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The Littlest Pear

A story with help from my son.

By Kenneth Ash IIPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
The Littlest Pear
Photo by Didssph on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a huge, magical pear tree. It's name was Ackblar. It had stood for many years, hiding away in the middle of The Shrouded Forest. The forest itself wasn't shrouded, at least not anymore. The people still called it that because of the mysterious things that happened in and around the forest.

Ackblar was the reason for these mysterious happenings, but no one knew that for a long time. Then one day, a lumberjack who had heard of the mysteries of The Shrouded Forest, decided he wasn't afraid to enter. He went into the forest and was never seen again.

While he was in the forest though, he found Ackblar. He knew that he had found the source of the forest from the moment he saw Ackblar. The tree itself glowed. It was the middle of the day and it seemed as if the sunlight were coming directly from the tree. The lumberjack thought that if he could take down the tree and bring it back, then the forest wouldn't scare people anymore.

When Ackblar first saw the lumberjack, he knew his time was coming to an end. Up in his branches were many pears. They all could feel the fear that Ackblar had. They all grabbed tightly to Ackblar's branches, trying to calm him and tell him that it would be ok. One pear, though, was having a hard time. This was the littlest pear that Ackblar had, and it couldn't hold on as tightly as the other pears.

Once the lumberjack started chopping, Ackblar started crying. The littlest pear held on as tightly as it could, but in the end the chopping was so rough that the pear could no longer hold on. It was the moment before it let go, that Ackblar realized he could keep his magic alive. He transferred all his magic and life force into the pear, just as it let go, falling to the ground, and rolling down a hill. The transfer of magic caused a huge blast, which made a giant crater where Ackblar had been, killing the lumberjack in the process.

The littlest pear laid there for a few days, mourning the loss of his tree. With the magic inside him now, he knew he needed to fix things. He had rolled so far away from Ackblar, that he didn't know where he was. He used his magic to give himself arms and legs to help him move better. Also, after running into a couple of things, he gave himself a face.

Now that he could see and walk, it was a lot easier to make progress. As he was walking, he found an apple. The apple was bruised from falling and had a bite or two from some animals. The pear used some of his magic to bring the apple to life.

"Hello sister," the pear said. "Let me help you up." He reached down and helped the apple up, giving her arms, legs and a face as he did.

"Thank you," she said. "I didn't want to be eaten more. What is your name?"

"I don't have one, do you?"

"I am Braeburn. I shall call you Bosc."

"Bosc, I like it. Could you help me find the spot where my tree, Ackblar, was?"

"You are from Ackblar? I have heard of his greatness. He helped create this whole forest."

"He is gone now. I must use my magic to go bring him back. Will you help me?"

"I absolutely will."

They started on their journey. As they went on, they came across an orange. Bosc used some magic to bring it to life as well.

"Thank you stranger," the orange said.

"I am Bosc. This is Braeburn. What are you called?"


"Nice to meet you," Braeburn said. "Can you help us restore Ackblar?"

"Ackblar? What's happened?"

"He is gone," Bosc said, a tear rolling down him. "I must find him and bring him back."

"I will help. Absolutely."

So they continued. They came across some more fruit and Bosc brought them to life too. There was a lemon named Meyer, a banana named Caven, and a dragon fruit named Draco. These six fruits decided to make it their mission to make sure The Shrouded Forest wouldn't die.

"Hey," Valencio said, as they came to a small stream. "I know where Ackblar was. I had heard stories from my tree. She said he was in the center of the forest. She said that the small stream wound through the forest and led straight to Ackblar."

"Great work," Bosc said, patting Valencio on the peel.

"Let's make a raft," Caven said. "It'll be the fastest way there."

Draco and Meyer started to get vines, while everyone else found branches from fallen trees. The raft was done quickly, with everyone working together. They put it in the stream and let the flow take them to the heart of the forest.

The stream took a few days to reach the heart of the forest, but they finally got there. Caven and Braeburn started to tie off the ship, while the others headed up the small hill where Ackblar once stood. As they came to the top, they noticed some animals in the crater. Bosc dove to the ground and told the others to do the same. They did.

"We must draw them away," Bosc said.

"Meyer and Draco," Valencio started. "You go to the other side of the crater and draw the creatures away. I will stay with Bosc and protect him while he brings back Ackblar."

"Sounds good," Draco confirmed.

"We got this," Meyer agreed. They left to go around the hill to the other side. Moments later, they were on the opposite side of the crater, shouting at the creatures. The animals got up and started chasing them.

Bosc and Valencio headed to the center of the crater.

"Do you know what to do?" Valencio asked.

"I'll be able to feel what to do."

Bosc started to put his hands in the dirt and feel for Ackblar. He couldn't feel him there though. He pushed out further with his magic, but still couldn't feel him. Next thing he knew, Bosc was on the ground with a big slice in his side. He looked over and Valencio was standing there with a stone sharpened like a knife.

"You really think I'd let you bring back Ackblar," Valencio said, chuckling. "He was what was wrong with this forest. The heart of the forest should have been my tree. Her majesty, Neavalic. It was her forest, before Ackblar stole it from her. Now I will get the magic back for her. All it'll take is a little bit of you." Valencio started towards Bosc.

"Draco, Meyer, help," Bosc cried out. "Braeburn, Caven, please."

"They can't help you now. My pets probably already have them. Oh look, here they come now." Just then, the creatures came back, from both sides of the crater. Four of them, each carrying one of the fruits.

"No, please, don't harm them. You can have the magic. I will give it to you. Just don't hurt them."

"They are already dead," Valencio snapped his fingers, and the creatures started to vigorously shake Bosc's friends.

"NO!" Bosc said. He stood up and sent out a blast of magic so strong, it destroyed Valencio and his creatures, leaving the other fruit rolling down the crater towards him.

"My friends," Bosc said, crying harder than ever. "I am so sorry I brought this upon you." He sat there and mourned his friends. Tears streamed down, landing on all four of them. They started to glow and started coming back to life.

"Bosc," Braeburn whispered, startling him. "You saved us."

"I am so grateful to have a friend like you," Caven said.

"Valencio? How could he?" Meyer asked.

"He thought his tree was supposed to be the heart of the forest," Bosc responded.

"Let's bring back Ackblar!" Draco shouted, just as Bosc fell to the ground. "Bosc!"

"Hey," Braeburn said. "It's ok honey. You rest now."

"I don't have any more magic left. I used the rest to save you. The forest will die now. Please go find a new home."

"We are not leaving you," Meyer told him.

"Ever," Draco agreed.

Caven put his hand on Bosc's wound, and the other fruit did the same. Bosc closed his eyes for the last time and took his final breath.

The other fruits buried Bosc in the same spot Ackblar had been. They sat together, mourning their friend and the one who gave them life. Their tears fell to the soil and moistened it well, for they had many tears.

The fruit agreed that they would come back every year to honor their friend and to celebrate the time they had together. Their first year back though, they noticed that where they had buried him, now stood a tall pear tree. Bosc had come back as the heart of the forest. The forest became known as The Bosc Forest and was more alive than it had ever been. The fruits still came back, bringing more and more fruit every year, to have a big celebration in honor of Bosc, the littlest pear.


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    KAIWritten by Kenneth Ash II

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