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Indebted to you

Chapter 5 and 6

By Habby GracPublished 3 years ago 13 min read
Indebted to you
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash


Waking up to Lilly laying in the bed sighing marrying her was one thing.

But to use her as a personal fuck toy was another thing I never did about.

I married her to keep him from claiming her and yet she wants him.

She wants him so bad, but so do I.

She needs to understand he is Mine!

Staring at her naked body, freshly washed the peach shampoo and cherry blossom body wash.

Making my way to the shower...

I had a full stock knowing she was too sore, so I rubbed it off on the shower wall, biting the towel as I came hard as shit too. Just as I turned off the water the door flew opened Lilly rushing to the can.

"UGH Gross, drink too much" I covered myself, she sat there puking, there was no way I was sticking around for that.

"Boss," spotting Harry at my office door,

"Something is up with Lilly, call the doc" I snapped, my own morning ruined by that.

Doing paperwork most of the morning until Lilly walked in with my tray, she was so pale and the dark circles under her eyes, I shouldn't care, but she looked like death walking.

"Go back to bed," I snapped, she nervously nod then turned to leave at the same time Harry and the doc walked in, they stopped her.

"Ma'am please sit," the doc said

"ok, you have symptoms of a cold" I watched as her eyes filled with tears,

"umm..." she nervously looked at me and then at Harry

"I drank too much" she whimpered as if she was in trouble.

"What the fuck are you hiding?" I snapped throwing the tray to the floor, she rushed to clean it up.

I grabbed her arms; the doc placed his hand on my shoulder

"May I examine her alone Sir, five minutes" I glanced at Harry who was already at the door.

He stuck to his word only five minutes had passed, I didn't even let him get all the way out of the office. "What is going on?"

"It would seem that Mrs. Coal may have flu, but I need to run a blood test to know for sure," He explained.

"Is she pregnant?" I snapped, hearing Harry gasped for air, but the look on the doc's face said everything,

"I will need to do a blood test to confirm, but the symptoms are there." He said patting me on the shoulder as if he was congratulating me.

As he left Harry stood there frozen and pale...

"My wife is pregnant by my best friend" I whispered trying to grip it just a bit, Lilly let out a shaking breath, it was my fault I told him to do.

"Fuck!" I snapped punching Lilly knocking her to the ground,

"AHHH" she screamed as Harry tackle me to the ground, out of nowhere men circled us, I looked over seeing Lilly's face covered in blood Blu and Zander were walking her away.

"Okay man, there was no reason for that. You order me, even condoms isn't 99%, and didn't you hear the doc he needs to test her first." Harry said looking over his shoulder notice Lilly in a state of utter shock and fear, he walked out the room.

I sat at my desk pissed off so bad I couldn't concrete to save my life, Doc said the test would be ready in three hours, but we already knew the answers.

The car ride to the doctor office was quiet and awkward, Harry sat on the opposite side of Lilly in the car, I watched as picked her fingers whimpering.

Blu bandaged her nose good; both her eyes were starting to turn colors.

I watched closely as the nurse talked to her.

"On the scale, do you have any questions?"

Lilly quietly says "No."

A lady walks into the room and introduces herself.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Archer. So, based on the sample and your last menstrual cycle, You're about 19weeks pregnant."

"I noticed Lilly is still in a bit of shock that is to be expected, give her a couple of weeks to let it sink in. Spotting is also expected in the first trimester. If you soak more than two pads in one hour or have unbearable pain come see me immediately, here are prenatal vitamins take two a day and drink plenty of water. Walk around and exercise. I want to see you again in four weeks for an ultrasound and blood work."

Between leaving the Dr. and arriving home, Lilly stared at the ground in a dazed.

"Lilly, HEY LILLY were home," I shout getting her the fuck out of the car.

"Okay spill it, let it out I don't even care how bad it is just let it out." I knew she was shocked, and I really didn't care, but I was at the end of my ropes.

Lilly walked straight into her room and closed the door that was my last straw jerking the door open.

"You FUCKING ASSHOLE," Lilly shouts as she threw a vase at me barely able to dodge

"Fuck, women you almost took my head off." I snapped, was she fucking waiting for me.

"You forced me to stay here against my will, you had me raped, I'm so terrified, I'm scared you're going to kill me at any second what's going to happen when this baby is born, you just going to put me in fifty-five-gallon drum and roll me off the pier. How am I going to raise a child in your world?" Lilly screamed

"Finally, something I can work with, you enjoyed every minute of Harry pumping you, thinking I didn't watch. Plus, bitch you're not keeping that baby, I set up an appointment for you to get rid of it and get your tubes tied I don't want kids by a slut." I snapped, standing my ground I own her and what I say goes.

"You disgusting pig." Lilly snapped before I could react, she throw a lamp at me, bashing my head in, blackness was what I saw next.

Harry walks in the room checking laughingly, "Damn man, she threw a vase and a lamp at you."

Grunted as I sat up, more than pissed off now. "Thanks for reminding me."

He sat on the side of the bed, sighing

"Jax, you're my best friend and I rarely ask for anything, but please don't make her kill the kid there's a chance that is yours too, you know I love you, but this is cross the line." I could see the sincerity in his voice, he really wanted her to keep this baby.

It just wasn't right, I'm a leader and I have rules, how would it look when word gets out my wife is impregnated by my right hand (my best friend).

Damn it.

"Fuck you, Harry." I snapped jumping out of the bed, making my way back to my room, finding it empty.

"Blu, Zander Where is she?" I growled they were going to protect that whore,

"Sorry boss, but we stationed her somewhere else," Blu said handing me the dismissal letter, a coup to push me out of the gang my father started, turning to see Harry leaning on the doorway with his arms crossed, that's why his child.

"I'm Sorry friend," he said.

~Chapter Six~


I watched Jax fall to the floor, blood covered his face. I screamed as I dropped to my knees now, I know he's going to kill me there was no way out of it.

"What did you do?" Blu snapped walking into the room,

"Medic" he yells outside the room,

Three guys run-in with a stretcher taking him away,

"He's going to make me kill my baby" I hiccupped gasping for air before I knew it, I was asleep.

Waking up to a pounding headache and the worst case of sand in the mouth.

"Hey, easily don't sit up to fast," Zander said as he helped me up, noticing I was move looking around I was in a car,

"Where are we?" I couldn't make out any details, just Zander was on one side of me and Blu and Harry were in the front seat.

"Don't worry Lil, this is Lieutenant Harry Judas calling in code 1616, repeat 1616" my eyes like to jump out of the socket, tears welling up harder now than before, they're cops, but they kidnapped me, he raped me, I'm pregnant by him.

Air in my lung became thin to the point I began sweat and gasping, my chest felt so tight, why?

"Whoa, easy Lilly, you're safe now just breathe," Zander said rubbing my back.

"Why did?" I try to form words Zander pushed a side of neck making me go to sleep again.

Waking up again to shouting and arguing, I laid there with my eyes closed listening.

"You stupid idiot, that girl's life is ruined now"

"You don't think I don't know that mistakes happen, fuck what do we do now,"

"Put her in the program with a nice chunk of your ass for grieves, I should fire your ass for this, 8 years on this guy and this happens."

"He ordered me,"

"There are condoms jackass" I snickered a bit at that, whoever Harry is talking to really is pissed off.

"Do you know if she will abort the pregnancy?" the guy asked, I shot up way too fast got dizzy.

"No" I snapped as the room became clear, Zander and Blu were sitting beside me, Harry was standing with an older guy in a grey suit.

"Lilly please, you can marry a nice guy and more kids, this was a mistake just get rid of it." Harry was pleading with me, but his eyes told me something else.

"Fuck you," I said before I slapped him across the face.

The old guy laughed!

"Zander you get started, we had at least four hours before Jax is awake and I want all of you back there, I'll escort Miss. James to the airport." I'm not sure why but I looked down to the wedding band pulling it off, was the paper I signed real? Am I married or not?

"Boss, let me take her"

"No, the baby is no longer your responsibility, your negligence almost cost us this case. I will set up payments for support for the child, seeing that Miss. James seems healthy we will keep tabs for you, yearly yes?" he gestured to me, I stood there nodding.

"We should let them say goodbye, Sir," Zander spoke up nudging me, damn hormones had me ready to cry.

Harry walked over to me, I just shook my NO, this can't be happening, this child will never see its father, I will never see him again.

"Here's a picture of me, I know you hate me and I'm sorry for what I did to you, my job is the play the part as Harry Mars and sometimes I forget who I really am."

"If it's a boy name him Jazper"

"What about a girl?" I was full-blown crying; he had dropped a few tears.

"Your choice," he pulled me and kissed me sweetly, the trembling of his lips made it all so real.

This was goodbye!

The man I never really got to meet was walking out of my life forever, I hold a piece of him now.

"Miss. James, I'm Sargent Tipp on behave of the Maryland police force we extend our deepest sympathy to you and your family, I'm having an account in your alliance drawn up now, you are being placed in Sicily Italy and in your account every month you will be awarded $5,000.00 for child support and grieve pay." He said as we walking to the plane, I was too numb to think.

Taking the folder looking past him seeing Harry, Blu, and Zander standing there, they kept me alive, we laughed and fought, Harry took my innocence and Jax forced me to his bride, but I never forget how much I love Harry.

"Fuck you" I snapped boarding the plane watching out the window as it took off.

Flipping through the folder I spot a card.

'Lilly, you're going to be a great mom, stay strong and remember I can find you if I need too, all smiles Harry,

P. S. the baby will have red hair!'

I laughed at that as if I didn't know this baby was going to look like him. On the back of the card was a phone number that said text only. Tucking the card in my pocket, feeling free for the first time in a while.



Laying on the bed of this shitty motel sighing as I rolled over the side heading to the shower.

I've been here for a little over a month, Harry and Zander are necks to neck with Jaxon's bullshit.

When we took this job is was supposed to easy, quick uncover pick up one week, turned into one-year then-boss kept pushing us to dig deeper into the operation.

We would sneak people out or I run off for a while to clear my head Zander maybe my husband, but sometimes I question our roles in this.

Harry broke judicial laws and big ones by getting Lilly pregnant, but not really much we can do about it, he had to follow his role.

I'm not entirely sure when I'm going back either, Zander or I haven't exactly been seeing eye to eye lately either.

Walking back into the room, looking at Lilly, we had to start moving again, grabbing my bag packing up everything from the last two days.

Watching Lilly move around again, her rounding belly was making it hard for her to get comfortable, little thing needing some much space.

Grunts snap me to Lilly's direction; she was having a wet dream for sure.

"Mhmm" moans and her hands roamed her body feverishly shit I face palm myself sex has been obsolete in my world.

"Mhmm" her hormones had even me on edge, this baby is definitely Harry's, a sex-addicted and by the looks of it so is his son.

Descending onto the chair next to her bed gawking at her grope her tits pinch between her rings, I cussed Zander out for three hours for doing that to her.

This show was beginning to make me extremely uncomfortable, I reached over giving her a little help never hurt anyone, and if she wakes up, I'll stop.

She wasn't naked, but the clothes she did have on left little to the imagination as well just a tank top and boy shorts.

Guessing because she thinks I'm gay she doesn't have to worry much.

My cock twitch as I pinched her nipple between my fingers.

"Mhmm More," she moaned out as my eyes followed her hands, licking my lips this was bad.

I found my hand over top hers rubbing circles on her clit outside the short.

"Please" I barely made out the word

Fucking hell this is a bad idea

Sliding her short aside,

"Blu, Wh... What are ..." she gasped sitting up on her elbows as my finger evaded her Neverland.

"Close your eyes, pretend I'm the one in your dream" I instructed while pumping her walls,

a nice gentle squeeze had her laying back with her eyes closed no doubt Harry's the person.

Damn red-haired fucker, I needed to get my head together this was to help her, not me.

"Please, I need it" she begged while undoing my belt,

"Lilly" I stopped her, her teary eyes locked on mine, she really wanted a real release, not what she was forced to do.

I moved my hands locking them behind my head letting her take control, it didn't take much I was already hard from groping and now staring at her naked body of display.


She licked her lips while sinking down, I've spent so many years getting fucked, I've only fucked three girls in my life.

Damn I miss it her walls convulsing from the instant orgasm it gave hissing when she begins bouncing

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" she hissed with every thrust one thing I had both Jaxon and Harry didn't I was wider by a mile.

My hands found her ass after a good minute, she didn't like being on top I could tell leaning her into my shoulder as I stood up taking control, she warmly gave me.

"You good" I whispered before I continue making sure she still wanted it.

"Take over, give me what I need Blu," she said biting her lip, looking her in the eyes sliding in and out slowly at first getting her properly wet.

"Take it baby" I sneered she's so tight pumping deep and hard, speeding up until you could hear the clapping sound my balls against her ass made.

She dug her hands into the blanket, watching her tits bounce with every thrust.

My balls were swelling, so close... She whimpered her walls squeezed me letting me know she was close; this was it I pulled all the back with one last thrust.

"Blu Oh Fuck" she screamed, as we both exploded


"You're married and GAY" she stuttered it was true, but why did she until now to say something.

I'm not really sure what the hell came over me.

"Just forget about it, let's go" Lilly snapped grabbing her bag walking into the bathroom.

Silence filled the room, heading to the car I tried to speak to her, but she ignored me and stayed quiet.

"What the fuck happened Lilly?" words spilled out like a damn busting.

"Nothing happened, that's it, where is this woman..."

It was going to be a short ride, but now it seemed miles long.

Pulling into the parking lot of a cheap diner.

Taking one last breath before I make the deal of a lifetime...

Time to meet my father Zeder Lopez-Ruiz head of the Mexican Cartel.


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    Habby GracWritten by Habby Grac

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