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Porn Again-Part Seven

Happy’s journey continues…

By lazarusInfinityPublished 2 months ago Updated 18 days ago 7 min read
photo courtesy of lazarusInfinity


Candy studied her reflection in the small surface of her compact. What stared back at her was a vision she almost didn’t recognize, a vixen of a figure who seemingly lost her way...but found another one. The overall mood in church that day was a stifling one, offering no real sense of fulfillment or refuge. Why she chose to attend church on that particular morning was either a mystery or a dull reflex from a time long gone. Much like the daily routine of her otherwise dull and diluted married life, Sundays in church seemed only to serve as time to think about either taking up Pilates or what outfit to pick out for work the next day.

Somehow the notion of spiritual fulfillment in modern America had become passé, an archaic ritual of fancy that only the most gullible continued to fall victim for. People were losing their jobs and homes while she was in the middle of an impending divorce. Candy saw no miraculous beams of light in the sky, no angels to whisper fanciful messages of solace and strength. Whereas once she might have felt welcomed in the hallowed sanctuary, she now only felt boredom tinged with intrigue and lust.

As the priest continued on, extolling the virtues of faith and all- encompassing love, she looked around the church, wondering exactly how many in attendance still believed. So many married couples in attendance, so many families. Her eyes traveled every surface of the building, watching the loving arms of the husbands as they were draped around the shoulders of their wives. She noticed the playful yet nervous way some of the women ran their fingers through their hair or rubbed little beads of perspiration from their necks.

She continued to watch as some of the men quickly checked messages on their cell phones, only to put them away and flash their wives a slick, reassuring smile. So many hypocrites and liars present in a house of worship today. Just the mere thought somehow sent an invigorating chill up her spine along with putting a smile on her face that suggested comfort. Maybe she wasn’t alone. Maybe her sins were no greater than the tax attorney who took her kids to soccer practice but cheated on her husband with the gardener. Maybe her past actions were just as cruel and capricious as the loving husband who spent late hours at work with his secretary who took ‘dictation’ well. As the priest continued, Candy grew more comfortable in the pews knowing that while she may indeed have been a wolf in sheep’s clothing...she was in a pack of wolves no less dangerous.

That familiar part of the service commenced as multiple worshippers filed in a line to approach the priest for communion. Candy made her way down the aisle, waiting her turn while watching several others accept what was symbolized as the body of Christ. As she made her way closer to the front, she found her footsteps growing heavier, almost as if they were slowly being submerged in quicksand.

First comes pride...then comes the fall. Forgive me father for I have sinned...

She ventured further, finding herself reflecting on years past with Happy. Her mind became flooded with images of earlier years chasing each other in the park, followed by candlelit dinners and Happy’s poor attempt at poetry. Such youthful energy and love now washed down the drain courtesy of lies and deceit. Even through the fog of guilt and hallowed shame, it was the distinct allure of lust that kept rising to the surface. So interesting how we hurt the ones we claim to love the most. She inched further, wondering if she even deserved the sacrament. Much like everything else, this too was also a lie-a lie that would soon manifest itself in unimaginable ways.

“This is the body of Christ,” the voice said. Only it wasn’t the voice of the priest, but a voice very familiar.

Standing before her in a ceremonial robe was none other than Marcus. In his hands sat a golden tray draped in white satin linen. On that tray was a wide assortment of colorful vibrators, all buzzing with such speed and force that they nearly jumped in her hands.

“Take this,” he said. “Take this and join me.”

A few moments later while exiting the church, Candy collected herself from her daydreaming and descended the steps amongst the crowd of faithful worshippers to see a familiar sight; one that she should’ve known she’d encounter sooner or later. That fiery red Ferrari was unmistakable.

Time to get your soul truly saved. Amen...


How many sexual partners have you had in the last six months? How many times have you had unprotected sex? Have you ever had sex with a man? Have you ever had sex with a prostitute? Have you ever had sex with a transsexual? Do you do drugs? Have you ever shared any needles with anyone?

Jesus Christ, who does this sick shit? As the laundry list of questions came raining down on him like acid, Happy felt himself sinking even further in his seat. What had Candy done to him? Was this truly the price of infidelity? Further more, did he truly deserve this? He’d always been so careful, especially in matters of sex. A virtual germaphobe at heart, Happy felt as if he needed to be tested just for answering these questions.

After some blood work along with a thoroughly humiliating exam by a much older nurse, he was thrust back out into the world feeling like a cheap blow-up doll...poked, prodded and completely deflated of all sense of self-worth. Good Lord, how many limp penises had that poor nurse seen wagging in her face on that day alone?

On the drive back home, he felt as if there was some imaginary gavel just waiting to be slammed down on his if it didn’t happen already. How could she do this to me? If betrayal wasn’t enough, he now had to wait for the results of the test. Pain soon turned to anger tinged with slight traces of hatred. People who truly loved each other didn’t do things like this. Maybe she never truly loved him at all. Maybe their years of marriage were nothing more than cheap lies etched on the canvas of a life that held no true meaning. With the divorce pending, maybe Delphine was right; maybe he should get on with living life. At this point, what did he have to lose?

As the car pulled up into the parking garage hours later, he noticed that familiar, striking figure of Delphine getting out of a very pricey Mercedes. Sexy, stylish and sophisticated as ever, he made a futile attempt to duck as he raised the hood of the convertible. No such luck.

“How’s it going Hap?” she beamed, making her way to his car.

She had to be the most divine thing he’d seen all day. While a vision such as hers might have stirred some deep, lingering thoughts within, the previous poking and prodding around his genitals left him about as limp as a wet sock. And the hits just keep on coming.

“Awesome. Awesome as usual,” he said while hitting the alarm. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the slight mark where the bullet grazed the side view mirror. What the hell got into me?

“Liar. Rough day at the office?”

“Oh you know me, another day of selling high quality films and rectal devices. Yeah, free your mind and your ass will follow, as a wise man once said.”

She giggled. “Was it really that bad?”

“You don’t even want to know.”

All he wanted to do was disappear into his new home and drown under the duvet. Something in the way she looked at him suggested it wasn’t going to be so easy.

“What are you doing tonight?” she asked.


“Meaning what are your plans? Are you going to just disappear into your place and drown under the duvet? Or would you be willing to get out for a bit?”

Who the hell was this woman?

“I beg your pardon?”

“Relax Hap. It’s only dinner, not a marriage proposal.”

He was stunned. “You just met me the other night. Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Are you always so defensive? Consider it a bit of Southern hospitality. Besides, you look like you could use a friend.”

He thought about it for a moment. “This wouldn’t happen to involve drunken dancing and bullets damn near grazing my ass would it? I’m trying to cut back a little.”

She laughed. “It’s dinner Hap. Tonight at Vincent’s, it’s a nice little place Uptown. Wear something nice.”

And with that, she placed a card in his hand with her cell number on it. Something in the way she walked away suggested this was a woman who didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. She was quite the intriguing figure. Quite the intriguing figure indeed…


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nsfwsexual wellnesssex toysreligionrelationshipsporn starliteraturefictioneroticcomedy

About the Creator


Writer/Creator-New Orleans.

In continuation of my work, tips are much appreciated!


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    lazarusInfinityWritten by lazarusInfinity

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