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Betray - Part 4.


By Chelsealeighstories Published 4 years ago 8 min read

This story was originally published on Wattpad.


Just as I go to open the door, a stampede of people come storming into the house almost pushing me to the ground.

I instinctively back away giving them a clear path to get through, the last thing I need is to be wounded and end being rushed to hospital in an ambulance, or just driven there by Aspen.

Regardless, I only really had two options here.

1. Get the hell out of their way fast and avoid imminent death, or most likely just a few cuts and bruises if I'm less dramatic about the situation.

Or, the second option, the least preferable one if you ask me;

2. Throw myself in their path falling beneath them to be trampled to death by stiletto wearing girls in bikinis and a few guys stomping after them.

I think the obvious choice is clear.

I wait, hovering near a table full of empty beer cans and bottles. I study them instead of making eye contact with any of the angry people walking by in front of me.

A cough behind me breaks my focus, and I glance over my shoulder, instantly regretting that decision when I see who is behind me.


Of-fucking-course, it's Ryan.

"What do you want?" I huff out in irritation without turning to face him, and I refuse to let him see the anger he creates in me.

I don't even know when I started to hate Ryan.

He never used to make my blood boil like this, until recently, well by recently I mean in the last few months of our senior year.

"Where's your friend?" he asks.


Is he serious! The uninterested tone to his voice makes what he said a thousand times more infuriating.

"My friend has a name, try using it." I retorted, crossing my arms controlling my hands, so I don't smack the guy right in his smug face.

He rolls his dull, annoying, blue eyes.

I've annoyed him without even trying, that must be a new record for me.

"Okay then, where is Aspen?" he asks, drawing out her name sarcastically.

This piece of shit is about to get smacked if he doesn't walk away from me.

I don't understand what Aspen see's in him. I don't even think she likes him, just the idea of him.

Ryan is hot, I won't deny that, but no amount of good looks can cover up his shit personality and annoying voice.

He has the boyish charm and short perfectly styled ashy blonde hair that Aspen always falls for and the perfect straight white smile you only see in magazines, but Ryan doesn't have good intentions for her, and we all know it.

Hell, she even knows it.

Aspen has openly admitted time and time again that she just wants to hump and dump him, but I don't believe that for a second.

Aspen is a good girl. She isn't the type to do one-night stands, she's the relationship type, and I don't think sleeping with Ryan Chase is going to change that.

Also, you should never trust a guy who has a first name for a last name.

She will end up wanting more from him than just sex, and of course, he won't return to feelings.

He was the biggest whore at school dating almost every girl in our grade besides a few, one of those few being me.

His attitude towards women seems to have become worse since we graduated. I get it he's young and hot, but why bother with the flirting and wooing if you aren't going to follow through and date them in the end?

Unfortunately, you can only warn your friends off so many times without them listening before you must give up and promise to be there when the shit hits the fan, because it will.

"I thought she was with you, so I can't help you," I say, turning my back to him again.

I can't stand to look at his face any longer than I need to.

A hard hand lands on my shoulder, my whole body stiffens.

He leans in closer, and I can feel the heat radiating from his body.

The sensation of his warm breath on my neck sending shivers over my body, and not the good kind.

"If you see her, tell her I'm looking for her," he whispers into my ear, he pulls back quickly, releasing my shoulder from his grip.

Then the realization hit me, didn't she run off to him earlier in hopes of a midnight kiss?

Before I can pull away and question Ryan about this, I hear a very familiar voice coming towards us.


I look around to see where her voice was coming from, then she appears in front of me out of nowhere, her warm smile cooling my anger from what just happened with Ryan.

"Hey," I whisper, giving her my best fake smile that I can muster, she says nothing back, just smiles sweetly.

Before I have the chance to reach out and grab onto her, begging her not to hump and dump that idiot, she's already reaching out to clutch Ryan's hand from behind me where he still stands.

I watch them walk off together, no words exchanged between Aspen and I, and I feel like shit for not trying harder to stop her. I know she wouldn't listen to me regardless.

She may be sober right now, but she's proudly wearing cock googles tonight, all she cares about is the end goal of fucking Ryan Chase.

When Aspen is on the prowl and knows what she wants, there's no stopping her.

Who am I to stand in the way of an orgasm?

The thought of Ryan that way makes me want to vomit.

Aspen is a big girl, old enough to make her own decisions, but that doesn't stop the feelings of guilt building up in me.

She can do so much better than that douche lord.

I look around the room again to see the angry people from earlier are all gone, the coast is clear; I open the door and step out into the cold night air.

The feeling of the light breeze washing over and through me, instantly calming me and taking me to a safe, happy place.

I walk over to a bench I see in a corner and decide that is going to be my escape for the night.

I study my phone to check for any Happy New Year messages, but as usual, there's nothing except one from my Aunt, the only person I can always rely on in my family.

Nothing from my parents or any of my old friends. Not that I expected anything different.

Sitting down on the bench, at first touch it's cold, and I spring up slightly with the temperature shock.

Thank you, Lexi, for granting me jeans to wear; otherwise, my ass would be stuck frozen to the bench right now, that's not something I want.

Setting my phone back in my pocket, I decided to stare up at the night sky, the best distraction I can find right now.

Closing my eyes, I breathe in and out, deep calming breaths, now this is what I call a good start to a new year

The sound of muffled music coming from the house, shut away behind closed doors is oddly soothing. Mixed in with the backdrop of crickets chirping in the grass, this is the moment I needed tonight, to reset the clock on the year and start this one-off right.

My attention lost in the beautiful night sky for, I don't even know how long, I almost miss the sound of someone stepping out onto the deck.

The only hint that gave away someone was coming outside was the blaring music pouring out of the house drowning out the crickets chirping as the door opens, then gone again as the door closes.

A few minutes go by, and I don't take my attention away from the sky, my eyes still closed, enjoying how quiet it is outside.

I assume whoever came outside was now gone.


I freeze, sitting upright breathing in and out rapidly, gasping for air, my eyes shooting open in shock, pulling me out of my calm, safe place and back to reality.

The voice rumbled across the once peaceful sky, powerful enough causing a chill to shoot through my body.

I look over in the direction of the voice and spot a guy standing there at the edge of the deck.

I watch him, eyes wide, heart hammering, praying he doesn't notice me sitting over here.

His arms are outstretched gripping the railing of the deck so hard I can't help but notice the muscles in his arms tensing with force.

His head is hanging low between his arms, and I can hear the soft words he is mumbling to himself.

"Fuck this night, fuck them, and fuck New Year's."

I continue watching him, not daring to move, watching his back rise and fall with every breath.

He goes completely quiet, his body stills.

I quietly sigh in relief.

He doesn't seem so dangerous anymore.

His shoulders tighten, and immediately, I know he heard me.


He slowly lifts his head and turns to face me, just enough for his eyes to find me sitting in the dark corner.

He is looking right at me now, our stares locked on each other.

My eyes widen in surprise, his eyes narrow and grow rigid, cold, hard.

Here I thought he wasn't so scary or dangerous once he began to calm down.

I take it back.

I need to go back inside right fucking now.


About the Creator


I'm a writer from Episode and Wattpad with over 20 million reads online. Maybe one day I'll be given the opportunity to publish one of my stories physically, that is the dream!

Thank you for all your support!

IG - @chelsealeighstories

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