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First Steps

So learn to walk before you can run...

By Doc SherwoodPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

She'd seemed perfect for me at the nightclub. Not just her big glasses and her tight colourful tee, but most of all that absurdly short denim mini-skirt with pleats. Oh, I so hoped those were coming back! Now I trotted after her up the stairs to her room, my toes tingling, feeling weak and shy all over. She must have known my eyes were pinned to her pleats, because she teased me, pulling out the skirt as far as it would go to one side.

Nothing ever changed! Girls had been doing that under my nose since just about forever!

Then she jumped the last few steps to the landing, and with a flick and flutter and a bump I saw her knickers at last. They were bright pink ones, with black and white dots. Suddenly I was teeming with wild triumph, and much less anxious too! It struck me then how silly it was, as if maybe I'd been making too much of it all along.

"Saw your knickers!" I sang out, for once not even embarrassed to say the dreaded word!

She turned back to me, smiled, and blushed. It was lovely.

The door was closed and the curtains drawn. Quivering with tenderness I took her soft form in my arms and smelled hard, breathing in the tingly nightclub perfume. Oh, and I could do whatever I liked! That thought was almost too much!

My breath was catching, and my underpants already way too tight. I fumbled to try and adjust them, gasping a little.

"What do you want to do?" she asked, accommodatingly. No girl had ever asked me that before!

"I don't know, I'm as new to this as you are," I reminded her.

She pursed her lips. Then almost shyly she raised her short skirt, showing a pink-dotted front gusset and her thighs coming tight together. A lock of brown hair, loose from her ponytail, lay light on her forehead. I flushed hotly, my nostrils still maddened by her scent.

"Um, that would be great," I began, barely able to find my voice. I meant it too. It was just that the smell and the delirium were giving me wild ideas.

"I've, just, always had this one...dream, though," I stammered on.

She understood, and said we could try, so I sat on the bed and she turned around. Then with trembly fingers I slowly lifted that short skirt, putting her pink knickers with dots back on show. Staring, breathing hard, I thought of every time in my life I'd been trailing round town after some girl and longing for an unexpected breeze, so I could enjoy a view just like that. My rapture at being in power at last so swelled that I almost couldn't bear it.

Her knickers were very slightly bunched-up. I moved my nose and quivering lips close to the cotton and just breathed her in, not even sniffing. It was heavenly.

My pants were in agony by now, but I barely even noticed. Oh, I loved this girl! She was too special, too precious, too much of a treasure.

Her bare bumcheeks, divested of knickers, were two perfect peachy little crescents on the bed before me. Her skirt and tee were gone too. Only the glasses and ponytail were left.

"I can't see a thing without them," she explained demurely.

I was feeling most underwhelmingly naked, just like an overgrown boy in fact, albeit feverishly and awkwardly inflamed as I hovered over her. No point pretending I wasn't at least a little bit frightened to try. Gripping myself in both quivery hands I dipped the tip down into her cleft, meekly. The hitherto unknown sensation of soft girl-bumcheeks on either side of it all but made me swoon.

It proved too difficult to do any more though.

I just couldn't. I didn't have it in me. At length, sniffling, I threw myself to sit down on her bed again.

"Aw," she said kindly, sitting up. "Don't cry. You shouldn't have tried to start with that."

She held my hand. "Not even sure if I'm up to it," I choked.

"Probably most boys aren't on their first time," she comforted me. "Why don't I just pop you off instead? That'll be more like something you already know."

She was right, of course, though the blushes from that excruciating bumbled attempt at a first time lasted just about forever!


About the Creator

Doc Sherwood

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    Doc SherwoodWritten by Doc Sherwood

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