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Make Me....

short story

By JadedPleasuresPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Make Me....
Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash


before it seemed so conventional, to fleeting to care about who came and left my life. But now, time was passing to fast for me to grab on to. Because of him. His presence, his looks, just every thing about him. He passes me, looks at me, holds me in the ways that i have never been held before. Just his touch makes my heart speed up. His eyes when they meet mine, every thing that i think and feel seems to become more primal. I want only him, I need only him, in so many ways he has become all that i want all that i need. Every time we touch, hug, I need every bit of him to claim me, to dominate me, to drive me to the edge of pleasure and send me head first over the edge with him.

I no longer want time to be so fleeting and when we have moments of intimacy, it goes away to god damn quickly. Its like some how he woke something deep inside of me that i was completely unaware of that was there. I have never wanted some one to dominate me as badly as this man. I dream of sexual things, fantasize even about things i want him to do.

I want his hand on my throat pinning me against the wall forcefully removing my cloths, his rough calloused hand moving all over me. His breath in my ear as his stubble face rubs against mine. His deep baritone growl rumbling from his chest out his mouth int my starving ears. For his lips to posses mine in a fierce, passionate kiss as he roughly takes and touches me. I want him to command me, to force me to my knees and use my mouth as his cock's sheath for him to force his massive length down into my throat. For our sexual encounters to be completely primal.

For him to need to be as rough with me as i want him to be. For him to also feel so primal as i do. For his desire to come fully out where we can both come to peace. For us to finally have our joining, our time to mate, to bask in our primal need. And, when he is done with my mouth i want him to force me down and finally have a taste of my essence. To take me into his mouth and make me shaking, screaming, crying in bliss mess.

I need four moment to drag on, to not end quickly. I need him to claim me once and for all. to make me subcome to his will and desires, to mark my body as his and his alone. My soul is screaming for him, for only him, i have become jealous and territorial over him. I need to know that i am constantly on his mind like he is on mine.

I need to feel him be in full and complete control, this desire is becoming unbarable. I feel as though the longer i go with out it the more my sanity has become harder and harder to grasp. I have been drifting for to long and he is the only man i want and need to ground me.

I need to feel his man hood penatrate my body for him to rock my body and force me to fit him and him alone. I need him to pin me, to take me, to tell me that i am his and his alone that no other man will dare to touch me. That i am his property, his baby girl, his mate. That if he ever lost me that he would never be the same, he will never see the light.

That i am the only light in his darkness and if i left he would go mad.

For he would have lost his peace, his happiness, his light, his life. He doesnt have to voice this to me but, to show me by claiming not just my heart but, my mind body and soul.

I am unsure if he understands just how much he effects my sanity no matter how many times i tell him. But, its a win and lose, for i will never give him up no matter how much it would be better for him and his family. He is my drug my only way to stay calm even though my body is raging with a fire so hot i cant go to much longer.

PLEASE claim me Daddy!!!!


About the Creator


Hello, Greetings, hi, Its been a minute. Just wanted to put a little reminder that my things are for 18+ only. Mainly because they are all Fan Fiction ideas that i write about. THATS ALL FOLKS!!

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    JadedPleasuresWritten by JadedPleasures

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