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The Powers That Be!!!

Mysterious Powers in the World we do not know of.

By Susanna FlaviusPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 23 min read
The Powers That Be!!!
Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash


It was a nice summer's day in Holzburn; a petite, quiet town in the country. Not many visitors though, due to all the scary tales of marriages to warlocks, ghostly widows who supposedly had been murdered, and hungry demons hell bent on capturing virgins' souls. A bus from the city was arriving into town that day carrying a whole lot of curious passengers who had heard of the town's doomed tales but could only speculate from the bus windows. Unfortunately, a family - - two girls and two older boys and their mother and father — got off that bus, number 246. "Take good care," said the driver. "You don't want to be living in this town, it's cold and evil." Mr Andrews, the patriarch of the family, replied and said, "What do you mean by that?

This town looks pretty good to me. I'm a stickler for old gaga tales," said Mr Andrews. "Cheerio then," said the driver. While Mr Andrews grabbed the luggage, he felt a chill, but laughed it off. The Andrews and their children; Chloe eighteen, Rizzolia sixteen, Mickey twenty, Kyle twenty-one, made their way to their new home. Excited about starting afresh, Mrs Andrews said to them, "We can have a housewarming party and invite all the neighbours. What do you think guys?" said Mrs Andrews. "I think that will be a great idea Mum," said Chloe. "Mum, I'm just gonna pop to the shop with Rizzolia ok," said Chloe. "Ok, don't be too long," said Mrs Andrews. As Chloe and Rizzolia walked up the hill towards the shops, an old man appeared suddenly in front of them. Spooked by the old man, Chloe asked the man, "Where did you come from? Hey? Hey? Who are you?" said Chloe.

The man said nothing but his eyes were fixed non-stop on Rizzolia who by the look of her seemed in a trance-like state. To the shock of Chloe's ears, Rizzolia was speaking in a strange language to the old man, who replied without hesitating. "That's enough, get out of our way," said Chloe. Rizzolia started to get frantic, screaming and shouting, "We've got to go home now. We've got to," said Rizzolia. "What? What's wrong? What's wrong with you Sis?" said Chloe. "We have got to get out of here. We really got to....................he's coming, he will take us," said Rizzolia. "Take us? Who will take us? You're not making any sense Rizzo," said Chloe. "Now you wait here while I get your birthday present, ok. No peeping into the shop," said Chloe. The shop was packed with tons of people. It was so hard for Chloe to move around. Rizzolia remained outside still racking her brains on what the old man had said, when all of a sudden there was a loud bang coming from the shop. The shop looked to be on fire. Rizzolia could hear people screaming for help. "Oh no! Chloe. Chloe," said a panic stricken Rizzolia. "Somebody help," said Rizzolia. Rizzolia rushed towards the shop entrance to see six men with eyes like brimstone, in black hooded cloaks, chanting as each person they made disappear into a whirlwind of fire and smoke.

"What's going on?.................. Don't take my sister," shouted Rizzolia. One of the hooded men turned towards her and said, "How dare you interrupt me, the Lord of Holzburn, from the preparation of my sacrifice. Chosen ones before you have knelt to me and have perished. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha," he said. "What do you mean, chosen ones? I just want my sister back, you monster," said Rizzolia. Rizzolia dashed all the way down the hill to her house. "Help Mum, Dad," said Rizzolia. Mr and Mrs Andrews came running along with Rizzolia's brothers "What is it honey? .......................What's wrong?" said Mrs Andrews. "Chloe is gone. He took her," said Rizzolia. "Calm down and tell us what's happened to your sister," said Mrs Andrews. "She was in the shop buying my birthday present, when the hooded men took her away. He said she was some part of a sacrifice," said Rizzolia.

"Call the police, honey," said Mr Andrews to Mrs Andrews. Mrs Andrews met the police at the door, along with Mr Andrews. "My daughter's gone missing," said Mr Andrews. "Can you or your wife tell us exactly what time you realized you daughter went missing," said the policeman. "My other daughter, Rizzolia, who was with Chloe when she went missing, will fill you in," said Mr Andrews. The policeman asked Rizzolia to tell them where she last saw here sister. She told him what had happened. The policeman looked astonished and said calmly "I don't understand what happened here.... I.... can't see any hooded men around. The shop appears to be fine.

Maybe young lady, you are making your imagination run wild?" said the policeman. "Oh no, sir. It happened just like I said it did. Why won't you believe me? Mum, Dad, you know I don't tell lies," said Rizzolia. The policeman suggested to Mr and Mrs Andrews that they should take their daughter home to calm down — and so they did. During the night, a loud howling was heard across the house which shook the family. The howling seemed to be coming from the front garden.

The Andrews all rushed to the garden to look around. They saw no one. "Who's there?" said Mr Andrews. All of a sudden they heard a voice. "Mummy, it's me, Chloe.” said the voice. “Chloe, sweetie, where are you baby?" said Mrs Andrews. "Mummy, come here. Come forward Mummy," said the voice. Mrs Andrews rushed forward to the garden bushes to see if she could see her daughter. All of a sudden she felt a hand touch her back. She turned and screamed "Noooooo," said Mrs Andrews. Mr Andrews, Rizzolia, Mickey and Kyle, ran towards the sound of Mrs Andrews' screams.

But she wasn't there; she was nowhere to be seen. Rizzolia cried out, clutching her head, "Oh no! It's happening again," said Rizzolia. Her father yelled at her in frustration, "Rizzolia, stop it, your mother's around here somewhere, ok," said Mr Andrews. Mickey and Kyle went searching in the alleyways, while Mr Andrews searched the streets with Rizzolia. It was getting extremely late and there was still no sign of Mrs Andrews, so they headed back home. One by one they came through the front door saddened and distressed. "Someone's not telling us what's really going on," said Mickey. "What's that supposed to mean?" said Rizzolia.

"You seem to have bouts of bad luck around you, don't ya," said Kyle. "Why are you two picking on me? I don't know why Mum and Chloe have gone missing. I told you all I know about Chloe's disappearance," said Rizzolia. "Stop this. Now nobody is to blame, alright," said Mr Andrews angry and deeply depressed. "I'm sure your mother and sister will come back tomorrow. I will be in my room if you need me," said Mr Andrews. "Dad's in denial," said Rizzolia. "Can you blame him for acting this way. Chloe disappeared this morning. On what you said, she was taken by hooded men; and Mum vanished in the garden after hearing what sounded like Chloe's voice," said Kyle. "Look, if it's any consolation, I think I know a way to bring them home " said Rizzolia. "Oh yeah. How huh?" said Kyle. "There was this man who stopped me and Chloe this morning or our way to the shops. He told me I possessed a gift to fight him,' said Rizzolia. "Him? Who's him?" said Mickey. "This evil monster by the name of the Lord of Holzburn," said Rizzolia.

"Look Rizzo, your fairy tales aren’t remotely funny right now," said Mickey. "I'm not trying to be funny. It's true, I tell ya," said Rizzolia. Mickey walked past Rizzolia nodding his head continuously, while Kyle looked at her in disgust. Tears began to fall from her cheeks and she said to herself, "They hate me." Rizzolia went to her bedroom all weary-eyed. She sat at her window. Soon her eyes were very heavy and she fell asleep with her head perched on the windowsill. "Brack, brack." The sound of a crow sitting upon Rizzolia's window, woke her up in the early hours of the morning. Her hair was wet due to her leaving her window open during the night.

She stretched out her arms and legs and, headed straight to the bathroom for a quick shower. Rizzolia thought to herself, that if she made breakfast for her father, Kyle and Mickey this morning, maybe they wouldn't blame her for Chloe's disappearance. On the way to the kitchen, she knocked on her father's door; but he wasn't there, so she called out to her brothers, "Mickey, Kyle, I'm cooking breakfast this morning. Hey, are you guys gonna come down and get it?" she said.

There was no answer, so she went to their rooms. They weren't there either? 'Maybe they're downstairs?' she thought to herself. She checked the kitchen, dining room and the garden, but to no avail, they weren't there. She started to panic. "Oh my, I don't believe this is happening to me.

Why is this happening to me?" she said. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Why would they be knocking when they have keys?" said Rizzolia, thinking that her family had returned. Rizzolia swung open the front door to see if it was her family. But no, it wasn't them; it was the old man she had met at the shop before her sister disappeared. "It's you. If you know where my family are, please tell me," said Rizzolia.

The old man replied "I know where they are. Only you can get them back Rizzolia," he said. ''How do you know my name? I don't remember telling you when we last spoke?" she said. "First let me introduce myself. My name is Oggy. Oggy the Great," he said. "Sir, please do not think I'm being rude. Oggy died one hundred years ago. You can't be," said Rizzolia. "You dare call me a liar child, when you saw for yourself how your sister vanished, and the rest of your family.................I think not," said Oggy. "Now let me in, we have much to discuss," he said. Rizzolia lead him into the kitchen for a coffee and a bite to eat. "It's obvious by the looks of you, you have been made acquainted with the infamous Lord of Holzburn," said Oggy. "Why is he doing this? What could he possibly want with my family? I...... want to know......... everything," she said. "One hundred and fifty years ago, there was this very poor family that lived here called, you guessed it, the Holzburns. Mr Holzburn earned money by working as a magician. One day he got a letter from the Duke of Sanmond, inviting him to perform at a gala he had planned. Straight after the gala, Holzburn headed home, but got detained a mile outside the castle, because of a damaged wheel on his horse and cart. The night was getting extremely cold, so instead of him fixing the cart, he decided after an hour to leave the cart there and take the horse home. When Holzburn arrived home that night, he found his wife lying in the hallway murdered, and his children with their hearts removed," said Oggy. "Oh my! What happened next?" said Rizzolia. "As Holzburn held his children in his arms, he heard footsteps as though someone was lurking in the garden.

He took hold of his stick and went out to the garden to confront whatever was there. It was none other than the Duke of Sanmond clutching a bag with blood pouring out from it. Right then and there Holzburn put two and two together — accusing the Duke of Sanmond of murder. Holzburn took his stick and struck Sanmond, but Sanmond got away. As shocked and distressed as Holzburn was, he vowed to find Sanmond and seek revenge for his family. So one night, Holzburn still in despair of facing another day without his family, turned to evil for solace. Holzburn made a pact with the devil and sought evil spells.

These spells brought him powers you would not believe. He finally sought to find Sanmond to destroy him. His powers did bring Sanmond to him, to destroy. After he had killed Sanmond, he murdered the rest of Sanmond's family, just for the sake of it and resided in the castle. Soon Holzburn's powers were too much for him to handle; the evil completely took over. From that day on, on the birthday of his wife, he marked that day as a sacrifice of many. Holzburn summoned countless men so he could raise an army of evil. Half of them he turned into warlocks; the warlocks themselves seeking many wives. The other half of the men were demonic-like and worshiped evil to the highest extent; they took virgins' souls for their pleasure.

There were many grave sacrifices on Holzbum's wife's birthday," said Oggy. "Didn't anyone try to stop him?" said Rizzolia. "Well, Holzburn fell in love again — but not to any other woman. This woman was my sister Candice. He wanted her so much, but I was reluctant to let her get involved in Holzburn's evil campaign, so I fought him. He had a hard time with me. The hate he had for me was so great, even greater than the love he had for my sister. My sister Candice soon opened her eyes. She fell away from him and married the town's doctor instead. Holzburn was so irate and full of jealousy, that on Candice's honeymoon, he killed Candice's husband. Candice vowed to avenge her husband's death. Candice became pregnant at the time, and as months went by, she came across a dagger while we were packing up to leave town to start afresh. This was no ordinary dagger.

The powers within the dagger were meant for a chosen one to battle evil. I remember telling her how lucky we were to find such a thing. That afternoon, she gave birth to a girl named Skylar. Candice was so happy, until Holzburn showed up with his band of terrorists at the hospital, and Candice was no more. He took her soul. Knowing this, I grabbed Skylar and fled to the north side of town. I hid there with Skylar until she blossomed into a young woman. On her sixteenth birthday, I taught her everything she needed to know to defend herself against Holzburn. Everywhere she went, she carried the dagger of the chosen few; until her death. You see the answer to your question, child, why he took your family. You see your grandmother was Skylar. Your great-grandmother is my sister Candice," said Oggy. "But why didn't my mum do something?" said Rizzolia. "Your grandmother gave your mother a new identity to protect her from Holzburn. She didn't want to put her life in danger or to know about this," said Oggy. "You see, this is passed on to you. You have a responsibility like your grandmother before you to destroy Holzburn. If you come back to my home, I will teach you how to defeat him. I will place the dagger of the chosen few in your hands.

So come, let's go before it's too late. There's much work to be done to stop the sacrifices before the full moon arrives," said Oggy. Oggy took Rizzolia to his house and showed her pictures of her grandmother. There he started to train her how to defeat Holzburn. "Hold the dagger sideways, remember that Holzburn has five other tyrants that almost possess the same power that he has," said Oggy.

The training session took the whole weekend. "Now my child, you are ready," said Oggy. "Wait a minute, I can't fight Holzburn and his five tyrants at the same time," said Rizzolia. "Don't worry, help is on the way. Grab your coat," he said. "Why? Where are we going?" said Rizzolia. "To meet the others who will help you bring Holzburn to an end. They go by the name — Monaxs," he said. Oggy brought Rizzolia to a place at the south side of town.

There she met up with a woman called Remmy, and three men called Duncan, Errol and Ridge. "Nice to meet you," said Rizzolia. "Hey, the feeling's mutual," said the Monaxs. "Right, let's get down to business. I've drawn up a plan," said Ridge. Pointing to the map he said, "This will lead us right to the ancient tomb to collect the Stone of Olbas," said Ridge. "Why do we need the Stone of Olbas, when Oggy's got the dagger?" said Rizzolia. "Hey kid, you've got a lot to learn. Without the stone, the dagger has only half the power. I guess you can say, it's practically useless,'' said Duncan. The entourage made their way to the ancient tomb hidden between some rocks near the valley. "Yep, I found it," shouted Errol. "Ok, as soon as we get the tomb open, the better," said Remmy. "Hey guys......... guys ........isn't that warlocks I see coming out way?" said Rizzolia. "Right Rizzolia because you're the chosen one, you get the stone out of the tomb, while me and the rest of the guys battle the warlocks," said Duncan. The warlocks battled the Monaxs. "Make it easier on yourselves, give us the Stone of Olbas," said the warlocks. "You're gonna have to beat us first, which won't be easy, scatterbrains," said Remmy.

The monaxs defeated the warlocks by locking them in the ancient tomb to give them time to get away. "You guys sure fixed them," said Rizzolia. As they were walking along talking about their plans, Rizzolia and the Monaxs fell into a very deep abandoned well. "Are you guys alright?" said Errol. "Yeah, ok," Rizzolia said. "The first thing we have to do is get out of here," said Duncan. "Aah! What's that?...... Did you see that?" said Rizzolia. "Oh yeah, that's the ghost of Holzburn's wife," said Remmy. "She's very scary looking. I wanna get out of here now," said Rizzolia. "Look kid, if you think that's scary, you should see Holzbum himself," said Ridge. "For your information, I have already met the guy when he took my sister away," said Rizzolia. "I'm sorry about that," said Ridge. "It's ok," said Rizzolia. "We are gonna need the stone to get out of this hole. Hold on everyone," said Oggy. "One true God of Heaven, hear our pleas we pray in the name of your beloved son Our Lord Jesus Christ…Stone of light, stone of joy, bring us to the earthly surface I employ," said Oggy. All of a sudden, Rizzolia, Oggy, and the monaxs were drifting out of the well like a flash of lightning. "Right, let's get the dagger," said Oggy. "Where is it?" said Rizzolia. "After your training, I hid it some place at home," said Oggy. Oggy conjured up some magic to bring the dagger to him. Once Oggy got his hands on the dagger, he placed it in Rizzolia's hands. Rizzolia then placed the Stone of Olbas in the dagger — to her disbelief, her clothes transformed into a warrior-like setup, with a sword attached to it, with gold and sapphire.

"Wow you're........ so beautiful," said Ridge. "Thank you, I know am ready for some action," said Rizzolia, in a warrior-like voice. Ridge couldn't take his eyes off Rizzolia. His heart beat faster each time Rizzolia looked at him. "Hey Ridge man, it's best to keep your eyes open and your mind on the job," said Duncan. "My mind is on the job — very, very on the job, like rosebuds in spring," said Ridge. "Man, you ain't making any sense right now," said Duncan. Remmy spotted Holzburn's tyrants up ahead ................ ....."Let's get 'em guys," said Remmy. "No, they are mine," said Rizzolia. As Rizzolia battled the tyrants with her dagger, Ridge looked on. so impressed by her prowess. "Wow, what a woman," said Ridge. "We must hurry to stop the sacrifices before it's too late," said Rizzolia.

The entourage made their way to the castle. Other tyrants armed with bolts of fire shot at them. "Rizzolia, try to stop the sacrifices. Don't worry about us, we can handle them," said Oggy. Rizzolia ran through the entrance, heated and expectantly. She yelled out a war cry, "Holzburn, we meet again. Release them now or face my wrath," said Rizzolia. "Your wrath, please don't make me laugh little girl. You have no idea of the power I possess," said Holzburn. "I will crush you like a sour grape. I, the Lord of Holzburn, call on bucca to come alive within this realm, to relish the blood of my sacrifice that I have prepared," said Holzburn. "Enough of this Holzburn. You are finished," said Rizzolia. Holzburn grabbed Rizzolia by the neck and threw her across the hall. "You pig! Is that the best you can do?" said Rizzolia. "I shall wipe the floor with you," said Holzburn. "Go on try it, but ya better do it soon Holzburn, cause when I get up from this floor, I will bring you to an end," said Rizzolia. Holzburn conjured up giant dogs like ghouls to take care of Rizzolia.

The dogs ripped into her in a bad way. She took the dagger and swiped the ghoul dogs into non-existence. Then she started an attack on Holzburn to stop his sacrifices. "Ki, num, ki," said Holzburn chanting. "Not so fast Holzburn," said Rizzolia. "Is there no end to your bickering?" said Holzburn turning red with anger. "I'm going to destroy you once and for all with my bare hands." Holzburn took a swipe at Rizzolia; she ducked. As they moved slowly across the floor, she held her dagger, turned it sideways and threw it across the room to the cage where the prisoners were. The dagger broke the chain and the cage door flew open. "How dare you release my sacrifices from my cage," said Holzburn. The prisoners were so happy to be released from the cage. Rizzolia was so gobsmacked to see how many people Holzburn was going to sacrifice. "You'd better make sure you kill me little girl, because if you don't, I will use your family first," said Holzburn. To the suppressed anger of Rizzolia, she turned up her dagger to Holzburn's face. "You remember Candice Holzburn? Candice, the woman you loved but didn't love you? She had better taste, you know," said Rizzolia. "Shut up," said Holzburn. Rizzolia's flow of words were getting to Holzburn in a big way. "Oh, what about your wife Holzburn huh? Sanmond didn't murder her, they were having an affair and because she couldn't bear to see your ugly mug, she took her life in haste, along with your children," said Rizzolia. Suddenly Holzburn jumped onto Rizzolia with his hands at her throat prompting them to fall on the floor. His hands were so tightly wrapped around her throat, Rizzolia could hardly breathe. With every last ounce of willpower, she turned the dagger into his heart and said “In the name of the Most High God, King of Heaven, begone demon.”

"Nooooooo," was the sound coming from Holzburn as he lay on his back gasping for air. "I can't die .............. I can't," said Holzburn. The dagger burnt a hole in his heart, that made Holzburn look like a very strong light bulb. "Everybody get out of this place. It is gonna explode" said Rizzolia. Rizzolia got everybody out........ "Bang!" The whole castle lit up like a whirlwind, into little molecules and vanished away into the atmosphere. The prisoners who were freed were extremely happy! "Rizzolia honey. Sweetie. Hey sis," said Rizzolia's family. Rizzolia turned around to see her family running towards her overjoyed. "Are you guys ok? I missed you so much," said Rizzolia. "We are fine honey, just fine thanks to you," said Mr Andrews. "So does that mean you guys don't blame me for all that's happened?" said Rizzolia. "No, of course not. Holzburn wanted to get revenge for your grandmother rejecting him and for the wars he had with my mother. Honey, none of this is your fault. If anything, you're a heroine sweetie," said Mrs Andrews.

Rizzolia called out to the Monaxs, "Hey guys, I would like you to meet my family," said Rizzolia. "Nice to meet ya," said the Monaxs. "Well, I am beat. Hey Ridge, maybe you could come for dinner sometime?" said Rizzolia. "Oh, I would love to," said Ridge, making reference to the way Rizzolia was dressed. "Mum, Dad, before you tell me off about what I am wearing, I san explain ok," said Rizzolia. "Honey, I wasn't going to say a thing about it. If anything, my baby's a hero inc. I'm so proud of you," said Rizzolia's mum hugging her daughter. "Oh he's cute," said Mrs Andrews, making reference to Ridge. "Yeah, I really like Ridge, Mum. I think he's so handsome," said Rizzolia. "Oh right, let's go home now Mum, I really miss your roast and chocolate soufflé," said Rizzolia. "Oh all right..................the week we've had, I guess everyone's invited back for a bite to eat, to celebrate getting rid of Holzburn for good and for all of us surviving this horrible ordeal," said Mrs Andrews.

Everyone headed back to the Andrews' house for a celebration feast. The whole town gathered by the house, each household bringing some wine and food. Music rang out along the streets, with people dancing and singing. Never had the town seen a night to celebrate like this. That wasn't the only cause for celebration. Mrs Andrews had a very special announcement to make. "I'm expecting a baby" said Mrs Andrews. The Andrews' special announcement rang like bells upon the ears of the townspeople. "I can't believe it," a local townswoman said. "This must be the first time in years that a baby will grace our town, and fill it with joy." Whilst all the townspeople were having a great time, they looked across at the bus stop to see a new family arriving into town. They all paused for a second ......................................... "Well, everyone, let's look at it this way. Least they have nothing to fear. The evil is gone," said Oggy making reference to the new family. "Yep. It seems they've missed all the action. Now that's what call being lucky," said Mr Andrews. "You know, when I first stepped into this town, a driver warned me about the dangers, but silly old me took no notice," said a jolly Mr Andrews. "You see, that's the thing about grown-ups, they don't listen do they," said Chloe. "Excuse me gentlemen, my daughter's very cheeky," said Mrs Andrews.

Oggy pulled Mrs Andrews to one side. "If your mother was alive today, she would have been very proud of you. You've been a fantastic mother to your kids. You have raised them extremely well. I'm only sorry that you never met your grandmother, Candice. She was quite a lady," said Oggy. "Well, you know what Oggy, despite all the bad things that's happened — nearly losing my life and family — I've gained more then I could hope for. A new baby on the way, and finding out I have a wonderful great-uncle like yourself," said Mrs Andrews. "Hey, less of the great-uncle bit. Oggy will be just fine thanks," said Oggy.

The town was free from evil for the first time in one hundred and fifty years, and romance blossomed quickly between Rizzolia, the chosen one, and the immensely handsome goodwill fighter Ridge. Ridge became so besotted with Rizzolia, and Rizzolia with him, their love grew with every passing day. The dagger of the chosen few, along with the Stone of Olbas. were kept in a very secret place. In any case, if evil ever did rise again in Holzburn, Rizzolia, Oggy the Great, and the Monaxs would fight on whenever, whatever, again.




About the Creator

Susanna Flavius

Art Buffer Artist @ ''

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