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The Mars Initiative: Chapter 2

A New Worlds Story

By Nicole NealPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
The Mars Initiative: Chapter 2
Photo by hohyeong lee on Unsplash

“Parallel universe? You’re insane.” I turn to get in my car but then remember the look of complete desperation on his face so I turn back to him. “Do you have a way to get home? I’m happy to call you an Uber if you need one.”

“I have no home here. Like I said, I’m from a parallel universe. I need help getting home.”

I stand there trying to figure out a way to help him out without letting a stranger in my car. He seems harmless but he’s also desperate and clearly insane which means he might be harmless now and then flip to become crazy later. A profiler friend of mine has told me of the dangers of trusting someone with a mental disorder. But that gives me an idea.

“Hang on a minute. I need to make a call.” I get in my car and shut the door so he can’t hear my side of the conversation.

“Angelique? So I have a weird request.”

After explaining the situation to her we decide that I get him an Uber to her office where she will assess him and get him the help he needs.

“I have a friend who I think can help you. I’m calling you an Uber to get you to her office and I will meet you there.”

“Thank you!” He looks relieved but also slightly confused. “What’s an Uber?”

“It’s kinda like a taxi or a car service. Do you not have those in your universe?” I realize that if he truly believes he’s from another universe then he might block out details about reality.

“We call it Yuxi, short for “You Taxi.” He looks around the parking garage to figure out where to meet it. “Should I just meet them in front of the building?”

“Sure. I’ll drive up there and wait with you to make sure you get your ride.” I don’t know why, but the more time I spend with this guy the more I start to think he might actually be telling the truth. There’s something about him that just doesn’t seem crazy.


“Tell me about your universe,” Angelique says with deep kindness. You can’t even tell that she thinks he’s crazy.

He starts describing a place that’s similar to ours but is slightly different. With the short time he’s been in our universe he has identified some of the differences and is able to explain them to us. But occasionally we have to ask questions to clarify people he thinks are important or to make sure we have a correct understanding of who people are. For example, the speaker of the house for his universe is Stephan Arkitan but we know him for his award winning performances in multiple films. Most of the differences are subtle but significant, but some are more impactful.

“So, Mr. Booker, our president is actually your sister and not the woman we actually voted for?” Angelique asks.

“Correct. And please call me Liam.” He says the last part with a sad smile.

“How long have you been in our universe?” I suddenly wonder how long he has felt like he was alone. Whether or not he’s crazy, it must be really lonely thinking you don’t know anyone.

“Three weeks,” he says.

“That’s a long time to be without friends and family,” I say. Angelique can tell that I feel sorry for him.

“Can you prove that you are from a different universe?” Angelique asks this defensively. I think she is trying to protect me from being duped by a crazy person.


“Great!” she says. “How?”

“Get a meeting with my sister. She will confirm everything once she knows who I am.”

Angelique and I exchange a glance. “Well, that’s impossible,” I say. “There is no way that we can schedule a meeting with the president of our country. How powerful do you think we are?”

“If there is a major breakthrough at your Mars Division, wouldn’t she want to check in? Isn’t that something she has done in the past?”

“Sure. But we haven’t had a breakthrough in a few months. What makes you think we will have one soon?” I ask skeptically.

“Because I have successfully traveled to and lived on Mars in my universe,” Liam says matter-of-factly. “And unless your world operates under different laws of nature, how I did it should work for you too.”

Angelique and I look at each other incredulously. But if the information he provides actually works then we will know he is telling the truth. If not, we can check him into a mental institution and move on with our lives.

“What do you have that can make this breakthrough happen?” Angelique sounds like she is just patronizing Liam, but he doesn’t seem to care.

“You can get to Mars, correct?” We nod our agreement. “I can give you the tech to actually inhabit Mars by accessing the water below the surface and breathing without the bulky space suits. I just need you to get it to someone in your Mars Division who can test it out.”

I look at Angelique. We know just the person.

Young Adult

About the Creator

Nicole Neal

I love stories. Any type of story. I believe that stories do more than just entertain. They help us see the world in a different light and understand what we are dealing with. Stories are a powerful tool if used well.

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    Nicole NealWritten by Nicole Neal

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