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The King's Sorceress

Daughter of the Night

By Alisha WilkinsPublished 4 days ago 19 min read

She stared at the swaying tree line, looking at the world in front of her but not fully seeing it. Her eyes greyed and clouded. She looked up at the moon, bright light shining over the world, and considered the spell within her mind and how it would affect those around her; what would reap of it; who would suffer from it; and how it would help her rid herself of the King and his wants for her body but not her spirit. The Queen wanted her dead. She wanted freedom, and the king lusted after her body. It’s a maddening circle of greed, sex, and cruelty. Her only hope was to have her freedom.


Growing up in someone else’s care was all that she had known. Servants and instructors had flaunted over her as she had grown. Her apprenticeship had been the envy of every young girl who had come to greet her. Her tutor was after all The Sorceress to the King, and she would be the woman’s successor.

She had a vibrant spirit. She kept her red hair braided back, while her cropped bangs framed her face. She never removed her hooded coat unless it was for bed. Between its gentle sway and caress of leather was the sheath of a fine pointed sword which never left her side. Her dainty hand wrapped protectively around the studded jeweled handle. A crimson red light sparked against the palm of her hand, ignited with her power.

The opal color of her eyes gleamed with menace as she stood off to the side of the King and Queen, and surveyed the court room. The dukes wanted to argue about the new laws and taxes which went against everything that had already been set into law. They did not like this King, for he had been born from a malicious King and Queen. They’re laws had weakened the people, kept them in limbo, and pulled on the resources the people had tried to save for their families.

Kaitlyn held a steady stance. Her armor fit like a second skin. Her boots overlapped the brown leather pants, while a breast plate rested over her chest with the King’s seal. Gold outlined each piece of her armor and clothing. Her hood had been adorned with feathers of exotic birds and dark jewels. Her sweet face was framed like a dragon, in her anger her nostrils would flare out as if smoke would roll out. Her eyes held a dark opal, which everyone swore changed colors as she practiced her magic.

The room sparkled as her thoughts began to stray. She had never known her mother or father, and she would never know if she had a brother or sister. She had been born at twilight on the cusp of the Summer Solstice. A power sign to any magically inclined person, and yet, her mother had abandoned her off on the doorstep of the Sorceress. To many it would have been a blessing, but to Kaitlyn it was Fate’s cruelest curse.

The court room faded back into view as she realized she’d allowed her mind time to rest, to reach out to something she would never understand. Kaitlyn tried to focus on the crowd, waiting to see if someone would get angry enough or be stupid enough to attempt an assassination on the King, as they had done with the first one. The Sorceress had been poisoned crippling her, until she had lost her magic and her sight.

Shadows moved within eaves. Nothing was safe. The dukes voices seemed to grow stronger. She could feel the compulsion they were attempting to use on the King. It was a useless tactic. Kaitlyn had been shown the magical force that shielded the King and Queen from those who attempted to use magic against them. The shield changed shades with each Sorcerer or Sorceress. With her mentor the shade had been a dark ocean blue. As their magic began to merge and the shield adjusted to her the color took on a darker more vibrant opal color which matched her eyes.

She could feel the stares of the King and Queen behind her, burning into the leather skin of her coat. She was barely seventeen and the most powerful being in the realm, save for the King. She had never been told she could not leave the King or the realm, but she had not found a successor either. Each sorcerer or sorceress could not leave without another to follow. It would be forever, she felt.

She was almost certain she knew how Maida had felt as she had become well past the prime of womanhood and remained barren. And then Maida had been given a twilight child born on the Summer Solstice. She had known Kaitlyn would be her successor. She had sensed the essence within the baby lying asleep in the wicker basket she had been placed in.

The shadows pulled her from within her thoughts once again. Kaitlyn mentally shook herself. She couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. Why she couldn’t focus on the task that needed to be done. The shield crackled and popped before her sight. The sparks lighting the wards as the words tried to press forward. She strengthened the power behind the shield and then felt the presence of another. She watched as a light shade of green settled against the shield looking for the small anomaly that would allow it through.

Call the court to end, my King and Queen. Her magic spoke to their minds.

“My loyal subjects, the matters have been settled. Your attempts to throw me from my decisions have not worked. I am sorry, but I must call an end to this day. May we speak again soon.” The King’s voice vibrated through the room dismissing all those before the throne.

Kaitlyn watched the light green roar against the shield. She could feel the fury of the being behind the menace. It would only be a matter of time before the being appeared in court. She smiled slyly. Maybe he would be her chance to escape the court and the life she had felt she never belonged to.


He had not wanted to push the sorceress, but simply wanted to see what she had been capable of. Standing next to the dukes, adorned in jewelry and luscious furs had been an easy blend. Making the shadows move, had come easily to him. His ability to wield darkness was second nature. He could feel the blackness that had engulfed the King and Queen. Their ideals were perfect for one another.

The King was a malicious bastard who could not guard his thoughts of the beautiful sorceress submitted beneath him. And the Queen was no different. Her immense hatred for the poor girl vibrated through her every being. The Queen wanted the sorceress dead. And he couldn’t allow it.

Darius Larten had heard of Kaitlyn Opeala from within the call of night. Though his demigod status had caused him great suspicion, he feared no one and fought all those who wished him ill. Kaitlyn was a dark light; it was how he recognized her as the daughter of Nyx.

Kaitlyn would be the next child of the night. She would rule as the daughter of Nyx, and she would be glorious. He wanted to wrap her into his arms and keep her safe. It would take some time to become one with the King’s favor and take him even longer to gain her trust and maybe her love. By then, the Queen, he was certain, would attempt an assassination. It was simply a matter of courage, time, and will. And the King, well he would simply have to slit the man’s throat if he laid a hand on Kaitlyn.


Kaitlyn sought out the night, the one thing that allowed her time and space to think along with fresh air to center her. The King’s realm was covered in dense humid fog, more so than they had seen in the years. She remembered camping out in the woods, and the vigorous training they had enforced all of the children who resided within the castle to learn. They wanted those who belonged to the King to be able to survive under any condition and anywhere. She took a deep breath and looked up into the night sky.

Kaitlyn reached down and cupped air. Her mind was constantly working, placing words together into spells and working to make her spells stronger. Moisture slowly began to collect within her hands. A gentle breeze swayed through the limbs of the trees reaching into the skies. She felt the peace surround her. “Thank you, Mother Night. Help me find peace.”

The moisture slowly began to fall in a mist, and she looked forward staring at the trees and the stillness of the woods surrounding the castle. She pulled on the power within her revealing in the feel of power illuminating her eyes, electrifying her body, and her eyes began turn a smoky gray storm streaked with lightning. Night called out to her spirit. Energy crackled in-between her hands as lightning flashed, skittering across the sky. The Earth remained still, but the skies began to dump more and more rain into the small area.

Laughter filled her lungs, young and still innocent to the ways of the world. She spread her arms wide and let the water drench her body. Anger and sadness filled her. The King would never let her go. She’d be a prisoner long after his death, and the ruling of his son came to the throne. If the Queen didn’t see fit to kill her before then.

Night pulled everything together for her. Kaitlyn focused on the air as the rain began to dampen the heat that had been the beginning of Summer Solstice. The rain had finally calmed and she wanted to try out a new spell before she returned to the world of chaos which lived within the castle walls.

Tables are turning,

The Chalice is breaking,

We are falling,

More and more,

Farther and faster,

The glass is breaking,

Our faces changing,

Turning in the other direction,

Mirrors of ourselves,

Come alive again.

Whispering night,

You tell me all your lies,

Even as you speak in harmony,

I command you not to speak of day,

Do not allow her to take your place,

Bring about your silent days

And refuse to move

Until the sun does burn you out.

Kaitlyn breathed in one more long breath of the night air. She so desperately wished for her freedom to leave the world she had been born into. She looked up into the sky to the bright moon shining down on her. Goodnight, my love. May we meet again soon.


It had been a long time since Darius had seen an eclipse. A smile formed on his cheeks. He rubbed them nonchalantly and thought about the shave he needed. But waking up and only seeing darkness had stretched his mind until it finally comprehended that it was indeed daytime. He felt her magic in the air could almost taste the remnants of her magic. The eclipse showed a beautiful and unique opal color of magic in the air. Even if no one else could see it, he could and knew it was her hand which had stretched out and covered the sun. She welcomed the Night and couldn’t stand to let it go.

He dressed lightly and moved to join the other dukes with their meeting with the King. It would be another day of cheeks, arguing and debates. He would see her again and the idea thrilled him. Her magic called to him like no other could. The pull to wrap her up in his arms and protect her was so prevalent. It burned his senses. He had to be cautious.


Kaitlyn felt thrilled and bored all in one setting. She never liked having to attend to the King. Having to stand that much closer to someone she couldn’t stand, repulsed her. Staring at the dukes allowed her a focal point where she could ignore the knowing stares of the King.

“My King, I would like to introduce to you Darius Larten, a visiting duke to our lands.”

“Duke Larten, I have not heard you name about in court.” The King did not stand, instead he looked on bored. “It is a pleasure to meet you, and I apologize that you have to listen to the men of my court wine.”

“It is intriguing, my Lord. Their troubles entertain me compared to the courts of home.” He lost focus, his eyes veering off to Kaitlyn for a pause, before returning to the King’s stare.

Kaitlyn’s eyes focused on his aura and the touch of green that radiated from him. Here he was, the sorcerer whom she would convince to take her place.

“And where is your home, Duke Larten?” The King asked. Possession lingered in his eyes lingered to Kaitlyn’s focus.

“I have many homes, my Lord, and none in which that I call home. I help courts when and where I can, and then I go on my way. This is the way of my life.” His hands were crossed behind him allowing for the soft fur of his coat to tickle his fingertips.

“Well then, welcome to our home. Maybe you have arrived just in time to convince my dukes that they are straining their loyalties and I grow tired of their wining.”

“You are bold, my Lord. I will keep that to heart. Surely these fine men have merely misunderstood you.”

Bribery will get you everywhere, Kaitlyn thought.

Darius smiled, catching her magic and her thoughts. He caught a whiff of the anger radiating off the King. Darius continued to look past her. He wanted to walk up to the throne and kiss her. Darius kept his thoughts muted for fear of the King catching on.

The King was gifted. He had never studied magic, but he was capable of was persuasion and manipulation. Perhaps that’s why the dukes were unhappy. These men were not fools. Each of them knew the extent to the King’s corruption. They no more wanted the man to be King, than the King wanted these men as his entourage.

“Well then,” the King smiled. “Let us all rejoin in the Great Hall for lunch, where my lovely wife may join us and not feel left out.”

Come Kaitlyn, the King demanded, we must discuss some things where these men may not hear us.

Kaitlyn unfolded her arms from in front of her and rested one hand on the jeweled tip of her sword. Her gaze falling on Darius for a moment, before she turned to cross the throne and follow the King. We may discuss things within reason, my Lord. If they do not pertain to matters of the state or to matters of our home, then we may speak later.

Darius smiled broadened at her defiance. The King would likely pressure her in the hall. She wanted nothing more than to be free of the monster.

“Monster, huh?” She heard his whisper as he grabbed her arm and jerked her out of sight and hearing range of the dukes. He turned her to face him and pushed her against the wall with his tall and hard frame. “If I were a monster, do you think my father would not have instructed me to kill you at an early age, when your magic would not be strong enough to take over my kingdom? I own you, Kaitlyn. So long as you breathe and live within these walls. I own you.”

She kept her mind blank as she gripped the hilt of her sword and waited for an opportunity to slice through him with her sword.

He felt the rage deep within; a rage that knocked him off balance. The King released her arm and walked away from Kaitlyn. For a moment he stared into the fire raging inside of her from his touch. He wanted to stroke her beauty and ignite that fire until it was the only thing lingering between them. He raised his hand to caress her cheek. I own you. The King huffed, before dropping his hand and turning away.

Kaitlyn looked to the ground, her fury burning through her cheeks. A small tear escaped her eyes.

“My Lady?”

Kaitlyn ran the back of her hand over the tear. “My Lord, I’m sorry. Do you need some assistance?”

“Please call me Darius.” His smile was genuine, “I was hoping maybe we could speak on the way to lunch.”

She nodded and turned to walk beside him.

His voice dropped, “I am not here for the court. I am here to assist you.”

Kaitlyn stopped walking. “My Lord, I do not need assistance.” She looked as if he had insulted her.

His smile was simple and genuine. He wanted her to like him. But he would never gain her trust if he pushed her. “I am like you in many ways, My Lady.”

“Kaitlyn,” She offered.

He smiled. “I shall call you Kaitlyn only if you agree to call me Darius, not duke or lord, just Darius.”

His smile reminded her of the family cat. She could always tell the animal was smiling, but it always seemed to make fun of her.

“Kaitlyn, I’m not here to make fun of anyone.” He paused, “Not without reason anyways.” He grinned. “The King and the dukes constant bickering annoys me, as it does within any court. But you, I’ve been looking for you for a lifetime.” They were approaching the Great Hall sooner than he had hoped. “Kaitlyn, think on what I have told you and what I have not. Do not consider any of it while you are in the presence of those who might overhear. If you do not know how to shield your thoughts, then I can teach you. And while I wait to see your sweet face again, consider all the things that I might be able to offer you if you would one day choose to join me in traveling the world. I do not wish to own you, please know that first and for most. I have been sent here to take you back to your rightful place if you would so choose to take it.”

She knew there was so much more he had not the time to speak it all in. As she turned away from the entrance to the Great Hall, she felt a moment of peace and possibility. Could she truly be free of this evil hell that was her home? And if she accepted, where would her rightful place be?

I do not know who I am. She thought.

I do. Darius replied softly.

She stopped walking only to turn and see him look back at her. No one had made it to the Great Hall. She turned away from Darius before her thoughts betrayed her.


Night called to her as it always had, offering peace and tranquility if only for a brief time. She wanted to know more from Darius, but the King had kept him busy as if there was something the King knew about the man but refused to give up. Kaitlyn had always reached out to Mother Night, since she had never known her own.

Mother Night, give me peace. Give me rest and keep the wicked from advancing on me. If Darius is truly here to help me, show me which way to go, Mother. I need your guidance.

A small gentle breeze caressed her face. She closed her eyes feeling calm and sure that the night would be well. By morning she would find her answers.


That night was the first time she had dreamt since she was a child. The sky was vibrant and dark. The full moon cascaded light over the small river that trickled past the old cobbled road. Simple columns rose up around her. She looked up to the dome ceiling that had been decorated in paintings of the gods. When she had completed a full circle and taken in the dark greens and yellows of the hills and land, she faced a beautiful woman.

“Hello, my daughter,” Her voice had the singsong tone of the wolves somewhere deep within. Her eyes were bright blue as if the moon were shining through her eyes. Her dark ravenous hair fell in curls around her shoulder while the rest cascaded behind her back. A golden veil adorned her head and flowed with the beautiful gown that covered her body. The fabrics were gold and red and fit her in the old Roman style. She embraced Kaitlyn and filled her with warmth and joy. “I am sorry I have not been able to answer your calling sooner.”

“I don’t understand.” She felt like a child with a broken heart all over again.

“Kaitlyn, I am Nyx, Goddess of the Night, and you are my daughter, Hemera. I have placed your soul within this body because your consort, Aether, God of the Air and Light, has become jealous in his age and sought to take over you. Now he has realized that he cannot contain the day. It is not his place.”

“I am a goddess?” She had to space out the words. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

Nyx’s smile was genuine even though it looked harsh. It was the way of night. “Yes, my daughter. You are immortal, and it is time for you to take back your rightful place. I have sent Aether to bring you home.”

“Darius?” Kaitlyn asked.

“Yes, my child, as time has passed, your names have changed to protect you. Now that you know the truth, it is time.” She continued to smile. “I must go my child. Rest well and return to us soon.” There was sadness in her eyes.

The dream began to fade. Her consciousness began to wake her. All was not right in her home.


Messengers had riddled the court by morning. The dukes had superseded the King with his rival. Armies were coming in to attack and overthrow the throne. Kaitlyn woke to the sound of chaos within the hall. Dressing quickly in her guard, drawing out her sword, she headed straight into the hall and chaos.

Kaitlyn couldn’t contain herself as the giggle bubbled up within her. She cautiously hid her grin as she knocked on the chamber doors. “My Lord and Lady, may I be of assistance?” Protocol called for her to speak to them this way, but the revelation of her parentage didn’t mean she had to bow down to them anymore.

“Kaitlyn, thank the gods you are here. Talk some sense into him.” The Queen sounded hopeful for once now that her status of Queen was in the balance.

“My Lord?” She asked sympathetically.

“Kaitlyn, King Broaden is moving in his army as we speak.”

“The dukes, I would presume?” She asked.

“Yes, the dukes. The damn dukes have turned their backs on me.” His face was red, the veins pulsing in his neck.

“I will set up the shields, my Lord, but I suggest you call in the armies and get prepared.”


Kaitlyn stood on the battlements. Breath deep, she whispered to herself. Singing gave her magic an exit. She sang into the night with the echoes of the crows meeting her. The armies were nearing and the crows, death dealers of the night, were calling for the death of the King and Queen. Lightning flashed against the night sky bringing thunder to add drums to her song. Kaitlyn closed her eyes. “Feel the night,” she sang on.

An opal shield morphed and crawled around the castle walls; a blood pact made long before the training began. Colors of red, blue, yellow, orange, and burnt cinder reached up from the ground to join her. Slowly a light green began to pull from the ground sliding along the opal. The two colors swirled and fought for dominance. Kaitlyn smiled as his voice blended in perfectly to hers. Was that the magic? Or the reason Mother had sent her consort? They were two halves of one whole.

Darius’s voice was deep reminding her of the calm of the earth. Power flooded her veins. She felt the tingle in her hands as the opal magic reached higher and into the sky. The clouds churned. Lightning struck. The armies would not take this kingdom easily. She listened to his voice, loving its sound which was wholly his. He continued to sing. Their voices turning into a beautiful melody. Her body burned with the feeling that night could be collected and stored within her.

“Breath deep,” She whispered. “That which is night be reborn.” All feelings within her ceased. She could hear every creature alive with movement around her home. She felt the strength of the winds drawing the storm within. She looked to the moon, the cursed and lost love of the sun. Wisps of clouds covered the moon’s magnificent face as the sprinkle of rain felt like tears of pain falling on her face and along her body.

Kaitlyn listened to everything within the night, feeling more alive than she ever had. She was the daughter of Nyx, and it was time for her to return home. Voices rose out to her coming from the blood pacts made from past sorcerers and sorceresses. This was her escape and soon she would leave the King and Queen to their rightful fates.


Morning came as a breath of fresh air, a relief to the imprisonment that she had faced for so many years. The day embraced her much like the night embraced her mother, with beautiful memories of loss and love. The sun could not weep for the moon but every night she managed to stay in the sky to kiss the moon’s smooth and beautiful face.

“So where do we go from here?” Her smile was full of freedom, an escape she had never been able to feel.

“Wherever you would like to go.”

“Alright,” She still could not contain the feelings. “Let’s just ride, and wherever the road shall take us, then that is where we will go.”

Short StorySci FiLoveFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

Alisha Wilkins

I've been writing my whole life. Writing about realms to escape in, forbidden characters to fall in love with, and using writing as my muse and refuge. Sometimes writing opens up the soul to healing, learning, and eventually to living again

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    Alisha WilkinsWritten by Alisha Wilkins

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