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Valley Treasure


By Kayla Vega Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Valley Treasure
Photo by Ryan Hutton on Unsplash

“There weren't always dragons in the valley, until…”

“Until the migration!” cried a young girl of eight summers.

The girl’s golden eyes peered up, watching her father with excitement as she sat upon the grassy floor.

Her father—a kindly fellow with gleaming blue eyes— chuckled. “Who’s telling this story, Garnet? You or me?”

Smiling sheepishly, Garnet ducked her head, mumbling an apology.

“Now, where was I?...Oh, yes, the migration. Long ago, dragons used to live in the heavens, soaring freely amongst the clouds. It was a peaceful life. But then—”

“Then the dragon king left!” Garnet interrupted once more.

“Do you want to tell this tale?” her father questioned with no real heat.

Garnet often got overly excited when it came to bedtime stories and could never contain herself. The father found it endearing.

Frowning, Garnet shook her head as her hands covered her mouth.

“Very well, then. Yes, the dragon king decided to leave the heavens, and with him, he took half his brood, while others stayed behind. Many thought the king was mad. Why leave the heavens when dragonkind ruled them? It didn’t make sense.”

Hugging her knees, Garnet leaned forward listening. She had heard this story many times, but each time seemed more magical than the last.

Tipping his head back, Garnet’s father stared at the starlit sky. “The dragon king decided to place himself amongst man. Though they were feeble creatures, the king loved them, faults and all. And despite war forcing him to conceal his kind, he still loves them.”

Garnet raised her hand, catching her father’s attention.

“Why does the dragon king still love man?” Garnet asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

She always wondered this particular detail. As far as she knew, many others often complained about the king's love for humanity.

Her father hummed, mulling over her question before a smile split across his face. “To the dragon king, humans are beautiful and precious. Though they have short lives, the king has seen them at their highs and lows. He has seen their happiness and tears. It makes them no different from dragonkind.

“So, why hide away?”

“Even if the king loves them, he doesn’t condone their actions. It's better to hide from power hungry individuals then to be in plain sight. I expect there will come a time when dragons leave the valley. But for now, they stay hidden.”

Garnet nodded slowly in understanding.

Dragons should venture outside the valley, she thought as she looked at her father, They should see the world again and not stay in one place.

Standing up, Garnet moved closer offering her father a hug. “I hope one day you can see the world again, Abba.”

Her father, the dragon king Alphonse, smiled. Leaning his head down, Alphonse’s snout rubbed against her cheek. The puff of warm air against her skin made Garnet giggle as she reached out to grab onto him.

As small hands wrapped around her father’s horns, Garnet squealed in delight as she was lifted into the air. Garnet soon let's go, tumbling safely to the ground with her father’s aid. Alphonse chuckled as she collapsed onto her back laughing.

“Bedtime, little one.” Alphonse said.

Garnet pouted, not wanting to sleep just yet. “Five more minutes?” she asked with a hopeful expression.

Alphonse shook his head. “Our story is over, and now it’s time to sleep.”

He stretched out his white wing furthering his point. Grumbling softly, Garnet obeyed as she collapsed on the fur blankets residing underneath his wing. As much as she complained, Garnet was asleep within minutes.

Alphonse laid down, curling around her.

Perhaps there will be a day when his brethren will travel the world and live amongst humans once more.

No matter what, he had to protect his daughter.


About the Creator

Kayla Vega

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  • Test6 months ago

    Super!!! Excellent story!!!

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