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The Voodoo Doll's Curse

The Power of the Voodoo Doll

By Liviu RomanPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The Voodoo Doll's Curse
Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

It was a hot, muggy summer day in New Orleans when I first laid eyes on the voodoo doll. I was strolling through the French Quarter, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city, when I stumbled upon a small, dimly lit shop tucked away in a narrow alley. Curiosity getting the best of me, I stepped inside.

The shop was cluttered and cramped, filled to the brim with all sorts of strange and mysterious objects. Crystals, herbs, and candles lined the shelves, while racks of colorful robes and masks hung from the walls. As I made my way deeper into the shop, I caught sight of a small, intricately crafted doll sitting on a shelf at the back. It was made of straw and cloth, with tiny beads for eyes and a crudely drawn face. I was immediately drawn to it.

The shopkeeper, a wrinkled old woman with piercing black eyes, noticed my interest and shuffled over to me. "You like the doll?" she asked, her voice rough and gravelly.

I nodded, unable to take my eyes off of it. "What is it for?" I asked.

The woman cackled, revealing a mouth full of missing teeth. "That, my dear, is a voodoo doll. It's used for all sorts of things. Love spells, revenge, protection."

I frowned, skeptical. "Voodoo dolls aren't real, are they?"

The woman raised an eyebrow. "You think I'd be selling fake voodoo dolls in the heart of New Orleans?"

I hesitated, unsure of what to believe.

The woman chuckled and leaned in closer. "I'll tell you what. I'll sell you the doll for a hundred dollars, and I'll throw in a free voodoo curse. You can test it out and see for yourself."

I was tempted, but I knew I couldn't afford it. Reluctantly, I shook my head and turned to leave.

As I was walking out the door, the woman called out to me. "You're making a mistake. That doll is powerful. It can change your life. Just remember, be careful what you wish for."

I shrugged it off and continued on my way, but I couldn't shake the feeling that the voodoo doll was watching me as I left the shop.

Over the next few days, strange things started happening. My car broke down unexpectedly, I lost my wallet, and I caught the flu. I couldn't help but wonder if the voodoo doll had something to do with it.

I tried to brush it off as coincidence, but the more mishaps that occurred, the more I began to believe that the voodoo doll was cursed. I started to feel like I was being followed, like the doll was always with me, taunting me.

I knew I had to do something. I couldn't take it anymore. I gathered up my courage and returned to the shop, determined to confront the shopkeeper and demand that she lift the curse.

But when I arrived, the shop was empty. The shelves were bare, the racks of robes and masks were gone, and the voodoo doll was nowhere to be found.

I left the shop feeling more confused and frustrated than ever. I had no idea what to do. The curse seemed to be getting stronger, and I was running out of options.

Just when I was about to give up hope, I received a mysterious package in the mail. It was from the shopkeeper, and inside was the voodoo doll and a handwritten note.

I eagerly tore open the package and pulled out the voodoo doll. It was just as I remembered it, with its straw and cloth body and beady eyes. I unfolded the note and began to read.

"Dear Liviu,

I apologize for the curse that I placed on you. It was a mistake, and I should never have sold you the voodoo doll. But it is not too late to fix things.

The voodoo doll is a powerful tool, but it must be used with caution. If you abuse its power, it will turn on you and bring nothing but misery and suffering. But if you use it wisely, it can bring you great fortune and happiness.

I am enclosing a set of instructions with this letter. Follow them carefully, and the curse will be lifted. And remember, always be mindful of your actions and the consequences they may bring.

Sincerely, Shopkeeper

I followed the instructions carefully, performing the rituals and incantations as directed. And to my amazement, the curse was lifted. The strange mishaps stopped occurring, and my luck began to turn around.

I knew then that the voodoo doll was a powerful force, one that should not be taken lightly. I vowed to use it wisely and to never let its power consume me.

And so, I learned the true nature of the voodoo doll and the importance of using its power responsibly. It was a lesson that I would never forget.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Liviu Roman

Mahatma Gandhi — 'Be the change that you wish to see in the world.'

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    Liviu RomanWritten by Liviu Roman

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