push up bra. Although her breast were big and full, she did have to try and make them sit up. She picked up a pair of matching high waist shaping panties. “I know he said dress, but I have a much better idea.” She thought as she headed to the fitting room.

"You ready girl? I'm ready to hit the next store." Kelly said as she grabbed her bags from the counter.

"Yup. Right behind you.”

Brandi thanked the woman one more time and ran to catch up with her friend.

They stopped at Bath & Body Works and at checkout she was presented with a gift. The whole Pretty as a Peach collection included shimmering body spray, a sugar scrub, bubble bath and body cream. Brandi took her gift and purchased her things before Kelly got to the counter. She quickly placed everything in the bag and waited as Kelly checked out. They both thanked the cashiers and headed to the next store.

"I think I'm ready to go home. These bags are getting heavy." Kelly complained as she followed Brandi to Chanel.

"Oh, girl me too, I just have to make one more stop.”

"Ugh fine." Kelly pouted as she dragged her feet along.

Brandi stepped inside and began to look around. While looking around she realized she's never been in this store. She usually shopped at Bath & Body Works. She picked up several scents and decided on two bottles of perfume. The first she chose smelled like pure sex. It had a muskiness that could make any man or woman melt. It was also light and airy with a hint of rose. She had to ask the salesmen twice if it was for women. They assured her it was, but she was still not sure. It smelled so good it turned her on. She loved it so much she didn't even bother to pay attention to the name of the scent. She also picked out something that reminded her of summer back home. She paid for her things and headed out with Kelly.

Kelly was frustrated at herself for buying all that she did knowing she parked where she did. She was even more frustrated that Brandi had to stop in one more store.

She walked up to the counter and pointed at a bag on a shelf that she didn’t know she needed until the moment she was passing by. She had never been in Versace, knew nothing about it, but as they were heading to Kelly’s car she saw something twinkle in the corner of her eye.

“That clutch, how much is it? She asked nervously.

“This one here?” The saleswoman pointed. “This bag is $1,675 ma’am.”

“Damn!” Brandi shouted in her head. She didn’t want the sales women in the store to see how suppressed she was so she kept her head down while she counted her cash. “Oh, I’ll take it by the way” She said without looking up.

The saleswoman rang up the purse, “$1,813.18 is your total.”

“Alright here’s $1,814.” She handed the woman the cash and her mocking grin reluctantly dissolved. “Keep the change.” Brandi said with a smile.

Brandi watched as the woman carefully placed tissue at the bottom of the paper bag. After she the purse inside she carefully placed more tissue around it. The woman plastered a fake smile onto her face and with a sarcastic thank you bid her a good day.

Kelly stood silently beside Brandi trying hard to figure how they work at the same place but Brandi could afford everything she wanted. Brandi was apparently just less than a year away from owning her townhome. She took herself shopping every two weeks. She was consistent with getting her nails done. She changed her hair every month. Her makeup was great. She even started going to gym just to get into better shape. She was literally the perfect woman. Everything Kelly wanted to be, but struggled to be come.

Kelly offered to drop Brandi off at home and she happily accepted. She had taken an Uber there but really didn't want to take one back with all of her shopping bags. Plus, she really wanted to talk about the money Mr. Sexy left her. She didn't know how she felt and really needed an opinion on the matter.

"Mr. Sexy, oh his name is Marcus, left me three thousand dollars at that lingerie store." She blurted out. "He also bought me a gift at Bath & Body Works and at Chanel." She finished.

"Oh, shit really!?”

"Yeah. I bought that corset and shit with it but that barely put a dent in this cash, but then I seen that bag. So, it’s definitely gone now.” She laughed. She took out the letter and read it to Kelly. She sat waiting for a response.

"Well, all I can say is he likes you.” She laughed. “Just be careful." She said with a straight face."He might be serial killer or something, trying to lure you in with this over the top romantic gesture. He also might just be a little more serious than you are ready for. You never know, anything is possible. Ain’t no way I'm giving up that kind of money for someone I don't know. It’s also kind of creepy the more I think about it. Just weird, but who knows, you might get lucky and end up madly in love and live happily ever after.” She laughed.

Brandi sat and thought about what Kelly said. She was right, she had to be careful, but she was so infatuated with this man she couldn't help but wonder. "Oh shit." She mumbled to herself remembering she forgot to pick out an outfit for this date. "Ugh, I will just have to go back tomorrow to grab something." They pulled up to Brandi's townhouse and she thanked Kelly for the fun day and the ride home. She stepped inside and dropped her bags on the couch and headed straight for the kitchen. All that shopping had made her hungry.

Brandi was tired from braiding hair all day and she really didn't feel like cleaning up. All she wanted to do was bathe and get ready for this date. Marcus had stopped by the club a couple of nights ago and left a card for her at the bar. Kelly was working the bar that night and kept it for her until closing time.

Dear Brandi,

Meet me on the strip near the Cromwell at seven o'clock on Saturday night. Can’t wait to see you.

Sincerely Marcus Jones.

She smiled as she thought about how her night might go. Although she was nervous, she was happy to be going out on a date. It had been three months since she broke it off with her last guy and she hasn't been on a single date since. She hooked up with a few women here and there but that was it.

"Shit!" She yelled out loud. "That damn girl and all her hair, took me all damn day to braid it now I don't have the damn time to take my damn bath." She cursed out loud again as she glanced at the clock and started her shower. Five o'clock. She had 2 hours to get ready and be at on the strip. Her shower took the longest because she had to wash her hair since Saturday was her wash day. Since she had no time to wash it that morning, she had to get it done now. Putting her afro into four sections she shampooed and conditioned each section one at a time. She washed up with her Pretty as a Peach sugar scrub that Mr. Sexy had purchased for her. She did a touch up shave, rinsed off and quickly hopped out.

"Damnit" she yelled when she realized it had been almost an hour since she got in. She grabbed her phone and pulled up the Uber app and requested a ride. "Thirty minutes! I'm going to be freaking late." She complained as she started to put her body cream on. She sprayed a bit of the musky perfume she picked out at Chanel on her panties and her bra, then continued putting on the body cream. While her outfit hung on her closet door, she sprayed it with a bit of the shimmering body spray. Earlier that day she sprayed them both to decide which she would wear tonight and found they smelled amazing together. She glanced at her phone while slipping into her panties and noticed the time changed for her to be picked up. There was actually a driver much closer. "Ten minutes" She yelled. She quickly hooked her bra and yanked her outfit off its hanger. She unzipped the zipper of her skirt, slipped it on and zipped it back up in the blink of an eye. She did the same with the matching off the shoulder crop top.

"Five minutes she moans as she quickly applied her bronze eye shadow and bronze eyeliner at her vanity. In a few quick swipes she had perfectly applied her bronze liquid lipstick. She applied her mascara as she waited for her lips to dry. Brandi quickly snatched her setting powder out of her drawer and brushed it all over her face without missing a spot. She yanked the ponytail holders out of her hair and fluffed her afro as she bolted to the living room. She grabbed the red elastic headband from her coffee table and pushed her afro back. Upset she had no time to break in her shoes before tonight, she tore them out of box. The bronze peep toe pumps she ordered online were gorgeous and went perfect with her outfit. She slipped on her shoes as she heard the horn outside. She grabbed her black, light weight trench coat from the hanger and her new Versace purse off the closet shelf and she ran outside. It was supposed to rain, and she didn't plan on taking a shower in it, so she grabbed her umbrella off the porch. She shoved her phone into her purse and headed out to the car, but not before locking her doors.

Marcus stood outside of the hotel holding his umbrella waiting for Brandi to show up. It had finally started to rain, and he was prepared. Standing there in his brown chinos, cream button down and matching sports coat. He must have looked better than he thought because every woman that past by looked him up and down. Some even spoke but he just pretended he didn't hear a thing.

A black Toyota stopped in front of him and he began to step to the side when he saw it was his date opening the door. He stepped up closer to reach out his hand and help her onto the sidewalk. She stepped onto the curb and was standing so close he could taste her, he wanted to.

"Well hello." He said stepping back and taking her in with his eyes. She wore a ruby red high waist skirt and a matching off-the-shoulder crop top with a bronze zipper that really didn't do anything but accentuate her breast. As he let her past him to get under the umbrella, he noticed there was slit in the back of her skirt to show off more of her beautiful legs. There was a slight wind, and the smell of sweet sex filled his nose. Marcus touched her lower back to hurry her inside. He wanted to hurry and sit down before she could notice the large print that was beginning to appear in the front of his pants..

"So, what are we going to do tonight?" Brandi asked as he took her hand and led the way to This Italian Kitchen.

"Well, right now, were headed to an Italian restaurant, then were going to a party." He watched as she smiled in excitement.

They were seated as soon as they entered and that was good because the longer Marcus held her hand, the more he wanted to pull her in close to him and offer her his tongue. He pulled out her chair so she could sit and when he was comfortable, he sat himself. The waitress brought them each a glass of water and two glasses and a bottle of Moscato before they even could ask asked.

"You two look over your menus and I'll be back shortly." He smiled and walked off.

"Are you trying to get my drunk Mr. Jones?" Brandi playfully asked.

"Of course not. I just figured a glass of Moscato would help break the ice.”

"Alright then." She chuckled. "How has your week been?”

He waved his hand at her. "pretty normal, I guess. Glad the weekend is here though. I was thinking about this date all day yesterday.”

"Same here. I haven’t been on a date in months so honestly I was and still am a little nervous.”

"How have you managed to not go on a date?”

"I guess I haven’t really been looking for a date. The last guy I dated out here was just too much and deep in the streets, so I was just like, “Nope, I’m done dating.”

"Well, damn. I could see why you would want a break from the dating scene.”

“Do you always give strangers $3,000 in cash to go on a shopping spree?” Brandi blurted out.

“Nope not always. Just to the ones I’m most interested in. Some women love it, and some hate it. Either way I don’t do it often enough to be worried about it and I’ve never given away as much as $3,000 to any woman I don’t know. I usually just leave them a huge tip at the club, yeah, I pretty much only fall for strippers. Don’t ask why because I don’t know why. I guess its just that when I’m single, I spend half my time at work and the other half is split between, kicking it at the crib with the homies, the gym and the strip club.”

“No judgement here Mr. Jones. She laughed remember, apparently, I’m a sucker for street dudes and fuck boys. We all have our weaknesses.”

"So, Ms. Brandi tell me about yourself. Let's start with dinner, have you decided on what you'd like to eat.”

She smiled. "I think I'm going to have the hearty lasagna.”

"I think I might have the garlic and herb rotisserie chicken, with mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables.”

The waitress returned, took their order and was off again.

"Brandi is my real name and my last name is Green. Check out my Twitter." She laughed then continued. "I'm 28 and I'm from Minnesota. I moved here just over a year ago because I visited once and fell in love. I received my cosmology license before leaving so besides stripping I do hair on the side. Women's, men's and kids. I actually run a small salon inside of my home. There’s just two chairs. Mine and a girl I rent to every now and then. I don't have any kids myself, but I hope to one day. I have two brother one older and one younger back home."

Brandi took a sip of her wine; she was starting to feel nervous again. She hated the “tell me about yourself” stage of dating, it was always so awkward.

"Well that was a mouthful. My turn I suppose."

She nodded in agreement.

"Well I have three sisters and three brothers I'm the oldest. I am also from Minnesota." He smirked. "I went to and graduated from central high school. I'm 32 and I moved here 5 years ago.”

"So, you graduated when I was a freshman there's no way, I could have known you or remembered you. Why did you move out here?”

"So, we attended high school together ha-ha, I wonder if we had any classes together. I moved out here for the same reason actually. I came out here with a group of friends and decided this is where I wanted to be.”

They spent the rest of dinner chatting and eating and before she knew it, she had finished her 3rd glass of wine. She finished her lasagna, bread sticks and salad realizing she hadn't had time to eat all day. The waitress showed up with two slices of cake one chocolate and one vanilla. Her eyes got wide and her mouth wet. Brandi's one and only Kryptonite when it came to food was chocolate. No matter how full she was she could always find room for chocolate, whether it be cake, ice cream, candy or whatever she loved it.

She cut the tip off her slice and slowly brought it to her lips. She licked the fork clean before taking another bite. Marcus watched her eat her cake in what seemed like slow motion. She licked the for clean every time. She smiled at every bite she took into her mouth. Watching her eat her desert he could feel his pants getting tighter.

"What's your problem?" He thought to himself. "You're like a damn schoolboy about to lose his damn virginity. You don't get this damn turned on watching her on stage. “Tonight, she’s all mine that why."

"What was that?" Brandi had finished her cake.

“Oh, shit did I just say that out loud.” He thought to himself. “Oh, I was just wondering if you were ready to go to the party upstairs?”

"Rooftop party? Snap, I've been wanting to go to one of those. Let's go." She hopped up and reached for his hand.

He stood up, took her hand and led her to the night club at the top of the hotel.

It was going on two o'clock in the morning and Brandi's feet were starting to kill her.

"Come with me." Marcus whispered to her as he grabbed her hand. He led her back inside and into the hall. They took the elevator down three floors but before getting off he turned to Brandi and looked in her eyes for any sign that said she wanted to go home. She smiled and kissed him gently on the lips before stepping off the elevator. Her kiss sent chills through his body. He led her down the hall to a corner room.

He unlocked the door and she stepped inside. The hotel room was huge, the size of a small one-bedroom apartment. She had the sinking feeling again. "Oh god he totally fucking lives here." She thought.

"Don't worry I'll take care of you tonight. I got this room hoping you would join me. Just let me know if you feel like going home and I will take there, okay?”

She smiled again once she noticed the rose peddles everywhere. They led from the door to the bedroom and to the jacuzzi tub behind the half wall to the right of her.

"Make yourself comfortable. All that dancing made me hungry. How about you?”

"God yes. I'm starving now.”

"How about a pizza and some wings? They have great pizza here at the hotel.”

"I love pizza. And hot wings go great with pizza. Isn’t room service closed though?" Brandi giggled as she kicked off her heals and walked over to the fridge assuming and hoping he had cold water. He did. She popped a bottle open and had a seat on the couch.

“Not for pizza and wings.” He said as he finished the order and hung up. For whatever reason you can order pizza and wings here 24/7.”

"Its probably for the fat and bread to help sober up people.” She laughed. “I didn't bring anything for that.” She said watching him start the jacuzzi.

"I picked out something for you, hope it fits otherwise you can get in naked.”

"I think I'll try that swimsuit first." Even though she was a stripper she didn't love the idea of just getting naked or giving it up to guys on the first date. She liked to see where things were going. She had been through enough crappy relationships to learn she had to have standards to find love.

"Alright then I'll wear my trunks. Food should be here in 20 minutes. You can go into the room and change if you want. I'll wait until after the food gets here.”

"Okay be right out.”

Marcus couldn't help but look though the crack in the door as Brandi undressed. She slowly unzipped her skirt and it slid down her legs like it was melting off her body. She unzipped her top and it slowly fell to the floor. She turned around and reached for the bed and grabbed the gold silk robe instead of the swimsuit. He tried to turn his head but just couldn't pull away. Every time he looked at her it felt as though time slowed down. It was like God was giving him time with her. He didn’t want to rush anything, but he was getting this feeling from her that he just couldn’t explain. When she reached for the door, he was still frozen in place.

"You okay honey?" She asked kissing him on the cheek as she headed towards the couch. "Mind if I put this fire on? I never sat in front of a fireplace before." She said with a grin.

"Oh, um, yeah go ahead." He finally responded at the sound of room service at the door. He grabbed the food and placed it on the table in front of her. "Be right back." He said and then went to change. "I'll just throw on these basketball shorts." He thought to himself not wanting to make her uncomfortable. He returned to the living room to find Brandi popping open the bottle of Moscato he had in the fridge.

"I didn't think you saw that in there." He smirked.

"Oh but of course I did, I was just waiting for the food to get here to open it. Plus, I needed that water after drinking all that liquor at the party." She laughed as she turned her head towards him. She couldn't speak. Had she not noticed the tattoos on his arms the day she saw him on the strip, or had she just forgotten. His chest and abs too were also covered in tattoos. He was all muscle, milk chocolate and beautiful. She couldn't help but stare. He took his locs of their beautiful bun and she could finally see how long they were. He was toned right down to his calves. He was definitely in the gym a couple of times a week. His locs past his pecs, she stared at him and saw a beautiful lion, for a second, she wondered what it would be like to be his lioness. "Oh, um, I turned some music on. Is that okay?”

She choked out that last part and quickly turned her head back to the food.

"Oops I forgot glasses, have a seat and I'll grab them." She hopped up and he could finally read the tattoo on her thigh. "Nicci. What the hell does that mean?" She also had a tattoo of a dandelion blowing in the wind on her right shoulder, that he noticed earlier.

"What does Nichie mean?" He curiously asked.

"It’s Nikki. Ha-ha. I just Spell it with two C's because Nicole doesn't have a K in it. At least my middle name doesn’t."

He nodded and smiled.

Halfway through the bottle of wine and pizza Brandi decided she wanted to get in the jacuzzi while it was still hot. She stood up untied her robe and let it slide off of her arms and into a puddle on the floor. Marcus' jaw dropped as she stood in front of him. He just knew he was going to make this beautiful woman his, at least for the night.

"Wait." He whispered as he stood up. He grabbed her chin and pulled her face up to his for the most passionate kiss he had ever given and the most passionate one she had ever received. Brandi felt her knees weaken as their tongues explored each others mouth’s. As he bit down on her lip, every fiber of his body told him to stop kissing this damn girl, but he couldn’t.

Marcus had done this a few times before. He was a hopeless romantic. He believed in love at first site and he was almost married three or four times. He didn't want to make that same mistake again. He didn't want to waste a year of his time with her, have her meet his parents or meet her parents. All to have it blow up in his face because she turns out to be a hoe or just wants his money. He could hear his brothers voice in head, “Be careful man. Don't go getting hurt again and don't go breaking no hearts either. Just slow down and really get to know the next one.”

Brandi could feel herself getting lightheaded the longer the kiss lasted. She wanted to pull away, she wanted to put her clothes back on and run home, but she couldn't. She didn't know why but she couldn't push him away. She was scared and she didn’t even know why. Everything seemed to be moving so fast, but not fast enough. This kiss seemed to last forever.

Marcus found himself lifting her up and her wrapping her legs around his waist. He sat down on the couch and grabbed her tight pulling her close to him. "You sure you want to do this?”

Of course, she wasn't sure but "Yes" instead of "No" came out and Marcus had his hands all over her body and his lips exploring her neck. She smelled good enough to eat and that’s exactly what he was going to do.

He licked her from the middle of her chest up to her chin and she let out a moan like no other. It even shocked her. She started grinding her hips up against him as he pushed his pelvis up into her. She threw her head back in pleasure as he caressed her breast, playing with her nipples through her bra, making her quiver and shake.

He tapped her on the thigh, signaling for her to get up. She quickly stood and he motioned for her to sit in his place. She did as she was told and in one quick motion Marcus had his head between her legs. He didn't even pull her panties to the side before licking her. She damn near jumped off the couch when she felt his warm tongue between her legs. She grabbed the back of his head and nearly suffocated him. His locs were softer than she imagined as they laid across her left thigh. Brandi let out loud moan as she could feel herself already reaching her climax. Her legs locked around his neck and she had the best orgasm she had ever had. He grabbed the throw blanket to wipe his face but not before Brandi could kiss him. She loved the taste of her juices on someone else's tongue. He wiped his face and helped her to her feet. She led him into the bedroom, and he watched as she stood next to the bed beckoning for him. He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

Waking up alone Brandi was both relieved and a little hurt at the same time. Last night was so amazing she didn't want it to end. Marcus made love to her in a way she didn't even know was possible. He touched and kissed her sending chills through her body. She shook uncontrollably as he plunged deep inside of her over and over again. She saw the clothes on the chair across the room and grabbed them before heading to the shower. When she stepped out of the shower 30 minutes later, she was greeted with breakfast and a card waiting on the bed. She grabbed the card and once again she felt hurt.

Ms. Green

I'm sorry I had to run but you know how it is. I'll be in touch otherwise you can always call me.

"How the hell will he be in touch? How the fuck am I supposed to call him?" She was angry at him for making her feel the way she did and just up and leaving but at the same time she was happy that he didn't stick around to bug her. These mixed emotions were going to really bother her. She searched her purse for her phone and pulled up the Uber app to request a ride home. Pleased that he did pack all of her things for her, she grabbed the suitcase he left for her and headed to the lobby.

Checking her wait time, she noticed she had a text on her phone.

“Call me sometime.” She clicked the number to call and figure out who the hell it was.

"Hello Ms. Green." The voiced said on the other end of the phone.

She felt a throbbing between her legs. But she was too curious as to how he got her number to give into her body.

"Hey, um, how did you get my number?”

"Oh, I just called my phone from yours while you were still sleep. You should really put a lock on your phone." He chuckled.

"Well why didn't you just ask me?" She asked puzzled by his actions.

"To be honest I don't know. I just thought this would be more romantic and mysterious.”

"Hm, okay Mr. Jones. Well I've got to be going my ride is here. I'll be in touch." With that she hung up and finally took a deep breath. She didn't even realize she was holding her breath until she got off the phone. She was trying to stay calm as her insides throbbed with pleasure and yearning. She wanted him and wanted him bad. She shook her head and sighed as she got into the car.

Marcus punched his steering wheel as he parked his car in the lot of his restaurant. His pants jumped at the sound of her voice and his heart skipped a beat. He wanted her, wanted to be with her and was pissed he just up and left her alone like that but he knew he had to do it to protect himself and to protect her.

He walked up to the back door and stepped inside while his head chef was having a smoke.

"Morning boss." Mike nodded in his direction as he walked by.

Marcus gave him a nod back and kept moving through the kitchen. He greeted the kitchen staff and waiters and waitresses as he passed them by. Before heading to up the stairs along the back wall of the restaurant he checked in with the day host.

"How many reservations do we have tonight Sean?”

"We're all booked up again boss.”

"Really? That’s great!" Marcus smiled and headed up the stairs to his office.

He went through the mail from the last three days. All junk. The bills wouldn't start rolling in for another week or so. He had no reason to be at work today. Today was his off day but he didn't know what else to do to get Brandi off of his mine, so he was glad when his homeboy Andre hit him up asking him to go out to the club tonight. What the hell was he going to do for the first half of the damn day. He decided to hit the gym after hanging out at the restaurant for a few hours.

Two hours went by when he realized he spent the whole time thinking about Brandi. He thought about the way he made love to her. Never had he put so much into it never had he given all of himself to woman not even to the ones he was supposed to marry. He spent one night with the damn girl and he was already going crazy thinking about her. He really hoped that the gym and the club would take his mind off of this girl. He grabbed his keys and spare gym bag he always kept in the office. He checked in with a few of his staff before heading out of the back door. Driving around to the front of the restaurant he looked up at the brightly lit sign it read Jones Steak House.

"One day we will have our queen buddy." he said to himself as he drove off and headed to the gym.

The gym was busy as usual, so he was happy to see his usual work out partner amongst the other gym rats.

"Hey Gina." He greeted her in an unusually chipper voice this afternoon. It sounded weird even to him and he hoped she wouldn't notice and if she did, he hoped she wouldn't read too much into it.

But it was too late, and she did. "Hey Marcus." She replied in a very seductive voice that made his ears perk up. "What are we working on today?" She winked at him with her hands on her hips.

"Think I'm going to start with the treadmill. A twenty-minute jog should do it.”

Gina hopped on the treadmill next to him. She talked about her weekend and what she was doing for the rest of her Sunday. He wasn't really listening to her until he could have sworn he heard her say something about sucking his dick.

"What?" He asked.

"I want to taste you. C'mon you won't regret it.”

Even though he really didn't want to he thought it might help get his mind off of Brandi. It's a good thing he always kept a condom in his wallet. He normally hated using a condom to get his dick sucked but any woman who just offers to suck a guy’s dick is pretty dirty, so he had to be safe. After lifting a few weights Marcus glanced around and noticed that the gym was mostly empty, so he motioned for Gina to meet in him in the men’s locker room.

The men’s locker room had three stalls along the wall, and he chose the one in the back of the locker room for them. Gina lifted her shirt over her head and played with her C cup breast before dropping to her knees. She wasn't even turned off by him handing a condom down to her, but he could tell she wasn’t particular happy about it either. She rubbed his man hood through his gym shorts with one hand and opened the condom with the other hand and her mouth. When he was hard, she yanked his pants down and quickly put the condom on. She was pleasantly surprised when she realized it was flavored because she wasn't looking forward to the taste of rubber and lube. After about five minutes he had had enough. He could barely feel anything through the condom, so he stopped and ripped it off. He could tell by the way Gina reacted that she was happy about that.

"Ooo shit. Damn girl." He said as she tried to suck the life out of him.

He had to lean against the wall to keep standing. He closed his eyes and imagined it was Brandi on her knees in front of him. He tried to shake the scene from four o’clock this morning out of head. He smiled as he remembered the feeling of her warm mouth around him. She took him as far down her throat as she could. She choked a little and for some reason that was sexy to him. Marcus felt his dick jump in Gina's mouth as he remembered Brandi massaging and licking his balls. He shook his head and frowned at the fact that he still thought about this woman even while another one tried to make him cum.

After another ten minutes he grabbed the back of Gina's head and slammed himself into her mouth until he exploded all over her face. He handed her the towel he had hanging on the back of the door and walked out. Without a single word he walked out of the locker room and out of the gym. If another woman sucking his dick couldn't get his mind off this girl than he prayed the club would although he highly doubted it.

Marcus dabbed a little more cologne behind his ears after spraying some on his chest and rubbing some onto his thighs. He slipped into his boxer briefs and into his stone colored slim fit jeans. He decided on a black polo to match. It was supposed to be a warm night, so he chose not to wear a jacket. He picked up he stone colored Timberlands slipped them on and tied them. He grabbed his silver watch and put on. Slipping his wallet into his back right pocket he grabbed his phone and headed out the door of his condo. On the elevator ride down from the sixth floor he got a text from his homeboy Andre saying to meet him at LAX in the Luxor hotel.

Thirty minutes later he was valeting his car and making his way up to the club.

"What's up my dude?" Andre threw his hands up in the air as he greeted his friend.

"What's up?" He smiled back as they slapped hands.

They skipped the line and headed into the club. As usual it was packed full of sexy women and horny men.

"Man, what have you been up too?" Andre yelled over the music. "Feels like we ain't kicked in a minute.”

"Shit, I know. I've just been busy with the restaurant." He yelled back. "I'm trying to kick it tonight though." He shouted and pointed over to the bar.

"Go ahead man, you know me." Marcus' favorite part of kicking it with Andre was that he didn't drink so he always had a sober cab.

"You sure you don't want one?" He knew the answer, so Marcus didn't even bother to listen for a response.

"Let me get a rum & coke and a shot of Patrón." He tipped the bartender after taken his shot. He turned around to find an extremely attractive Japanese woman approaching him.

"Wanna dance?" She asked.

"If you have a friend for my guy you got a deal." Out of know where another woman stepped up to them. "Oh shit, twins." He shouted and led them towards Andre.

"It's a fucking party." Andre shouted as he saw Marcus approaching with a set of Japanese twins. "Bro how'd this happen?" He asked in amazement.

"I don't know. I was about to leave the bar when one of them approached me asking for a dance. I told her to get a friend and her twin came out of nowhere." They slapped a high five and continued to dance.

A few shots and a couple of drinks later Marcus was a little past tipsy as he and Andre left the club. He had gotten the number of the twin he was dancing with and was seriously considering calling her whenever he got home.

"Hey man let's hit up Hot Chocolate. I heard it was the best strip club in town." Andre said as he waived for the valet to get Marcus car. He never drove when they hung out, he knew someone had to get Marcus home.

Marcus all but sobered up at that suggestion. Never one to turn down a good strip club he couldn't say no because he felt that would be suspicious. But he was nervous as hell that he might see Brandi. Why the hell was he nervous?

"Hell, yeah I've been there a couple of times it's popping. Let's go.”

They hopped in the car and less than ten minutes later they were hopping back out and walking into the strip club. Even though he wanted to sit at the stage his gut told him to fall back. “What the hell am I tripping for? For all I know she ain't even working tonight.” He thought as he sat back in his seat and watched as his friend took it all in. He was like a kid in a candy store the way his mouth watered as all the lady strolled around half naked in heals.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen it's that time again. Your Lady of The Night will give a lap dance to a special someone for free." The DJ shouted as everyone yelled in excitement. "Alright give it up for Big Body Brandi!”

The song "Outside" seeped through the speakers as Brandi glided around the floor looking for a man or woman she wanted to dance for. The spotlight followed her along the way. She decided on a man and without missing a beat she turned her back to Marcus and fell into his lap. The crowd cheered and clapped watching in awe as Brandi gave the best performance of the night. She slid onto the floor into a split and slowly brought her legs back together to stand. She climbed onto his lap and began grinding her pelvis into his, just as she had done less than 24 hours ago. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her hips as she began to bounce up and down in his lap. She leaned in close and whispered in his hear. "I missed you." She said as she bit down on his ear. She took both breasts and squeezed his face between them. She dropped them and let the bounce back into place before standing up. She stood with one stiletto on each arm of his chair. She squatted down so that her pussy was in his face. He could smell her nectar through her purple panties, and he felt his dick jump in his pants. Everyone watched and they had no idea that she was his and he was hers. They had no idea that they had made love passionate, soul satisfying love, just 24 hours ago and that this was more than a lap dance. Andre looked as though he was watching a porn video for the first time. He couldn't help touching himself as he watched Brandi lick her lips and work her hips. Not even he knew about her and Marcus.

Brandi finished her dance by kissing the lucky man on the cheek. Before she could turn and walk away, he grabbed her hand and placed it on his swollen jeans. He whispered in her ear and her heart melted. He let her slip away and watched as she disappeared backstage.

It had been over a week since he had seen or even spoken to Brandi and Marcus was beginning to feel some type of way. “Why hasn't she called? Why haven't I called her? Fuck it!” He threw up his hands and gave in. He quickly found her contact and hit call.

"Hello Mr. Jones." Brandi whispered into the phone.

“Oh, shit it's like four in the morning. I'm sorry to bother I didn't realize what time it was. I'll let you get back to sleep.”

"Actually, why don't you come over. I'll text you my address." She hung up the phone.

five minutes later he was hopping into his car and pulling up her address in the GPS on his phone. It was a twenty-minute drive, so he quickly got in his car took off. All the way there he realized just how much he missed her. He hadn't seen her since that night at Hot Chocolate a week ago and for some reason he just couldn't explain, it was driving him crazy.

He pulled up in front of her townhouse and began to have second thoughts. “What are you doing here man? This is not what being a player looks like. Fuck it I'm here already.” He pulled into her empty driveway and hopped out before he could change his mind. Brandi opened the door before he had a chance to knock.

"I'm really glad you came." She smiled at him and let him inside locking the door behind them.

"Are you cooking?" He asked confused. The smell of bacon and eggs filled the house.

"Well it is almost five-thirty in the morning now, so I thought I’d make us breakfast. Follow me." She said skipping into the kitchen.

He made love to her with his eyes as he watched her finish cooking. She wore a pair of shorts that barely covered her ass and a tank top with no bra. He realized that even without her heals on she was tall, at least five foot eight. He looked around her kitchen noticing that everything had a place, and every place was well organized. Every canister had a label and it seemed as though every section had a theme. Damn. He thought when she opened the cabinet. She had every herb and spice and seasoning you found in the spice isle of the grocery store. For some reason he was overcome with jealousy. “Who the hell else is she cooking for?” He remembered her saying she live out here alone, no family and barely any friends. “So, what does a single woman with no kids need with all that?” He shook his head and decided to let it go. “A player does not concern himself with those things. What she does when we're not together is her business.” He had a hard time trying to convince himself of that. He wanted her to himself and he wanted her bad.

"Which one?" Brandi repeated.

"Huh? Which one what?”

"Orange juice or raspberry lemonade?" She playfully snapped at him.

"Hey, now you better calm down." He joked back. "I’ll take orange juice. I was just admiring your kitchen. It’s amazing, very well organized. and your cabinets are beautiful." Do the rest of the houses look like this?”

"Oh well thank you. And nope, I had to beg the HOA to let me change them. They wanted me to wait until I lived here at least a year, but I told them I’ll pay them double the rent every month for a year if they let me do it after six months ha-ha. It was hard and I’m just now getting a head of my other bills, but I got my cabinets and actually the whole kitchen redone. I am so happy.”

"Damn. That’s what’s up. Maybe one day you can come see my kitchen." He half-joked.

"Did you just ask me to come cook for you?" Brandi sat his glass in front of him, went back to stove and returned once more with their plates of food.

"Oh shit." He exclaimed. "Bacon, eggs, pancakes, fried potatoes and grits." Marcus couldn't remember the last time he had a breakfast this big.

"Oops forgot the syrup." Brandi grabbed two syrup bottles from the cabinet. "Maple and Blueberry”

"So, what have you been up to all week?" Marcus asked in between bites.

"Oh, just working and chilling." She didn't feel the need to mention having hooked up with one of the girls from the club. She had done Amari's hair a couple times and they had found that they had a little more in common than they thought. "How about you? What have you been doing?”

"You know same old shit. Hitting the gym and running the restaurant." Occasionally getting my dick sucked in the locker room at the gym, in my car and in my office. She didn't need to know that much.

“Running what restaurant?” She pretended she didn’t know, but after giving in and looking him up online she found that he was actually quite famous in Vegas. Everyone who is anyone knows who Marcus Jones and the Jones Steak House is. “You never told me you ran a restaurant.”

“Oh, yeah. I guess I’m kind of a famous chef here in Vegas.”

“So modest. Everyone all over the country knows you. How come you didn’t tell me? I was almost sure you were some big-time drug dealer.”

“I learned a while ago that the woman I am interested in doesn’t know who I am but is still interested then she is worth at least investing some time into.”

“Very wise.” She smirked.

After spending a little more time getting to know one another they both found themselves finally getting sleepy around nine o’clock in the morning. Brandi stood up from the kitchen island. She took his hand and led him upstairs to her room. She was just about ready to collapse onto the bed when Marcus grabbed her by the chin and pulled her close to him. He looked her in the eyes, but he didn't say a word. He pressed his lips to hers and let his lips tell her how he was feeling. Her body melted into his as she let their tongues explore each other. His kiss felt like a dream and she was floating on cloud nine.

The rest of the morning was a blur, but she could still feel his lips all over her body.

Marcus kissed and licked every inch of her body until she was shaking all over. He licked and sucked her nipples in way that almost made her climax. She had never felt such a feeling from having her nipples sucked. He kissed a trail down to her pelvis as she ran her hands through his luscious locs. He kissed inside her thigh. He took his time between her legs kissing, licking and sucking every inch of her pussy. It was like she was floating on air the way he made her feel. He took his time and that drove her crazy every time she felt ready to cum, he slowed down his pace making her beg for more. When he finally got inside of her she almost couldn't take it. He slowly entered her pussy while looking deep into her eyes telling her she was his. She arched her back almost lifting her whole body off the bed and groaned with pleasure. She squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to catch her breath. He leaned down into her resting his head next to her. He pushed himself as deep inside of her as he could get giving himself to her all over again. He moaned into her ear as he felt her pussy squeeze tighter and tighter around him. She moaned loud up to the ceiling and dug her nails into his back. She clawed at him as he pumped harder and deeper into her. She screamed his name and felt her juices explode onto him and the bed. He couldn’t pull out of her almost as though her was trapped and he too came, deep inside of her.

"Oh Marcus." She whispered to herself. She was getting wet all over again.

"Good morning beautiful." Marcus greeted as he came into the room with two coffees. "I hope you don't mind but I took your keys and ran to get us coffee."

That actually didn't bother her as much as she thought it would.

"Oh, I could use some coffee. Not sure why, I don't actually have anything to do for the next three days. I’m off and ready to relax. I’m not doing no hair either." She laughed reaching out for her coffee.

“I might actually do my hair.” She said admiring his locs again.

"Oh well lucky you. I have to get back to work tomorrow." Marcus half complained. He would spend those days with her if she had asked, but she didn't. "Well I think I'll be taking off." He said a few minutes later.

"Oh alright. I'll be in touch." She told him as they walked to the front door. She kissed him on the cheek and waited while he got into his car. He backed out of her driveway with a smile plastered on his face and she waved goodbye as he drove off.

"Oh, girl this steak is the bomb.”

"Didn't I tell you it was boo.”

Brandi was out on date with a young woman about her age who frequented Hot Chocolate just to see her. She finally decided to accept her invitation for a date and she was glad she did.

“Your hair looks amazing by the way. Did you do your dreads yourself? I didn’t realize your hair was long.”

“Yeah I pretty much took me almost two whole days to loc my hair. I didn’t even realize how long it was either.” Brandi Said running her fingers through her nearly waist length locs. “it probably would have taken me longer if I hadn’t cheated and braided some first.”

“Well you did an amazing job. I love them.”

"This is the best steak I have ever had in my life." Brandi said in between bites. She almost jumped out of her seat when she felt Kris' hand on her thigh. "Girl can't you wait until we leave?”

"Not really. Let’s go to the bathroom. Just really quick I promise." Kris pleaded to her.

Brandi pushed her chair away from the table and stood up. Kris jumped up and led the way to the ladies’ room. Once inside the stall Kris was all over Brandi. She wasted no time pulling up her skirt and kneeling between Brandi's legs. All night all she could do was think about tasting her and taste her she did. She stuck her tongue deep inside of Brandi until she was licking her walls. Brandi damn near screamed when she felt it. She covered her mouth, but a cry still escaped her lips. Then one moan after another came, the next one always louder than the other. Kris stopped just before Brandi could climax.

"I'll save the rest for later babe." She whispered in her ear and one at a time the exited the stall. They returned to the table to quickly finish their dinner.

A half hour later they were standing outside waiting for their taxi back to Brandi's house.

Marcus watched as the woman he was falling in love with, stood being tongued down by another woman. She was a good-looking woman, but she was not him. Overcome with jealousy and rage he stormed back inside.

The following night Marcus decided it was time he came clean with Brandi, so he invited her over for dinner. He sent a car over to her house and waited for them to return. He was still very much pissed about what he had seen but he wouldn't bring that up.

"Honey I'm home." Brandi joked as she entered the huge 2 level condo

All the anger he felt melted away when he saw her. She wore a simple summer dress, and her hair was wrapped up like she was ready to go to bed. She wasn't wearing any makeup and looked amazing.

"Welcome." He greeted her with arms wide open.

"This place is huge and beautiful. When can I get a tour?”

"Later. Right now, let’s have a drink." Marcus led Brandi into what is considered to be the family room. There was a huge stone fireplace already lit. The room was warm but not hot. The rug in front of the fireplace was so soft she felt like she was sitting on a cloud. When she let her hair down, he noticed she had got her hair locked. Her locs were several shades of blonde and they were almost down to her waist. Some weren’t locs at all they were braids but with hair that thick and long anyone would have done that to finish quicker.

"I'm in love with you Brandi." Marcus blurted it out so fast he scared himself.

"Excuse me?" Brandi choked on the wine she had just been handed.

"I'm in love with you. I want to be with you, and I want you to be with me.”

"I don't think-, how- how is that possible?”

"I don't know but what I do know is that the first time I saw you dance I knew I was in love with you.”

"I'm sorry." Brandi suddenly became angry. Things between them were changing but she liked what they had. It was simple and she didn't have to worry about being hurt or having to be involved in some stupid shit like a murder investigation or a drug trafficking investigation. "What are you doing?" She almost yelled. "Why are you trying to change things? I thought you liked what we have the way it is.”

"What the fuck do we have Brandi?" Marcus was now pissed because it had seemed once again, he had allowed someone to break his heart. He was now towering over her. "We've spent two nights together and have spoken only about three times total? So, what do we have?"

"We have something simple, something easy. We see each other when we want and speak when we need to. I'm sorry I'm just not ready to be in a serious relationship right now. Not with you or anyone.”

"Why not? Because you want to be out here doing whatever you want with whoever you want. Going on fancy dates with blonde bitches.”

"What the hell are you talking about? Have you been following me?" She had that feeling of danger again.

"No jackass. The next time you want to go on a date don't go to the restaurant of one of your lovers!”

“Oh, shit.” She thought to herself. She knew there was a reason she was hesitant to go to the steakhouse Kris chose for their date. "Oh whatever at least I wasn't sneaking around. I don't have to explain myself to you, I am not your wife.”

"Why don't you get the hell out of my house then?”

"Why? You invited me for dinner, and I plan to stay until dinner is over." She walked over to Marcus and placed her hand on his chest. "I really do care for you Mr. Jones." She whispered up to him.

Marcus was beyond pissed and he was going to show her just how pissed he was. He grabbed her face and kissed her hard. He yanked up her dress and was glad she wasn't wearing in panties to get in his way. He slid his jeans and underwear off and kicked them to the side. Even through their little spat he stayed erect. He picked Brandi up and slammed her down hard on to his dick. She threw her head back in pure pleasure. He was fucking her, and she loved it. She cried out his name as she felt his pain send shock through her whole body. Tears streamed down her face because in fact she did love him but there was just no way she could let herself get hurt again.

"This bitch has really been ignoring me." Charles paced his kitchen floor. "Fuck it, it’s been over two months I'm going over there.”

An hour later he was pulling up in front of Brandi's house he parked his car and waited for a minute before going up to the door. He rang the bell and as soon as she opened it, he rushed inside.

"Charles, what the hell are you doing here!?”

"I missed you baby. We haven't seen each other in over two months." He wasn't lying he did miss her; He was crazy about her.

"Charles please. I don’t have time for your shit right now.”

"Baby girl I didn't come to fight. Really I just wanted to see you.”

"Charles you need to go." She couldn’t stand Charles’, but she really didn't feel like being alone.

Charles was one of the first guys she dated when she moved to Vegas. He was also the only one she couldn't quite get rid. Every few weeks he would pop up out of nowhere or she would find herself late at night calling him over. She didn't love him; she could barely stand him for more than hour and since she met Marcus, she hadn’t even thought about him.

"Who the fuck you got up in here Brandi? Why you want me gone so bad?”

"Because it’s my fucking house Charles and I don't want you here." She stepped to him ready to fight.

"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to? Huh?" He took a step towards her.

"Get the fuck out Charles!" She shouted pointing towards the door.

He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into him. He grabbed her by the hair and kissed her hard. There was so much passion behind it but no love. He turned her around and bent her over the couch and pulled down her shorts. She moaned as she waited for him to put the condom on. Charles entered her hard making her jump. He pounded into her over and over again. Until he came.

It was as good as she remembered but not as good as Marcus.

"I'm going to LAX tonight with the boys you should join me.”

"Sure." She smiled and locked the door behind him. She was still pissed about the argument she and Marcus had so she needed to get out.

"There she is boys." Charles grinned as Brandi approached him and his homeboys. She spoke to everyone before she took her place at Charles side. That was their relationship. She was always to be seen but almost never heard. He treated her well and that was all that mattered to her until she realized he was really into some dumb hood nigga shit that she just wanted no parts of.

"I'm glad you came. You look good too baby.”

"Thank you." She smiled. "I'm gonna go get a drink.”

"I'll go with you." He walked holding her hand and leading her to the bar to signify that she was with him.

"Oh, shit my bad man." She heard a man apologize for bumping Charles.

"It's all good bruh." They bumped fist and Marcus locked eyes with Brandi.

"Oh, hey beautiful." He said before walking away.

She smiled back but prayed Charles didn't hear.

"Babe I gotta go." Charles said in a panic looking down at his phone.

"What? Where?”

"Some dudes jumped Joe Joe downtown, so I gotta go handle that.

"Boy I did not do all this just to go home alone tonight." She snapped at him.

"I know baby and I'm sorry but I gotta go." He kissed her on the cheek, and she watched him, and his friend run out of the club.

Remembering why she kicked his ass to the curb she threw her cup in the trash and headed towards the exit, when someone grabbed her hand.

Marcus pulled her close to him and whispered in her ear. "I missed you. But I see you've been busy." He hissed, obviously annoyed.

Brandi stepped back and rolled her eyes. "Well if you hadn't changed shit up and stopped calling me may-”

He cut her off with a kiss that took her breath away. And just like that after almost a month of not speaking she was his again.

"Let's dance." She smiled and led him to the

dance floor.

"You know, I saw you come in and I've been watching you ever since.”

"Oh really?”

"Yes really. I meant what I said a month ago and I mean it now. I love you.”

"Please don't Marcus. Let's just enjoy this night.”

"Let's" He whispered.

Brandi's hips swayed to the rhythm of Rihanna's "Work" as she let his hands fall to her hips. He stepped when she stepped and kept up with her every move. She wanted to take him home with her, but she knew nothing good would come from them being together. Just more heart ache. After a few more drinks and a couple more songs she was ready to go.

"Let me give you ride home." Marcus knew giving her a ride home wasn't a good idea, but she was about past tipsy and didn't want her to get a taxi.

"I'll take a ride." She winked and headed towards the door.

Thirty minutes later they both had their buzz killed by the blaring of sirens and flashing lights outside of Brandi's house.

"What the fuck is going on!?" She screamed.

"I think they are saying your name." Marcus said concerned.

"I know! But why? What the fuck!?" She hopped out of the car and Shouted, "I’m Brandi Green, What the hell is going on here?”

"Ms. Green we're going to need you to come downtown with us.”

"What? Why?”

"Ms. Green." an officer said approaching her. "If you would please.”

"Am I under arrest?”

"Do you know where Charles Jacobs is?”

"I don't even know who Charles Jacobs is.”

" You were seen with him earlier tonight Ms. Green, Now I'm going to need you to come with me.”

"Unless you arrest me, I'm not going anywhere.”

Marcus watched as Brandi was quickly arrested and thrown into the back of a police car. "What the hell just happened?" He asked himself out loud. As an officer approached his car.

"How do you know this woman sir?”

"She's a friend a mine. She was drinking at the club and I'm just giving her a ride home.”

"Alright well you better get out of here. Were, taking her downtown, if she is cooperative you can come get her when were done.”

Marcus nodded and headed home.

"So, let me get this straight. Charles Mills, who is actually Charles Jacobs, is a suspect in a murder in Chicago, Minneapolis, where I'm from and now here in Vegas?” Brand asked the two detectives eyeing her in disbelief.

"Yes Ms. Green and we assumed that because you were from Minneapolis yourself that you might know him a little better than you actually do. Also, we know you have had some run ins with law before." The female detective said in a very condescending voice.

"Yes, I know that and if you read the full reports you would know it was always due to some dumb ass dude I was stupidly messing with." Brandi snapped. "Oh my god I just can't believe this is happening again. I’m telling you I don't know anything about this man. I’ve known him less than a year, but I've only been to his house a few times and I was drunk every time, so I have no idea where he lives. At the club tonight he said something about going to help his boy and he had to go. That’s was it I swear."

"We believe you." She said. "Thank you for all of your help. I'll have someone walk you out.”

She sat outside on the step crying, afraid to call Marcus because of what he had just seen but terrified to go home because she knew in her gut Charles would be there waiting.

"Hey babe, are you okay? Do you need a ride home?”

"Can I stay with you tonight?" She sniffled though her tears.

"Hey, don't cry beautiful I'm on my way."

The next morning Brandi was so embarrassed she hoped last night was just a dream but when she opened her eyes, she wasn't home in her bed, so she knew it was all real. When she realized she was in bed alone she picked up her phone to call Marcus, but he entered the room before she had a chance to press call.

"Hey, we should talk." She said through her yawn.

"Good morning to you too." He smiled and sat next to her on the bed.

"I’m sorry I just feel like I owe you an explanation about last night.”

"I mean I would like one, but I won't be too upset if you don't have one right now.”

"I just, I mean where do I start?”

She decided to start at the beginning. She told him about her two ex's, one of whom she almost did jail time for because she did a stupid thing like hide evidence for him. the only reason she got off with just probation was because of her lawyer. She thanked god every day for that woman because without her Brandi would be locked up for 20 some odd years. The second ex was just a stalker and she had charges pressed against him for that along with assault. One day he was pissed off when he found out she was out with a guy friend, so he showed up at her apartment and kicked her door in. He slapped her so hard he gave her a bloody nose. She grabbed the first thing she could reach, it just so happened to be a crystal flower vase. She cracked him upside the head with it and knocked him out. Finishing with Charles there wasn't much to tell about him she had only know him for less than a year, but he too turned out to be no good. He had good sex but not good sense. When she found out he was a drug dealer she cut him off. They hooked up occasionally, but that was it. When she met Marcus however, she cut all ties with him. That was until he showed up at her house two days ago.

"Well, I can see now why you wouldn't want to get involved with anyone.”

"Yeah." She sniffed wiping away her tears.

"Oh, baby don't cry. Everything is going to be okay now. Do you want to go home and get a change of clothes?”

"No!" She jumped off the bed. "I’m sorry I just can't go home at least not for a few days. I was thinking of going to a hotel for a few days.”

Marcus jumped up off the bed. "Why would you want to do that?”

"I don’t." She cried

Marcus grabbed her chin and kissed her. "Then don't." He kissed her again.

Just as always, she could feel the passion in his kiss. She could feel the love, the longing, the yearning. She melted into him and like always she was his.

Marcus leaned her on the bed, but she got back up.

"Mr. Jones let me." She pushed him down onto the bed and began to slowly undress. Undressing wasn't hard since she was only wearing her bra and panties. She pulled his basketball shorts and underwear off, tossed them to the side and slowly crawled between his legs. She looked at his dick as her mouth watered. Taking it all in with her eyes before devouring it with her mouth. Taking her time, she made him buckle, groan and moan. He ran his hands through her locs and smiled. He was hers and she was his. After about 15 minutes and him almost climaxing 3 times she slowly climbed on top of him and slid her dripping wet pussy down onto him. She took him all in the first time and let out a loud moan. He was so deep she swore she could feel him in her stomach.

"Oh my god" She moaned. She slowly began to grind her hips in a circle. Marcus grabbed onto her hips and pushed her down harder into him as he pushed into her. She leaned forward and kissed him while bouncing her ass hard, fast, up and down.

For over an hour she pleased him. Giving him her all. Mind, body and soul she was his. Even if she didn't want to be, she was his.

A week later Brandi was finally ready to go home.

"Will you stay with me a while?”

"I can stay a few days if you want babe." He assured her.

"I don't want to inconvenience you.”

"It's no problem, I promise." He kissed her and they headed out to the car after they’d finishes packing.

20 minutes later they were pulling into her driveway.

Given what Brandi had told him about a similar situation she had in the past Marcus decided that it was a good idea for him to go in first. He checked the first and second floors and then the basement. Once he was sure the house was empty, he let her inside and went to check her garage.

"It's empty!" He shouted coming in through the back door.

"Don't forget to lock the door!" Brandi shouted to him from the living room.

Hearing the worry in her voice he hurried into the other room and saw her peeping through the curtains.

"Hey relax." He said trying to comfort her. "I'm here and everything will be okay.”

"Marcus I am so sorry for dragging you into this." She said with her head hanging low.

"It's okay. You hungry? I can order us something to eat.”

Brandi had barely eaten all week and she was starving. "Yes, I'm starving.”

"I could cook something if you want.”

"Oooo and he cooks?" She joked. "Be my guest?”

"You wouldn't happen to have any steak, would you?”

"Actually, I do. It's in the freezer though.”

"That’s okay I can whip up a snack while we wait for it thaw out." He shouted over his shoulder.

Thirty minutes later he came back into the living room with a plate full of fruit.

"I forgot I had watermelon." Brandi smiled as she grabbed a piece. "Why does this plate look so good? When I cut up all this fruit in looks like fruit salad vomit." She laughed.

"Well you know I am a chef." He boasted.

"Oh, that’s why? huh?" She said in a condescending tone.

"Don’t hate the player." He joked sitting next to her on the couch. "So, what are we watching?" He asked turning his attention to the 60' Samsung tv hanging on the wall.

"Oh, I don't know just channel surfing.”

"You still seem worried?" He looked her in the eyes and could see the fear she was in.

"No, I'm fine. Just tired." She lied.

"Why don't you take a nap. I'll wake you up when the food is done.”

"A nap would be nice.”

"Go ahead. I'm not going anywhere.”

Brandi went upstairs and as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out cold.

Two hours into her nap she was half awake and thought she heard someone saying her name. She waited and didn't hear it a second time, so she closed her eyes. The sound of gun fire rang though her bedroom and she hopped out of the bed and ran down the stairs. Marcus was leaning against the wall with a bullet in his shoulder.

"What the fuck! Charles?" She yelled at the masked man holding the gun. She recognized his hand tattoo.

"So, this is what you do when ya boy is gone for a while. You start fucking random dudes from the club.” The only reason Charles remembered Marcus was because he heard him greet Brandi and so he had one of his home boys stay and watch her.

"Man, you need to get the fuck out of here." Marcus threatened as he pushed himself off the wall.

"Charles. Please, what do you want?" Brandi cried. "Please go.”

"Bitch listen, if I can't have you no one can." He shouted and turned the gun on her.

"Charles you really want to kill me. I thought you loved me." Brandi tired her best to get him to put the gun down. "How can you kill the woman you love.”

Charles began to shake with anger. "Shut the fuck up you don't love me. You don't even know me!? Cant no one love a mutha fucka like me!” He shouted. “That’s okay though, I don’t need love.”

She began to cry. He was right she didn't know him at all and she damn sure didn't love him. He stepped closer to her.

"It’s your turn bitch”

Marcus was all but helpless. He didn't know what to do, he'd been in plenty of street fights but never had he been shot. He was scared but he wasn't going to watch as the woman he loved got murdered. He stood up next to Brandi and they both watched Charles put his finger on the trigger and squeeze. There was loud bang and she hit the floor. She watched through blurred eye as Marcus charged at Charles there was a loud crash and another bang. Her eyes closed and as hard as she tried, she couldn't open them again.

"How are you feeling Ms. Green?”

"Where...? Where am I?" Brandi moaned through her pain. "Marcus." She whispered. "Where is Marcus?”

"I'm here baby." Marcus whispered to her.

"Ms. Green how are you feeling?" The male nurse asked again.

"It hurts. My shoulder and my head." She groaned trying to sit up.

"Don't move. Do you remember anything from the last 24 hours?”

"Um. I remember. I don't know." Brandi cried as she tried to remember how she got to the hospital. "Charles!" She said in a loud whisper. "Where is he?”

"He apparently went into hiding." Marcus tried to comfort her.

"Well Ms. Green you were shot. Once in the shoulder.”

"Why does my head hurt?" She frowned

"I pushed you down when Charles tried to shoot you again and you hit your head on the stairs." Marcus explained.

"I heard another shot though.”

"He fired at you and missed when I hit him in the head with one of your vases.”

"Ms. Green, Mr. Jones I'll be back to check on you in a while. Push that red button for a nurse if you need anything in the meantime.”

"I'm so sorry Marcus." Brandi cried.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. Everything will be okay.”

Marcus and Brandi were talking about everything that had happened when two detectives and a police officer came into her room.

"Brandi Green." The female detective confirmed as she walked in.

"Yes." Brandi nodded.

"I'm detective Mia Johnson and this is detective Trey Simmons. We're sorry to bother you but it's important we speak before you leave here.”

"What's going on?" Marcus asked concerned.

"Charles is still missing. We were hoping we could get a statement from you as soon as possible.”

"What? How?" Brandi cried.

"Were not quite sure honestly we’ve check all his know whereabouts but to no avail. Were honestly hoping you can give us a little more insight.”

"Well what does this mean? I doubt that he will be looking for me." Brandi groaned from her head pounding.

"Well." Said detective Simmons. "You and your friend are standing between him and his freedom.”

"I don't understand, isn't this man wanted for murder in like two other states? How can he be so hard to find if he keeps establishing residences?" Brandi complained

"Well, actually he’s just an accomplice so far. We don’t have any real evidence that he took part in the murders. With you however we have attempted murder. That’s why we need you two to come down to the police station as soon as possible so we can get all the information we can about him." Detective Johnson tried to convince Brandi that everything was going to be okay. "We also want to place you into protective custody until we have him arrested.”

"No, no, no." Marcus chimed in. "She's going to stay with me. "Charles doesn't even know who I am.”

"I suppose that would be fine, but we would like to place around the clock security outside of your home.”

"That's fine. I mean I live on the top floor of a building with over 150 units it, so I doubt he'll find me but okay." Marcus agreed. "We'll be down to the police station as soon as she is feeling well.”

“I literally told you everything I know when I was arrested a few weeks ago about this fucking nut job. I don’t have anything else to say because I don’t know anything more.” Brandi shook her head.

"Well if you think of anything please come see us. The sooner the better." Detective Simmons said as they left the hospital room.

While Brandi slept, Marcus snuck into the bathroom to return a phone call he missed when they were at the police station earlier that day.

"What the hell was so important you had to call me twelve damn time." Marcus spat at the woman on the other end of the phone line.

"I missed you daddy." The woman moaned into the phone.

"You don't miss me. You just want some money." He complained.

"Mama could always use some money but what I really want is that dick.”

"Girl I told you I'm done with you after that shit you pulled a couple of weeks ago.”

"Damn Marcus I told you I was sorry for lying about being pregnant just stop playing and let me come over." The woman begged.

"Oh hell no. Goodbye Jamie." He said and hung up the phone.

Just as he was about to open the bathroom door, he got another phone call.

"Unless you are ready to go take this damn paternity test, we don't have shit to talk about." Marcus yelled into the phone.

"Boy stop playing. I need some money for your son. Little Matthew needs some diapers." Another woman voice rang through Brandi's ear.

"You better go ask his real damn dad for some money. You got the fucking child support check for the month already." He was pissed that today of all days these two annoying ass women had to bother him.

"It's gone already. It's been like two and half weeks." She argued into the phone.

"That’s not my fucking problem you better ask your rich boyfriend for some damn money.”

"I know right he is super rich compared to your broke ass.”

"Get the fuck off my phone with all that. I ain’t giving you no more money so don't call me again." With that he hung up.

"You have a son?" Brandi cried.

"No baby no." Marcus grabbed her hands and dropped to his knees.

"Please don't lie to me Marcus I heard everything. Why would you be paying child support if he weren’t your son?”

"We were engaged at the time and I thought he was mine until I found out she was cheating on me.”

"Why would you keep that from me?" Brandi wanted to believe him, but she was scared.

"I really didn't know how to tell you. I have been trying to get her to have a paternity test done but she refuses.”

"Didn't I hear you say she had a boyfriend?”

"Yeah. Why?”

"How long have they been together?”

"Since before her son was born. Why?" Marcus asked confused.

"Because you can have one court ordered because if they were together before she even had the baby, they could have been together before she was pregnant, and the baby could be his. I saw something like is on tv once." She joked.

"Your funny." He laughed. "That’s a good idea though. I'll have to try that.”

“Also, why did you sign the birth certificate?”

“I didn’t find out about her cheating until, literally like three days after the baby was born.”

“Oh shit! That’s terrible. I’m sorry.”

“Yeah well now I know about these court ordered things I’ll do that.” He laughed.

"Are you cooking? I smell chicken." Brandi said through a yawn.

"Oh shit! Yeah." Marcus hopped up and ran down the hall to the stairs leading into the kitchen.

"Right behind you." Brandi yelled and followed him down the hall.

While Marcus finished cooking, Brandi did some of the arm exercise the doctor told her to try. She wasn't supposed to try them for another day but with the help of her pain pills she was feeling better already. She was always one to heal pretty fast. Marcus however already had his sling off and was using his left arm like he had never been shot.

"How long has it been since we left the hospital?" Brandi asked now concerned about how long it’s actually been.

"It’s been a week." Marcus answered concerned.

"How? I don't remember...Well I don't remember anything." Brandi shook her head trying to rattle her brain. "Okay wait. We went to the police station earlier today, but I don't remember anything before that.”

"We didn't really do anything so there isn't much to remember honestly." He said trying to make her feel better. "We went to the grocery store once and that’s about it. You slept most of the time and ate when you weren't sleep." He laughed

"Oh well aren't I just a lazy ass." Brandi joked. "I can't wait to go back to work." She sighed.

"Remember you can't go back until they at least know where Charles is hiding." Marcus reminded her.

"Ugh I know. I wish I could at least be doing hair. I can't even do that because I got one damn arm right now." She complained.

"Well on the bright side, dinner is served." He grabbed the two plates from the counter and walked them into the living room. He came back for their beer and Brandi followed behind him.

"Oh yeah." She smiled. "Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fresh green beans and corn bread. You know I just realized I never did get to eat dinner the last time I was here." She teased.

"That’s right. You were busy getting fucked." Marcus grinned

"Yeah and then you put me out." Brandi tossed a pillow at him.

"Did I?" He played like he didn't remember.

Finally, after a month and a half they found the man that tried to murder her, and Brandi could finally go back to living her life. Not that she wasn't enjoying being with Marcus, but she was ready for thing to go back to the way they were. She still couldn't bring herself to tell Marcus she loved him even after all of this time and she could tell it was starting to bother him.

"Hey, I'm gonna head out for a while. Let me know when you get home." He said heading to the door.

"You're not going to take me home?" She asked hurt that he didn't seem to care that she was leaving at all.

"Nah. I gotta go handle some business at the restaurant.”

He said and closed the door behind him.

Brandi pulled up the Uber app on her phone and requested a ride. Forty-five minutes later she was carrying her bags through her front door. There was blood stained on her floor and walls from that horrible night and the garbage smelled ridiculous. She walked through the house opening all of the windows. The only thing she wanted to do was clean up and get her mind off of Charles, Marcus and these past few months. She was ready to get back to work and ready to get back to reality.

Marcus slammed Jamie hard against his office wall. He knew better to be with her after that damn pregnancy stunt she pulled on him, but he wanted, needed someone to feel his pain. So as soon as he got in his car, he called her up and had her meet him there. As soon as she came through the door, he ripped the condom open. He knew it wasn't her fault he felt this way but damnit it wasn't his fault either. Right as he was about to climax, he suddenly felt like he had betrayed Brandi. He pulled out of Jamie and exploded into the condom. He fixed his clothes while she got dressed and waited with her hand out. He handed her a couple hundred dollars and closed the door behind her.

Brandi's first night back at work finally came and she was more than excited. She tweeted that she was returning to the stage and all of fans couldn't have been happier.

"I like these emerald green locs you got going on girl. Ooh yes girl." Kelly said circling Brandi in awe. "Sexy, sexy." She said before disappearing into the back.

"Now the moment you have all been waiting for, returning to the stage Big…Body...Brandi!"

Everyone was in awe and in love her new look and she made more money that night than she ever had in a week. She was on stage three separate times and they loved her the same each time. By the end of the night she was exhausted and ready for bed.

She was almost unable to keep a straight face the whole way home as the club's personal driver talked her ear off but once she walked into the house down came the tears. She was pissed that Marcus wasn't there, pissed that she expected him to be.

She snatched her phone out of her purse and dialed his number. Pissed that he didn't answer she called a taxi and waited outside for it to show up.

She rang the buzzer for almost five minutes before she decided he wasn't home.

"This dude got me fucked up." She cursed running back to the cab.

"Do you want to go back home lady?" The cabby asked when Brandi didn't give any directions.

"What? No. Take me to the Luxor hotel.”

"You got it." He said and peeled off.

As usual Brandi skipped the line for the club. She headed straight for the bar and ordered two shots of 151 rum. She almost never drank like that, but she was feeling some type of way right now. Marcus was usually home on a Saturday night, and he wasn't and for someone reason that really pissed her off even more.

"Where is he? What the fuck is he doing?”

She ordered another shot and a drink and headed to the dance floor. After three or four songs she was feeling way past drunk but not drunk enough that she couldn't tell that it was Marcus she saw with some chick grinding up against him.

"So, this why you haven't answered the phone!" Brandi shouted over the music as she charged in Marcus' direction.

"Excuse me." He said still dancing with the woman and not bothering to look at her.

She tapped the woman on her shoulder and whispered in her ear. "So, you just gonna look me in my face and keep dancing? Bitch if you don’t go on somewhere, I will mop this damn club with wit yo ugly ass.”

She looked up at Brandi with fear in her eyes like the devil himself just whispered in her ear and without even looking back at Marcus she snatched her hand from him and scampered away.

"What the hell is your problem girl!?" He growled as he took a step in her direction.

"Oh, so I'm a girl now!" She snapped and took a step toward him.

Marcus grabbed her by the chin and pulled her face close to his. He turned her head to the side and whispered into her ear.

"Do not fuck with me." He threatened. "I'm done playing games with you." He snatched his hand away and tried to storm off, but she grabbed his hand.

"Marcus...wait." She shouted through her tears. "I lo..." The words got caught in her throat. "I'm scared." She was crying so hard now she couldn't speak, she couldn't breath and she felt sick.

Marcus grabbed her hand and pulled her through the club and then through the hotel. The walk to the exit felt like it was five miles long. She was swaying in the wind and felt like she couldn't stand any more. Her legs gave out on her and she collapsed onto the sidewalk.

The next morning, she woke up alone in Marcus' bed.

"God my head." She moaned as she climbed out of bed. She walked down to the kitchen to find him making breakfast. “Marcus?"

"Yeah." He responded without looking her way.

"I love you. I've loved since the first night we spent together. But I…"

"I was scared too." He interrupted. "Shit I'm still scared but I'm also not gonna keep playing these games with you. I'm tired of hooking up every couple of weeks and then not seeing or even speaking to you. We have been talking for over six months and we have been through a lot already and I'm ready to go through some more. I would think by now you would be able to tell I'm not some bum ass dude that's gonna get you caught up in some shit, damnit I just saved you from some shit." He slammed down the orange juice he was pouring. "What else do I fucking have to do to prove it?"

She walked around the counter. "I'm sorry." She said as she caressed his dick through his pajama pants.

"Stop." He said trying to push her away.

"Why?" She asked now touching his chest. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed up against him. She could feel his dick jump through his pants.

"I'm not gonna play with you anymore Brandi." He said pulling her arms from around his neck.

"So, you don't want me now. I thought you said you loved me." She joked.

Marcus was not in the joking mood, however. He narrowed his eyes. "I will fuck you up." He said in low tone that almost made her nervous.

"Try me." She spat back at him.

In one quick movement he had her silk nightie pulled up and his pants pulled down. He slammed her against the kitchen wall near the balcony door and shoved his dick inside her so fast she almost passed out. He slammed into her so hard and so fast she couldn't catch her breath. Marcus wrapped a hand and around her throat and whispered in her ear.

"Say you love me." He demanded.

"I... I lo..." He was choking her so hard there was no way she could get the words out.”

He pounded into her harder as he watched the tears roll down her cheeks.

"Say it damnit!" He yelled. "Say you fucking love me.”

"I love you!" She tried to scream.

He let go of her throat but contributed to punish her with his penis.

"Oh god I love you!" She cried clawing at his shoulders and chest.

He continued fucking her until he exploded inside of her. Her body shook uncontrollably as she reached orgasm.

"Oh Marcus." She moaned as he let her down to her feet.

"What?" He snapped.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I bet you do." He growled.


About the Creator

Ashley Nicole

Author, Mom, Cook, Maid

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    Ashley NicoleWritten by Ashley Nicole

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