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The Secret He Kept

The Awful Thing I Discovered About My Husband

By Moh ArabyPublished about a year ago 4 min read

I've been married to Andrew for five wonderful years. We met in college and just clicked from the start. Andrew was kind, funny, and treated me like a queen. We laughed together, shared our dreams, and built a life together filled with love and happiness. I thought we had the perfect marriage.

Then one day I discovered the awful secret Andrew had been keeping from me all along. A secret that made me rethink everything I thought I knew about my husband.

It started when I noticed an odd charge on our credit card statement. I asked Andrew about it but he brushed it off as a mistake. Something didn't feel right though. The store name seemed familiar but I couldn't place it.

I Googled the store name and my stomach dropped. It was an adult toy shop. The type with things I definitely never purchased.

I confronted Andrew again and he insisted it was a joke, someone else must have used his card by accident. I wanted to believe him but something didn't add up.

That night while Andrew slept, I checked his phone. I felt guilty snooping but I needed to know the truth. What I discovered was worse than I could have imagined.

There were texts to numbers I didn't recognize, arranging to meet at hotels and strange requests for "services." My heart sank as I scrolled through the evidence of Andrew's lies and secrecy.

When Andrew woke up I tearfully confronted him, phone in hand. Finally, he broke down and confessed. He'd been visiting massage parlors and hotels for "release" our entire relationship. The secrecy and thrill were a temptation he couldn't resist, but he genuinely loved me and our life together.

His words offered me no comfort. The kind, funny man I thought I knew, the man I had planned to spend my life with, had been deceiving me all along. Andrew's shameful secret made me doubt everything about our relationship.

I moved into the spare bedroom that night. Andrew tearfully apologized, begging for another chance. But how could I trust him again after such a huge betrayal?

Over the next few weeks, Andrew went to therapy and promised to be fully honest going forward. He said he loved me and wanted to build a real marriage based on trust. I wanted to believe him, but the secret he had kept for so long cast a shadow over everything.

In the end, I decided to try and move past Andrew's horrible betrayal and secret life. Our love was worth fighting for. But moving forward would require a foundation of honesty, openness, and hard work to rebuild what had been broken.

With time and effort, perhaps Andrew and I could build a new kind of marriage - one rooted in truth instead of secrets and lies. There would be painful conversations, tears and anger. But if our love was strong enough, we could grow together from this awful thing I had discovered about my husband. We could choose honesty and vulnerability over deception. The future was uncertain, but staying together meant choosing to fight for what we had, scars and all. Together, we would walk the hard road of rebuilding trust. After all, that's what marriage really means — staying by each other's sides, through every truth and every lie.

I would give for someone discovering a secret like this about their partner:

• Take some time and space. Don't rush into any decisions right away. Move to a separate space in your home if possible and take at least a few days to process this on your own.

• Don't immediately judge or condemn your partner. Hear them out and get all the information you can in a calm manner. Try to understand their perspective. People make mistakes, but that doesn't define who they truly are.

• Consider couples counseling. A therapist can help you both communicate effectively and work through this in a healthy way. Your partner will need to do some soul searching to understand what led to their actions.

• Set boundaries. Decide what behaviors you can and cannot accept going forward. Make it clear that complete honesty and openness is required to rebuild trust.

• Focus on rebuilding trust slowly over time. This won't happen overnight. Small acts of honesty, transparency, and changing behaviors can help build trust back up gradually.

• Do not make any hasty decisions right now. Give yourself time and space to think clearly before deciding the fate of your relationship. Make a decision from a place of calm, not emotion.

• Take care of yourself. Make sure you're eating well, staying active, and spending time with loved ones for support. Your wellbeing should be a top priority right now.

• Remember that people are complex. We all have light and dark within us. One secret does not define your partner or your relationship as a whole. Try to see the whole person, not just this one action.

Hopefully this advice helps provide some perspective and a healthy path forward. The most important thing is to take things one step at a time and focus on honest communication, compassion, and building trust through transparency and consistency over time. Wishing you the best in working through this difficult situation.

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    MAWritten by Moh Araby

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