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The Key

The key unlocks the past to our future

By Lisa ThornePublished 3 years ago 9 min read

The year 2056 marked the end of World War 3 leaving the world decimated. The cataclysmic events severely accelerated climate conditions causing unpredictable, inclement weather patterns. As Earth falls off its axis, 70% of the world’s oceans evaporate, receding towards the polar caps leaving middle earth barren and scorched by acidic rain. Over two thirds of the world’s population succumbed to the harsh climate changes as the remaining survivors fled underground.

A thousand years later…

On the verge of extinction, Seekers have been sent out by the Anciano’s of migrating communal camps in search of life’s reserve and to set safe routes, leaving markers for those in search of Eden. The Seekers consist of young, strong volunteers willing to endure the soaring temperatures of day, a physically demanding but rewarding job for the willing.

Two rookie seekers receive strict instructions to retrieve “Reserve” and return before days end, setting off just before sunrise. In heat protective gear they emerge from the earth, setting course for the Atlantic Graveyard. The young man drags his feet behind her, moping,

What is it? Keeping her focus ahead, monitoring their vitals as they move.

I didn’t mean to lose the containers. It was an accident. Sulking.

Look on the bright side, you’re still a Seeker.

You’re right. I want to make it up and help make a better life.

I know. We all do. Continuing on their trek.

By early afternoon, arriving at the graveyard, they find the hull of a Borsch-wood Liner and hunt for Reserve. Searching, she finds him distracted.

What’d you find? peering over his shoulder.

No clue.

A tangled, webbed shell maneuvers along the parched earth.

How is it able to survive in these elements?

Don’t know.

Gently prodding it with his utility staff, the vibrant-colored filament hooks on the tip. Jerking it lose it flops upside down, they kneel down for a closer inspection as four little limbs protrude through the netting, pumping into the air and trying to run away.

Have you ever seen anything like it before?


We should show the Ancianos.

Gently hooking the shell with her staff placing it into their bin, a shadow falls over them.

Glancing up, thick convulsing ash clouds threaten the red orange sky, We need to hurry the sky is fading. The OTHERS are coming.

Anxiously trying to secure the bin, I can’t go back without the Reserve.

Placing a reassuring hand on his arm, I know. I know where we may find some. It’s on our way back, close to our check point. First, let’s cover our ‘runaway’ with those petrified weed sheets by the trenches edge.

Assembling the sheets, she buckles the bin strapping it to his back with a secure pat. Ascending the steep, grey, crevassed embankment; the sky steadily grows darker as the air thickens with heat. Veering left at the halfway point she follows the coordinates into a ravine from their tracking device.

Are you sure we are going the right way? Annoyed, she continues rounding the bend, coming upon a large protruding cliff jutting out of the mountainside and valley floor below, an un-natural opening at its base.

Pointing, There. That’s our way in.

Traversing around filament mounds hundreds of meters high, they enter the caves shelter, We need to be quick.

Using solar head lamps, they find their way through a maze of intertwining darkened tunnels, mindful of the ragged rusted metal walls they search for a still.

Close on her heels, How did you hear of this place?

Her voice low, I overheard some seekers talk about it with the Ancianos when passing through our camp a couple nights ago. Something about those who pass through take only what they need for their journey but must leave something in return. They called it The Offerings.

Finding the Reserve in a large chamber, they promptly fill three containers full of burning oil. Cleaning the distillery, making room in the bin, he secures the containers amongst their cargo.

What do we have to offer?

Puzzled, he directs her attention to the pile gathered next to the still.


He holds up the runaway.

No. Disagreeing, We need to give something else.

We have nothing else.

That’s not true. Gathering up the weed sheets she places the meager offerings upon a pile of books.

That’s not enough and you know it.

No, but that’s all we have right now. Besides leaving more filament is something this place is not short of. It’s all over the mountain sides, spilling over cliffs, covering the valley floor below. I promise, tomorrow before we set off on our next leg we will bring something substantial.

The rumbling of the storm grows, not wanting to fuss any longer, he resigns, Fine.

A deep voice creeps out from the darkness, Weed sheets are a suitable exchange.

Startled, setting into a fighting stance, he stands protectively in front of her, staff at the ready.

Who said that? Show yourself.

The old one steps into view, hands open in an offer of peace. Sorry. I did not mean to alarm you. Please. Motioning towards their gift. They are filling. Thank you.

Please. Offering them a sheet.

Thank you, but that is for you. We must return before the oth…the storm hits.

I see, but it’s already upon us.

Thunder cracks outside causing the chamber to rattle, vibrating as the sandstorm whips against the shelter, cursing under her breath she paces about the room.

You are safe here.

Keeping her guard up, What do they call you old one?

I go by many names, but I like Aris.

Exchanging a look in disbelieve, You are Aris?

Aris chuckles, I see you have heard of me, then?

We have heard many stories but thought you to be a myth that has been passed on through the generations.

Ah. Aris smiles, I can assure you it is I, plain as day, and with whom do I have the pleasure of visiting today?

This is my sister Inanna and I am Utu, at your service. Bowing deeply.

Aris places his hand upon his chest, Happy to make your acquaintance, Inanna-San and Utu-San.

The honor is our’s.



What do you seek?


Ah. Sustainable life.

Scurrying across the floor, the runaway bumps into Aris’ feet.

Utu picks up their escapee.

And what do we have here?

We don’t know.

May I?

Utu hands it over feeling Inanna eyes boring into him.

Aris fishes through a leather pouch on his belt, taking out a small folding knife. Speaking softly in a soothing tone, he cuts through the thick casing revealing a small, greying creature.

There you are little one. It squeals, nuzzling Aris’ neck, I have missed you.

What is it? Fascinated. Motioning her forward, This is a Ferret. Placing him in her arms. Poe, this is Inanna.

Delighted, she sits holding him, Hello Poe.

Where did you find him?

We found him by the weeds, down in the trench.

My, you have traveled far. You must be hungry. Breaking a piece of weed sheet, handing to Inanna. For Poe.

Utu inspects the casing which Poe was ensnared, Is this Poe’s armor? Pulling the filament apart, holding a piece in front of him, Aris’s voice reveals his heavy heart. No, Utu-San. This is plastic waste.

Plastic waste… repeats Utu continuing to untangle the mass.

The catalyst of World War III.

Stunned, Inanna looks up. So it’s true, then. Climate change and Yesterworld were real.

Yes Inanna-San. It is true, our planet was once lush with vegetation, clean blue skies, oceans and natural spring water that nourished us for centuries.

Inanna sighs, Was it preventable?

There was a time that it was.

Utu distracts them, What’s this? Dangling from his hand is a chain with a trinket from Poe’s casing. Inanna eyes grow wide with excitement,

I know what that is! Mother told me stories about jewelry given as gifts such as a necklace shaped like a heart which holds a secret compartment. It’s called a locket. They would put locks of hair, pictures of their loved ones or love notes inside. It should have a hinge to open it.

Handing her the locket she manages to pry it open exposing a small key and note inside. Carefully removing the items, the three huddle closely together as she unfolds the note unveiling a set of grouped numbers. Examining both sides, They look like coordinates.

I think you are right. Aris examines the locket taking interest of the symbol engraved on face front. Follow me, I may have an answer.

Guiding them deep underground, they enter a vast chamber lit with candles burning in glass tubing casting light among the racks of books and unusual artifacts. Aris opens a cabinet housing rolled up scrolls. Selecting two, he places them on a large table in center of the room. Assisting him, they unroll the scrolls revealing old maps and secure them to the table’s surface. Watching Aris intently he uses the corresponding numbers of the note to the thousand-year-old maps, finding a location point, marking it with a pin.

Hmm. May I see the locket.

Aris retrieves a box from the cabinet. As she hands him the locket, she can see he is visibly shaken. The symbols on both sides match.

This box was left to my ancestors hundreds of years ago. If this is what I think it is then this key should work.

Holding their breath, he places the key in the lock, gently turning with a resounding click. Releasing its latch, the box pops open revealing a large key.

What is it?

Our future.

Our future?



Aris smiles, This key will unlock the past to our future. This key opens the seed vault.

What’s a seed vault?

Around the 21st century a facility was built to store seeds in case of an apocalypse.

So, they knew there would be an apocalypse?

Not quite. I’ll explain. Agriculturalists and scientists followed suit of the indigenous peoples of the early seventeen and eighteen century in safe guarding and protecting our planets seeds.

Lucky for us, but why such extremes?

In the early stages of climate change, activists and scientist tried endlessly to educate and create laws to protect our lands. Huge corporations used lobbyists to control corrupt government officials for turning a blind eye by gifting cash payouts to lay legislation down governing laws protecting their industries. In turn, this depleted our natural resources causing, and ignoring, the exponential curve purposefully changing climate for the corrupt corporate elites.

That’s criminal.

Yes. Globally, citizens finally started paying attention and fought back but it was too little, too late. The corruption of corporations and government officials were a power force turning the people against each other starting World War III.

Utu lowers his head in silence as Inanna looks away wiping away her tears.

Shaking with anger, Did they ever pay for their crimes?

No. They fled our dying planet with their families to space stations created by private institutions paid for with the peoples’ taxes. Their decedents or the ‘Others’, as you know them, still come here to this day to pillage what remains.

Do the ‘Others’ know about the vault.

I don’t know.

We shouldn’t wait to find out, otherwise we are doomed. Holding the key in his hand he looks to Inanna, Sister, this is our chance to make a difference.

I know.

We have no time to lose. How do we get to this vault?

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is located here pointing to the location on the map. Its over six thousand kilometers over treacherous terrain. It will prove difficult for even the most experienced traveler.

We know what were up against.

Nodding his approval, Go then. Retrieve the seeds for plantation and replenish the land, that is our greatest chance for survival.

Consider it done. Maps in hand, Thank you, Aris.

Bless you both

Holding the key to our future, they go.


About the Creator

Lisa Thorne

A 50 something, newly retired ‘stay home mom’, spreads her wings after 19 years of voluntary confinement. Finds ways of filling her void through creative outlets in search of adventure.

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    Lisa  ThorneWritten by Lisa Thorne

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