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The Gifter Thrift Store

By Christa

By Christa SocoPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

I usually brought people along when I came into the city, but lately the infected seems agitated and it's just been too dangerous.That's why I'm here in town alone today. It's just easier and safer for me when I don't have to guide people.

I glanced up at a fire escape ladder, I needed to go north to a tiny thrift shop I had seen on a run. I only had a chance to glance inside but I'm pretty sure I saw the perfect gift for my wife for her birthday. I just needed to find my way there.

Making it to the roof I looked around crouching and staying low. I had to get moving to make it back to the compound before they shut and locked the gates for the night. I started north and jumped from building to building until I saw a shadow move ahead of me.

I ducked and hid and waited. I didn't hear much but knew whoever it was,was just feet from me. I released Matilda, my sword from my spine sheath soundlessly, and waited.

“Miss Kara, im not stupid enough to come round that corner with you and Matilda waiting for me, so why dont you come on out and we can talk.”

That voice,I knew exactly who it belonged to and I leaned my head back against the wall for a moment. I just needed a second. I stood and came around the corner to greet Ms. Abigail. A sexy wanderer who sometimes scavagenges from our compound. Hopefully she was in a good mood today.

“Hey Abby! Long time no see. How have you been?” I called to her with Matilda still in my hand. Abby was like the male version of that old movie Rambo. She had her blonde hair pulled back under a bandana and her tank and cargo pants were grey/black camouflage. She smiled at me, which creeped me out. She never smiles.

“I been good Miss Kara, and yourself? Your wife?”

“Good, good, we've been good.” Yea that was smooth i thought to myself “ I’m actually in town to get a gift for my wife. It's her birthday today. Doesn't it seem as if the infected are more restless than usual?”I asked her, hoping she may join me on my quest.

Abigail raised a brow with that smile still in place .“Ah, cutting it kinda close, coming into town the day she supposed to receive the gift?”She ignored my question, lovely.

“Yea well I've been busy with the Golden Horde.”

She just raised her other brow at me.

“Ok fine, I kinda forgot what day it was and that’s why I'm in such a rush. I have to get back before the gates close but I still need to get to The Gifter thrift store.”

“I Know the store.”

That's all she said as she stared at me, so I stared back for like 30 seconds, then couldnt take it anymore. “Awesome that you know it, so yea i got to get there and back so ima just squeeze past you if you don't mind.”

“I mind”

“Really Abby? I don't have time for this, please just let me pass.”

“I always liked your wife. She makes me bread.”

“Yea she is a good woman. I like her too. That's why I have to get her gift and get back home.”

Abby nodded, turned then started heading north. Was I supposed to follow her? I didn't want to if she didn't want me to. So I stood there for a second debating when she suddenly turned and threw one of her knives at me. I went to duck but noticed the knife went behind me and into the head of an infected dog. Goddamn it now she just saved my life. I turned back to her and she was suddenly in my personal bubble looking down at me. I never really noticed how much taller she was than me. I looked her up and then down and met her eyes

“Abby, only my wife gets to be this close to me. Could you, you know, take a step back? “

“My apologies Miss Kara, follow me I'll take you to the store. She is special and deserves a special gift.” And with that she turned and started north.

“Oh,ok. I appreciate it. Lead the way, oh fearless one.” She didn't even pause.

Well at least my chances of survival just went up exponentially. Score!

“Abby, you know you are welcome at the Golden Horde Compound. You don't have to sneak around.”

“Why not? Your wife leaves baskets for me and clean clothes.”

“Damn her, I want you in the compound, not a scavenger.”

A husky laugh came out of Abby and I gave her a double take.

“Your wife is slowly reeling me in, so she thinks and I allow her to. It benefits me with clean clothes and fresh food.”

“You can have safety and security also if you just lived with us. I will be honest with you, I want your skills and experience. You will be a great asset.”

Abby just continued walking as if she didn't hear me and stopped at a ledge looking down. I sighed, sidled up beside her and looked down also. The Gifter Thrift Store was down there with a bunch of infected creatures.“Great, how am I supposed to get in there and back out? I need a distraction.” I turned towards Abby, to ask her and she was gone. “ What the hell, Abby? Where did you go?”

“When you hear the shot, run, get the gift and get out..” Her voice came from below me. I glanced over the side and saw her climbing down the building.

“What! Abby, dont do anything stupid!”I yelled at her.

She just glanced up at me and put her finger to her lips. Did she just shush me? “Did you just shush me?”

“Really Miss Kara, i'm trying to help you, for your wife. Be grateful.” With those words she slid the rest of the way down and started running north through the infected. Damn her, she better not get killed.

I waited, at the ready, for the shot. When I heard it, I slipped over the edge and slid down the way Abby did to the street. I pulled Matilda out when a couple infected hadn't started after Abby. I sliced their heads off narrowly missing the blood splatter. I really didn't want to come back home with blood on my clothes, my wife hated that.

I resheathed Matilda, and pulled Hector, my bowie knife from my arm sheath.. He would work perfect for this part. I slammed his hilt into the glass and watched it shatter. I looked around but no infected seemed to have noticed. I crouched and climbed through the broken door.

I slowly rose as I glanced around. It seemed deserted but I made my way as silently as I could to the counter where I had seen the gift. It was still there. A beautiful gold, heart shaped locket with a tiger eye opal in the center. I picked it up and opened it, closed it and flipped it over. Inscribed on the back was “2:H.B.Luv:K.M.4Ever” Wow, it was even more perfect for my wife than I thought. I put it in my front pocket and turned to go back out the door. I jumped in small shock and sighed, looking heavenward for a second then met the grey eyes of Abby.

“Again, Abby? What did I say about space?”

“My apologies again Miss Kara, I was just curious.”

I took a step back and pulled it back out of my pocket to show it to her.

“My wife loves old, vintage items.”

Abby looked at it, opened it, closed it, then looked at the back, glancing up at me. I smiled. “Yeah, I honestly just thought she would like the necklace but the initials will be a nice touch.”

She glanced back at the locket and then handed it back to me. “You two are lucky to have each other. It was destiny. May I join you for her birthday? I have a gift as well.” Abby asked with confidence but I could tell she thought I'd turn her away. Well that wasn't going to happen. I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes “ You are mine now Abby. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.”

She cocked her head in confusion for a second then asked “Did you just quote an Eagles song?“

“Yeah well, it still applies. Now come on, let's get home.”

I turned and crouched through the door again with Abby behind me. We were able to mostly stay away from the infected. There were a couple close calls with infected dogs, and one infected tiger. He must have escaped a zoo, but we pulled through it and made it to the Compound and through the gate as it was shutting.

“Cutting in close there weren't you Kara?” The most beautiful voice spoke to me. I glanced around looking for my wife but didn't see her.

“Up here! Bring Abby with you.”

I looked up to see my wife in one of the turret towers and smiled.

“Come on Abby, let's go and wish my wife a happy birthday.” I pulled her with me as I made my way up the tower. Abby didn't fight it and followed me as I raced up the winding staircase to the top of the tower. Slowing as we reached the door with my wife standing there smiling at us. I let go of Abby’s hand and pulled my wife in for a hard kiss. Her arms came around me and held me close as she met my kiss with just as much passion. We pulled apart and I just stared at her beautiful tiger eye brown eyes “Happy Birthday my beautiful wife, look who has come to celebrate with us.” I swung my hand out to Abby while the other one stayed wrapped around her..My wife's eyes beamed with happiness, “Abigail, I'm so glad you joined us. Please stay and enjoy this wonderful dinner with us.”

“Thank you Miss Heather, I appreciate it. If you and Kara wouldn't mind, I think I'll stay here awhile? Not permanently but just for awhile.”

I watched as my wife, Heather's dark mocha skin glowed with even more happiness as she smiled at Abby. I knew she liked Abby and wanted to take care of the beautiful woman so her coming home today of all days seemed to be icing on the cake, so to speak.

“Of course! We have an extra room just for you. I'll show it to you after dinner.”

“Thank you Miss Heather.” Abby said softly as she made her way to sit at the table.

I turned my wife back to me and pulled the locket out of my pocket.

“Heather, I have this for you also.”

She smiled up to me as I handed her the locket. She gasped and held it softly in her hands.

“Kara, it's beautiful. The detail of Ivy stamped around the Tiger eye opal is just stunning! Where did you find this?”

“I can't tell you that, it's a secret.” I said to her as I winked over to Abby. She had been watching us.I'll get through to her sooner or later.

“I love it. Look at the portraits inside, oh they are just so lovely. Victorian era i do believe. Oh and the back? The initials are mine, H.B. Heather Baron and yours K.M. Kara Mitchell. Thank you, this is amazing.”

I pulled her into my arms “You are amazing. Now let's join Abby for some of that delicious food.”I whispered into my wife's ear. She smiled and whispered back “I'm game if you are, Wife.”


About the Creator

Christa Soco

i love books and want to create my own stories and take people to different worlds in my books as others have done for me. My addiction is growing from reading to writing books! Dont for get to smile and get lost in some great stories.

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    Christa SocoWritten by Christa Soco

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