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Family Secret's Part 2

By Jean BrightPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

The hike up to the cabin and the lake was a pleasant one. The family had loaded up their back packs, locked up the car, and started out. Susan's father leading the way, Susan in the middle, and her mother bringing up the rear.

The trek started out quiet. Each family member enjoying the warmth of the sun as it caressed their skin through the speckles of shade offered by the overhanging leaves in the trees all around them. They could smell the flowers and grass as they walked. It was not too hot though which made the experience all the better.

They reached their first stop at the picnic site established thanks to several seasonal hikers over the years.

“Susan, why don't you use the cooking pot and go get some fresh water to boil while your mother and I get the cook fire started?”

“Okay Dad.” And after putting her gear down and grabbing the pot she left to walk behind the bend just ahead of the picnic area to get the water.

While there she took a few minutes to herself. Enjoying the contrasting sensations of the cool water on her hands as she filled the cooking pot versus the warmth of the sun warming the rest of her. Looking around there was no one else in sight. She knew it would take awhile before the fire would be hot enough to cook their afternoon meal so she could easily take some time for herself without worrying her parents.

Once the pot was filled she carefully set it down on a smooth rock that was handy. Then she removed her clothing and carefully waded out to where she could swim for a little while. Unfortunately she lost track of time.

“Susan!” she could hear her father call out. Quickly she responded with “Here Daddy! I'm here!” She could see him as he came into view. He quietly took note that the pot had been filled as requested, and then he also took in the fact that all of her clothing was folded neatly next to the pot. Casting his eyes out to the water he spotted Susan's head and naked shoulders.

“Are you okay Susan? Do you need help coming back in to dry off?” he asked with a small smile.

“No Daddy. I am coming now.”

Truth be told, she had been about to come to shore and dry off by sunning herself on the flat stones nearby. But now that her father was there, most likely she would just have to get dressed and let the sun dry her off the less comfortable way. Or at least that is what Susan was thinking was going to happen.

As she climbed out of the water, her nipples rock hard from her refreshing swim, her father grabbed her to him tight in a hug that knocked the wind out of her.

“I can see how cold you are sweetheart. Here let me help warm you up before you get dressed.” And with that he proceeded to rub his hands up and down first her arms, then her back, then her sides. All innocent enough. But the more contact he had with her body the more aroused Susan could feel him becoming. It wasn't long before her father's hands were stroking down pass her waist to the curve of her butt cheeks. Lingering there longer with each pass, soon to stay in that region of her body. Exploring her moistening depths.

After a short while his random and whisper like touches became much more urgent and pronounced.

“I want you to reach down between your legs Susan and part your pussy for me. I want to watch you do this for me understand?” he whispered into her ear.

Susan nodded her head against his damp shirt briefly before her father took half a step away so he could watch her obey his orders.

As she reached down between her parted legs and spread the lips of her pussy for her father so he could clearly see her clit and all of her sex, her father unzipped his pants and pulled out his very erect cock and slowly began stroking it.

“Good girl. Now I want you to finger your pussy until I say stop.”

Susan did as he wanted. She fingered herself to the point of nearly coming. Everything seemed intensified by the fact that she was watching her father masturbate at the same time.

Then just when it seemed they were about to both cum her father took the few steps that separated them and mounted Susan on his cock. Her legs wrapped around his hips, his arms wrapped around her young body, his hands ending up fiercely cupping her butt cheeks. Fingers buried deep into her flesh. They moved together as though they themselves were a single liquid wave of pure emotion and desire until finally he lowered her down off of his now spent cock. They used a little water to clean up and then got dressed before heading back to camp.

Right before rounding the bend to where Susan's mom would see them, her father took her aside and admonished her not to say a word to her mother.

Susan nodded that she would keep the secret.

Yet another one.

“There you two are.” Susan's mother said. “I was beginning to really worry. Do you have the water honey?”

“Yes mom. Here it is.” said Susan as she carefully set it down over the fire to boil.

“What kept you two?”

“Susan decided to go swimming and I waited until she was warmed up enough to get dressed and come back.” her father answered.

“Skinny dipping?” her mother asked.

“Yes mom. Don't worry. No one saw anything and Dad was a perfect gentleman while I sunbathed to dry off.”

“To bad we needed the camp watched over so much, a cool swim does sound like fun. Maybe I will have my turn at the next camp site.” Susan's mother said with a wink in Susan's direction.

Aside: To my readers. I would love your input on the direction that you would like to see my stories take. Please feel free to leave comments at the end of the story. I do check and would love to see feedback. Who knows, if you keep following as I post each new addition to the stories you may even see something that you mentioned in the comments.

For example: Do you think Susan should come clean to her parents about the secret she keeps being asked to keep? If so, when do you think she should have the big reveal? At the cabin maybe or even when they come home from their trip?


About the Creator

Jean Bright

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    JBWritten by Jean Bright

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