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The Prince's Bellow| Act II, Part I

Start of Second Act of Script

By Ace MeleePublished 7 months ago 17 min read
Art AI generated by Dream Wombo, edited by Ace Melee via Picsart

The script has been edited for Vocal's format. ACT II has been split into separate parts because it is too long to save correctly.

Characters if anyone wants to act: Haelophes, Kander, Eris, Wingia, Young Haelo, and Maelilere.



King Eris taps his foot, waiting for Kander. He looks at the clock– 10:32 a.m. Prince Quaive and Queen Fiera had already left hours earlier.

ERIS: Where is he?

Kander bursts into the gallery.

KANDER: (Running to him.) Sorry, Dad. I overslept.

ERIS: (Disappointedly.) Time matters as king, Kander. No one likes a tardy king.

KANDER: (Shamefully sighs.) I know. I'm sorry.

ERIS: Where is Haelophes? She is normally up before this hour.

KANDER: Uhhhhh.


KANDER(V.O.) (CONT'D): There's no way I'm telling about Haelophes and I having our little pool party at midnight.

Eris raises the brow, getting slightly impatient.

KANDER (CONT'D): She was tossing and turning last night, had no sleep, and was seemingly nervous. Give her some time. You can train me for now.

ERIS: (Stressfully sighs.) Alright.

He grabs a cart from the corner of the gallery and drags it right in front of Kander. One is a golden unlit torch and a glass sphere on a red pillow.

ERIS (CONT'D): You have proven that you are ready to be king. Now, all I need to do is to prepare you for the coronation.

Kander nods attentively. Eris points to the objects in the carts.

ERIS (CONT'D): Those artifacts used in my coronation, including our predecessors. Thanks to genetics and your mother being an angel, you're a pureblooded mage instead of a usual one. No one will light the torch for you; you have to light it yourself. Grab them now.

Kander grabs both the torch and the sphere separately.

ERIS (CONT'D): Don't drop them.

KANDER: I won't. Do I have to light up the torch now?



Eris notices that Kander is holding his breath, and his shoulders are hitched up.

ERIS (CONT'D): Breathe, relax, and smile proudly. People love a confident king, my son!

Kander resumes breathing normally and puts on a smile.

ERIS (CONT'D): Better. Now, this is the oath. You have to repeat after me.

KANDER: Okay, Dad.

ERIS: I, [your full name], from this point forward-

KANDER: I, Kander Kye Drearwood, from this point forward-

ERIS: -will lead the Kingdom of Tremis with great prosperity, loyalty, and dignity.

KANDER: -will lead the Kingdom of Tremis with great prosperity, loyalty, and dignity.

ERIS: And will teach the future successors the same honor and triumph.

KANDER: And will teach the future successors the same honor and triumph.

ERIS: (Nods in approval.) Good. I will announce you as King of Tremis. Before you can put those down, a bishop will crown you from behind, just hope he doesn't scratch your scalp.

KANDER: (Furrows brow.) Scratch my scalp?

ERIS: The bishop that crowned my great grandpa long ago scratched his scalp. He told me he was trying not to squint his eyes and vocalize it.

KANDER: What about Haelophes being ordained as the new queen?

ERIS: Her's a lot different. (Pause.) You can set those props down, Kander.

KANDER: Oh, right!

He places them back down.

They waited another five minutes as Haelophes hurried into the gallery, all formally dressed and her hair in a bun.

HAELO: My bad.

ERIS: It's fine. If I had to wait for another thirty, I would've sent Kander to get you up since he was also late.

KANDER: By two minutes...

Haelo grins, thinking that Eris is more lenient on her than he is with his son.

Eris looks around, trying to find a chair to act as the throne, but he only finds a bench in the center of the room.

ERIS: (To himself.) That will do.

Eris walks back to Kander, pushing the cart away from him.

ERIS (CONT'D): Okay, this is after the marriage and Kander's ascension to king. Haelophes, you will be right beside him when he does his oath. You will also be crowned queen as well. All you have to do is stand there and be pretty.

HAELO: As a siren, that is easy to do.

ERIS: Good! After he has been crowned and put his props down, you both will hold hands and slowly walk to the throne.

HAELO: Why aren't we in the throne room?

ERIS: Servants are getting it ready, along with your reception in the ballroom--busy day.

HAELO: I see.

ERIS: Anyway, walk to the bench.

Kander and Haelo look at each other as they hold hands. They slowly walk together. Eris observes.

ERIS (CONT'D): As the new royals, the news media from all over will be filming you on this day; it will be crowded, but the guards will make sure no one gets close to you.

KANDER: The news about our life is pretty much filmed almost weekly.

Haelophes and Kander walk to the thrones and turn back around. They wave before sitting down.

ERIS: You can steal my spot.

KANDER: (Grins.) It's a lot smaller than I… expected.

ERIS: You get the real one soon enough.

KANDER: Who'll you and Mom be after I become king?

ERIS: Elders of Tremis, titles for the kings and queens that stayed as one until the next one in line. It's an honor.


ERIS (CONT'D): Also, Kander and Haelo, if you never had a child to become heir, Quaive will be the heir to the throne, so you must train him.

KANDER: (Mumbles.) Great. He might be a pain since he doesn't want to be king.

Haelophes starts to look at the paintings around her.

ERIS: Too bad, so sad. He can suck it up. You have plenty of time to have a kid, but trust me, it goes by fast.

Maelilere enters the gallery.

MAELILERE: Your Majesty?

ERIS: Yes, Mallory?

MAELILERE: (Pretends he got her name correct.) The throne room and ballroom have been cleaned and polished. Although the Head Servant approves of it, he still wants your second opinion before we move on to the decorations.

ERIS: That's okay, Mallory. (Turns to Kander and Haelo.) You can sit there, but no making out like yesterday, got it?

Haelo fixates on a picture that looks dreadfully familiar to her.

KANDER: Yes, Your Majesty.

ERIS: (Glances at Haelo.) Haelophes?

HAELO: (Snaps out of it.) Yes, sir!

Eris leaves.

KANDER: He will probably summon us for our wedding and coronation decorations.

HAELO: I think so too. We deserve a say on what we want.

KANDER: Any theme or style you want?

HAELO: I do whatever, as long it suits royal standards.

KANDER: (Distressfully sighs.) That's not going to narrow anything down, Haelophes.

HAELO: Fine. Elegant but simple, not too much gold- maybe blue.

KANDER: Thank you.

Haelo looks back at the painting. It's a large painting of the Battle of Zyphyr, Queen Fiera slaying a rebellious leader, Wingia (Wen-guy-uh). Wingia was a demon with white skin, lighting patterns, no horns, and dark blue hair. Her armor absorbs her electricity, giving any attacker electrocution if they hit her with a sword. Many citizens were not fans of the Emperor of Zyphyr, Taygo. He was a strict king and wanted the unification of humans and other kinds. Humans were worse than they were back then; therefore, non-humans opposed it. The battle occurred around 300 years ago. This was before Fiera was even Queen of Tremis and married King Eris. Haelophes was also around during that time but much younger. She also knew Wingia very closely- a family member. Wingia wanted Haelo to avoid being in the battle. They live in a quiet house with an enchanted pond that heals and amplifies powers.



WINGIA: Stay home, Haelophes, stay home. You're only eight.

YOUNG HAELO: But I want to fight with you!

WINGIA: (Shakes head.) No, Haelophes! Like I said, you’re too young. No child deserves to be exposed to battle. It'll be the damnest of me for you not to return home.


YOUNG HAELO: It'll be awful for you not to return! You are the only one that I have left. Humans took them away!

WINGIA: I understand, but things won't change if I am not there to lead the battle. You must stay here and keep yourself quiet until I return.

HAELO (V.O.): But you didn't return...



Haelo examines the painting. Fiera is on the left with the Zyphyr army with golden sunrise clouds. She is charging at Wingia with a sword. Wingia holds a metallic spear to attack Fiera's army. The background around the rebellious army is covered in the darkest of clouds. Things are on fire in both backgrounds.

She reads the plaque, the credit to the artist—Jasmine Folkly, Battle of Zyphyr, 1705 CE. It is obvious the painting is favoring Fiera. Haelo tries not to show emotion.

HAELO (V.O.): It's been three hundred years since I lost her. She was not as evil as people depicted on the side of giving humans a chance. Now, I will be married to Fiera's son and become queen. I have my intentions, but I don't know if she approves. If she doesn't like it, I'll seek forgiveness.

Haelo sighs heavily, fighting the tears.

KANDER: You okay?

HAELO: (Snaps out of it and turns to him.) Yes, just in thought.

King Eris re-enters the gallery. Haelo and Kander look at him

ERIS: The throne room and the ballroom passed my expectations, so you two will accompany me to talk to the party decorators.

HAELO: (Whispers while getting up.) Thank god.

KANDER: (Getting up as well.) I'm relieved that we have some say.

They catch up to Eris, and they walk out together.



No servants are in the throne room; they are all maintaining the ballroom not so far away. King Eris is playing classical dance music on his phone. Haelo and Kander are dancing, hands held close together. Eris is watching.

Kander accidentally steps on Haelo's foot.

HAELO: Ow...

KANDER: (Whispers.) Sorry.

ERIS: Twirl and dip dance.

KANDER: (Mumbles.) Oh no.

Kander twirls Haelo and dips her, but he goes too low and fast. Both of them fall. Haelo yells, and Kander crashes mostly beside her.

Eris slowly claps in disappointment for a few seconds before crossing his arms.

ERIS: (Sarcastically.) Nice move. I have never seen that before. What's that called? 'How to Break a Woman's Back in One Motion?'

HAELO: (Slowly getting back up.) Relax, Your Majesty, he is my chiropractor.

Kander helps Haelo up. Kander holds his side.

KANDER: I think I bruised a rib.

ERIS: Redo it. Don't think too much- go for what you can handle. You dipped too hard, Kander, that I thought you would somersault on the dance floor.

KANDER: Dear gods.

Haelo and Kander join hands and perform the same move. Kander is less aggressive, but he almost slips Haelo out of his hands. He gets a little scared, afraid he will drop her.

ERIS: Much better. We are getting there. Dance a bit more to unwind yourselves.

Kander resumes dancing with Haelo.

KANDER: Dad, have you ever dropped Mom while dancing with her?

ERIS: (Smiles.) Only once. She taught me a valuable lesson. Want to hear it?


ERIS: She slapped me with her wing when she was falling. Her parents were laughing, including my own. The guests too. People say an angel's wings are soft. They don't know how badly it hurts when they smack you with the force of an elephant's fluctuance.

HAELO: (Confused but humored.) ...What?

KANDER: (To Haelo.) Please don't get any ideas from my mother.

HAELO: The only thing you need to worry about, Kander, is if I perform the siren scream.

A few minutes of dancing go by.

ERIS: Okay, try again.

Kander takes a long deep breath before trying the dip move again. He manages to perform well enough.

ERIS (CONT'D): (Clasps hands.) Great job! Now we can work on some other-

They hear shouting outside the throne room. Eris pauses the music. Kander and Haelo hear it as well. It sounds like two people are fighting.

ERIS (CONT'D: (Becomes furious.) The walls are thick, but come on! (Stomps to the door.) Why are they fighting right near the throne room?

He leaves. Haelo and Kander look at each other. They hear Eris shouting oo. Both of them nervously laugh.

KANDER: Shall we continue to dance or...?

HAELO: Yeah.

Haelo and Kander resume slow dancing together. They are doing an acceptable job on their own.

KANDER: Do you have anyone from your side attending the wedding?

HAELO: (Sadly shakes head.) No.

KANDER: (Frowns.) Why?

HAELO: My mom and dad died by humans in Maradon. Many of my friends did too. I left to come here.

KANDER: (Stunned.) What? Why haven't you said anything, Haelo? Why didn't you tell me earlier?

HAELO: (Lowers head.) It's a heavy topic for me.

Kander stops moving and puts a finger underneath her chin, raising it so they look directly into each other's eyes.

KANDER: I'm so sorry for your loss, Haelo. What you went through is so awful. (Hugs her.) I will do anything to keep you safe from the dangers and nightmares that will follow you around. My love may not fill the emptiness you feel from the loss of your family, but I do my best. We will be your new family.

Haelo weeps and massages his head. She smiles for a brief second, looking sinister rather than joyful. They stop hugging, and Kander kisses her.

HAELO: (Still tearing up.) Kander, that was so sweet.

KANDER: You are everything to me.




Haelo wanders the gallery around three in the morning. The torches keep the place lit. She investigates every picture, trying to find any other art that contains Wingia, Fiera, or anything related to the rebellion. She finds nothing close to that with the statues or other paintings, so she returns to the same picture she was staring at earlier.

Haelo puts her hands on the painting.

HAELO: I'm so sorry, Mom, that it had to be this way. (Tears up.) I lost you and our beloved father. Humans have mistreated us for all these years. (Stops crying, feeling the rage.) It's amazing how the other kinds try to give them a chance. They'll never learn. We won't get rid of evil. They agreed demons can be malevolent. You were not evil in any way, Mother. Was this all a misunderstanding or the side-effects of war?

Her claws enhance. She touches the painting again, trying to resist tampering with it.

HAELO (CONT'D): I won't follow the path of rebellious lead. You told me to stay away from war, and I will do that. I will show them humanity's true terror and malice within other kinds. Anyone can be a demon that they so feared.

She walks away.




Kander is looking at essays about past kings and their analysis, trying to find more ideas to improve his reign at ruling or learn what not to do as king. If he sees something interesting, he writes them down in his notebook. He goes to the library whenever he has free time. The wedding is two to three days away. Both the throneroom and ballroom are being worked on.

Eris walks into the library. Everyone looks and gasps, starstruck. They all stand up and take a bow. Eris gives everyone a nod with a smile, showing his appreciation before they sit back down.

He walks to Kander, who is sitting alone at a table.

ERIS: I knew that you were going to be here.

He sits down next to his son. Kander smiles.

ERIS (CONT'D): Where's Haelo?

KANDER: She is singing to the sick at the closest hospital.

ERIS: That'll put them to sleep.

KANDER: Why do you always ask about where Haelo is? Want to steal her?

ERIS: My god, Kander. I adore and care about her as she is my future daughter-in-law.

KANDER: Poor girl lost her family in Maradon. She is a sweet girl with lovely, soothing songs I wish to hear forever.

ERIS: Benefits of dating a siren.

KANDER: Genetics will be confusing.

ERIS: Pardon?

KANDER: Kinds have different genetic properties. Angelic and demonic DNA decreases with every generation when met with a non-divine. Pureblood mages can be a trait shared despite having no mage as parents, like you. It can skip one generation and be one in the next. Fairies too. I know some kinds can be hybrids- humans, elves, werewolves, vampires. What would our child be like?

ERIS: (Massages chin.) I don't know. Did you ever look in the books?

KANDER: Yes, I have, but not clear. It says an offspring can be a pureblood mage or a siren. I still reckon that there can be a mix of the two.

ERIS: Deadly combination, Kander.

KANDER: Indeed, but the child would have us.

ERIS: It will be the rarest in the world. Human hybrids, along with vampire-wolf hybrids, are also rare. You know the reasons why they are rare?

KANDER: Human hybrids still get rejected by humans unless they are half-angels like Quaive. There are complications regarding vampires and werewolves.

ERIS: Correct. You studied more than just magic, more than I have.


ERIS (CONT'D): If the Mutant Century didn't occur thousands of years ago when the gods, angels, and demons resided on the Earth, we would still be humans--no gene convergence, mutations, and magical gifts. We would never face the judgment of humanity if that had never happened.

KANDER: Discrimination will be set in different ways, Dad. Humans think they are the original beings. Those who evolved into other races are said to be against their humanity-- traitors. Those who combined with angelic DNA are believed to be the chosen ones.

ERIS: Demigods too.

There are other librarians quietly prying in.

ERIS (CONT’D): Tremis would've also never been created. King Gvo [Jiv-oh] and his supporters were banished.

KANDER: Was there a reason why humans banish us regardless of what they believe?

ERIS: It's because-

Haelo comes in.

HAELO: (Singing.) Entambula isvo cava, aekutu pravda, sulli isu tokoga meris isntavait gno- [Ann-tam-bue-luh is-voe cav-uh, a-cut-two prav-duh, soul-lie iz-you, talk-ko-gah mare-is is-not-tave-vait no-]

Eris and Kander begin to talk to each other, overlapping Haelo's singing. More people stop what they are doing to listen to her beautiful voice.

ERIS: (Whispers to Kander.) What is she singing?

KANDER: (Whispers back.) I don't know. Maradonian? She told me she used to live there.

ERIS: (Shakes head.) I think not. Maradonian sounds like French.

KANDER: What about her family? They may have a secret language.

ERIS: That could be it.

Haelo finishes singing. She gets claps around the library before they go back to work. Haelo turns to the Kander and Eris.

HAELO: Sorry. I just wanted to sing in my language. We used to sing it at night. (Sweetly chuckles.) Foolish humans believe it was our way to attract and eat them. Jokes on them, we eat seafood.

ERIS: Haelo, how long can your body withstand being out of water?

HAELO: A month. I can always bathe to rehydrate. It works.

KANDER: How were your travels to the hospital, my dear?

HAELO: It was calm during my trip there. The patients loved it. On my way back, I took a detour into a forest. I’ve heard Heart-Eaters roaring nearby. They didn’t find me. What disturbed me was the womanly shrieks towards a poor girl in those woods.

KANDER: Heart-Eaters. (Shivers.)

ERIS: The girl must be in trouble then...

HAELO: I wished I could've done something, but the Heart-Eaters sounded far off from where the yelling was. There must be two separate incidents that I need to learn the context of. I hope the girl is alright.

KANDER: I see.



Kander opens up a book about siren autonomy. He reads and finds out that there are pureblood sirens and average sirens. An average siren can handle more time out of the water than pureblood sirens. There are no half-bloods at this moment.

KANDER: Haelo is an average siren. (Rolls eyes.) Obviously, Kander.

He checks the duration. A pureblood last a few weeks before dehydration sets in, while average sirens can handle up to a month or two.

KANDER (CONT'D): I never heard Haelophes complaining or asking to be returned to a body of water while I’ve been with her. I guess she is using a bathing trick. The book doesn't even mention it. They have to be transformed, and their body has to be entirely submerged in water to rehydrate themselves. (Pause.) She needs a gigantic bathtub or the pool to do that.

Kander looks at the clock. 11:22 p.m. He looks back at the book.

KANDER (V.O.) (CONT'D): Is it wrong that I'm prying into Haelo's issue behind her back?

Consensus says around five hundred are alive in this current century. All of them are in lakes or oceans—none in Maradon. Even the history of sirens said there was no siren in Maradon. There is a low mermaid population, but they stay underwater.

KANDER (CONT'D): Weird. Didn't she say she was from Maradon? (Jokes.) Her moving probably got her taken off the list. She could've been adopted. I can ask more about her later.

The book also talks about the siren's power. They can shapeshift to blend into society but must return to any body of water. Sirens' powers don't activate unless they are in the water, including singing and their scales.

KANDER (V.O.) (CONT'D): Also weird. She could be a good singer. Everything else seems normal other than the scales. She either has a medical condition or a genetic mutation that exposes the scales on her wrists. Why didn't I research this before?

The book says that medical conditions can limit a siren's time out of the water, cause constant dehydration, or prevent or slow down shapeshifting and transformation-- nothing about scales.

KANDER (CONT'D): (Goes back to the front page to find the year published- 1990.) This might have yet to catch up with the newfound conditions in 2005. I can always ask her about it. I can know more about her.

He tiredly shuts the book and sighs to himself.


About the Creator

Ace Melee

Hello, everyone! Creative writing is an essential asset for me since it frees my imagination from getting hit by the barrier of the skull. It hurts when it's locked in and roars when oppressed- it was destined to soar.

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