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4 Evidence to support That The First Two Years Of Marriage Are Important

There are numerous experiences you can share as a pair.

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 4 min read

People who are married are probably aware that a marriage can go through some very serious rough patches from time to time. And when these rough patches occur early in a marriage, it can be cause for concern. This is not something you can simply ignore in your relationship.

Every day, more research is conducted on the success of marriage and the likelihood of divorce. And the research shows that how a married couple weathers the storms of their first two years of marriage can reveal a lot about their relationship.

1. The first two years of a marriage are often decisive in determining its fate.

Dr. Ted Hudston of the University of Texas is a relationship expert who has provided substantial commentary on studies involving predictors of marital success and failure.

"This study found that newlywed marriages and changes in their union over the first two years foreshadow their long-term marital fate after thirteen years — disillusionment — as reflected in a decrease in love, a decrease in overt affection, a decrease in the conviction that one's spouse is responsive, and an increase in ambivalence — distinguishes couples headed for divorce from those who establish a stable marital bond."

The study's researchers also discovered that "differences between the happily married and unhappily married groups were obvious shortly after they tied the knot."

Hudston's research looked at 156 couples who married for the first time in 1981. And after 13 years, the researchers came to the following conclusions:

Only 68 of the 156 couples who took part in the study were still happily married after 13 years. 32 couples were dissatisfied yet stayed together. In addition, 56 couples had divorced.

The divorcing couples had already displayed indicators of disenchantment and a poor attitude on their marriage within the first two months of their marriage. When a newlywed couple experiences disenchantment during the first year of marriage, it is a major symptom of problems.

The couples who remained happily married had very positive feelings about their spouse early in the marriage.

2. The Honeymoon Crash Problem

It's totally natural to experience a brief period of depression following your wedding. It is something that many married couples experience. They're referred to as the honeymoon blues or the honeymoon crash.

A wedding is a significant event. You become engrossed in all of the preparations. You are both excited and nervous about the upcoming day. The anticipation creates all of this excitement within you. Finally, when the day arrives and everything is carried out, you experience a sense of loss.

However, while this type of moderate depression is typical, it is not something you should disregard. You must prepare for the honeymoon crash in order to be better prepared to move on.

You must be able to determine the marital stage of your relationship. According to Dr. Huston's advice, newlyweds should constantly do whatever it takes to keep the romance and passion in their relationship alive.

Of course, there will be other priorities with which a couple must contend. There are numerous main objectives that must be met within the first year of marriage.

Couples must discuss finances, chores, sexual intimacy, social responsibility, conflict resolution, time management, expectation fulfilment, and so much more. However, many couples avoid issues that have the potential to become passionate and angry.

And when this happens, the relationship suffers as a result. to do.

3. The following are some severe red flags in a young marriage:

A overall absence of romance, passion, and intimacy

The incapacity to enjoy fun together Selfishness and arrogance

A conscious attempt to avoid conflict

A failing to prioritise the relationship over other parts of life Financial mismanagement

Sexual unsatisfaction

Failure to become self-sufficient from one's parents

Problems with mental health

Abuse of substances

Emotional exploitation

Physical violence

4. How to Lay the Groundwork for a Strong Marriage

Yes, the first few years of marriage may be the most hardest. However, they have the potential to be remembered as the most enjoyable sections as well. They can be an excellent opportunity to deepen your intimacy and connection with one another. You still have a lot to learn about each other.

There are numerous experiences you can share as a pair. It is at the newlywed stage of a marriage that the two of you are truly capable of laying a solid basis for a long-lasting romance with your life spouse.

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About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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