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Chapter 1-4ish

By Christa SocoPublished 3 years ago 44 min read
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Attemping my first book. Will add new drafts as i add to it! Let me know what you think! Chapters 1-4ish


Prologue-200 year ago.

Note Left by the body of the Scientist, reads as follows,

I completed what I promised. For her, I am making the world a better place. When I was 16 yrs old, I fell in love. She was a beauty and took my breath away. Her mind matched mine and we flourished under the knowledge as we studied, got accepted and went to college. I just wanted the knowledge but she wanted to change the world. She dreamed of a better planet, a better way of life. We talked about rising high in the science community and creating things that would change the world. That would help the hungry, that would save the animals, things that will protect our Earth.

I asked her to be my wife when we found out she gifted me with our daughter. We were young but I was already working for the government science division, so she took time off for the pregnancy. I told her I'd start her dream and she would come and finish it. She never had the chance though. During a prenatal visit when she couldn't seem to get her strength and was sick all the time, they took a test, and found a rare blood cancer that was aggressive, and fast spreading. They tried everything but nothing slowed it down. I had to watch her suffer, in pain and there was nothing I could do. I didn't have the knowledge or power yet to save her. She held on long enough to birth our daughter, and as I laid our miracle into her arms, she made me promise two things. To always love and protect our daughter, and to change the world.

As I watched her die, holding her cold hand, I accepted both promises and told her I'd join her when I finished. I was lost, but I knew to fulfill both promises I had to put our daughter up for a closed, private adoption and hide her. I buried her so far deep that no one will find our connection. I watched our daughter grow into a beautiful, powerful, remarkable woman who created her own family. I kept her safe. She will make the greatest changes to the world. I planned and worked nonstop to fulfill the second promise, knowing I would one day be enemy number one in the eyes of the world. But I changed this ungrateful world. She would have tried to fix what was, but I knew there was no fixing. It had to break and become something new.

So I created three bio-pathogens and released them into the world. Feral Pathogen, for we as humans have not lived off the land that was given and instead just grew, built and used up, so now you will become animal like and learn to respect Life. Eclipse Pathogen, because we as humans have upset the balance of the Earth and shall live in darkness as punishment. Cerebral Pathogen, because we as humans are so closed minded to others, that you need to have your mind opened to the bigger picture.

Now half a century later I finally fulfilled my promise. The pathogens have been released and have already begun to change people's very DNA. Don't bother to look for my work, I got rid of every note, every sample, and every test I did. There is no record of how I was able to do this. I took the secret to my grave, so embrace this new World to come.

I'm with my love again finally, and we shall watch from beyond as the world changes and becomes something new, somethin better. Don't disappoint me.

The Scientist.

Present time year 2245

Chapter one

“Good morning, Miss Amber!”

I heard shouted from my living room. My best friend Sterling had just entered my apartment. He was a very tall, very skinny, total geek. From his big frame glasses to his vest and computer bag he was never without. He also never went anywhere without his brown hair styled to perfection.

Sterling lived a couple floors down from me in our apartment building called Solar Sky Tower. It was a highrise building with solar glass to power the building, the solar parking lots and the other buildings around it. I lived on the top floor.

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and yelled back “Good Morning bane of my existence!” Smiling, I finished my make up and turned to go into my bedroom. Riza, my coywolf, was on my pale blue canopy bed with her head tilted toward the open door, on alert.

“It's ok Riza, it's just Sterling. Let's go get breakfast.” I patted my leg and she jumped off the bed and followed me into the hallway to the living room and kitchen, which was one big room separated by a step down into the living room.

Sterling was at the quick brew coffee maker changing out my cocoa coffee for his gross oil coffee. I shuddered. I don't know how he stomachs that stuff. I had to have chocolate coffee or none at all.

“What's on the agenda today?” I asked him as I began to prepare breakfast for Riza. It was a ritual that Riza patiently waited for each morning. I made her the good stuff. Today was Spinach scrambled Eggs and synthetic Bacon.

Sterling turned towards me with his cup of oil and calmly reported to me

“So, I already checked messages and the Bilmsby and Havens cases will be closed by the middle of the week. Now the rest of them are not important but the one that is, is from Mistress Justice, she would like you to meet her at 10am for a meeting in the Silence Chambers.

I froze in the middle of pulling the plant base egg yolk and spinach from the fridge and looked over at Sterling. He just smiled at me from over his cup while leaning against the counter farthest from Riza and I. The Chambers were the special offices of the Court.

“Mistress Justice left a message and she wants to personally meet with me in the Chambers? Why would she contact me personally? She always liaised through her secretary, Gaylord. Only time I met her was when she interviewed me to be the head of her investigation department , 4 yrs ago.”

“I haven't the foggiest love, but it's exciting for you. Mistress Justice wants to see you in the flesh. Though I would change if I were you, yellow, though such a happy color, I just don't think the style would be appropriate.” Sterling snickered at me.

I looked down at my yellow maxi dress I had put on this morning. I hadn't planned on going anywhere but my office and do paperwork today so I had dressed for comfort. Plus I couldn’t wear yellow to see Mistress Justice.

“Can you finish Riza’s breakfast, I need to change real quick.”

“Oh come on Amber, Riza barely tolerates me. I mean look at her, she's just staring me down, waiting for me to turn me back so she can pounce.”

“Don't be silly, she doesn't care if your back is turned. She will just as easily rip your throat out from the front. “

“Wow, yes that just makes me all warm and fuzzy and makes me want to feed your she demon dog.”

I rolled my eyes, turned and started down the hallway to my room.

“Sterling, just feed her. Like you said, I can't wear yellow to see Mistress Justice. I need to put something a little more professional on. Riza, be nice to Sterling.” I heard a little growl behind me and smiled.

I walked into my room and headed towards my walk-in closet. Now I needed to choose something more professional. My simple yellow maxi dress just would not do. What to wear, what to wear. Something not as bright as yellow but I would not wear black. Black may be professional but my sister Reagen wears enough black for both of us. Besides, I live for color. I looked through my racks of dresses, suit dresses , and suits. I needed something that was respectful yet bold. Something that said I deserve the job you gave me. I remembered when I first met Mistress Justice that she commented on my pale pink suit dress I had worn. She had said that she liked the cut of it. So maybe another suit dress? I thought for another second then decided on a blazer suit dress in a rich plum color. It reached to just a couple inches above the knee with a small side sit and plunged to just above my breast before it folded over and buttoned closed. Professional and cute. Perfect!

Now I just needed to choose different shoes. I walked over to my shoe closet and opened it up. Shelves of high heels, low heels, sandals, boots, flats, and tennis shoes greeted me. God, I loved shoes. I grabbed a pair of peep toe pumps in a pretty silver color. These will work perfectly with my toes painted opal.

I undressed and redressed quickly then looked myself over in the full wall mirror I had in my closet. The deep purple of the dress made my sky blue eyes stand out more. Plus the ring of silver around my iris was really bright today. My strawberry blonde hair was in a French Twist and my make up, though simple, would still match my outfit. I look professional but with color. Smiling, I turned on my heel and headed back to the kitchen to Sterling and Riza.

“How's this?” I asked

“Amber, you girl, always looks beautiful, but you know I love that dress.”

“I know, it's one of my favorites too. Did you finish Riza’s breakfast?”

“Yes, your she-demon dog is fed and I let her out on the patio.”

“Ah, thank you Sterling. It's much appreciated.”

“Yeah,yeah,yeah. Now tell me what you want and need for the meeting. Let me work my magic to prepare you.”

“Oh, I don't know what I will need. I don't know what she wants. I guess my PDA and you in my ear to give me any information I don't already know. How does that sound?” I asked Sterling.

“Sounds like a plan, except Mistress Justice wants to meet you in the Silent Chambers, so i wont be able to be in your ear. Now I am going to call the company car and head to work. Are you coming with me or driving yourself?” he asked me.

My mind momentarily blanked at the thought of being in the Silent Chambers then smiled my best smile, “Oh Sterling won't you drive to work with me? You know you want to.”

“Amber, I will never drive with you again. You know this. You are a menace in that manual contraption you call a car. I don't know how you have no tickets or accidents.”

“Magic. Plus I know most of the Transportation Force and they don't want to chase me.”

“Well i value my life, and you are going to kill yourself with that thing you call Eleanor. Ugh, why you insist on driving the death trap I will never know. I prefer the nice, safe, luxurious, automatic driving company car that has a professional wheelman in the front just in case moments.” Sterling turned his nose up at me as he was talking. As if I was under him because I drove a solar vehicle instead of the electric, automated self driving cars. I rolled my eyes.

“You would. You have no flair for adrenaline.” I countered.

“Are you saying I have no flair??” He looked aghast at me, puffing up his skinny frame.

“No hun you have flair, just not for adrenaline. You sir are bo-ring.” I told him.

“Am not!”

“Are too!”

“Am not!”

“Sterling, I'm not going to do this again, we are not 12 anymore.” I Laughed. Sterling really was my best friend and had been since we were kids and had been sent to a special high education school. We were the youngest in our class and we just clicked.

“You started it by calling me boring.”

“Whatever. Go get your slow boring company car. I'll see you at work in my beautiful Star Prism. Bet you I will make it there before you.`` I bragged to him. My car really was a beauty. My Eleanor was a pearlized rose gold, sexy, sleak, fast solar car that was based off of a car from a movie back in the early 2000.

“Yeah,yeah, at least I know I'll make it there safely. Later Amber!” he commented back to me as he walked to the door and left.

Smiling, I went and unlocked Riza’s doggy door so she could go out on the huge backyard balcony whenever she wanted to after I left for work. It took up half my floor plan but it was how I wanted it designed. It has a patio, plants and flowers around the pool with a small rocky, waterfall grotto, grass and even a small Japanese Maple Tree. I had splurged on the apartment style I wanted when I first bought it 3 years ago. I needed my own space instead of living with my sisters. My apartment took up half of the top floor of the building. It had floor to ceiling windows on two sides and the balcony took up the third side. Pricey but it's my dream place. . I even had a couple extra bedrooms in case my sisters stayed the night.

Turning away from the backyard, I went to finish getting my things together for work. I was kinda nervous but excited to meet with Mistress Justice. She was a stern but fair woman who had been unanimously appointed by each of the faction leaders. The Master or Mistress Justices served for `15years. Mistress Justice has only been at it for 5 years, so when she appointed me as the head of her investigation team 4 years ago, I was ecstatic. I finally had my dream job. Head investigator lawyer for Mistress Justice of the World Congress of Authority. It was a very prestigious job, and I was damn lucky that I got it at age 24. Plus it paid very well so that didn't hurt either.

“Riza! I called to my coywolf. “Come say goodbye, I have to go to work.” I watched as my beautiful companion came in her doggy door.Her blond coat was shiny and her blue eyes were warm when she looked at me. She really was a demon to others, but to me she was the most precious of friends. I knelt down and gave her a quick hug then headed for the door, calling to her “Love you my baby. Begood while I'm at work and I'll bring you home some of that synthetic chicken you love so much.”

It had been over 175 years since anyone on earth ate actual meat or fish. It was all synthetic. Animal life had finally been able to be protected from hunters, fishers and slaughterhouses after the Conversion. The Conversion was what happened 200 year ago. The Scientist released three different mutated pathogens into the world somehow, which caused chaos and wars but made us as humans change how we lived and treated the Earth and each other. It was a wake up call you could say. The Ferals had come up with the synthetic meat so that we wouldn't have to kill animals anymore, since we as Ferals had become animalistic ourselves. I was a blond coyote. I couldn't actually change into one, but I had the physical characteristics of it when my emotions ran high. My eyes would get a glow to them, my teeth would sharpen, and my claws would sprout. I also had a better sense of smell, better eyesight and hearing.. Now those were normal for most Ferals, I was different. I could also not quite communicate but I could connect with canine animals and they seemed to understand me and gave me an instinct for protection.

It was a big adjustment for the people back then. They had panicked as the changes the three pathogens caused had been realized. The other two, Eclipse and Cerebral, had made humans make changes in the way we lived, occurring in the world also. The three different pathogens changed many people, but for some reason other humans were not affected by any of them. They remained just human.

I was a third generation Feral after the Conversion. I had two sisters. We were triplets but not identical. Reagan was our dark hair green eye deadly beauty and she has Eclipse and Cassandra is my fiery redhead blueyed of a sister who has Cerebral. Though she wasn't very fiery around anyone but us, her sisters. No one has been able to figure out why we each have a different one, since both of our parents had the Feral mutation.

Locking the door behind me with my handprint, I turned and walked down the hallway that seperated my apartment from the other one that took up the other half of the floor. At one end of the hallway was a parlor and elevator that would take you down but if you went the way I was heading, you would come onto a sun roof parking lot. That also held the emergency stairs. In the lot were 4 cars and one of them was Eleanor.

Chapter 2

Driving in my car was probably one of the most stress relieving activities I could do. I had control and speed. I love anything that goes fast. The other thing I loved was that I could think. Driving was where I put puzzles and information together.

I swerved in and around the automated vehicles, making my way to the express lanes to the downtown area. The World Authority Center consisted of 5 buildings that circled a round beautiful rock and sand zen garden with a reflection pool. Metanoia is the unofficial name for it. It represents the fundamental change of mind we had after the Conversion. At the time we as humans took so much for granted. After the wars finally stopped and the World Congress of Authority came into existence they had voted to make a place the main high court could rule from. Then these buildings and gardens were built. 4 of the buildings held the Faction judges offices and their team. The main building held the Mistresses, mine and my team's offices, as well as the Global Courtrooms.

Now underneath the World Authority Center held The Chambers. They were a series of halls and rooms for different uses and connected all the buildings together. The one Mistress Justice wanted to meet me in was the Silence Chambers. Anything spoken in the room would not go beyond the other person's hearing. It was silent to all other noise. Nothing heard from inside or outside. I had only been in it one other time for a case a couple years ago and the emptiness of sound still caused the hair on my arms to rise when I think of it. Only reason she would want to meet me in the Silence Chamber was to not be overheard by anyone, so it had to be a world security issue of some type.

I could deal with a security investigation. I have worked with all the heads of securities for each of the Factions. My favorite was the Feral Head Security General, Petey Wright. He was a giant, happy, growly, old bear and was always munching on berries. Now the Cerebral Shield General, Siegman was a strange man. He always worked with me on cases that involve his people, but really it seemed as if he couldn't care less. The last was Beatrix Sharpe, the Eclipse Commander. She was a rough, brutal, direct woman who took no shit. I liked her.

I was coming up on the right hand ramp to the Authority Center Parking lot and I was all the way on the left in the express lane. I flipped my signal and glided smoothly between the automated cars to the ramp. Once up the ramp I had to stop at an automatic scanner to make sure my vehicle was registered to this parking lot. Once done I slowly crept forward until I was at the beginning of the ramp going upwards. I waited a few moments then with my foot on the brake I hit the gas and revved up the engine. I released the break, and jerked the wheel to the left , donutting all the way up the 10 levels to the top of the parking garage. I loved doing that. It was even more fun on the downward spiral.

I parked in my assigned spot and messaged Sterling, “Parked. Going up to my office and finishing a couple things. Please let me know when its 930”

“SpeedDemon. I'm still on route. I'll see you at 9:30. Xox''

Smiling, I grabbed my things, got out of my car and locked it with my handprint. I headed toward the garden skywalk that connected the parking garage to the main Authority building. It went over the highway and had lush beautiful flowers and plants. Halfway down in the center was a 3tier floor wishing fountain. I threw a coin in it and wished for luck with my meeting with Mistress Justice, then continued on my way. Once I reached the otherside i had to go through a security checkpoint. They scanned my badge as I put my hand on another scanner. Approved for entry I went to the elevators and pushed for the up floor.

I stood there waiting, bouncing lightly on my feet when I felt a shift in the air and froze. Something or someone was watching me intently. I looked around but didn't notice anyone. It didn't feel malicious but focused. The elevator dinged and I stepped into it, pressed for my floor and turned to look out the door. My eyes met molten silver eyes and my breath caught. I forgot to breathe, I just stood there staring as he stared back at me. I couldn't move, couldn't think, I just blanked everything and focused on his gorgeous eyes. They drew me in, and wouldn't let me look away. They held a focused desire in their depths. It was he who I had felt looking at me. The elevator door finally closed and broke the spell. I slumped against the rail on the wall and blew out a big breath. Well damn. I hadn't reacted like that to a guy ever. Who was he?

I reached my floor and exited into a hallway. It had black walls with colorful paintings and the floor had geometric shapes of black and white. At the end of the hallway was a large open room with floor to ceiling windows. In the middle were 4 cubicles each in a different color. They belonged to my active investigators who go out to gather and find the information or evidence we may need. If you go left up a couple stairs there are evidence rooms, interview rooms and a group meeting room. If you go right up a couple stairs you will pass the break room and bathroom, Sterlings office and then my office.

I walked to my office, scanned my hand to unlock it and entered. I looked around. The floor was a light polished wood and the walls were white. There were 3 large colorful paintings on the right wall. To the left was a black leather sofa and blue glass coffee table with a blue stained glass floor lamp next to it. Against the wall were floor to ceiling bookshelves in the same wood as the floor all the way down to the floor to ceiling windows on the back wall. My black desk was U shaped so that I could turn in my seat to either face the door or the windows with my computer in the center facing the bookcase. There were also two chairs between the door and my desk for guests. On the right side of the room behind where I sat was a door that blended with the walls and led to my own private full bathroom. Shelves against the wall under the pictures held notes and references needed for cases. The Windows were my favorite part though. I looked up at it. Bright stained glass that depicted the solar system in bright colors. When the sun shined through in the late afternoon, the beautiful colors danced across my office and filled me with serenity.

. I walked to my desk and turned my computer on then entered a code on my office phone to listen to any voicemails.

“You have one new message.” a husky man's voice said to me.

“Amber, I have to leave for a few days for a job, feed my brutes for me please or you can just take them to your place so they can hang with Riza. Either one works for me. I shouldn't be gone longer than a week. Target found now I just have to acquire him. Oh and if you are wondering why I called your office instead of your cell it's because YOU HAVEN'T CHARGED IT! Love you, later,”. My sister Reagens voice ended and I stood there glaring at the phone. Not even Lannon Graves' voice could fix my irritation. Damn her. She knew I couldn't leave her dogs by themselves. So now I would have to find time to go across town to get her brutes and bring them home. Damn her. Sighing, I pulled my phone out of my bag to charge it because yeah she was right it was dead, then sat at my computer and checked my mail. Nothing of importance so I went and checked on our work load. Two cases will be finished this week and that will clear up time for whatever Mistress Justice wants. Good. Glancing at my cute cat clock, I figured I had some time to finish up some paperwork before my appointment.

A little while later a knock sounded at my door and I looked up. Sterling was there.

“What's up? Is it time?” I asked as I glanced at the clock. 9:16am

“ Almost, you still have a little before you have to head down. I wanted to let you know Voyd got cut last night. He's fine. Pissed but fine. Went to the hospital then home. I guess the woman he was supposed to meet for an interview decided she didn't want to give her testimony anymore and attacked him.” Sterling reported.

“Where was Rachel? She was supposed to partner with him last night. She better not have gone home early again. “ I demanded.

“As she hasn't shown up yet today I do not know why she wasn't with him. Voyd wouldn't say. He's doing his report now.” Sterling concluded.

I sighed and sat back in my chair. I was going to have to let Rachel go. She wasn't being reliable, kept leaving early and arriving late. I hated to do it, but I couldn't have someone on my team I did not trust.

“Tell her I need to see her when she comes in. If I'm with Mistress Justice, make sure she doesn't leave until I get back please.” I told Sterling.

“Will do, do you want me to walk down with you?”

“No, I got this. Thank you, though.”

“She wants the best and you are the best. Go get em tiger. Grrr'' Sterling cheered me on.

I just looked at him and shook my head. “You weirdo. I'll talk to you when I get back in.”

I grabbed my PDA and headed out of my office to the elevators. I looked over the floor at my team. Voyd was writing at his desk while Gregor was flipping through a book. I looked around and found Priscilla coming out of the break room with a cup of coffee, she waved then went to her desk. I had a good team here. Rachel just didn't fit, I would have to let her go.

I pushed the down button and waited. My mind wondered and thought about who that guy was that I saw earlier. His eyes had taken my breath away and I hadn't even noticed the rest of him. Maybe he works on one of the other teams.Maybe i'll see him again. Shrugging I entered the elevator when the doors opened and pressed the 3rd basement floor button with a thumbprint ID to make sure I was allowed. The door slid shut and it began its descent down. As I was almost on the top floor I knew it would take a little time to actually get to the 3rd floor basement, I opened my PDA and started going through some resumes that I had saved. I need someone to fill Rachels spot sooner rather than later. I vaguely noticed the elevator stopping then letting a couple in, going down a little farther and letting the couple out. I was so engrossed in the resumes that it took me a moment to realize that the doors had not shut. Looking up I met stormy grey eyes. It was him. I smiled “Hi.”

“Hello.” A deep voice said back to me. It sent shivers down my spine.

We stood there staring for a long moment.

“ Are you coming in?”I inquired?

He blinked a couple times, nodded and walked in. He went to the back opposite corner.

“Which floor?” I asked.

“Basement 3 please.”

The button was already pressed since it was where I was headed so I pressed the door close button instead.

I leaned against the wall and took my time looking at the wolf feral staring back at me. I also took in a deep breath of his scent. He smelt like dark chocolate and leather. Intoxicating, Mmmm, delicious. Tall with dirty blonde hair fell stylish over those grey eyes. He had a smooth square chin that held his full lips. Ooo and those lips looked kissable. That full bottom one just asked to be nibbled. My eyes continued downward over his broad chest in a dark blue suit that was tailor to fit him. Then my eyes went lower and Oh. My breath left me. Well he definitely could give a girl a good ride. I met his eyes again and smiled. He didn't smile back. He took a step closer then stopped. I glanced at his hands. One was holding a briefcase and the other was in a fist. I looked back up.

“You ok there big guy?”

“Why do you smell like that?.”

“What do I smell like?” I asked him. Hopefully I didn't smell like Riza.

He just growled and took a step back into the corner. His eyes wouldn't meet mine. He is trying to ignore me. I laughed to myself. Oh silly wolf.

The elevator stopped again and when the doors opened four people came in. I scooted to the back next to the wolf and heard a little growl. I looked up at him and noticed his eyes were on me, just not my face.They were riveted to the opening of my suit where the swell of my breast could be seen. I cleared my throat. His eyes flew to mine then he looked forward ignoring me again.

I laughed under my breath, lifted my hand and dragged my nails lightly over my chest to see if I could get him to look again. He did. His eyes flew to my hand then my eyes then to my hand again as I slowly moved them down my chest. He growled again, turned away and softly I heard him say “Stop it Female.”

“I'm not doing anything. You're the one that was looking, sir wolf.”

He growled again as the elevator stopped at our floor finally. He pushed his way forward to exit quickly. I snickered at his back and he looked back at me with an accusing look. What did I do? Just some harmless flirting that he couldn't seem to handle wasn't my fault . I followed the others out the elevator and made my way to the Silence Chambers. Lucky me it seemed Mr Wolf headed the same way, so I got to oogle his backside as I followed. He turned abruptly and gritted out,” Stop following me, stop teasing me. Just stop..”

I kept walking until I was beside him, put my palm on his chest and looked up into his eyes that burned me alive with the desire I could see in them, “I'm not following you handsome, I have a meeting in the Silence Chambers. You just happen to be going my way.”

His brow furrowed “So do I. I'm meeting Mistress Justice.”

“Well isn't that a coincidence. Let's walk the rest of the way together.” I put my arm through his and pulled him close to me as we made our way down the hallways towards our destination. He just sighed and let me lead him, his scent surrounding me.

Chapter 3

We started down the hallway until we got to an open area with stone walls and dome ceiling. There was a 5 way breakoff of hallways. Each one with their own security check. I kept us going to the hallway straight in front of us and to its security check. I handed in my badge, scanned my hand and walked through. I turned and watched mr wolf. He did the same thing I did but the security guard had him check his gun in before they let him through. I met his eyes as he walked towards me and asked him , “ Have you ever been in the Silence Chambers before?”

He shook his head no. His eyes did not leave mine and I couldn't look away. We just stood staring. I cleared my throat and told him “ Just a friendly warning, the Silence Chambers allows for no sound to be heard outside or from inside. Its a room devoid of any sound, except the voices spoken to the ears in the room. Not even recordings can pick up sound. I'm not positive how they do it, I have some ideas but they keep the secret of it close. Anyways, it takes the sense away and us as ferals have sometimes found it difficult to deal with it.” He just continued to look at me with heat. “Ok well, warning given. Come on, let us find out what our meeting with Mistress Justice is about.” I turned and started down the stone labyrinth hallway with Mr. Wolf following behind me. I took a left then a right and was about to take another left when he confided,

“I already know what it's about.”

I stopped and turned swiftly around. He stopped a few inches from me , making me tilt my head to look up into his eyes.

“Well what is it about? She just left a message telling me to meet her here.”

“Hmm, Guess you will just have to find out, little coya.” and with that he looked down to my breast and his lip lifted in the corner a little. A barely noticeable growl came out. He quickly stepped around me, and continued down the long stone hallway until he got to a large black door. Turning, he looked at me, just waiting.

Ooh so he does know how to tease I thought as I sauntered over to him. He opened the door for me, all the while his eyes wouldn't leave mine. I smiled at him then brushed my body against his as I walked into the chambers. I heard him suck in a breath and another barely there growl until all sound disappeared as I walked further into the room with the wolf right behind me. The room had black hexagonal panels over white walls. In the middle of the room were 5 chairs surrounding a rectangular table. Mistress Justice was seated at the head of the table with an office tablet and an envelope in front of her. She rose as we entered.

“Good morning Ms. Wraith. Mr. Kingsley. Won't you please sit down?” her voice was almost in my head. The lack of sound except her voice was so eerie.

“Good Morning Mistress Justice, thankyou.” I replied back and walked over to sit on her left, and surprisingly Mr Kingsley, aka Mr. Wolf, sat next to me instead of across. Ok, enough of that. I needed to kick him out of my head and focus. I can flirt with him some more later. Straightening, I met eyes of golden yellow. Mistress Justice's attention was all on me and she began to speak.

“Four years ago I hired you even though you didn't have much experience in world legalities.. I liked the way you worked and how you got things done. So, I took a chance, so you could grow with me as Mistress Justice, and you have done well.”

“Thank you Mistress Justice. I have tried to live up to your expectations, because I knew you were taking a chance on me, and I really appreciate it.”

“Oh, it's nothing dear. Someone took a chance on me when I was young, and look at me now. I have 10 more years as Mistress and after that I could either retire or become part of the ageless council. Time will tell. Now, I asked you here today because though I did hire you for those reasons, there is another. You know the story of The Scientist right?”

Of course I did. All kids were taught no matter what school you went to about The Scientist. He is why we are who we are today. I answered her “ Yes, he created the three biopathagens that changed our very DNA into other. His reasoning was that his wife wanted a better world, but after her death and in his grief he had twisted it, and decided that we as humans needed a fundamental change to have a better world.”

“Precisely. It is known that he left a suicide note, though it was never fully made public. Certain parts were removed before the public was allowed to see it. Now I want to give you a copy of the original. Please read it.” She slid the envelope towards me.

I reached for it, but she didn't take her fingers off of it. I met her eyes again.

“I had hoped for this never to come to light. I'm sorry.” and with that comment she sat back and just watched me.

Ok. right. Guess whatever I was to read in this envelope would not make my day better. Besides that though, my curiosity had me opening the letter quickly, ripping the envelope a little on the side. I heard a sigh to my left but ignored the wolf. I pulled the paper out, unfolded it and began to read.

I completed what I promised. For her, I am making the world a better place. When I was 16 yrs old, I fell in love. She was a beauty and took my breath away. Her mind matched mine and we flourished under the knowledge as we studied, got accepted and went to college. I just wanted the knowledge but she wanted to change the world. She dreamed of a better planet, better way of life. We talked about rising high in the science community and creating things that would change the world. That would help the hungry, that would save the animals, things that will protect our Earth.

I asked her to be my wife when we found out she gifted me with our daughter. We were young but I was already working for the government science division, so she took time off for the pregnancy. I told her I'd start her dream and she would come and finish it. She never had the chance though. During a prenatal visit when she couldn't seem to get her strength and was sick all the time, they took a test, and found a rare blood cancer that was aggressive, and fast spreading. They tried everything but nothing slowed it down. I had to watch her suffer, in pain and there was nothing I could do. I didn't have the knowledge or power yet to save her. She held on long enough to birth our daughter, and as I laid our miracle into her arms, she made me promise two things. To always love and protect our daughter, and to change the world.

As I watched her die, holding her cold hand, I accepted both promises and told her I'd join her when I finished. I was lost, but I knew to fulfill both promises I had to put our daughter up for a closed, private adoption and hide her. I buried her so far deep no one will find our connection. I watched our daughter grow into a beautiful, powerful, remarkable woman who created her own family. I kept her safe. She will give the greatest changes to the world. I planned and worked nonstop to fulfill the second promise, knowing I would one day be enemy number one in the eyes of the world. But I changed this ungrateful world. She would have tried to fix what was, but I knew there was no fixing. It had to break and become something new.

So I created three bio-pathogens and released them into the world. Feral Pathogen, for we as humans have not lived off the land that was given and instead just grew, built and used up, so now you will become animal like and learn to respect Life. Eclipse Pathogen, because we as humans have upset the balance of the Earth and shall live in darkness as punishment. Cerebral Pathogen, because we as humans are so closed minded, that you need to have your mind opened to the bigger picture.

Now half a century later I finally fulfilled my promise. The pathogens have been released and have already begun to change people's very DNA. Don't bother to look for my work, I got rid of every note, every sample, and every test I did. There is no record of how I was able to do this. I took the secret to my grave, so embrace the new World to come.

I'm with my love again finally, and we shall watch from beyond as the world changes and becomes something new, somethin better. Don't disappoint me.

The Scientist.

I sat there for a moment thinking why this would have anything to do with me. I looked at the note and reread the strikeout parts. The new parts. The parts that were never given to the public. It talked about his wife having a baby and that he hid her. It talked about his daughter having a family, and Mistress Justice wanted me to know. Oh my god. I looked quickly up into bright yellow eyes. I knew what she wished would've been kept secret. What the world should not know. What I did not know was

“ Are my sister’s and I in danger?”

“I believe so. That is why I have asked Bishop, I mean MR. Kingsley to join in this meeting. I'd like him to be your guard just for the next couple days.”

I glanced at the wolf next to me and he was just staring at me, waiting.

“Why? “ I demanded,'' What about my sisters?”

“Let me start at the beginning.”

I took a deep breath feeling my instinct rise up. I needed to be calm not rip her throat out because she was the bearer of the news.

“Yes, Please. Tell me everything.” I needed to know. I needed to know if my sisters and my life were a lie. My hackles rose and my claws threatened to release. I need to be calmer. I closed my eyes and took another goddamn breath and released it.

“Only a very select few are trusted with this knowledge. As you have read in the note left by your great great grandfather, his wife gave birth to a daughter in which he then had hidden away. He gave her to someone he trusted and had promised no matter what to protect his line. This person was what you believe to be your great great grandmother, Starla Wraith. She was your great great grandmother's best friend. Starla raised and then protected your bloodline. After his death a letter came to her from the scientist telling her that in his daughter's blood, and so forth into her descendants, will be a special, stronger pathogen. It also had the DNA code to how he created each of the pathogens.”

I sat there stunned. That certainly was a bombshell, and my sisters were going to flip out.

“Ok fine. My family was a lie, and we are descendants of the crazy scientist who completely changed the world. Besides that, in our blood are his instructions on how he did that. Great. Just great. Could you now tell me why I or my sister's may be in danger? Please.” I asked it as calmly as I could but I knew my tone was more demanding than it should have been talking to Mistress Justice. Well she was giving me life changing news, she could deal with me losing it a little bit.

“Yesterday, I received a data chip stating that someone knows what is in you and your sister's blood, and they want it.”

“Wait, but how did you know in the first place about my sisters and i? Also, how did you come into the information about someone knowing and wanting us?” I interrupted her and she breathed deep before continuing.

“Every Justice is made aware so they are in a position to help and protect the bloodline. When I was sworn to be Mistress Justice I was given a data implant with sensitive information. It gives all the world secrets I need to know to help keep peace in this world. That's how I know about you and your sisters. Now, as I was saying before, someone knows. My sources came upon the intel last night and believe they will try for you first and then your sisters. I have already sent Reagan out of town on assignment but she is still being monitored. Now Cassandra we have watchers on her and if anything happens we will pull her out. At this time I didn't find it prudent to let her know.”

I sat there staring at her. My mind had to come to grips with all she had told me. It just seemed surreal that I was a descendant of the scientist and my sisters and my blood had secrets in it and to top it off someone found out and now wants to use my sisters and i for god knows what. I looked up to the ceiling thinking of what to do next when Mr. Wolf shifted next to me and drew my attention. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, then back at Mistress Justice.

“ What about him? Why do you want him to be my bodyguard? What do you want from me? You told me this all for a reason and not my sisters. Why come clean about it all now?”

“ I decided to come clean about it now because I need your help figuring out who found out and how. I asked Bishop here because I trust him. I have known him and his family for a long time and knew he would be quiet about what he learned here today. He is slated to become the new Head Security General for the Ferals and as such has the expertise to be able to protect you and help you uncover what we need to know.”

“What about Petey? I just talked to him last week and he didn't say anything to me about stepping down. Wait, you know what nevermind.” I paused for a moment and took a deep breath. I didn't need to know that right now I need different information. “Ok so you want me and Mr. Kingsley here to find who they are and how they found out, since only a select few are supposed to know. Right?’

She nodded.

“Ok fine. Though it doesn't really seem like I have a choice, it's better for my sisters and I if I figure it out then some other person. At least I know it will get done. So, firstly, may I have access to intel needed to uncover the information Or will I be stonewalled with no clearance for certain knowledge? What information do you have right now? How did they gather the intel about my sisters and i? I will also need a list of those who are supposed to know the secret along with those who have in the past known, since they may have told someone.``I sat there looking at Mistress Justice waiting. She just looked back at me blinked a couple times then said

“Well, you took that better than I thought. Though, I should have known you would just shake it off and get down to business. It's why I hired you. Here.” she slid her Tablet towards me “ Everything you just asked for is there and it has my codes so you will be able to access any information you may need.” and with that Mistress Justice rose and walked out the door. I just watched her go. Yea i shook it off cause things had to be done to keep my sisters safe. That didn't mean inside I wasn't rolling with all the details I had just learned. I sighed. I needed to get out of this room. The silence was starting to claw at me. I stood up and turned to go, remembering just then about the wolf.

“I'm sorry, I understand we have to work together and that's fine, can we get out of this room please first?”

He stood up and gestured for me towards the door. I walked to the door and opened it. I took a deep breath when I exited, just enjoying the sounds that could be finally heard. Starting down the hallway back towards the elevator I listened. Low murmurs from open doors down the hall, a low hum from the air vents and if i wasn't mistaken i think i just heard moaning coming from that closed door. I turned and looked back at the wolf. His eyes went to the door then back to me and his eyes seemed to heat. I turned forward and continued down the hall. I just needed to get to the elevator. Then to my office. After that I needed to find these creeps and maybe some chocolate.

I also needed time to think. How did they find out? Who are they? Why do they want my sisters and i? Well I guess I know that answer now. Our blood. So that means they want us alive. That's a plus in our favor at least. These people will most likely try to kidnap instead of hurt or kill. What is in our blood? Is it true that it is supposed to be more powerful? I knee i was alittle different from other Ferals and my sisters had differences too but we were to be more powerful, ughh. Oh this was a mess and I had to fix it.

I came up to the elevator and used my hand to call it. I stood there thinking about what I would do next when I noticed the warm presence next to me. I looked up and to my right. Mr. Wolf was standing close to me looking down. His brow furrowed and he asked “ Are you ok?”

I laughed a little under my breath and turned to the elevator that arrived. Was it ok? Ha. No not really but I didn't have time to freak out. I needed answers. I could freak out later with my sisters over everything. I walked in and pushed for my floor. Mr Wolf followed me in. He went and stood in the back on one side while I stood on the other. Then he confided softly to me.

“I understand this is a lot and I'm sorry you have to deal with it. I'll do everything I can to protect you while we find out who is behind it. I'm here to help you so bounce any and all things off me and we will get rid of the threat to you and your sisters. You can trust me.”

It surprised me that he acknowledged I was in charge of the investigation, while he was protection. I smiled and met his eyes. I wanted what they promised. A partner who had my back and let me get to the bottom of it.

“Thank you Mr Wolf. I appreciate it. I really do.”

“You can call me Bishop. It's my name. Bishop Kingsley.”

“Ok, Bishop. I'm Amber Wraith, if you didn't already know. I need to go to my office before we do anything if that's ok. I also would like to go over everything at my apartment. Damn. I also have to go get my sister's dogs and take them to my place. Did you drive?”

“Umm, yes, but I can ride with you. I'm not sure if your apartment is the safest place. Its where they will look first.”

“Yeah, well I'd like to see them try and get to my floor. I have high security at my place. Plus with my sister's dogs and my pup plus you, I couldn't be safer.”

“Ok, we can go there for now until we start digging for leads.”

“Ok want to follow me to my office or just meet me in the Solar lot?”

“ I'll meet you in the Lot. Don't go anywhere but your office then the parking garage. i'll wait for you at the crosswalk.``

The elevator stopped and I looked at Mr. Wolf before I left.

“Thank you.” I stood on tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek then turned and walked out. I needed information and for that I needed Sterling.

Chapter 4

Sterling was at his desk on the phone with what sounded like his mom. I hated to interrupt his daily chatter with her but I needed him.

“Sterling, I'm sorry, but could you come to my office real quick? Please?” I asked him. He looked startled. I never said please to him, at that moment he knew something was wrong. He hurried off the phone and started following me to my office. I went in and to my desk to gather things I needed.

“What's wrong? What happen with Mistress Justice?” he queried.

I took a deep breath and whispered to him, “ I guess I'm a descendant of the Scientist and somehow people found out, want to kidnap my sisters and I and use our blood for something. Mistress Justice has asked me to find out who they are, find them and stop them. I have a wolf that will be my protection as I investigate. I need you to start digging, hacking, whatever you can do to find information on the Scientist. I have clearance to get into secure files but I don't trust that they will tell me everything. We are keeping this quiet and not telling the team. I'm heading home with the wolf after I get my sister's dogs and will start going through the tablet. Send me anything you can find. Oh, and if you can sulk around those conspiracy sites you love so much and see if any info about my sisters and I pops up, I'd greatly appreciate it.”

I turned away from my desk and looked up at Sterling. He stood frozen, eyes wide and mouth agape. Wow, I had silenced the unsilenceable. Amazing.

“Um, Amber, you are joking right?” he asked hopefully.

“Afraid not buddy. So keep it quiet and secure please. I'll talk to you later and in more depth. I need to get home and get started.” I finished gathering my things and put them in my bag. I walked over to Sterling and gave him a big hug which he returned.

Holding tight he whispered into my ear, God Amber, i'm sorry i'll do whatever you need just let me know. I can come over tonight..”

“No,” I interrupted him. “ I don't want you near me right now in case they make aplay for me. I need you to be safe and gather any info you can. Remember securly. Don't use the office computers.

“ i won't. Be safe amber, I can't lose you, and did you say a wolf will be protecting you? Who?”

‘I will. I'll talk to you about it more later, and yes I said wolf. His name is Bishop Kingsley, i guess he will be taking Petey's job soon, but mistress Justice trust hiim and asked him to help me.” I reassured him then headed out the door to the elevators.

I heard him call after me,' Better watch that wolf too, I heard he is a stud.’

I smiled yeah, yeah he was.

I wanted to get home quickly so I could start going through everything. I waited for the elevators then headed down to the crosswalk. As I exited I looked around but didn't see my wolf anywhere. Wait, my wolf, not just the wolf. Ugh i don't have time for these feelings right now. I needed to keep my head on task. I started walking across when a voice behind me had me stopping.

“ Were you going to wait or just leave?” it asked.

I turned to look behind me to find said wolf right behind me. Damn, I hadn't even noticed or heard him. That was bad. I need to be sharp and on guard in case they try anything to get me.

“I would've waited, I knew you would find me sooner or later.” I told him as I turned back around and started heading across the Garden Crossway.

“My car is on the Solar roof, I hope you will fine with me driving manually.”

“Really?” he sounded surprised.

“Yes, really. Got a problem with that? Cause if you do you could just meet me at my apartment building while i go get the dogs so you won't have to deal with my driving.`` I told him.

“No no , that's ok. I'll still ride with you. You said you had to pick up your sister's dogs first. Where does she live?” He sounded intrigued that I drove manual.

“On the opposite side of town from me, but don't worry it won't take long to get them then we will be on our way to my apartment. On the way, you can tell me anything I need to know or do to stay safe while we investigate this. I can protect myself but I won't bite my nose despite my face. You're the security expert.”

“Thankyou for not making this hard and willing to work with me, I was afraid you would be too proud to take my help seriously.”

“If it was just me I probably would have but my sister's lives are on the line so yea i'll take any precaution needed as i investigate. You keep me safe when I find these assholes.” I told him as we reached my car.

I unlocked it with my hand and slid in. He was still just standing there looking at the car. I had to smile, yes she was a beauty, my Eleanor. I started her up with a pretty purr and it seemed to jerk him out of his amazement of her. He opened the passenger side door and slid in, looking at meand the car with adoration.

“This, this is your car? She is like almost a quarter million dollars,and you have her personalized to go manual?”

“Yes, she is my dream car. Her name is Eleanor, and she loves to drive fast. Are you ready? ``I asked him with a smile on my face.

He grinned at me “ Show me what she has, your pretty Eleanor. I hope since you bought her you know how to drive her right.”

I chuckled at him and put her in gear and headed from the down ramp. When I got to the ramp opening I paused and looked over at him as I revived the engine. His eyes met mine and crinkled at the corners with a smile that dared for me to show him what I could do with her. Smiling back, I released the break. We peeled out and donutted all the way down. All the while our eyes held each other and I could tell he loved it as much as I did. He laughed with such enjoyment as I faced forward to pay attention to the highway as I merged and swirve between the cars, heading to my sisters.

We didn't talk on the ride there as I showed him what Eleanor could do. Flying down the road barely missing other cars and taking turns too fast. I was too focused on the pleasure and adrenaline, my mind was able to forget for a bit what I had learned and would have to do. I just enjoyed myself riding with a delicious man and showing him my wheelman skills.


About the Creator

Christa Soco

i love books and want to create my own stories and take people to different worlds in my books as others have done for me. My addiction is growing from reading to writing books! Dont for get to smile and get lost in some great stories.

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    Christa SocoWritten by Christa Soco

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