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The Superheroes Mission 2: Enter the Superheroes

The day after Jeremiah retrieves the Orb, he wakes up back in his bedroom only to see a ghost of a man next to him. However, when the man on the roof appears and offers a job as a Superhero, who is he to decline? Can he pass the initiation or will he fail the exam?

By Jeremiah EllisonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Jeremiah just woke up back in his own bed.

“Man, that was a good dream. Especially, when I beat the giant robots. It felt so real, though. Like it actually happened.”

“It did,” said a mysterious voice. Jeremiah looked next to him and saw a tall transparent figure with oddly curly brown hair with pigtails on either side of his head and yellow eyes wearing a blue costume and red cape.


“What? No, I’m not a ghost. I just don’t have a physical form,” hurriedly said the ghost.

“Or do you?” asked Jeremiah doubtfully.

“Don’t even start with me. I was the one who got you home, last night,” stated the ghost.

“How could you do that? And how do you know where I live?” inquired Jeremiah.

“First of all, you’re the only one who can see me.”

“How come?”

“Because I’m a part of the Orb. Plus, we are sharing a body.”

“What’s the Orb?”

“It’s an ancient artifact of my race. It’s what giving you your new powers.”

“I see. Who are you, anyway?”

“My name is Superhero Smiley Face.”

“Nice to meet you. My name is…”

“Jeremiah, right?”

“How did you know?”

“I’m psychic.”


“No. We might become psychic, later, though.”


“Yes. Now check your power list because you got a new power.”

He checked his power list and he did have a new power. It was called Transform.

“What does Transform do?”

“It allows us to switch. You’ll be in control most of the time. And in certain situations, I’ll take over.”

“Ok. By the way, why are you here, anyway?”

“My purpose is to help you with your new powers.”

“Ok. Fair enough.”

Suddenly, some sort of strange ship appeared at the window with a logo on it that looked a circle with two smaller circles orbiting it. It lowers itself to the window and the mysterious guy who saw Jeremiah’s fight on Cartoon Island with black hair and green eyes wearing a business suit came out of the ship and climbed into the window. Jeremiah got into a fighting position.

“Who are you? What are you doing here? Cool ship. Can I drive it?”

“I come in peace. And to answer your questions, my name is Greg, I came here to recruit you to the Earth division of a super-secret organization called the Superheroes, thanks, and you can’t drive my ship.”

Jeremiah got out of his fighting position and complained, “Why not?”

“Because you’re only seven and you haven’t taken ship piloting classes.”

“I can’t wait to get one of those when I grow up.”

“The only way to get one on this planet is to join the Superheroes.”

“What do you do in the Superheroes?”

“Our job is to capture the baddest villains there is.”

“I see.”

“Do you accept?”

“What if I say no?”

“I’ll erase your memory.”

“Good enough for me, lets go, Greg.”

“Ok. Hop in, we’re going to Superhero Stadium for your initiation.”

“Superhero Stadium?”

“It’s way in the Sahara Desert.”

“Do you have sunblock and plenty of water with you?”

“Don’t worry. The Cloaking Device is also a special air conditioner.”

“That’s a relief.”

They left for Superhero Stadium and in a matter of a couple of hours arrive in the Sahara Desert. Jeremiah complained, “Are we there, yet?” Greg said, “We’re almost there.” Suddenly, they were at a landing dock. Jeremiah said, “Whoa. It appeared out of nowhere.” Greg said, “We’re in the cloaking device’s field, so you can see it, now.” They went out of the landing dock through a hallway and they were in an amazing stadium. There were seats for a huge crowd, statues at the edge of the arena, and the arena itself was wide, open space.

“Whoa, amazing.”

“I know. The statues are of famous superheroes. Whenever two superheroes have a disagreement, they fight it out, here.”

“I see.”

“This is where everyone in the Earth Division of the Superheroes has their initiation. You should feel honored that I’m the one who’s recruiting you.”


“Because I only recruit the best of the best. Are you ready to begin?”

“Yes, Greg. I am.

“One more thing, if you pass, you have to start calling me, Boss. Ok?”


Greg jumped into the audience seats and exclaimed, “Let the initiation begin.”

Suddenly, the whole place started shaking. Giant Prey Mantis Robots came out of the sand. Greg yelled, “To pass, you must defeat all the Mantisbots.” Jeremiah said, “No problem.” He started running on the wall. The Mantisbots’ sensors prevented it from being confused. Then, they shot lasers at Jeremiah. He dodged them by jumping off the wall and used Fire Strike on them. They dodged and hit Jeremiah from behind launching him into the wall. He falls down to the ground but got back up and jumped. Next, he levitated to one of the Mantisbots and used Fire Strike. It destroyed that one. The other three shot missiles at him. They hit him and he crashed down to the ground. Superhero Smiley Face said, “Let me take over.” Jeremiah got up and said, “Ok.”

Jeremiah used Transform. A tornado appeared and it went around him. Greg said, “Either this is a new power of his or he has been holding out on me.” He turned into Superhero Smiley Face. The tornado disappeared. Greg said, “So, he has an alter-ego.”

Superhero Smiley Face said, “Congratulations, you win round one. But, I’m your opponent for round two. The name is Superhero Smiley Face. Don’t forget it.”

“Power identified: Transform. Effect: Switches Jeremiah to his alter ego, Superhero Smiley Face. Calculating counter- strategy. Calculations complete. Sending counter-strategy to other Mantisbots.”

They started getting into an attack position. Then, they started drilling into the sand causing a sand eruption. SSF couldn’t see. He said, “So, that’s your game.” His eyes started glowing blue. He was able to see everything clearly, only in blue. They started shooting lasers. SSF dodged them. Then, he levitated to one of them. Next, he used Fire Strike on that one. It exploded. He went to the center of the stadium and said, “Come and get me.” They shot lasers at him. The lasers collided. He used Fire Strike on another Mantisbot. It was destroyed. The sandstorm stopped.

There was only one left. It shot all its missiles at him. He tried to dodge them but they came back. While dodging, SSF said, “What are these things?” Jeremiah appeared as a transparent figure and said, “Missiles. They must be heat-seeking because they’re following you.” “This world is different from mine, but I have a plan,” said SSF. Greg said, “He must have just talked with Jeremiah.” Superhero Smiley Face used Fire Strike. It formed a ring of fire around the Mantisbot. The missiles hit it and it was destroyed.

Superhero Smiley Face lands and used Transform turning back into Jeremiah. Jeremiah said to SSF, “What happened when your eyes glowed blue?” SSF reappeared in ghost form (still funny) and said, “I’ll tell you later.” Greg walked up to Jeremiah and said, “Congratulations, you and Superhero Smiley Face pass.”

“You knew about him?”

“I figured it out when you transformed. Plus, he said his name.”

“Oh, right.”

“Don’t worry, it’s not against the rules. Same body counts as one.”

“That’s a relief.”

“Anyway, take this.”

Greg gave him a weird metallic grey watch with a big red button in the lower right corner sporting the same logo on it that Greg’s ship had.

“That’s an Emergency Watch. Once it scans your DNA, you’ll be the only one who can use it. You better configure it, now.”

Jeremiah puts the Emergency Watch on his wrist and places his finger on the DNA scanner AKA the big red button. It scanned his DNA. Then it opens up revealing a creation screen. He named his new hero, Robot Boy. Greg gave him a book.

“That is the Superhero Rulebook. Make sure to read it thoroughly.”

“Say what, you’re giving me homework?”

“Yes. Very important homework. It’s also written in Superhero Code. Your Emergency Watch will help you decode it. You got all of tonight to decode, read, and study. Effective tomorrow, you’ll be the new leader of Sector 17. Its location is, also, programmed into your Emergency Watch. Understood?”



About the Creator

Jeremiah Ellison

Hello, my name is Jeremiah Ellison and I'm here to post content that I hope you will like. I mainly specialize in Sci-fi, action, and apparently psychological horror as of recently. I hope you enjoy my content.


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    Jeremiah EllisonWritten by Jeremiah Ellison

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