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Secret Life of Caroline

Discovery and Betrayal

By Moh ArabyPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Caroline always presented herself as the dutiful daughter and wife, a prim and proper woman who wanted for nothing. But underneath her demure exterior beat the heart of a young woman yearning for more.

Every morning Caroline woke up in the modest two-bedroom cottage she shared with her widowed father and younger sister. After making breakfast and helping her sister get ready for the day, Caroline settled into her chores. She dusted the furniture, swept the floors, wiped away any trace of mess.

When her chores were done, Caroline embroidered, sewed, and read proper Christian literature appropriate for a young lady of her background. Caroline performed these tasks admirably, earning her father's approval. But her mind often wandered to secret fantasies of exotic lands, daring adventures, and a greater purpose beyond the four walls of her home.

At night, when everyone was asleep, Caroline would slip out of her bedroom window and climb onto the roof. Under the light of the full moon, she would imagine she was an explorer on a grand journey, crossing deserts and sailing the open sea. When the sun rose she would return to her mundane routine, slipping back into her role as a quiet and proper daughter.

One day at the market Caroline overheard two merchants speaking of voyages to the East Indies. Their stories of spices, silk, and exotic wonders awakened something deep within her soul. Caroline longed to see these wonders for herself. But she knew a young woman traveling alone was unthinkable.

Months passed and Caroline continued in her secret imaginings, expanding her imaginary voyages to include encounters with foreign cultures.Then one day her father announced that he had arranged for Caroline to marry a wealthy tradesman named John, who owned warehouses along the docks.

Caroline felt trapped. Marrying John would be a comfortable life with financial security. But she knew she would never see the wonders that called to her from the pages of her books and her mind's eye. As her wedding date approached, Caroline grew more despondent.

The night before the wedding, Caroline sat on the roof as the full moon shone overhead. Despair filled her heart as she realized her dreams would forever remain fiction. As tears streamed down her cheeks, a shooting star blazed across the sky. Caroline closed her eyes and made a wish with all her might.

The following morning, a letter arrived for Caroline written in an unfamiliar hand. It described adventures to be had on ships sailing from the docks that very afternoon. The mysterious writer promised wonders beyond imagining for those bold enough to seize them.

Caroline hid the letter in her dress and went through the motions of preparing for her wedding. As guests began arriving, Caroline quietly slipped out the back door and made her way down to the docks. Each step took her further from her old life and the person she was expected to be. With fluttering heart, Caroline boarded the waiting ship and sailed away from England, leaving everything she had ever known behind.

Years passed and Caroline traveled the world, experiencing wonders she never could have dreamed of from the confines of her home. She made friends from distant lands, faced dangers with courage, and carved out a life on her own terms. The once proper young lady had become an intrepid traveler, following her dreams wherever they might lead.

While Caroline occasionally thought of her old life, she never looked back with regret. Instead, she thanked the stars for granting her one wish - the courage to seize the secret life that had always called to her from within. For though duty and convention had shaped Caroline's exterior, in her heart lived the soul of an adventurer, and no prison of stone or society could contain it forever.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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    MAWritten by Moh Araby

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