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Parallel Worlds

A sci fi short story

By Firat KalkanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

In the year 2200, humanity had achieved the impossible. They had colonized multiple planets and had achieved interstellar travel. They had conquered death and had even created artificial intelligence that rivaled human intelligence. But there was one thing they could not conquer — the end of the universe.

Scientists had predicted that the universe would eventually collapse in on itself, creating a massive black hole that would destroy everything in its path. But humanity refused to accept this fate. They poured all their resources into finding a solution to this problem, and after years of research, they finally found a way.

They discovered a parallel universe that was similar to their own but had a different timeline. By harnessing the power of a newly discovered particle, they were able to create a portal that could transport them to this parallel universe.

Humanity celebrated this breakthrough, and they began to plan for their migration to the new universe. But there was one catch — the portal could only transport a limited number of people. After much debate, the world leaders decided that only the most essential members of society would be transported to the new universe.

Scientists, engineers, doctors, and politicians were chosen to make the journey, leaving behind the rest of humanity to face the end of the universe.

The day of the migration arrived, and the chosen few gathered at the portal. They hugged their loved ones goodbye and stepped through the portal, leaving behind their old lives and their old universe.

As they emerged on the other side, they were greeted by a world that was eerily similar to their own. But there was one crucial difference — they were the only ones there.

They had left behind the rest of humanity to face the end of the universe alone. They had become the last humans, destined to live out their lives in a universe that was slowly dying.

As they looked up at the night sky, they could see the stars beginning to wink out one by one. But they were not afraid. They had each other, and they had hope.

For the first time in human history, they were truly alone in the universe. But they were not alone in their determination to survive. They were the last humans, and they were determined to make the most of it.

The first few years in the new universe were challenging for the last humans. They had to adapt to the new environment and learn how to live without the luxuries they had back home. They had to build their own infrastructure, grow their own food, and create their own economy. But they were determined to succeed, and they worked tirelessly to make their new world a livable place.

As they explored their new universe, they discovered many fascinating things. They found new forms of life that were unlike anything they had ever seen before. They discovered planets that were rich in resources and could be terraformed to sustain life. They also found clues that suggested that they were not the first humans to migrate to this universe.

Their discoveries led them to believe that there were other civilizations out there, and they began to search for them. They built advanced telescopes and sent out probes to explore the vast expanse of their new universe. And after years of searching, they finally made contact with another civilization.

The civilization was similar to their own, and they were overjoyed to find that they were not alone in the universe. They exchanged information and ideas, and they even began to trade goods and services. They formed alliances and worked together to explore their universe and to find new ways to survive.

As they explored together, they discovered a way to prevent the collapse of their universe. They found a way to harness the energy of the collapsing stars and use it to create new stars, which would keep the universe alive for billions of years.

The last humans were overjoyed by their discovery, and they immediately set to work building the technology to implement it. They worked tirelessly for years, and finally, they were ready. They built a massive machine that could harness the energy of collapsing stars and use it to create new ones.

As they activated the machine, they watched in awe as the universe around them began to transform. The collapsing stars were replaced by new ones, and the universe began to glow with renewed energy. The last humans had saved the universe from its ultimate fate, and they had created a new future for themselves and for all the civilizations that would come after them.

The last humans continued to explore their universe, discovering new wonders and new civilizations. They knew that they were not immortal, and that eventually, they would face their own end. But they were content in the knowledge that they had created a legacy that would live on long after they were gone. They had saved the universe, and they had created a new beginning for all that would follow.

AdventureShort StorySci FiMystery

About the Creator

Firat Kalkan

I'm a sci-fi enthusiast, fascinated by the unknown. Crafting engaging stories that challenge readers' assumptions and transport them to new worlds is my passion

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