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The Elites Book 1 World Domination by James Palfi

Book Complete, Chapter One

By James PalfiPublished 3 years ago 12 min read
The Elites By James Palfi Image

The Elites

Contains: (v,t, sr, n, l, d)

Plot: Set in the near future in 2025. the U.S. Government finds the most cost-effective way to train and create the most elite fighters. The Elite soldiers are tasked with finding plasma a very rare substance that is used to power a defence generator that stops the world being destroyed by solar flares. The only catch is there are no solar flares and the actual founder of the Elites is also the main villain in this story and is using the plasma to power a Quantum Computer making it more and more powerful to achieve his end goal of World Domination!

Author Notes: for the purposes of this book $ and credits are interchangeable, $ are used to compare the value of the credit.

Chapter 1: An Important Meeting.

The room was dark and bitterly cold. There were 4 people sitting there and they were masked in the shadow. The room was quite large and the seats were of the finest Italian leather design. The 4 people in the room were: The charismatic President Charles Stanley.

Charles was 40 and a go getter and was quite good looking with imposing muscles and a crisp military like haircut with aqua blue eyes. Next to him on his right was a rather fat man with an expensive black and white suit thus was Gregory Dolts and he was the Secretary of Defence. Gregory had deep frown lines and it looked like the icon for a WI-FI signal.

The only woman in the room Miranda Furlong was dressed in a pure white dress with impressive golden coloured heels. Miranda was the head of PR for the white house.

Miranda was in her 30’s and was quite tall for a woman standing an impressive 6 ft tall. The last member of the group was James Jerome who was uber thin and looked like he was ready to keel over at any moment. James Jerome was Secretary of State.

‘Lady and Gentlemen (Charles didn’t say ladies and gentlemen because he liked to be correct in both grammar and plurals. ‘I welcome you today for this meeting. The agenda for this meeting is to be kept secret. Breaching of the secrecy of this meeting has a capital offence of treason and the penalty for treason is the death penalty.’

The people around the table were a bit anxious and there was a negative vibe that swept the room but that uneasy feeling and vibe soon disappeared because ever one at that meeting knew that they would not betray the trust of the meeting.

‘Our military is becoming more and more expensive for diminishing results. We need the next step up in technological advancement but doing so with the most cost-effective means in view. I have come up for an idea for a super soldier well super soldiers are more plurality correct.’

‘I have been studying various elite Special Forces such as the Spetnaz and the SAS as well as other elite special forces. Then there are also the advances in armour and optimal conditioning techniques that are highly classified but I obviously have access to those secrets and confidentiality because I am the President of the United States the most powerful and influential person in the world.’

The rest of the people in the group were wandering how much did the President believe he was the most powerful and influential person in the world and how much did he believe it just based on his stature. There was no denying it though Charles was the most powerful and influential person in the world. Though there were other candidates that could claim they were the most powerful person or persons, case in point the big three was The President of The Unites States, Russia and China. To claim he was universally the most powerful person both felt like he was big-noting himself and not necessarily true.

‘How are you going to create these elite soldiers?’ Miranda asked the President curiously.

‘That is a good question. I said that we would create the Elites using the most cost-effective means at our disposal. In terms of cost effectiveness creating and developing the Elites will be horrendously expensive but what they will be able to do will be unlike anything that anyone has ever seen.’

‘So, in terms of cost effectiveness the Elites are very expensive but their ability warrants the cost,’ Miranda said eager to clarify the issue.

The President smiled ‘I could not have said it better myself.’

‘How much do you think it will cost to develop one Elite let alone the amount that you want?’

The President paused for a moment apparently deep in thought. James wandered what was so hard about his question that the President needed time to think of his answer. Then the President looked at James and spoke.

‘I estimate that one Elite will cost 10 million dollars.’ As soon as the President said this the other people in the room felt like they had been punched in the stomach. That was a huge amount of money and from what the President said earlier and hinted about he was planning on building multiples of the Elites. Even though The President and America in general was rich but even so 10 million dollars a pop and there would be a lot of Elites created, this still was a lot of money.

‘How can one Elite be worth 10 million dollars on what planet are you living on?’

‘The Elites will be super strong super-fast with the ability to block projectiles. They will also be programmed with methamphetamine. The Elites will be darn near indestructible and I think that is worth the 10 million dollars that one will cost. But with the manufacturing line each individual Elite will become less and less expensive.’

‘A manufacturing line?’ Gregory asked. ‘How many of these bastards are you planning of making Mr. President?’

‘I do not know at this moment.’ In fact, the President knew the ball park he was aiming for and that as a hundred plus Elites. The only thing that made the President pause for a thought and a moment was the logistics creating one let alone a hundred Elites would be very difficult.

‘So, the Elites are they going to be human, robotic, a mixture. What is the story there?’ Gregory asked quite intrigued with how the President would respond.

‘The Elites will be humans reinforced with armour and various other offensive and defensive capabilities. The most important thing about the Elites is that they will be brain washed and will obey whoever is ordering them that is one of the jewels of the crown of the Elites. The Elites will also be fearless and will be extremely intelligent.’

‘Even though 10 million dollars is a lot of money the Economy and the Amount of money that you have access to Mr. President is much more than that you have got my approval,’ Gregory said.

The President didn’t want the others saying that for whatever reason that they were not going to support the proposal for the Elites put forward by the President. So, the President spoke in a very authoritative and commander like tone.

‘It is not up for discussion and to be frank I don’t care one way or the other if I have your support. I am the President of The United States and my decision is final.’

‘How did you every dream up the idea of Elites what were you smoking that day?’ Gregory asked.

‘I was not smoking anything. It was a joint idea between myself and a very talented industrial designer who knows quite a lot about nanotechnology.’

‘What is nanotechnology?’ Miranda asked curiously. Miranda had heard the term before but she never knew what it meant. All the other people there knew what nanotechnology was but it was the President that answered the question both because the question was aimed at him and he knew the most about nanotechnology.

‘Everything is made up of atoms and those atoms are made up of neutrons, protons and electrons. The nucleus is the meat of the atom and the protons and neutrons give the atom weight and the electron its electrical charge. Nanotechnology is constructing something by atoms. This means that you can practically build anything from the ground up in this case the ground is the atom. The only problem that a lot of people using nanotechnology is the Uncertainty Principle which states that you can know the position or speed of the atom but not both which means that it is much more difficult to construct something on the atomic scale.’

‘So, what can you build from nanotechnology?’ Miranda asked. She was much more confident with the term nanotechnology now that it had been explained to her in laymen’s terms and that she had understood it.

‘Basically, anything that you can construct using atoms. The literal meaning of Nano is scale of 1/10 to the power of 9 so that is one billionth of a centre meter.’

‘How long has Nanotechnology been available for?’ Miranda asked curiously.

‘That is a very good question. The first application of Nanotechnology started in the 80’s but it didn’t really kick off until the 2020’s the start of that decade. Still, we have barely scratched the surface of nanotechnology. Once we master nanotechnology, we will be able to create almost anything. Though I think the furthest reaches of nanotechnology is still some time away.’

‘Who is this Industrial Designer that you speak of?’

‘His name is Felix Lighthouse. He is in his 50’s and has a wealth of experience. His main role or job or task call it what you will was the head developer over at DARPA.’

‘Ah most impressive how long has Felix been at DARPA for?’

’20 plus years and he has had other jobs as well,’ Charles said answering Miranda

‘Basically, all of his other jobs were in the Design field I know that I said that this vision for the development of the Elites was my idea but the truth is that it is equal parts my idea and Felix’s.’

‘I know that you have quite a real vision for these Elites,’ Gregory said clearly something was on his mind. ‘But do we have the technology to create the Elites and even if we do have the technology to create the Elites won’t there be substantial problems in terms of logistics in creating the Elites.’

‘Ever heard the phrase anything worth doing is over doing?’ the President said addressing Gregory, Gregory replied that he had indeed heard that phrase.

‘Well, you are right. We do have the technology to create the Elites though the logistics of it will be challenging indeed. Though Felix and myself have studied the various challenges that will be needed to overcome but we are confident that we can overcome those barriers and successfully not only create one Elite but the multiples that we will need.’

‘The figure of 10 million is that conservative or an over estimate or as close to the real number that you think it will cost to create the Elites?’ Miranda asked the President curiously. (Miranda and everyone else there apart from the President would hope that the 10 million dollars was an over estimate though when the President answered Michelle this was not to be the case.

‘I think that the 10 million dollars in the best case would be quite close to what the actual cost of the Elites will be. In the worst case it will be a conservative estimate and the actual cost of the Elites will be more but not much more,’ The President replied.

‘How much more?’ James Jerome asked. Up until now James Jerome had not spoken. He was like a ghost, transparent in that meeting until he spoke up.

The President was shifting and squirming and looked rather uncomfortable. This uncomfortability was largely due to the nature of the question and also that he was sure that when the President told them how much more in the highest case of how much the Elites would cost to build.

‘At the most I would say 5 million dollars per unit.’

The President knew that everyone in the meeting with the exception of himself would not react well to the increase in the cost of the Elites. The President re-iterated that this was unlikely and that he was pretty sure that they would be able to create the Elites on budget. This was a lie the President knew with advanced weaponry and military applications that it was constantly underquoted both in monetary terms and time terms.

‘Do I have your support?’ What a weird thing to say. The President had before said that I don’t need your support to go ahead. Maybe it was the nervousness that he felt that had made him change his assurance levels.

James Jerome was Secretary of State a most high and powerful position within the White House. Most of his job was managing the various States within the Country and reporting to the President about said States.

James Jerome was also tasked with managing the operational running of the Elites. Even though the Elites were fused with all manner of the latest advances in nanotechnology and weapons and defences there was another criteria that was just as important if not more important than the ordinance that the Elites were equipped with and that was their standard ability. Although this Venture of The Elites being a recent thing The President had contacted James previously with regards to the management side of The Elites. Not everyone at the meeting was learning of the Elites for the first time, James Jerome case in point.

James Jerome defined standard ability as how a soldier performed without any ordinance by his side with the exception of possibly a gun. It was near impossible with these present and advanced times of warfare and combat to be an effective member of the battlefield let alone an advanced member of the battlefield without a firearm.

The funding for the Elites was a top priority. Not only did the Elites need a lot of funding ranging from their ordinance to passports and upskilling but the funding needed to be deniable as well or hard for the funding for an outsider to connect the dots to the President.

The reason for this was that a lot of the functioning of the Elites was not strictly speaking legal and the times when it was legal it was just legal but also posed a host of ethical and moral considerations. Originally the funding for the Elites had been set at 100 million dollars but there was a problem with that figure. The first was that, that cost would only cover the creation of at the most 10 Elites. That would not cover the cost of training them upskilling them further upskilling them deploying them overseas, passports, etc.

That figure was quickly over exceeded and then the budget went up to 200 million and that was quickly exceeded as well. James made the decision (which was backed up by the President and the other people that were relevant to the budget considerations which was quite minimal due to the secretive and advanced nature of the Elites.) The President and James mainly (aided by the other people involved with the Elites but they did not make much more of a difference due to the fact that even if they changed their mind, they would not be able to change the mind of the President and James; although ultimately it was the President’s decision.)

The 2 chief decision makers (which in this case was James Jerome and the President Charles Stanley,) decided to give the budget for the Elites an amber code. An amber code meant that the funding for the Elites was unlimited. A code amber had never been given before in the history of the United States since its forefathers and inception by George Washington the first President of the United States. A code amber also dictated the importance of the funding for the Elites and that at this present time the funding for the Elites was the most important out of all the funding that the United States needed. (This does not mean that the Elites will get the most money out of all the funding considerations that running the United States entailed; it just meant that the Elites were the top priority!)

Sci Fi

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    JPWritten by James Palfi

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