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The Exciting Journey of Tink and Shay

Book 1: The Beginning

By Mrs. MoyePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Today is the day we set sail. Tink and I are going on a whirlwind adventure. Where ever the ocean takes us. I am glad to get away from this crazy town. Where's Tink. I told her we were leaving at sunrise. I'm sure she will be here. So I'll keep preparing the boat. We have enough supplies to get us to the next island. Map, check. Telescope, check. Yeah, what do I think I'm doing. I don't know the first thing about boats, but Tink does, and I'm going to be winging it. We have to get away from here. The town of Nowhereville, where nothing happens ever. Nothing fun, no excitement EVER. Tink and I were raised in the orphanage here, and we both have no family. I have a locket from one of my parents. I wish I had a picture of one of them, but the photo was ripped in half, and there is only a picture of me in the locket. Poor Tink has nothing to remember her parents by, but I don't think she cares one bit. I'm her family and always will be, and after 18 years of knowing each other, we are stuck with one another.


I look up, and Tink is running towards me, but I don't see just her. I see half of the town running behind her with a huge dust cloud following them. I wonder what she has done now. Always the wild one!

"Tink, you are the only one that knows how to drive this thing!!!" I scream out to her.

Cause why do this? I have no idea how to get this thing going, and she has the whole town on her heels. I jump off the boat and run full speed toward Tink. There are trees to the left of me. I pass Tink up; I come to a stop and pull out my boomerang. It begins to glow in my hand. I took a deep breath and threw the boomerang at the trees. It went through 3 trees before it came back to me. The townspeople stopped in their tracks. The 3 trees fell down in front of them. They were screaming and yelling words I care not to repeat. However, that does not matter because we can finally get out of here.

It's crazy cause I turn around to get back to the boat, and Tink already had the sail up and was ready to go. I ran back to the boat and hopped on.

"Shay, your boomerang came in handy today."

"Yeah, It did, but you know I'm only supposed to use it in case of emergencies."

"Actually, no, I don't. You don't know that because you have no idea where it came from."

"I know where it came from, Tink. It came from my parents."

"Ok, but we don't know your parents, Shay!"

"Tink, we don't know your parents either!"

"My parents didn't leave me a locket with half a picture and a freaky glowy boomerang that can cut through anything either. So yeah, this is not about me."

"That is beside the point. Why was the town chasing you anyway."

"You remember old hag, Ruby?"


"Well, let's just say that she is missing her precious Mr. Chuckles."

"Nooooo, you didn't. Please tell me you didn't take that old lady's cat!"

"I sure did. Ruby could not take of it anyway, and I thought it would be a good companion for us on our adventure."

Tink took Mr.Chuckles out of her backpack. I rolled my eyes at her and sat down. I know she means well, but sometimes I feel like her babysitter. Ugh! Now she has me thinking about my parents again. What's with this weird boomerang. Why does it only work for me? Tink has tried to use it thousands of times, and it doesn't glow, cut, or even come back to her when she throws it. I look at the beautiful sky, and I ponder on... Who are my parents? Who am I? I put my hand in the ocean as we sail away from the only home I know, with my best friend. What's next for us?


About the Creator

Mrs. Moye

I just like to write from time to time about things that excite me. I hope you enjoy!

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