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By Vicki Lawana Trusselli Published 7 months ago 7 min read

This is a fictional Syfy story. All characters and scenarios are purely fictional and do not represent any living human being or space alien creatures.

The Earth crew consisted of ten people, five women and five men that were on the mission to unknown galaxies to find another Earth. The purple beings were many, at least 1,000 living in the King's palace. The new planet was flourishing of greenery, mountains, oceans, and lakes, but was very dark and dreary despite the fresh air and plants. There were shadows surrounding the planet and the environment. The sun was clouded by an aura of darkness. The scenario evolves around the 1,000 purple beings in the King's palace and the ten Earth crew members who were forced to land on the planet Nyx in the Andromeda Galaxy.

The ten Earth crew members' ages range was from 35 to 45. The ages of the purple beings were unknown due to King Rufus being 100s of years old. So, assuming the ages of the purple beings was just that as they lived 100s of years.

The purple beings carried archaic type handguns despite their high technological scientific advances in other areas of technology. The Earth crew did not have guns or high-tech spear swords due to being forced to land by King Rufus. The Earth crew were without weapons, using their human bodies and brains to get themselves out of their predicament of life or death.

The year was 2523, November when the Earth crew launched their spaceship for unknown galaxies. By 2523 Earth was so barren as the salty oceans had engulfed all coastal cities and all islands in the oceans. The air was smoky and grey, and the population was barely surviving due to pollution and the massive destruction of continents by war and bombs of narcissistic tyrants trying to outdo each other. The tyrants destroyed themselves in their fight for who was more macho and how many humans they could kill. There were many wars and the assimilation of tall purple alien beings who landed on Earth many decades ago.

The mission of the Earth crew was to explore other planets and galaxies to inhabit. The crew was oblivious to the meeting of the purple alien beings cohabitating with humans at an earlier time.

The Earth crew were not aware of the hostility of the purple alien beings and that they would be forced to land on planet Nyx in the Andromedia Galaxy. Nyx was the Greek goddess of the night. Nyx was a dark and mysterious planet inhabited by purple beings of darkness.

It was supposed to be a simple mission to scan a newly discovered planet in the Andromeda Galaxy and other galaxies of the universe. However as soon as the spaceship entered the atmosphere of Andromeda, a powerful electromagnetic pulse disabled all of their spaceship systems. The crew had no choice but to eject and hope for the best.

They landed in a forest, surrounded by strange plants and animals. They tried to contact Earth, but there was no response. They decided to explore the area, looking for signs of civilization and away to fix their communications device. They soon realized that they were not alone. There were other beings on the planet that appeared to be similar to humans, but with purple skin and pointed ears with advanced technology and a mysterious culture. The purple beings were not welcoming to the Earth crew.

The Earth crew were captured and taken to a large city of very tall buildings and flying robotic self-driving cars. They were taken to a large hot pink building built from Andromeda Galaxy rocks that were shiny and sharp. They were unpleasantly greeted by King Rufus, the ruler of the planet, who proceeded to interrogate the crew. King Rufus claimed that he had been expecting them that he knew who they were and where they came from. King Andy said he had been waiting for them a long time as he was their descendent.

King Rufus explained that he was the result of a genetic experiment that had been conducted by the crew's ancestors who had visited the planet decades ago. He told the Earth crew that they had mixed their DNA with the native species, creating a hybrid race that had inherited their intelligence and curiosity. He said that they had also left behind a device that could manipulate time and space. which had been used to learn about their history and future. He told them that he had seen their ship coming, and he planned to capture them and use them for his own purposes.

King Rufus said that he wanted to use the device to travel back in time and change the course of history. He told the Earth crew that he wanted to prevent the crew's ancestors from ever leaving Earth and to erase their existence. He said he wanted to create a new timeline, where he would be the only human in the universe and to master all creation.

King Rufus said that he was going to execute them, and then activate the device. King Rufus said he had already set the coordinates and the date. He said that he was going to travel to the year 2023 and kill the first human who had ever ventured into space during that decade. He would kill the scientist, Francis Bertolini.

The Earth crew were appalled and terrified by King Rufus's threatening conversation. They realized that they had no time to waste and had to stop him from destroying their timeline and their lives. They had to find an escape route and reach the device before King Rufus found it.

The Earth crew noticed that King Rufus was distracted by his own gloating. He was not paying attention to his guards or his surroundings. The King was too confident in his victory. The Earth crew decided to use this opportunity to their advantage, whispering with each other, they produced a plan.

The Earth crew pretended to beg for mercy, asking King Rufus to spare them. They told the King that they were sorry for what their ancestors had done, and they wanted to join his cause. They told the King they admired his power and his vision, and that they wanted to serve him. They said they wanted to see the new world that he would create.

The King was entertained, laughing about their woeful attempt to save themselves. He decided to go along to see how far how far they would go to please him. He asked them to prove their loyalty by kneeling before him and kissing his feet.

The crew agreed, and slowly approached the King, kneeling before him and bowing their heads. They reached for his feet, but instead of kissing them, they grabbed them. They pulled him down by tackling him to the ground. They punched him and kicked him trying to knock him out. The Earth crew were hoping that the King was not as strong as he looked.

The Purple beings' guards were caught off guard by the abrupt attack on their King. The guards tried to intervene, but the guards were too late. The Earth crew had already overpowered the King and taken his keys to open the door where the device was kept. The Earth crew unlocked the door and entered the room.

The Earth crew saw the device sitting in the middle of a large room. The device was a very shiny 14K gold metal shaped like a gigantic clock, with buttons, wires, and valves, displaying the coordinates for the departure and arrival. It was ready to be activated at the press of a button. They must stop the impending disaster to humanity.

The Earth crew scurried towards the device to find the switch or button to disable the time machine. They remembered what they had learned about time travel in their study of quantum physics.

However, they were too slow. The King had recovered from the attack and followed and had followed the Earth crew into the room. He saw them messing with the device, and he was furious. He grabbed a gun from a guard and aimed it at Earth crew. He shouted at them, "I will kill all of you. You will not ruin my plans!"

King Rufus pulled the trigger of his gun, firing directly at the Earth crew hitting one of them in the abdomen, knocking the crew member to the ground. The others screamed, "Run!". They dodged bullets as they ducked in and out between objects and furnishings trying to save their friend and their own timeline.

However, they were too late. The device had been activated. It began to glow, and to make a humming sound creating a wormhole, a portal to another time and place. It began to suck everything into it, including the crew, the King, and the guards.

They had no choice but to go through the wormhole. The Earth crew had no idea where they would land, or what they would face upon landing in a different timeline. They did not know if they would survive, or if they would ever return to Earth. "Would they ever succeed or fail and be flying in the oblivion of space forever?"

The Earth crew were clueless of what the future would hold for them.

Wormholes, galaxies

Stars and moons and suns

All shine, move. rotate.

We are not alone.

The universe is forever expanding.

The Earth crew landed on another planet like Earth, but it was inhabited by human-like beings with short tails. As the crew were carried through the wormhole into 2600, November, they realized that they had discovered a new Earth and almost human-like beings that welcomed them with open arms. The wounded Earth crew member survived due to the healing technological advances of the human like creatures with short tails.

So, they lived. As for the purple beings with pointed ears, they were taken to the darkest hole in the universe.

The human-like beings with short tails invited the Earth crew to live amongst them as friends and to cohabitate with them on Planet Lucina of the Triangulum Galaxy. Lucina was the Roman goddess of light and childbirth. Lucina was a planet of light.

The Earth crew celebrated with human-like beings with short tails by indulging in food and drink, music, and dancing.

FantasyShort StorySci Fi

About the Creator

Vicki Lawana Trusselli

I worked for the music and film industry in Los Angeles, California and Austin, Texas. I studied nursing, journalism, art, film, and computers in college. I was in the first computer class in 1981 at The LA Times. PEACE OUT!

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran7 months ago

    King Rufus was so terrible! Thank God the earth crew escaped! So happy for human like being with short tails. They're so kind. Loved your story!

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