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How To Detox Your Body From Birth Control?

Who Prescribes Birth Control?

By Mustafa RangoonwalaPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Women can choose to discontinue the use of contraception when planning conception. Detoxification helps the body release synthetic hormones and restore itself to the way it was before birth control. While it can take up to three months to cleanse your body for birth control, it is possible to conceive as soon as you go off the pill. Therefore, if you are detoxifying your body for health reasons only, consider using an alternative method of contraception.

How To Detox Your Body From Birth Control?

Step 1

  • Drink eight glasses of 64 ounces (1.89 liters) of water a day. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or 8 ounces (0.23 liters) to each cup.

Step 2

  • Blend 1 cup of blueberries, half a beet, two celery stalks, 1/2 cup of raw cabbage, and two carrots. Drink it every morning.

Step 3

  • Sit in a sauna or steam room for 20 minutes. Let the body sweat and shower immediately to avoid reabsorption of toxins.

Step 4

  • Take a detox bath. Mix 1 cup of Epsom salts, 1/2 cup of baking soda, and 1 cup of ginger juice in a hot tub. Sit for 20 to 25 minutes. The body will induce perspiration. Get out of the bathtub and dry off. Wrap yourself in a large towel or long robe. The body will continue to perspire for the next 30 minutes to an hour.

Step 5

  • Take a brisk 20-minute walk outside every day. Take a deep breath and exhale to allow the body to release toxins. Exercise will restore the body to a normal hormonal balance.

Who Prescribes Birth Control?

Registered Local Practitioner can prescribe birth control pills according to your need. Visiting the doctor is an important part of staying healthy. Doctors can also answer any questions you have about puberty, your body, and sex.

Doctors and nurses are often very good at asking the right questions to help you stay healthy. However, no matter what questions they ask, always tell them if you:

  1. You have had vaginal, oral, or anal sex.
  2. Have had unprotected sex (sex without a condom or dental dam)
  3. You think you have an STD
  4. You feel pain, itching, or discomfort in your genitals (penis, testicles, vagina, vulva, or anus).
  5. You have very bad menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual syndrome), or other problems with your period.
  6. You notice lumps in the testicles
  7. You feel a lump in your breasts or vulva
  8. You think you are pregnant
  9. You don't feel safe in a relationship or at home.

Checkups are a good time to ask questions about puberty, your period, your body and genitals, sex, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, dating, anything that makes you curious or worried. Doctors and nurses are experts in the body and have seen it all. There are no stupid questions because they are not there to judge you, so ask them with confidence! If your doctor or nurse tells you something you don't understand, ask them to explain it to you.

How Long Does It Take To Detox Your Body From Birth Control?

How long should I take the contraceptive cleanser? Take at least 2-3 cycles for optimal benefits. Especially if you stop taking hormonal contraceptives after a long period of time.

What Are Low Dose Birth Control Pills?

The number of unwanted pregnancies has multiplied in young people between the ages of 18 and 24, better known as “millennials” according to OECD data. Habits, such as casual sexual encounters, increased number of sexual partners, open relationships, and omission or misuse of contraceptive methods are rampant behavior.

In 2012 alone there were more than 85 million unplanned pregnancies, that is, 40% of all pregnancies worldwide, according to various studies on family planning, this as a result of errors in use or forgetfulness by users in taking methods such as the pill, said Betsy Reuss, a clinical sexologist for the Mexican Institute of Sexology.

To reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies, a “friendly relationship” between millennials and contraceptives must be promoted. And it is that according to international surveys on contraceptive methods carried out on more than 12 thousand young women, the ideal contraceptive must be highly effective, not taken daily, and have a low hormonal dose.

To respond to the contraceptive needs of millennial women, Bayer de México presented Kyleena, its new Intrauterine System (IUS), releasing the hormone levonorgestrel in low dose, which offers protection for up to 5 years, with contraceptive efficacy greater than 99 %, comparable to female sterilization, and without the need for a daily contraceptive routine.

Dr. Kristina Gemzell, Head of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Department of Women's and Children's Health at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, explained that this small, flexible IUS is made up of a T-shaped cylinder with hormone, which, once placed inside the uterus, locally releases a low dose of levonorgestrel, thickening the mucus of the cervix and preventing the passage of sperm through the cervical canal.

This new IUS is recommended even in women who have not had children and offers advantages such as a lower dose of local release hormones that also does not contain estrogens. This contraceptive offers comfort and easy application, as well as long-term contraceptive protection with a rapid return to fertility upon withdrawal, the specialist added.

For her part, Dr. Josefina Lira Plascencia, president of the Mexican College of Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialists (COMEGO), highlighted that various gynecological and obstetric associations around the world advise the use of Long-acting Reversible Contraceptives, also known as ARAP, such as this intrauterine system in young and very young women since due to their high rate of effectiveness and continuity, they adapt to the needs of this population group. The World Health Organization emphasizes that these methods can be used in young women who have not yet had children.

And in Mexico, the National Strategy for the Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy (ENAPEA) considers access to ARAP methods as an important alternative to help young women plan their reproductive lives, highlighting that they are among the first-line options. for women who are about to start or have started the sexual activity.

With the aim of identifying their contraception needs in women from the perception of doctors, Dr. Erika Torres, gynecologist and medical manager of Innovative Women's Health at Bayer, presented the results of the Mexico chapter of the global survey “Think About Needs in Contraception” (TANCO), which was carried out in 8 thousand women and 879 doctors (gynecologists and obstetricians) from 14 countries, and where it stands out that more than 50% of women have used emergency contraception in the past, and even 30% consumed it two or more times due to problems of compliance with the regular contraceptive pill.

The survey revealed that 82% of women would consider the use of a long-lasting reversible method - such as the IUS - as an option if they received information on these methods from their doctor, the specialist reported.

Dr. Josefina Lira, president of COMEGO, mentioned that contraceptive choice is an important decision for the lives of all women, and it is here where medical counseling plays a fundamental role in promoting effective conversations between doctors and users, to identify the best option according to your needs, daily activities, future plans, and very important, the desire or not to get pregnant in the short or long term.

This new low dose Levonorgestrel hormone-releasing Intrauterine System for young women has the approval of the health authorities in Mexico, as well as approvals granted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the European Union, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States and in some Latin American countries.

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Mustafa Rangoonwala

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My Name is Mustafa Rangoonwala, I am an Holistic Practitioner since last 7+ Years. I am a Graphologist, NLPMP, Reiki Master Practitioner, Ganotherapist and Vastu Consultant.

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