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Mum Motivational Technique

What to expect for a better performance

By Nathal NortanPublished 8 months ago 15 min read

In this narrative, a character named Jeff receives a unique proposition from his mum. If he achieves a certain grade, he will be rewarded accordingly—ranging from a blowjob for a B to going "all the way" for an A. Despite the risqué nature of the offer, the interaction is lighthearted, and Jeff responds with humor, even inquiring about the consequences of an F. As the story unfolds, the character teases Jeff, and he faces internal struggles, presumably related to the tempting promise. Eventually, Jeff's grades improve, and the protagonist fulfills their end of the bargain, leading to a sensual encounter. The story contains elements of tension, humor, and a unique form of motivation tied to academic performance.

Mom’s Motivational Techniques

I dropped the heavy brass knocker on the thick oak door and listened to its dull thud reverberate in the silence of the cold, dark night. A minute later a soft glow lit up the hallway and I saw the silhouette of a man walk towards the door. I did not know why my heart was pounding the way it was. I wasn't in a habit of asking my big brother for help, but after all, that’s what family is for, right?

My brother was a little surprised, but pleased to see me and immediately asked me to come inside and out of the cold. He took my coat and walked me to the living room, or library, as he called it. We sat down by the fire and he poured us both a nice glass of brandy. I quickly took a big swig of the burning liquid, hoping it would help me find the words for what I was about to ask. My brother just looked at me, holding the glass in his hands and warming the brandy. I suddenly felt ashamed of how I almost emptied the glass in one gulp. Knowing my big brother, it was probably a very old and expensive bottle.

“It’s nice Ken... The brandy, I mean. And the fire” I babbled.

“Yes it is” he answered, swirling the golden brown fluid in the round glass. “It was a personal gift from the head of the institute in Bordeaux. It’s almost a hundred years old”

I nearly chocked. My brother wasn’t a wealthy man, preferring knowledge over possession, but what little he owned was nothing but the highest quality. I promised myself to fully enjoy the next sip and make sure he’d see it.

“Now, what is it you wanted to see me for? I mean, you’re always welcome and I do enjoy your company, but there is something that’s troubling you, and judging from the way you’re guzzling this very fine cognac, you really need to get it off your chest”

“I’m sorry... but you’re right, there is something. I know you’re buried with work already, with your book, lectures and research projects, but could you… can you help Jeff in school? Maybe tutor him?” I asked my brother.

Instead of directly answering my question, Ken got out of his club chair and stepped towards the fireplace. He tossed another log on the fire, used the poker to precisely arrange the wood and put the metal spark guard back in place. Without saying a single word he strode back to his chair and sat down again. Only then did he respond to my request.

“I could do that, but Jeff really doesn’t need any tutoring. He is a very bright boy” he said. It wasn’t exactly the answer I had been hoping for.

“I know he is, but if he doesn’t improve his scores he’ll have to repeat this grade”

Again my brother was silent for a while and just watched the wood being attacked by the flames.

“That once nearly happened to me too” he finally said.

“It did? But you had nothing but A’s” I exclaimed, surprised by Ken’s confession.

“Not always...” he said and took a small sip from his glass “When I was about Jeff’s age, there was a time that my grades were really poor and I almost did not make it. I only became an honor student because of mom’s.. er.. motivational techniques”

I was really dumbfounded. In my memory my older brother was nothing but a genius, the smartest boy in school. He graduated with the best scores of his class and in result he received offers from several prestigious universities. How could he almost have flunked, and what had our mother done to prevent it?

My beloved mother was in a home now, with a severe case of Alzheimer’s. The last time we visited she just sat in her chair and didn’t even recognize us. Whatever it was she did for my brother, she couldn’t help my son. I would have to do it myself.

“So what is it that mom did to turn you into the straight-A student I remember?”

My brother looked me straight in the eye and I could see he was very serious and a little reluctant. When he finally spoke, he didn’t tell right away, but asked another question in return

“Are you sure you want to know?”

An hour later I was back in my car, driving through snowy landscapes. I had taken the long way home and let my brother’s words replay in my mind in as the trees and houses passed by. My mind was whirling and my heart was pounding as millions of questions rolled in my head. Kenneth’s question if I was sure I wanted to know was echoing in my ears. Yes, I had wanted to know, but now that I knew, I could not believe it.

“You recall how mom was a bit of a ‘free spirit’, a typical child of the sixties?” my brother began his story.

“A hippie?”

“If you want to call her that, yes”

Although mom never talked much about the past, we both knew of her wild days, before she settled down, married and had us. Our mother had been part of a group of idealistic people who founded a community where private property was banned. Everything would be shared freely; food, clothes, housing, everything. There were all kinds of drugs and free love was everywhere. Although she had to give up most of those ideals when she grew older, she was definitely the coolest mom in school.

“What about it?” I asked.

“Well, she reckoned there is only one thing that could motivate a teenaged boy to study”

He paused a minute, as if he was waiting for me to give an answer. I was a total blank, however.

“Come on, don’t act so innocent” he said, smiling mischievously.

“S..Sex?” I stammered.

He nodded at me as if I was one of his students who just answered correctly.

“Mom took you to a hooker if you passed?” I asked surprised.

“Not quite.” he said, pausing again. “Here, let me refill your glass”

I knew I needed it and nodded as I sat down and mentally braced myself for what was about to come. Kenneth filled my glass and his own, put the stopper back on the bottle and sat down too.

“So one night, mom came to my room and said she needed to talk. She sat down on my bed and that’s when she told me about this A-B-C reward plan…”

It was an unusual plan to say the least, radical and dangerous. But I knew I had to do something, even if it was insane. There was no doubt about it; what mom had done had proved to be very effective and if I wanted Jeff to pass this year I had to at least consider it.

I had a really hard time deciding what to do. If I did nothing, Jeff would fail for sure, but every time I was about to decide to go through with the plan, a little voice inside me kept reminding me it was more likely it would scar my son for life than improve his grade. On the other hand, it obviously hadn’t traumatized Ken; he wouldn’t have brought it up if it had.

Oh, what should I do?

Snow began to fall again and as I carefully steered my car through an immaculate white world, I once more ran all the other options in my head. I came to the conclusion that there was really no feasible alternative. I was short on money already, and barring bribing the teachers or hiring a full-time and very expensive tutor, I had tried absolutely everything a mother could think of. Everything but this.

Before I could go through with the plan, I also had to ask myself if I was able do it. Could I use sex to motivate Jeff? Could I seduce my own son and do all those things to him? I had to be honest.

It was hard to admit, but more than once I had felt a decidedly inappropriate attraction to Jeff. I knew he was my son, but he’s also a very handsome young man. Looking at him, I recognized the things that made me fall for his father all those years ago. Giving in to that would not be too hard, now that I had a legitimate reason.

Yes, I was going to do it.


A few weeks later, I was sitting at the kitchen table, waiting. I had had plenty of time to make my decision, balancing the pros and cons and changing my mind almost every day. In front of me was Jeff’s latest report card and there wasn't a single good mark in it, except for PE. There was no way he’d pass with these grades, but even now, I was still very indecisive. There was no time to crawl back, as I could hear Jeff walk down the stairs.

As he walked into the kitchen, I finally decided to go through with the plan.

“Sit down, son” I said, trying to sound stern, but not so much it would frighten him.

I could see his eyes go from me to the report card, to me again, then to the vacant chair and the kitchen door before he sat down without saying anything. He knew what this was about and knew better than to protest.

“I've tried helping you, I've tried coaching you, even punishing you. You’ve switched schools and you’ve been to summer school. I know you’re smarter than this and you and I are going to prove that.”

Jeff shook his shoulders and nodded indifferently.

“There is something I want to try, one last thing. Are you interested?”

I unbuttoned the top buttons of my blouse. Jeff’s eyes immediate shot down and feasted on the cleavage I was showing. Oh yes, he was interested alright.

“On your next report card…” I started, and then paused to take a deep breath. “If you get a C, you’ll get to ‘See’ me naked”

His eyes opened wide.

“If you get a B, I will give you a Blowjob”

His jaw fell open.

“And if you get an A, we will go All the way”

He looked as if he could not believe his ears and it took quite a few moments for him to take in my proposition. I couldn’t see what was happening under the table, but I bet there was a huge lump growing in his pants if. Then I saw a twinkle in his eye and a sheepish grin formed on his lips.

“What are you thinking?” I asked.

“I was just wondering… What do I get for an F?” he said, while he held up a recent geography test.

It was a relief Jeff was able to crack a joke at a time like this; my proposition had not freaked him out too much. However, it was not time for a reward yet.

“An F means... you can go Fuck yourself” I chuckled while I buttoned up my blouse again, leaving one undone as a reminder of what could be his.

Jeff knew I was serious and knew better than to push his joke any further.

I patted his knee and said “Now, why don’t you get upstairs and get started with your homework, and I’ll make us a nice dinner.”

Throughout dinner and all evening I kept teasing him, jutting out my breast and wetting my lips. As he got up after the meal I could see he had a hard time trying to hide the swelling that had formed in his pants. It must have driven him mad, knowing I was there for him, ready and willing, just one good grade away. Finally the frustration got the best of him and he disappeared into his room. Hopefully to study, but probably just to beat his meat.

But, as I continued to tease the hell out of him over the next weeks, his grades slowly began to improve. F’s started to become D’s and in return I started to dress slutty for him. Sure enough, when the report cards were handed out, there wasn’t a single F on it. In fact, as Jeff pointed out, there were even a couple of C’s

It was time for me to hold on to my end of the bargain. It was a moment I had dreaded before, but over the last weeks had accepted and had even come to look forward to. I was never a slouch before, but an intensified workout program and a recent visit to the beauty salon meant I would probably look hotter than most of the girls at his school.

“Three C’s” I said proud. “So, would you like to ‘see’ me too?”

He nodded. “Yes please”


He nodded again.

I pushed back the chair so his view was not blocked by the table.

“You deserved it and I am so proud of you. I hope you enjoy the show” I said as I started to unbutton my blouse.

I had already seen some of his test results, so I knew there was a very real possibility that his grades would be high enough for me to reward him. In anticipation of undressing for my son I had put on some extra sexy lingerie. I knew he appreciated it, as I could hear Jeff gasp when I unveiled my firm breasts, clad in a black lace bra through which most of my hard pink nipples were visible. I let the blouse slide from my shoulders and fall on the kitchen floor.

Next to go were my jeans. I stood up and began to open the fly. Like my blouse, I slowly unbuttoned it one button at a time, bit by bit exposing the surprise I had on underneath. I had put on a black thong that left very little to the imagination. Pieces of string held up a tiny triangle of sheer material that did almost nothing to hide the hairless mound and top of my pussy.

I turned away from him as I peeled the denim off my hips and exposed my round ass. I bent over a little as I dropped the pants, giving him a tantalizing preview of all the goodies I would bare for him later. If the thong had been any other color but black, he would have seen a large dark spot where my wetness had soaked the fabric.

As the jeans slid down, they uncovered another surprise for him, my expensive black silk and lace stockings. I stepped out of the pants and slowly turned around, moving sensuously while showing off my well-toned body.

Teasingly slow I eased the straps from my shoulders and unfastened the front clasp of my sexy bra. Jeff was looking closely and was almost drooling as I pulled the cups away and exposed my breasts. They weren’t big breasts, but years of daily pushups and lifting weights meant they sagged only a little and stood round and firm.

The next item to remove was the little black thong. I hooked my thumbs behind the pieces of string and pushed them down over my hip. My heart was racing as I bared my pussy for my son. It was neatly waxed and ready for action; wet and swollen from arousal.

My son had forgotten all modesty and was openly ogling my almost naked body. Once more I turned around, dancing slow and proudly swaying my bare ass.

For the final part of my striptease, I sat down on the chair again. I lifted one leg high in the air and rolled down my stockings. I sat at a slight angle from my son, so my other leg was still blocking his view of my sex. I felt the coolness of the air on the moist lips of my naked pussy. I hadn’t been this aroused for years and I knew my son would be able to see it too. I bend my knee and pulled the silk stockings off my feet. With one kick of my foot it flew through the air and landed in front of Jeff.

Only one last piece of clothing remained. I lifted my other leg, the one closest to him, and started to peel off that stocking in the same teasing fashion. The big difference was that this time my pussy was spread open and in full view.

Suddenly I heard Jeff grunt a husky groan and a dark spot formed in his pants. Embarrassed by his body’s reaction he quickly excused himself and ran off to his room.

I couldn’t help but feel a little proud; I had just made my son cum in his pants! Mom’s plan was working better than I could have hoped.

It was almost half an hour later when he came back and I was in the kitchen, cooking dinner. Wearing nothing but high heels and a tiny black apron I gestured for him to sit down. I could feel his eyes burning on my ass as he tried to make small talk while I cooked. It was absurd how often I dropped a spoon or a knife and had to bend over to pick it up.

It was like there was something wrong with the cutlery that night, because during dinner it was Jeff’s knife and fork that ended on the ground repeatedly. Three times my son disappeared under the table to retrieve an item of silverware and every time I made sure I was sitting with my legs spread and fully exposed for him. We both knew what was going on and it was a game we both enjoyed.

Even though we spend more time teasing than eating, dinner was finished all too soon. As Jeff got up and started to make his way out of the kitchen, I quickly got behind him. He froze as he felt my naked body so close to him.

“Be sweet and put the dishes in the washer, while I go in the living room” I whispered in his ear while I let my erect nipples graze his arm. With barely any blood flowing to his brain, he was unable to resist my request.

“Sure mom, no problem” he murmured and actually started to clear the table.

I smiled at my newfound powers and walked into the living room where I lay down on the couch. Ten minutes later, Jeff also came in the living room.

I was still naked and lay stretched out on the couch while I watched TV. It was a comfortable pose that would also be enticing for my son to look at. Jeff stood still for a moment and looked at me before he sat down. I noticed he had not chosen his usual seat in front of the TV, but sat down opposite to me instead. Earlier he had changed his soiled jeans for a track suit and I could see his cock was already hard again and nicely pushing out the front of his pants. He no longer made any effort to hide his arousal, just like I shamelessly displayed my swollen, moist pussy.

As night fell, I told Jeff it was time to go to bed. He obeyed and when I kissed my son goodnight, I grabbed his waist and pulled him firmly against me. My bare breasts pressed against his chest and by rotating my pelvis, I teasingly rubbed my pussy against his crotch. He groaned softly and I felt his penis pulsate as he ejaculated in his pants for a second time.

“Sweet dreams, my love” I whispered as I kissed him on his lips.

As Jeff climbed the stairs, I noticed my son had left a small wet spot on my pubic mound. I wiped it up with my finger and felt the slipperiness of Jeff’s sperm that had seeped through the fabric of his pants. Acting on impulse, I lifted my finger to my mouth and tasted my son’s semen. It was only a tiny amount, but his juice tasted delightful and I couldn’t wait to sample more of it, right from the source.

sexual wellnesserotic

About the Creator

Nathal Nortan

About Me:

Embark on a journey through the sultry landscape of love, science, and technology. I'm an unapologetic wordsmith and fervent explorer of the heart's deepest desires. My tales are woven with threads of deep care for humanity.

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    Nathal NortanWritten by Nathal Nortan

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