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Chaos and The Old Barn

By James Palfi

By James PalfiPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Chaos Image

Chaos and The Old Barn by James Palfi

The multiverse is more than one universe. There was a theory our universe was created via the big bang via more than one multiverse overlapping. However, with nature it is more likely for something to happen if there is less energy required. These multiverses are not infinite. There was the first cause nothing that gave rise to the first multiverse that blossomed like a boiling pot of water. The first bubble and then all the other bubbles is a simple analogy that shows these other universes being created and being destroyed, this is a story about the first cause, Chaos.

There was nothing. But with science we understand that science changes over time. In physics there can be nothing from an atomic point of view but there is still a vacuum subject to the laws of quantum physics where there is a remote chance that atoms can be created via relativistic energy.

Magic worked largely tied into the power of the individual and their belief in it. A God would always be more powerful than man. Magic had been created with the first thing that had been created and that was Chaos. For most time moved at the same pace. But for some their relationship with time was different, if you like Chaos were the creator of time then you could navigate with it how you pleased.

There was a breath and then the first physical thing that exsited and that was an old barn. It had been created instantaneously but looked as old as the being that had created it, Chaos. It was made from wood so rotten that if you sprayed water on it, it would disintegrate. There was so much hay thrown around the place it was like a hoarder’s dream. As Chaos walked into the small amount of light that could be seen through the bottom of a sliding wooden door.

For the time being there was no other animals. But Chaos in itself was a living thing. Chaos clicked its fingers and in a trickle of water from the ceiling onto a bowl made out of stone there was a very small cell. For anyone else they could not see it without a microscope but Chaos could see anything, even something as small as the plank length.

It was unimpressive. But it was something Chaos had been trying to decide how to start evolution in process for the eons it had been taking Chaos to become powerful enough to escape the void and create a physical body for itself. Chaos swiped his hand and the bowl began to change. The cell began to divide and create another cell then another. If all you were looking at was the cells you would be forgiven for thinking you were watching a video. But if you looked at what was happening outside of the cell that was equally if not more important than the cells themselves.

The first cell divided and, in the barn, a huge explosion took place. But it was not an explosion of fire. It was one of blinding white light. The temperature was billions of degrees but with the advanced magic of the barn it did not fall too pieces. The explosion stopped there was now a black light in the barn and then every so often patches of white would begin to form and then soon more patches of white would form like the cells in the bowl.

This was a simulation of something Chaos was trying to work out and that was how universes would function and more importantly the prime universe. These patches of white soon were forming pin pricks of light which would resemble far away stars. These stars branched out forming more stars. Then black and purple was added to the mix. One star would go to the edge of the barn and from more until galaxies took place. They spiralled and were a brilliant combination of colours but all of them had a black in the middle. A black hole almost as black as Chaos itself.

Soon a familiar collection of rocks and other particles had formed to form a familiar planet and that was earth. The mikyway had been formed prior to this point. It was more focusing on a very small part of the simulation as opposed to the simulation as a whole.

Chaos was pleased he moved his hands around so fast it was like he was travelling at near light speed. The simulation disappeared much more quickly then it had been created. That is often the case with things it is easier and faster to destroy something than to create it.

Chaos now devoted his attention to the cells. Which had become multicellular at this point and now had formed a very simple small red comb jelly. For Chaos he had crated time he also existed before time. So, what had taken billions of years to Chaos seemed like a few hours.

Nothing was infinite it could not create everything instantaneously. But to anyone else it would seem like that. Chaos was still in a difficult position and that was like a ghost he had just enough physical form to go into the barn. But now the ghost mist had disappitated and he was both the barn and tied into the barn.

Like the theory of Panpsychism that all particles are conscious. It was like this barn itself was conscious as well. Much more so than panpsychism. For the time being Chaos could not leave the barn. His essence was tied into it.

But like 2 parents that create a child and the child reaches a certain age and becomes more powerful than the parents, or at the very least can think and do things the parents themselves wouldn’t do. The jelly like creature in the stone bowl blasted a small amount of electricity at apart of the barn.

Going from nothing to physical form was more of necessity. Because Chaos had created this jelly like creature, (the first simplest animal from a multicellular point of view.) It had some power from Chaos which mean that Chaos itself could be affected. As soon as Chaos and the barn were hit with the electricity that was just enough momentum for Chaos to leap off the walls and form a very primitive but separate physical entity.

Chaos was now a black cloud that resembled when it was in the void. But Chaos could still move and for the time being was not attached to the barn. The physical form constraints were still there but Chaos was still immensely powerful. Chaos sensed a momentary fluctuation of magic and had to capitalize on it now.

For the time being the simulation was not there. All there was, was Chaos’s primitive form, the barn and the jelly like creature and a small amount of light outside of the barn. Chaos floated to the edge of the barn where the light was and looked into the distance but for the time being did not see anything.

This barn resembled the first multiverse. Within the black cloud itself there were various different sections of it. Like a join the dots and then a painting is made from the in between areas as well. Chaos sensed something and that was in order for it to create something else. A section of itself had to be sacrificed. So, Chaos looked at the illumination of light.

At first there was nothing but then rapidly a small hazel light appeared in the floor. Then a barn almost identical to this one started to be built. First the archway and the door. Then the walls. But in this barn although it had hay it was organized so neatly that it was like someone who was obsessive compulsive. The hays bales were so expertly organized that not even one straw was out of place. In this barn there was not only that jelly creature but also some other simple animals that Chaos had in its mind’s eye and that was some bowls filled with water and various colours of fish. But once this second barn was created something happened.

At the bottom right of its cloud essence it began to drip red. Chaos looked at the jelly like creature and it too had a bit of red in the water it was none other than blood. Furthermore, Chaos had the choice to create this second barn and in doing so lost a percentage of its existence. Chaos in that moment like someone suffering from depression had notions of destroying itself which it had not had before.

Chaos knew what it meant. This second barn represented a second universe. The first technical definition of a multiverse. These different hay bales and configurations represented different universes and more importantly different laws of physics.

But science is repeating results. Each time Chaos did magic it worked faster and more efficient than before. A third barn was created and this one created another one but Chaos did not order that one what was happening?

What Chaos had no idea was that in it of itself created copies of itself. The first God’s outside of itself. Although these copies were weaker, for example’s sake if Chaos had a magical base of 100, and 20 copies of a weaker God were created, with a power of 6 then these 6 could over ride the original Chaos.

The first Chaos was being killed by these other God’s. Chaos was becoming weaker and weaker. But something happened that Chaos for the time being did not think could happen and that was maybe it was a weakening from those other God’s it could now assume the shape of a physical form that was recognizable.

It was of a man with a long and perfectly maintained white beard. He was wearing a golden crown which was rapidly becoming dimmer by the second. He was dressed in a splendid white gown and next to Chaos a sheep with white eyes.

Chaos was rapidly becoming weaker and weaker. Attached to the sheep on paper was a note that looked like it had been created by Chaos by was none other than one of those other God’s.

It read:

You were the first. A first more powerful than God’s. But in order for anything to exist there has to both be its creator and a sacrifice tied to its creation. It is so ironic that if you had not created that barn then you would still exist.

Chaos fell to the ground. In creating the barn, it had been a way to test the simulations of other universes and more importantly the prime universe. It had the intention of creating multiverses, however though it would not only do that but become more powerful.

But if Chaos was destroyed it had been the first cause. The ultimate first cause, a first cause more powerful than anything else. If it was destroyed would that be the end of everything? Well, it would have been however as Chaos was approaching its end there was a solution.

Chaos could sacrifice all of its power to the point that it could still survive. It was not a bloody sacrifice it was one of immense magical and mental significance and ability. The look of the old man, the beard shrunk to be replaced with one of stubble. The clothes gave away to a simple fig and leave configuration. Soon Chaos looked like a man. An ordinary man at first and it was a man that would be recognizable for the prime universe, the one we find ourselves in now, this would be none other than the man that would see history unfold, that was none other than Adam!


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    JPWritten by James Palfi

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