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How to Maintain a Satisfying Sex Life?

Keeping your sexual relationship on..

By George SwaggerPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

We all love sex and having a healthy sex life provides so many benefits. Sex is a great way to unwind, to bond with our partner, to exercise, and most importantly, to have a lot of fun! But as we get older, as our lives, jobs, parenting responsibilities get busier, it can be difficult to have as much quality sex as we used to. To help all the people out there who have lost their mojo, this article is a guide on how to maintain a satisfying sex life.

1. Make Sex a Priority

When we are young, sex is often one of the most important things in our lives, and we spend a disproportionate amount of time thinking about it, seeking it, and having it. As we get older, however, the demands of modern life mean that there are so many other things that need our attention. Particularly if you are with a long-term partner, making sex a priority is vital in order to maintain a satisfying sex life. Make time to have sex regularly, and clear your mind of everything else during this time. Take your partner out somewhere romantic and seduce them like you did when you first met. Do not discuss mortgage payments, the kids’ school, or any of the mundane things that make up your normal life. Sex is so important for keeping a healthy relationship, so take the opportunity to connect to your partner and enjoy each other.

2. Take Care of Yourself Physically

There are many sexual problems that can occur due to physical causes, particularly for men. If you have an unhealthy lifestyle, drink too much, or take drugs it can lead to erectile dysfunction. There are also many underlying emotional and mental factors that can cause your sexual performance to dip, such as anxiety and low self-esteem. As well as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation is a problem for around one in three men and this can put a big burden on a man’s confidence and his relationships. There are various factors that can cause premature ejaculation and this blog post explains the role of an over sensitive penis that can make a man climax faster. There are some really effective solutions to premature ejaculation such as kegel exercises, edging techniques, and special sprays that desensitize the penis. Premature ejaculation can be very frustrating for both the man and his partner, so taking the right steps to look after yourself physically is very important.

3. Alternate Who is in Control

Typically speaking, men tend to take the lead in bed, but often the key to satisfying sex life is diverse. People become accustomed to their roles so it can really spice things up to let your partner take the lead if it is usually you. This allows them greater control and will give them the confidence to try something out that they have never tried before. Of course, generally speaking, some people prefer to lead and others to be led during sex, but it can be really fun to switch roles and can also teach us a lot about what our partner enjoys. You may find that when your partner is in control, they ask you to do something that you didn’t even know they were into because you are the one who usually orchestrates during sex.

4. Power of Touch

One really important factor which will improve your connection with your partner and ultimately lead to more satisfying sex life is touching. What many men don’t understand is that touching can be incredible in and of itself and doesn’t always have to lead to sex. It is so important to be intimate with your partner by touching and kissing them with love and affection on a daily basis. This will help to build trust and intimacy between you. When two people trust each other in bed, they are far more likely to perform confidently and to tell the other person exactly what they enjoy.

5. Relax

Staying relaxed is key to great sex as when we are relaxed, we immerse ourselves more at the moment and feel the sensations more acutely. Men often get over-excited during intercourse, but women are more likely to get in the mood through relaxation as per woman's psychology she needs to be relaxed before she is ready. Give your partner a massage, play with her hair, and speak softly to her to get her relaxed and aroused.

Maintaining a satisfying sex life is so important for our health, happiness, and relationships. Sex should never be an afterthought or something to get out of the way quickly before doing something important. Make regular time in your life for sex and treat it with the respect it deserves. Follow some of the tips in this guide and you will see your sex life elevated to a new level.


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