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Vitraleous: Shattered

The World After Heroes

By Eric ColonPublished 2 years ago 17 min read
Vitraleous: Shattered
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

It had been 2 years since his father died, and every day was a new lesson and an old story. He learned the history of Vitraleous and the age of Unity and Magic, the one great age before the war of the 4 points. He learned of hunting beasts and tracking migrations. He learned to make the woods and surrounding maintains part of his everyday life. His favorite subjects, however, were always the arts, the way to use the refined mind's eye to reflect an image or expression. Whether it be paints on canvas or movement of the body; he found both beautiful in their own way. But his toughest and most rigorous training was that of combat, that which his mother excelled at and the older he became the more arduous the trainings became.

In his youth he hated this kind of training. He hated drawing swords against his mother, but he’s gotten better despite his mother seemingly not trying her hardest. Yet, as his teacher, he could not ask for a better mentor, her wealth of knowledge was incomprehensible to him. She knew so much and couldn’t help but feel inferior as he only has learned a fraction of anything worth knowing.

Her blade swung across my face, narrowly missing, but trimming a spot over my brow.

“You’re distracted again.”

“I’m just thinking of a clever way to beat you, without fighting.”

She raised her great sword, “Impossible young one.”

We both move instinctively. I block her next overhead blow with my left sword while letting loose my handle in my right hand. I thrust it forward and it finds perch in her thigh. [well, that was foolish of me] She kicks me square in the chest and I fly back 20 feet.

“You know that would kill a normal person.”

“Well, we both know that we are not normal.”

She strikes faster this time, so I have less time to react, she sweeps upwards to keep me off balance. I evade but she predicted and shifted the next strike. Without enough time, I reach out to guard, but her blade meets my arm. My hardened scales catch her sword and is scraped across my arm. The steel, not study enough, cracks as it is repelled.

Her distraction is my opening and I punch at her ribs. [It’s like punching a solid gold wall, but is it enough?] She gasps, then laughs. [maybe not yet].

“Good hit”, she smiles, “I think that is enough for today. You’ve done well and there is almost nothing else to teach you when it comes to blade-to-blade combat.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever be your equal though.”

“Let’s hope you don’t have to be.” She puts her hand up, pausing me and moves on the conversation, “we will focus on the skills you do have. The weapons I reforged for you seem to be working well. Not a session goes by where I am not struck anymore.”

“Only because you gave up your weapon mother.”

“This is what it means to be a parent, besides, I do not need it anymore.”

I flourish the dual bladed stave in appreciation. “I only wish you did not have to sacrifice so much for me.”

[I do admire these blades I was gifted. They are ornately decorated and are as versatile as I wish to be. I rejoin the 2 short swords by the center mechanism. Still a marvel to me.]

“Have you decided a name yet? She asked bluntly.

“Strangely, I have, I think,” – She happily places a hand on my head with a toothy grin.

“Then tonight we will celebrate with your naming ceremony! Tell me then, I will go prepare a feast for us. Let the rest of the day be yours, we will meet on the peak tonight.”

[All I see then is a proud gold dragon erupting down the hall and out of sight. I knew she preferred her dragon form; she was once a very respectable and well-known dragon in her own right. At least, that’s what I have been told. I did envy that, her ability to shift forms and have wings. I have tried, but I do not think I have it in me. I’m not enough dragon. Even though both my parents are, I was hatched in this human shape.]

He leaves the training chambers and heads down the hall. The hall is wide enough for two full grown dragons to walk side by side. His room was at the end and faced the west, where the sun rose. He always watched the sun rise; it rose twice but only set once. To the far west you could see the central lands and beyond that were the altered planes. An artificial and magical construction created to increase the worlds temperature from the ice moon. He could see the sun break over the waters, pure orange and yellow lights streamed throughout the lands. This lasted only a short while as the altered planes again hid the sun. An hour later the sun again escaped the peaks of the altered planes, but the light became distorted by dark magic. Hues of purples and greens mixed with natural light for a while till full day.

Entering his room, he sets down his weapon and it’s stand he made. Books sprawled around his room, covering his bed. The contents described the accounts of the world, the history of dragons, and magic. Recently he had been studying accounts of strange species derived from dragons and dragon magic. He was eager to learn more about himself and how he could become a real dragon. However, to no avail.

“I guess I’ll pick these up and look somewhere else. IF there even is anywhere else to look.”, he said aloud and frustrated.

He sighs, “...I wish I could do magic.”

In his books he learned that magic was tied to emotions and memories, but the concepts were general, and he could never find and sort of spell to work for him. He wished his mother would teach him magic. She was able to do it but never showed him any. He thought maybe he should ask her directly. [Maybe tonight?]

He angrily put the last of his books away and set off the prepare for his naming tonight. Again, across the main hall he passed the opening to the cave. Although he could see out from here, he knew he was hidden to the world. His mother and father placed an enchantment over the entrance, to hide their home from the world. However, he took a different path out of his home, his way. He found this small passage as a wyrmling but managed to keep using it even as his body grew larger, no dragon could fit in here, but he could. He followed his small path down the slopes of the mountain leading into the surrounding woods.

He trailed the forest surrounding the mountain. He was careful not to travel down his trails the same way, even though this was his home, he was aware that he was not the only creature living near the mountain. He carefully avoided other resting creatures when he could, that was, unless he was hunting. But today he was just heading to the spot where he could be himself. He walked up to a clearing and began to uncover some of the items he left here. A small stash of comfort items, hunting knife, journal of magic he has attempted, and some art supplies. There was a small pond that inlet from the ocean, trees cleared around about 10 ft. He had placed wooden boards in the clearing where he liked to sit, watch, listen, and think. He pulled out an old blanket and a sat to look across the water. Across the waters of the pond, you could see the reflection of the forest in the waters, beyond that he could see the sun over the ocean and peeking into the woods. He sat for a while basking in the quite sunlight.

[My name, I wonder if I should start calling myself that now? I wonder if I would have to introduce myself to the forest again. Why is there a ceremony anyway? A ceremony of two? That’s kind of laughable, right? I wish she wouldn’t fuss about it; she’s heard most of the name anyway. My father was ‘Gracendio Mot`e’, the great flame of the mountain. I am just less of that, not as great. But to him and mother I still owe my life. I think it is only right to name myself in honor of that.]

He sat a while, pondering his life and when it would be his time to move on from the mountain. When would he be able to find adventure and his purpose for being? Unable to come up with a suitable answer that satisfied him he began to pull up some chalk and parchment. Saying his name in his head he began to draw the image of himself as a dragon. How he would look, how he would feel. He agreed he would look magnificent as he laughed at the thought of it. He spent the remainder of his day quietly practicing his fighting forms and pondering the events for the evening.

Then he hears the sound of beating wings. Large and heavy, pushing the dense air of the mountain. He recognized that sound, the sound of the dragon’s flight, but this sound was slightly slower, less intentional in direction. He sprung forward, “oh, why did I leave my swords?!” He looked around for a suitable replacement but only his practice weapons were nearby. As he panned the around to get line of sight, in the corner of his eye he caught a familiar shimmer of gold. Following his eyes, he could see now 2 dragons about to face off. He knew he was too slow and could not do anything to stop this. As the dragons approached each other they began to drift side by side. Then slowly circling each other. He did not know what to make of this.

“What in the world is happening?”, he angrily thought.

From what he could see the two began to land, as they did, he raced back home to arm himself. They lowered at the west side of the mountain, facing the entrance to his home. ‘Stay hidden from the world, that is how we keep you safe’, the words of his mother rang in his head. He had always listened to reason, there was no reason for him not to. He could see the efforts that were made to keep him secret.

Back through his trail and into his passageway he made it back to his home and into his room. Rearming and readying himself for any unwanted visitors. He waited, patiently and quietly until he once again heard the wingbeats of dragons, still two, flying together, closer.

Flying into the chamber was 2 dragons, one he knows the other Black dragon, was new.

“Mother what is this?!”, he demanded with uneasy words.

“Be still son, he is a friend, he knew your father.”, Galavancia responded with calm authority.

He stood there, waiting for confirmation from this person as they both landed and took human shape. He slowly lowed his weapons, wondering if he offended, hoping he didn’t.

He was presented with a tall heavy built man, dark skinned but sharped featured. He wore a formal gown of white and black with a breastplate of tarnished platinum. The man walked forward,

“Yes”, he said in a royal accent, “I knew your father well, we were wyrmling's together. Much further south than here, where he made his lair. But, let me introduce myself, I am Name Sayer Bruteybon Gar [ heavy ebony claw] and I am here on favor to your mother and father of performing the naming ceremony.”

He paused a moment to let the situation unfold, He gestured with outspread arms as he looked around at his surrounds. [and possibly let me consider his words.] Continuing he said,

“I assume we will be in dragon form?”

Mother speaks up, “We will stay in this form, I know it is not as traditional, but it is what we prefer.”

“I appreciate the sentiment, but it is for the named to decide and state their preference,” Bruteybon interjected and shifts his eyes back over me to me.

“I will be in this form, this is my choice, my mother speaks true.”, he replied.

“Indeed,” Bruteybon bowed slightly, “tell me, are you a Red Scale or Gold like your mother? OR a combination of the two?”

“Is this a necessary question,” I ask.

“It helps the wording of the ceremony and I do not wish to offend. We dragons can be... touchy,” he grins with a light hearted chuckle.

Galevancia joins., “It’s true, we can be.”

I feign a smile, “I am a mixture of the two as you can see.”

I hold out my hand and harden my scales, showing off my gold tipped reddish scales.

“Fantastic! and interesting. I’ve never come across a dragon with your coloration in balance. There is usually a dominance or some form of pattern.”

Now, I must ask, you’ve chosen a name, but have you meditated on it? Given it real thought and reflected on it?”

“I have, it took me long to finalize my choice.”

“That is good to hear, many choose quickly, and it doesn't suit them. They end up struggling with their perception of themselves before long.”

“I’m glad I took my time then. I felt as if I would never find that piece of identity.”

“Yes, well, some dragons take over a century to decide and still get it wrong. To each dragon their own time and understanding. We will begin, as your mother has said, just past sunset. Let me prepare till then.”

“Thank you, Name Sayer”, Galavancia announces as she leads him down the hall then to the steps leading to the peak.

[Well, that was odd] he thinks to himself. He heads back down his hallway to his room once more.

He sat there on his bed, thinking of the evening, wondering what he was about to undergo. So many new things are happening around him and he didn’t know how he was supposed to feel. The years of isolation left him uneasy. He knew he should show some sort of trust but he didn’t even know what that would be to him. Trusting another individual at their word. He contemplated these things a long while till he heard a knocking on his door.


Son?, Galevancia asked

[I--- I clear my throat] “I’m in,” I responded quietly.

She slowly creaked the door open and entered.

“I'm sure you have many questions, I will answer what I can while we wait.”

“Who is he? Where did he come from? What's happening?” I quickly asked. “But before that, I’m sorry if I offended. There is just so much that I do not understand.”

She begins, “There is no offense, I understand this is a lot to take in right now and now is the time for answers. Firstly, He is who he says, he is Name Sayer Bruteybon Gar and he knew your father and, by association, we knew each other later. However, I have not met him till today.

[There seemed to be more to this story than simple name associations. The way she paused and shifted her speech as she trailed on. But I thought better of it, for what I knew of trust was to trust my mother and know she will tell me what I needed to know. I break off my thought and use my sense to ask,]

“What is “that”, a Name Sayer? Should we even trust him? Till now, you had said I was to be hidden?”

Galevancia explains, “A Name Sayer is an official envoy for dragons that records and assists in the naming of dragons. It is his job to announce the new dragon into the primal planes and act as a guide into the nature of dragon magic. “

“Magic?! My magic?! How?” he excitedly asks.

“You see, it is important for a dragon to be named in order to perform their magic. It is the focus of their power, not necessarily the name, but the identity of yourself and how you see yourself. As far as trust, I believe we can, he is the only other dragon your father kept in contact with.”

“How does this ceremony work?” he continued”

“The ceremony allows you to focus on your identity. He will pull magic from the planes and let you speak your name into them, when this happens you will have a vision of your root. Then, you will be connected to the primal planes, officially. Bruteybon Gar will explain roots in the ceremony.”

“Mother, I’m sorry, I just don’t understand all this. Why did you not explain all this to me before?”

“Well, your father and I wanted to protect you from other dragons and potentially, yourself. You are different son; I know you know this. And we feared that you may be either cut off from the primal plane or be able to draw on it greatly. Both outcomes could be terrible for you if you are not ready and untrained."

“And now,” he asked cautiously.

“And now, I believe you have the right to decide on your own. I have done what I could till now. But you must go on from here yourself. You are ready.”

[am I ready? I'm unsure. I wish I knew more] “I'll try not to let you down.”

Galavancia puts a loving hand on his face. “You won't, I believe in you”

She walks to the window, to look out. “it's time… are you ready?

With a shy smile and nervous trepidation, He looks around his room and contemplates his place. He knows this is the next step from his life of shelter up to this point. With an affirming nod Galavancia takes him by the arm, and they move out of the room and to the back of the main chamber. Galevancia casually spoke with him in a reminiscent tone as they crossed their family home together. She spoke with him motherly and proudly of how far they all have come. Leading up the steps and around the main chamber they walked up to the peak landing.

The landing was decorated and set for a feast. A large granite table centered the space set with golden tableware [probably from our treasure horde] from various ages past and of different cultures. It was like the viewing of a history of gold craft in some regard. Chairs were set on 3 sides of table the largest being at the head. A dais was set up over a empty space of glyphs and marking on the ground. Bruteybon Gar then walks up to them and ask,

“Is the ‘to be named ready with their name’."

Galavancia regally spoke, “he is”

“And what is the offering of this name?”

Galavencia squeezes his arm to help aid his understanding.

[I guess this is part of the ceremony, he thought]

Galavancia pulls out an ornately carved onyx chalice, large and glossy and presents it to Bruteybon. He takes the chalice and inspects it, he notes the craftsmanship and exclaims,

“This is a fine offering, he will be named”, he then takes the chalice and moves it to a place on his garments. He ushers him over to the dais and they both step up together.

- ritualistically -

“You that are unnamed will now be entered into the Prism, it is your birthright to draw upon that power and pull out the magic therein.

When deciding your name, you reflected on yourself, and on your life. The cultivated experiences of your self-identity, the memories you choose, and the things you care for most, these are your root.

Draw on these things when you tap into your draconic soul.

Your root will be the conduit for the magic you wield. Although you will surely change in your long legacy, this moment is your beginning. Now, speak your name and receive your gift.”

As he spoke, his words resonated around the space. The glyphs began to spring to life while dark hued, yet bright, light traced the figures. In the center of the space a wave of heat sprang forth, then in a bright flash, it molded into a brilliant flame of many colors.

Inside the flames a large figure stood, I’ve only come to remember him as my father. Alive and enveloped by his own flames. The flames then evolved into the figure of my mother. Together they stood in the colorful flames of the Prism, the relm of magic.

Bruteybon ushered me forward, as I looked on, I saw my father gesture toward me, asking me to join him.

I took a small step when the Name Sayer stopped me and said, “only speak your name”

I choke slightly, nervous to hear my name said to pining ears,

“Speak loudly”, Bruteybon gestured

“I-I am....”, [I trailed off, no, I need to be more sure of myself. I need to reach down and be a dragon], “INCENDOMIR VIS!”

As he proclaimed the words the Prism answered back. Tendrils of golden flames enveloped Incendormir, warm, comforting heat spread throughout his body. He felt the flame penetrate beneath his scales and into his heart. Closing his eyes, he remembered his upbringing and time on the mountain. He remembered the pain of loss of his father and seeing the angish in his mother. His incompleteness, the guilt he feels that he is different. Iside his difference, however, was his ability to see things as they are. Beauty in the way things are and what they could potentially be. His potential, opening his eyes to the Prism he sees potential, a potential for more that he could do more. As he outstretched his hands he spoke to the flames, “to me” and the flames knew his meaning and obeyed his command. It collected at his hands before dissipating back into the Prism.

After the flames and the flash of the Prism Bruteybon continued,

“I Name Sayer Bruteybon Gar affirm the name Incendomir Vis into the prism and into our long line of dragons. Dragon of Red and Gold may he watch over his root and the prism which accepted him. May he go and serve the world with his gift. As a final gift from the prism and myself I will give him the memory of my time with his forbearer Gracendio Mot`e.”


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Comments (1)

  • Eric Colon (Author)2 years ago

    Hello everyone who reads this, this is an excerpt from a series of novels I'm writing. Hopefully in the near future I can continue to work on them without issue.

ECWritten by Eric Colon

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