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Jenny's Asking For It

But is Jenny going to get it?

By Doc SherwoodPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Somehow, I knew. From the minute I saw that Jenny was wearing her too-tight long pants in the grey plaid, I knew.

Those things always made me catch in my throat. They way they stretched and strained to cover the awesome broadness of her butt still had the same effect on me, and likewise the way they made the most of her triangle. That was to say, the little space of daylight framed by Jenny's inner thighs where they came together at the top, and above them the horizontal of her crotch. It made the neatest and sweetest perfect little upside-down delta of emptiness, right at the part of Jenny in which I was most interested, and nothing showed it off as well as her tight grey plaid. Jenny was proud of her triangle, with some justification I thought. Chubbier girl-thighs squeezed snugly together at the top, but that sly little space of Jenny's was special.

There she stood with her back to me, and I drank in the view without getting any less thirsty. I never knew with Jenny whether she did it to deliberately tease me, or not. Either way, I'd slipped into the mindset of clumsily starting to slide a thumb and forefinger up and down my stiffness, and in my mouth and throat was the feeling I'd already started to do so.

Gawping thus at her butt, I longed to go for the core. It would be so, so nice, as nice as could be. Since the very start, that day in PE when we'd first talked and she'd poked it at me, I'd truly felt Jenny's bum and me were made to do this together.

I went over to her, braving her cheesy-crackers smell, and received a smile in return to the blushing half-dazed one I gave her.

A promising smile.

"I thought maybe we'd have a first try tonight," were her words.

Just like Jenny. She sounded as if she was commenting on nothing more than the weather. Funny, how you could wait for what felt like a lifetime, and then when the moment came you didn't know what to say!

She swished off to gym class in a sumptuous movement of that amazing butt. Did I even glimpse the traces of a panty-line?

So it was that that very night, hardly able to believe it, I found myself at last in Jenny’s room.

She began to undress while I sat on the bed and watched her, longing, and all the more keen on getting my own pants off because they were becoming tighter and more uncomfortable by the second. As for what was going on in front of me, I thought I was going to die with tenderness. Since school, Jenny had been been universally regarded as a pest and a pain. Girls had teased her about her decision to wait, and boys had been nastier still about that. How did they suppose I felt, when I was the one who'd been with her all that time? I had a mad wish that each and every one of them could see the sight that was before me now. I wished they'd been able to see Jenny the way I'd always done.

She smelled more of perfume than of mini-cheddars tonight, and in her lacy bra she was Jenny as I’d never seen her. Then she squeezed out of the tight plaid pants, and I discovered I had indeed seen a panty-line earlier. Outside of gym, I'd always wondered what kind of underwear Jenny wore. That pair of little black knickers was striking to see against her smooth porcelain skin, since she was almost so pale as to be totally white.

“I’ve been wearing these all day,” she told me, and I blushed as if we were still in class and she'd caught me looking.

“Um, your sister wears shorts on top of stockings mostly,” was for some reason what I blurted out.

“We’re a funny family for that sort of thing,” Jenny confessed.

Then she added primly that this occasion being what it was, it was the first time in her life she’d ever worn black ones not white. Jenny had to be the only girl her age capable of saying that! I couldn't help laughing, and next second she was beside me on the bed with one hand in my hair. The tweaking and tugging might have seemed to cruel to some, but I knew it for a good sign. It made a lot of sense that teasing me would be Jenny’s way of having fun before we started.

“You smell so much at gym that I’m sure you won't mind doing something even smellier,” she declared.

I gazed at the little freckles on her nose that you had to be close up to see. Jenny, smiling in just her glasses and a pair of very small black knickers. I felt like I was about to cry.

She instructed me to undress and then to lie down, naked, on my back with my bumcheeks pressing down upon the palms of my hands.

"No hands allowed," explained Jenny.

Only she could joke about that! "Even now?" I groaned.

"It's not about doing what you want, it's about the two of us sharing an experience," she informed me. “Now, this’ll bring back memories.”

So saying she pushed me down onto the pillows and climbed onto her bed, kicking one leg over me. I gulped! There she knelt a moment, surveying me. Then she clambered round so her back was to me and one bare foot rested on either side of my head, and dipped down low to shove the back of her black knickers in my face.

Uhh! Those things were even stuffier than the ones she wore for netball, and she wasn't wrong that I’d had those in my face often enough! How did Jenny get them like that? And was it only her, I mean girls who’d waited as long as she had? Did it all build up the longer you waited? That would sure explain the smell I was getting now!

Jenny wasn’t even done. Slowly she began to stoop even further, like she did in those excruciating gymnastic or dance routines which she'd often shown off in front of the boys at school. I’d never watched one from this position though, and all of a sudden it was the gusset of her knickers I was sniffing.

Now that really was too much! I suddenly believed everything I'd heard about boys being able to pop without having to be touched. Not that I'd ever been able to make that happen, but I had a feeling this was all set to be a night of firsts!

Jenny’s position meant her mouth was by now hovering over where I was as stiff and expectant as I'd ever been in my life. Onto the very tip Jenny bestowed a tiny puff of breath, and what was directly beneath twinged in agony.

Both of them. And the lightest stroking of one finger on their trembling skin would have made it happen, if I only could.

Madly I drew in the deepest possible breath through my nostrils, giving up my senses to Jenny's gusset-misama. I tried and tried and really tried…but it just wasn’t quite enough. I didn't pop. The effort defeated me and I sank back, shuddering.

Into my mind flashed a time I'd seen Jenny just after she'd been cycling in the rain, with her shorts on and her fair skin red and flushed. Her hair had been soaked, tied up in dripping braids. For a second that image burned in my brain as if it was the prettiest and most provocative I'd ever seen, but only for a second. Because then real thing was lying down beside me, and Jenny in the here and now was a thousand times more than she'd been on that rainy day.

“Go and get me some water,” she commanded.

I struggled up, and delicately holding my two most aching bits in one hand I hurried to the table. Something told me Jenny was smirking! In fact I knew she wasn’t thirsty at all, as it wasn’t like she ever seemed to suffer from that condition as I did, and she'd only told me to do this so I’d have to cross the room looking like a little boy who still had to hold his irritating bouncy bits in PE. I needed both hands to pour, but then with the glass in one hand and my bits in the other I hurried back as fast as I dared.

She drank, taking a long time over it. Watching her made me thirsty, in more ways than one.

When Jenny was finished she set the glass down, rose from the bed, and unclipped her bra. What I'd yearned to see for something like forever glimmered palely in the nightlight's limpid glow. It felt as if the world had fallen out from under my feet, but Jenny being Jenny, all she said was: "I'm just thinking about the loose hair."

So saying she sat down with a bump at her dressing-table and proceeded to brush her straight sheet of shining fair silk. I groaned inwardly, remembering that time I'd been dying for her and had had to watch her taking her hairpins out. OK, that particular problem had been more Morgan's fault than Jenny's, but even so...!

When she was done she crossed back over to where I was. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Topless Jenny, at long long last...!

"You may rejoin me on the bed," she told me, sitting down.

So I did. Jenny rolled over, presenting to me once again her butt in those dingy black knickers. I cinched up inside, wanting her with a passion which by now threatened to consume me.

She looked back over one bare shoulder and eyed me from above the frame of her spectacles.

"Well, I'm ready," said she. "Are you?"


About the Creator

Doc Sherwood

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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Comments (2)

  • Doc Sherwood (Author)2 years ago

    Here we go! For anyone interested in the saga, a full reading-order at last. It's about time (that's what he said...) 1) Saucy! 2) Morgan 3) The Flashback Starts 4) Lessons in Love 5) Versus Jenny 6) Jenny-One for Tennis? 7) Sibling Rivalry 8) She Came From the West Midlands 9) Crisis Talks 10) Meta-Jenny 11) The Netball Diaries, Part One 12) The Netball Diaries, Part Two 13) Jenny's Challenge 14) The Skirt Scare 15) Playing To Win 16) Morgan's Diary, Part One 17) Morgan's Diary, Part Two 18) Unwanted 19) The Junior Tournament 20) The Birthday Battle, Part One 21) The Birthday Battle, Part Two 22) The Birthday Battle, Part Three 23) Thanks, Morgan 24) Jenny is Most Tiresome 25) Jenny Continues to be Tiresome 26) Jenny is More Tiresome Still 27) Good News...! 28) Jenny's Asking For It

  • Carol Townend2 years ago

    I totally love this!

Doc SherwoodWritten by Doc Sherwood

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