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Alice, "Yes Daddy."

Part 1

By Jean BrightPublished 4 years ago 10 min read
Alice, "Yes Daddy."
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

Finishing up packing the last of my things for college was both exciting and sad. While I was thrilled to be starting a new chapter in my life I was going to miss the familiarity and comfort of home. Truth be told I was going to miss my step dad Patrick the most. He had come into my life when I was about thirteen. I never knew exactly what he did for a living, but I knew that he was able to set his own hours, including working from home a lot, and that he was able to make enough for us to live a lot more comfortably than my mom and I did before he came into our lives.

Sadly though, within a year of him and my mom getting married, she decided that she had a higher calling in life and left. Leaving poor Patrick with a fourteen year old girl, a mortgage, and alimony payments.

We always managed though. And we were happy. Never knowing my real dad I became comfortable enough that it was easy to just call him dad, especially after my mom left us.

And on that memory, I tape up my last box I am taking with me to college and head downstairs to see what we are doing for dinner. I find Patrick in the kitchen (as I expected) pulling out some steaks, and fresh vegetables from the fridge.

"Grilling outside?" He nods and takes the food to the patio. When he opens the door I can smell the smoke from the grill, and my mouth begins to water. He leans back inside and asks me to grab the spices. I take them out to the grill and comment about how much I love his cooking and will miss it. I could swear I see a tear threatening to escape the corner of his eye. He ducks his head a little.

"There is a going away present in the living room for you. Don't open it though until after dinner is done. Okay?"

I am surprised, he often got me gifts but never before had he ever put a restriction on when I could open it. Needless to say I was a fast eater once the food was done, and helped clean up just as fast. Once we were done he said he was going to work a little in his office.

I knew that I had permission to finally open the gift.

Walking into the living room, I saw the box right away. It was huge! With a giant pink and blue bow on top and a card that simply read "For Daddy's Girl" on it.

On top of everything there was a card that was kind of typical for a congratulations you are graduated and going to college theme. Underneath it though was a black box that looked heavy. On the lid was engraved my name in blue metallic letters and underneath it the words "TOY BOX" in the same blue metallic lettering. Toy box? I thought to myself. What on earth?

I fumbled around inside the wrappings and found a small satin bag about the perfect size for a necklace, and inside was a key. It fit perfectly inside the lock. I was not prepared for what I saw inside.

Once all the packaging was ripped off of it, the box proved to be more of a traveling wardrobe style case. This one was fitted out with all sorts of compartments though for sex toys. Patrick had given me a portable sex toy tool box. I was shocked. I had no idea what half of these things were even for, and was almost embarrassed by the ones I did know a little bit about. Everything was brand new though, with custom made drawers for things like batteries and cleaning tools for the toys. In a larger compartment that extended outwards when the case was fully opened was a selection of clothing and lingerie. I noticed that everything was in my size perfectly.

I was investigating the gift so intently that I didn't hear Patrick come into the room. "Do you like it?", he asks in a quite but husky sounding voice.

I had no idea how long he had been there. But I could tell when I turned around that he approved my investigation of his gift. He eyes were warm and as my own eyes began to look at him in a different light they traveled self-consciously down his body to linger on his crotch, where I am embarrassed to say I could see a impressive bulge begin to form.

My mouth suddenly went dry. My own crotch began to get moist. What was wrong with me. He was my step-dad for crying out loud! I had never looked at him this way before. And until this moment would have sworn he had never looked at me like this either.

"I thought it was time to let you know what I do for a living. I manufacture pleasure. In layman terms, I sell sex toys. Big market. I know that you are going off to college and there all kinds of things that go on on campuses. I wanted you to be prepared and safe. So had this custom made just for you."

I wasn't sure how to react. It was just such a random gift. And not something I ever expected from him. Not knowing what else to do, I walked to him and gave him what started out as a "thank you" hug. He held on though a little longer than normal. And a lot tighter than normal too. I could feel the bulge in his pants getting bigger. Which made my pants wetter. And both made my head spin even more with mixed feelings.

Not knowing when I did it or why I found myself pressing closer to the bulge. Heat was pouring out from Patrick at this point. He leaned his mouth to my ear and whispered, "I have one more going away gift for you. It is a free lesson in how to use some of these toys. But to do so, I am going to need to undress you. You okay with this?" Not moving, he waited patiently for my answer. I couldn't speak. So I nodded my head up and down. "That won't do Alice. I need to hear you say "Yes Daddy." Okay?"

I tried to moisten my mouth enough to say anything at all. And in fact "yes daddy" is what escaped my lips in a whisper.

It was enough.

He started with my t-shirt, pulling it up over my head. The hunger in his eyes intensified when he saw my eighteen year old c-cup breasts nestled in the while lace bra I was wearing. The lace sheer enough to leave nothing to the imagination regarding what my nipples looked like. Large areola's, the color of pink strawberry taffy. The nipples instantly beginning to pebble into large peaks through the lace as the air from the room reached them through the fabric. My newly exposed skin prickled with goose flesh as the slight warmth that had been provided by the shirt against the air conditioning in the house was lost, combined with nervous anticipation and curiosity.

He ran his hands up and down my arms a couple of times. Whether to help warm and comfort me or to just touch exposed skin I didn't know. Perhaps both. He then eased his fingers into the front waist band of my jeans. Slowly undoing the many buttons down the front. Then opening the front fully and stepping back to admire what he had just unwrapped.

"Matching underclothing. You are off to a good start Alice. Good girl." He stepped closer again and slipping his fingers and hands into the waist band again of my pants he pushes them down till gravity takes over and they puddle around my ankles.

He swiftly picks me up and carries me baby style in his arms pants and all to the couch. Here he lays me down and begins removing my shoes followed by my socks and my pants.

He pauses for a moment, as though not quite sure how to best play with his new toy.

I could see it the moment he made up his mind. I dared not breathe, still unsure if this was a dream come true or a horrible nightmare that hadn't shown its ugly side yet.

"Open your legs Alice." Frozen I continue to lay there. Legs closed. Not sure if I heard him correctly or not. He patiently repeats the command. "Alice, open your legs. I won't hurt you. I only want to see your pretty panties. For now."

Slowly I begin to spread my legs. Allowing the man I had called father my entire teen years, to see exactly how wet all this new experience was making me. I knew that he would be able to see my wet semi-waxed pussy through the soaked white lace. Nothing would be hidden from his gaze once my legs were fully opened to his hungry eyes. I noticed a twitch where I knew his aroused cock was still being restrained beneath the fabric of his pants.

"Good girl." was all he said while he continued to rake his eyes over my lace clad body.

"Now I want you to take off your panties and hand them to me." He reached out his hand patiently waiting for me to obey. "Slowly".

I stood up and began to slowly peel the tiny lace triangle of cloth down my hips and over my thighs until I had stepped out of them, bent over and picked them up and handed them to him. I stood there close to his body. Close to his contained erection. Not sure what he wanted me to do next. Something told me though not to move away unless instructed.

He leaned close to me, his lips so close I could feel his words. "Alice, take off your bra and hand it to me. Slowly." He didn't move away. Just waited. I slowly reached behind my back and unclasped my bra. The silk straps slithered down my arms. My breasts virtually hopped out of the lace cups when the tension that had been holding them in place was released. Perky, with very large harden nipples pointing straight at Patrick my breasts rose and fell. Patrick reached his hands to my breasts, gently squeezing them, hefting them in his hands as though testing their weight and firmness. He groaned deep in his throat as he pinched my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

"Alice I want you to sit on the edge of the couch. Feet flat and pointed forward."

I did as he said. He then stood in front of me, placed his hands at the button of his jeans. But before he undid the button he said, "Alice, I am going to undo my pants. I am going to take off my boxers. You are going to see my penis. Don't be afraid." And without any other warning, he slowly removed his garments. Leaving on his shirt. He had been barefoot to begin with so stepping out of the removed clothing was easily accomplished with a swift side step before returning to his original position. His cock now pointing right at my face. Nearly touching my nose.

"I want you to open your mouth for me Alice. Cover your teeth with your lips and keep your eyes on my face at all times. Keep your hands on the couch. You will know when to begin to move more on your own, but until you do just remain as still as possible. Okay?"

I nodded my head, and he gave me a look that told me he wanted a verbal response.

"Yes Daddy." I said. And then opened my mouth as he had instructed me.

I had never done this before. I had heard some of the girls in the locker room talk about it. Even seen a few magazines at the local gas station showing pictures of models doing it. But I never ever thought I would be taught how to do it by my step-father!

I had gone way past the point of being scared and worried about whether or not this was even legal to be doing. My brain and my body registered only one thing, how amazing and intense all this was!

Patrick started out by only inserting the tip of his cock into my open mouth and withdrawing it repeatedly. Slowly he began adding more of the length each time he inserted himself in. Until eventually I could feel his head nearly to the back of my throat. At this point he paused for a moment, my tongue grew impatient with his stillness. Beginning to stroke him tip to base in swirly motions. Gentle like a butterfly, but with the roughness of texture that only that body part could create.

Very suddenly my mouth was awash with sticky, salty, milky liquid. Gushing down the back of my throat! I didn't know what to do. Reflex took over in those moments and I swallowed every drop.

Patrick was breathing hard. A look of genuine concern on his face.

"Alice, are you okay? I couldn't stop it. I wasn't expecting you to do that yet with your tongue. I lost control. I am sorry baby."

Stunned, I sat there for a moment. Letting him hold my naked body in his warm strong arms. Slowly I turned to face him. My eyes shining with eagerness now I ask, "What else do you want to show me?"

"You sure?" he asked.

I look him straight in the eye and say, "Yes Daddy."


About the Creator

Jean Bright

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    JBWritten by Jean Bright

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