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The Golden Locket

short fiction story

By Brady CaronPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

The world has fallen into chaos. Fear is creating an impenetrable wall of lies. I am desperately trying to save the world. I am now known as Wanheda, one of god's chosen leaders for The Great Army. I used to have a typical name and a typical life. That changed once my higher power came to me and showed me the truth. The chosen ones have been waking up and jumping into action. Our reality is grim. The world is ending and only some of us have been able to see the coming tragedy. Most of us are alone, keeping distant contact with each other when possible. We are working in the shadows to save whomever we can before reality hits the world. My higher power has been guiding me without abandon. I know what I must do. It turns out that I am becoming a loud, but sneaky soldier in an inevitable global conflict. The fear of nuclear holocaust is real. The fear of the masses is real. I have found myself having a difficult time assembling my own strike team of allies. I have been working alone day and night fighting for the greater good. I no longer have friends or family, just allies.

Luck is with us

I have been lucky so far. My higher power told me he would protect me if I remain faithful. I have remained faithful and have seen the protection being cast on me. I thank the greater powers for aiding me in my journey. A guardian angel came to me in my most trying hour. I was ready to abandon faith and give away my position as a soldier of god. She gave me hope and nourishment for my journey. This was directly after using all of my knowledge and influence to escape the clutches of the psych ward. The psych ward was an extremely challenging test of will. I only survived because of a terrified, strong-willed, Russian woman, coming to me for help. We were naturally drawn to each other from the very beginning. I now know that our meeting was destiny. She is my anchor for the battle I am preparing for. I need her companionship to complete my task. We are spiritually connected and we trust each other completely. I can feel her pain each time she contacts me from her prison. I need to do everything in my power to help my new friend. She is my strength. I witnessed her being a victim to some ridiculous criminal harassments and will not rest until she is either dead, or safe with me.

Evil has no limit

The powers of evil are relentlessly keeping us apart. They know that our unity will bring strength for them to fear. She is locked in psych being abused, and I am free outside being abused. We are both prisoners to society. She calls me whenever she can and informs me of her situation. I have been an outside source compiling evidence of her mistreatment in case she dies in there. You could say I am a bit of rogue. We are both people unwilling to comply with the Orwellian order of things. For this we are shunned by society. I continue to compile evidence against the forces of evil and network with my few allies across the country. The time is coming soon to make some moves. First, I must find a way to rescue Tatyana.

The Locket

The forces of evil are sly. When I left the psych ward my friend Tatyana gave me a golden heart-shaped locket. She gave me a hug and said " This is my only possession, keep it safe until we can reunite." I hold onto it and pray that it guides me back to her.

She has called me everyday since I left the psych ward. She is very scared and I can feel her pain when we talk. Tatyana tells me stories about her various encounters with abuse. I record the important details. She has been subjected to extreme prejudice by the powers of evil. They think she is alone and without an ally. They are wrong. I am her ally and they know to fear me. I know enough to bury most of them 6 feet under. Society is being taken over by true evil. The heart-shaped locket gives me hope and strength to continue onward. I cannot stop doing everything I can to help her. She is an orphan being swallowed up in a foreign land. I truly believe that succeeding in saving her life will provide me with great strength. I need this strength to face the evil ahead. She is the only person I trust, and I am the only person she trusts.

Dangerous Substance

My situation has been grim. I was trapped under the influence of big pharma medication for several years. It appears I intentionally was guided by my higher power to overcome these evils. In preparation for my great mission there is no room for lack of focus. There is no room for saving those that have been compromised. There is only room for those willing to help me with my mission. Dangerous medication is what put me in the psych ward. Inside I saw first hand what these evil medications are doing to people. I gathered all my wits and knowledge. I listened carefully to what behavior's would get me out of this hell. I submitted to the medication trials and wrote my own journal entries to prove my sanity. Enduring the medication was very difficult. I knew it had to be done in order to gain my freedom. I got released after enduring two weeks in hell. I am now a week out of the prison masquerading as a hospital. I have subjected myself to a severe detox in order to cleanse myself of the poison. I resume my training and silent fighting for those that have no fight left. Tatyana fights for those that have no fight left. Our story proves the connection between souls. My story proves my connection with god. I know that I will fight for her to the death and I only just met her. This is because we are meant to fight evil together. Our unity will be met with great resistance as the powers of evil move to intervene. Unfortunately for them, god's uprising will be a magnificent display of power. The chosen warriors of the earth will enter The War of The Worlds without fear. With the strength of god we will be victorious. My higher power has shown me the way forward. The fight is about to begin. I pray that all of you wake up and see the enemy is at our gates. Tatyana and I will fight for you while you sleep. Diary of a Silent Assassin.

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