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The Exciting Journey of Tink and Shay

Book 2: Aye Aye Cap.!

By Mrs. MoyePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The sun is nowhere to be found. Hiding behind these dark clouds, I’m sure of it. The waves are kicking up.

“Shay, are you going to help me, or are you just going to stand there?”

Tink knew I was afraid. I had never been on a boat out in the open sea. Water came like breathing to her. She has never been in the open sea either. She watched from afar when our island fisherman used to prepare their boats for the day, and that is how she learned. I am still in awe of her. That is also how we got this boat. She studied them day in and day out. We were able to build our own. I honestly didn’t think we would make it this far, but look at us, Sailing.


I heard Tink scream over the crashing waves and the heavy rain. I snapped out of my fear and ran over to her!

“What do you need me to do, Cap.?

“Cut the Cap crap and hold the wheel while I fix the sail.”

“Aye, Aye Cap…. I mean Tink!”

Before I could laugh, she was gone to mess with the boat stuff to make us sail right. I should ask her to teach me what she knows. Just in case I need to sail all alone. Naaaahhh, nope… who am I kidding. That will never happen. I will always have Tink. The thunder clapped so loud I jumped, but the lightning helped me see a gigantic rock up ahead. Tink should be the one at the wheel. Every time I try to stir away from it, it seems like we are put right back in its path! OMG! What should I do! Weird thought: Where is Mr. Chuckles? Snapback Shay! How do we get out of this situation? I pulled the wheel as hard to the right, and we missed it. Well, that’s what I thought until I looked back and noticed that the back of the boat was about to hit the rock. Jeez, not even 24 hrs, and I need to use the boomerang again. I pulled it out of my belt and threw it. It did its thing and came back to me. Right, when I put my hand on the boomerang, there was a crash, and the boat jerked.

Apparently, only the top of the rock was cut because the boat still took a hit in the back. I saw Tink run from the sail to the back of our transport, and then she jumped into the water. You would think that this made me nervous, but it didn’t. Remember when I mentioned that she took to the water like breathing well, she is like a fish in the water. I knew she would be ok to assess the damage. How bad is the damage, and how long will it take to fix it? The storm was not letting up either. This could get bad. Seriously, where is Mr. Chuckles? Tink comes up from the bottom of the boat.

“Hey, how bad is it down there?”

“How bad is it? How bad… Why did you hit the rock? Could you not see it? That thing was freakin’ huge!”

“Umm… I tried to dodge it that didn’t work. So, I tried to cut it down, and that didn’t work either.”

“Welp, you want the good news or the bad news.”

“Just give me both!”

“Good news is we are not far from the next island; the bad news is we will drown before we get there.”

“You…. Drown…. please!”

“Ok then, you will drown before we get there, but this adventure wouldn’t be much without you. So, you got to live, Shay!”

We both laughed. It amazes me how we could laugh at a time like this. It seems like the world is coming down around us, but we are together enjoying it.

“So, what do we do now, Tink.”

“I patched the hole with things I found below. That will not hold forever. I hope it holds until we get the next island.”

“Do you think it will?”

“Hell no, but what else we got!”

“I have a glowy magic boomerang!”

“Girl, please, that thing wouldn’t cover a hole in the floor.”

“Woooooow, you don’t talk like that when it gets us out of sticky situations.”

“That may be true, but it will not keep you from drowning.”

“Touché my girl… touché! Hey, have you seen Mr. Chuckles!”

She pointed down to my feet. Ther Mr. Chuckles was, getting soaked, laying right at my feet. Has he been there the whole time? There is no way. I was looking for him, and he was nowhere in sight. I picked him up, and he let out a big purr and rubbed his face on mine. You silly cat, where were you? That is when I heard a voice say...

"I have always been right here!"


About the Creator

Mrs. Moye

I just like to write from time to time about things that excite me. I hope you enjoy!

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