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The Siren's Call

10th February, Story #41/366. This follows on from yesterday's micro. It should work as a stand alone story, but if you would prefer to read the first one first (you crazy little rascal), then *skip to the end* - I've linked it there.

By L.C. SchäferPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
The Siren's Call
Photo by Amit Gaur on Unsplash

How could I tell Ryan that I'd signed away our unborn child to a merman?

They couldn't just kidnap my baby, though, could they? It was months 'til he'd even be born. That's forever. Head deep in the sand, when calls came from Merman & Merman, I ignored them.

They sent legal letters requesting updates on their my child, scan pictures, diet journals. I burnt the letters before Ryan could see. Expensive supplements arrived, which I swallowed.

I persuaded Ryan to move. Heavy-bellied, I hauled us across the country almost by force of will alone. A suggested birth plan arrived in the first week, which I burnt. A blue receiving blanket came the next day. I burnt that too.

The birth was horrendous. In the deeps of it, I saw predatory white teeth and blonde waves on the edge of vision. Laughing at me.

I laboured for days, doctors puzzled why the baby wouldn't come.

I think, deep down, I knew. Inside me, he was beyond the mermen's grasp. Once out...

Despite the pains, I didn't want it to end, these last hours with my baby.

At last, they cut him out, against my tearful begging to leave him where he was. The nurses exchanged serious looks.

They put him straight on my chest, just as I'd asked. Ryan held him steady, because my arms were covered in wires. It seemed too fitting, after all, that I wasn't able to hold him, shield him. Will I ever? I cried, and Ryan didn't understand and he cried too.

The morning I woke up with the sun streaming through the blind on to him in his little plastic cot was heaven. I'd been so terrified to sleep, so sure the bassinet would be empty when I opened my eyes. I had nightmares about it and woke on the hour gasping, checking he was still there.

When morning came, I held him to me, uncaring that a nurse always hovered, never leaving us alone.

Perhaps this is it, I thought. It was all intimidation and hot air. They can't actually do anything.

The phone rang.


Word count (excluding note): 366

Submitted on 10th February at 12:37

Part One is here:

*Quick Author's Note*

Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment so I can reciprocate. Your thoughtful engagement is appreciated. If you enjoyed this, the best compliment you can give is to share it, or read another.

The story behind the story: I'm writing a story every day this year. This one makes a 41 day streak. You can find all of them in my Index post. It's also pinned to the top of my profile.

If you're joining me on this "story every day" madne adventure, please leave a link to yours in the comments! Whether you're on a creative bent like me and writing fiction, or you have some other self-imposed criteria, I would love to see what you come up with.

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FantasyShort StorySeriesMicrofiction

About the Creator

L.C. Schäfer

Book-baby is available on Kindle Unlimited

Flexing the writing muscle

Never so naked as I am on a page. Subscribe for nudes.

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Sometimes writes under S.E.Holz

"I've read books. Well. Chewed books."

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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    Well-structured & engaging content

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (16)

  • The Dani Writer5 months ago

    Ohhh—the intensity level on this one...LEVELS!!! Awesome story!

  • JBaz5 months ago

    I am reading this story backwards , and let me tell you it is just as interesting if not even a little better. I know what happens now I need to know how it got there.

  • I have some catching up to do on this series, but if this is any indication . . . WOW!

  • Alexander McEvoy6 months ago

    Oh my... That is... A mother's love is a, awesome thing. This is really going powerful places, LC! I can feel it!

  • Teresa Renton6 months ago

    I’m loving this series so much. You have such a talent for the shorts 🥰

  • Phil Flannery6 months ago

    Well they did warn her. Bloody lawyers

  • Rachel Deeming6 months ago

    Oh man. I don't like where this is going. You do like merfolk, don't you? Isn't there another story of yours outside of this mini-series where they feature? Do you ever go swimming?

  • Caroline Craven6 months ago

    Pick up the bloody phone! God I want to know what happens next!

  • You crazy little rascal 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Heheheheheheehe I want the baby to be taken away. Actions have consequences!

  • Sid Aaron Hirji6 months ago

    Darn merman pulled a rumplestiltskin

  • Cathy holmes6 months ago

    Don't answer, ever. Though I feel that won't help.

  • No! They can't have the baby!

  • John Cox6 months ago

    Shades of Rumpelstiltskin pasted terrifyingly into real life. This image in particular is supremely haunting: They put him straight on my chest, just as I'd asked. Ryan held him steady, because my arms were covered in wires. It seemed too fitting, after all, that I wasn't able to hold him, shield him. Will I ever? I cried, and Ryan didn't understand and he cried too. Your capacity for imagining what it would feel like to have everything that matters most ripped away is what makes the terrifying so real. Framing our everyday fears into a dark and dangerous world makes for powerful, get under your skin storytelling.

  • Hannah Moore6 months ago

    Nope, do not keep me waiting until tomorrow, get this over with!

  • Darned telephone! So annoying! Why don't you just unhook the thing? Enjoying this one, too.

  • Paul Stewart6 months ago

    Loved that you continued this...I wanted to reminded me of...your other mermaid story. Also...hilariously...both our most recent pieces have almost identical titles lol. Well done!

L.C. SchäferWritten by L.C. Schäfer

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