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The Last frontier

A sci-fi short story

By Firat KalkanPublished about a year ago 5 min read

The year was 2078, and the world as we knew it had changed beyond recognition. Global warming had reached catastrophic levels, causing massive natural disasters and wiping out entire species. Governments had collapsed, and chaos reigned supreme.

Amidst the ruins of civilization, a group of scientists had managed to build a space station in orbit around the Earth. They called it the Last Frontier, and it was the only hope for humanity’s survival.

The Last Frontier was a massive cylindrical structure, with a diameter of two kilometers and a length of five. It had been built using the latest technologies, with self-sustaining systems that allowed it to generate its own power, produce food and recycle waste.

Inside the station, there were several levels, each with its own purpose. The first level was the living quarters, where the scientists and their families resided. The second level was the research facility, where experiments were conducted to find a way to save the Earth. The third level was the command center, where the station’s operations were monitored and controlled.

Life on the Last Frontier was tough, but the scientists were determined to find a way to save humanity. They worked tirelessly, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and brainstorming ideas. It was a long and grueling process, but they refused to give up.

One day, while conducting a routine experiment, the scientists discovered something extraordinary. They had stumbled upon a new form of energy that could potentially save the Earth from its impending doom.

Excited by the discovery, the scientists worked day and night to harness the energy and develop a way to use it. After months of hard work, they finally succeeded. They had developed a device that could convert the new energy into a powerful beam that could be directed towards the Earth.

The scientists were elated. They had found a way to save the Earth. But there was one problem. The beam had to be directed with pinpoint accuracy, or it could cause catastrophic damage.

The scientists knew that they had to find someone with the skills and expertise to direct the beam. They scoured the station, looking for someone who could help them. And that’s when they found her.

Her name was Mia. She was a brilliant astrophysicist, with years of experience in space exploration. She had been stranded on the Last Frontier after her spaceship had malfunctioned during a mission. Mia was the only hope for humanity.

The scientists approached Mia, explaining the situation to her. At first, she was hesitant. She had been stranded on the Last Frontier for years, with no hope of returning to Earth. But then she realized the magnitude of the situation. She was the only one who could save the Earth.

Mia agreed to help the scientists. They gave her the device and showed her how to use it. It was a daunting task, but Mia was determined to succeed.

The day arrived, and Mia stood in the command center, staring at the Earth below. She took a deep breath and activated the device. A powerful beam of energy shot towards the Earth, hitting its target with pinpoint accuracy.

For a moment, nothing happened. And then, slowly but surely, the Earth began to heal. The glaciers started to reform, the oceans started to cool, and the atmosphere began to stabilize.

The scientists cheered, their years of hard work finally paying off. They had saved the Earth. Mia smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment that she had never felt before.

But their joy was short-lived. As they watched the Earth heal, they noticed something strange happening. A massive object was approaching the planet, moving at an incredible speed.

The scientists panicked. They had no idea what the object was or where it had come from. And then, they realized the horrifying truth. The object was a massive asteroid, and it was on a collision course with the Earth.

The scientists knew that they had to act fast. They had to find a way to divert the asteroid’s trajectory before it was too late. They gathered in the command center, analyzing the data and brainstorming ideas.

Mia was the first to speak. She suggested using the same device that had saved the Earth to divert the asteroid. The scientists were skeptical. The device had been designed to target a specific location on the Earth, and redirecting an asteroid would require a different approach.

But Mia was adamant. She had spent years studying the properties of space and knew the device inside out. She believed that it was possible.

The scientists had no other choice. They gave Mia the go-ahead to proceed with her plan.

Mia activated the device and directed the beam towards the asteroid. The beam hit the asteroid with incredible force, causing it to veer off course. But it was not enough. The asteroid was still on a collision course with the Earth, albeit a slightly altered one.

Mia knew that she had to do something drastic. She instructed the scientists to activate the self-destruct mechanism on the device. The device would explode, generating a massive shockwave that would push the asteroid away from the Earth.

The scientists hesitated. The self-destruct mechanism was dangerous and could cause irreparable damage to the station. But they knew that it was their only hope.

Mia counted down, and the scientists activated the self-destruct mechanism. The device exploded, generating a massive shockwave that engulfed the station. The scientists braced themselves for the worst.

And then, nothing happened. The shockwave had pushed the asteroid away from the Earth, and the Last Frontier was unharmed. The scientists cheered, their relief palpable.

But their joy was short-lived. As they watched the asteroid disappear into space, they noticed something strange happening. The shockwave had caused a massive tear in the fabric of space-time.

The scientists panicked. They had no idea what was happening or how to stop it. And then, they realized the horrifying truth. The shockwave had created a black hole, and it was sucking the station in.

The scientists had no time to waste. They activated the station’s emergency protocols, preparing for evacuation. But it was too late. The Last Frontier was being sucked into the black hole, its inhabitants helpless to stop it.

Mia refused to give up. She knew that there had to be a way to escape the black hole’s grasp. She scoured the station, looking for anything that could help them.

And then, she found it. A small escape pod, hidden away in a forgotten corner of the station. It was old and outdated, but it was their only hope.

Mia gathered the scientists and their families and led them to the escape pod. They piled in, the pod creaking under their weight.

Mia activated the pod’s engines, hoping that it would be enough to escape the black hole’s gravity. The pod shook violently, its engines struggling to keep up.

And then, miraculously, the pod broke free. It shot out of the black hole’s grasp, hurtling towards the unknown.

The scientists cheered, their relief palpable. They had survived against all odds. They had saved the Earth and escaped the black hole’s grasp.

But as they drifted through space, they realized that they were alone. The Last Frontier was gone, and they were the last remnants of humanity.

Mia knew that they had a long journey ahead of them. They had to find a new home, a new planet where they could rebuild what they had lost. But for now, they were alive, and that was all that mattered.

AdventureShort StorySci FiFan Fiction

About the Creator

Firat Kalkan

I'm a sci-fi enthusiast, fascinated by the unknown. Crafting engaging stories that challenge readers' assumptions and transport them to new worlds is my passion

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