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The Adventures of Jot the Carnet


By Kari N ReynoldsPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 9 min read
The Adventures of Jot the Carnet
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Once in a far away land there was a tiny little creature called the carnet and his name was Jot. The carnet was a very beautiful and majestic creature that not many people had ever had the pleasure of seeing before. The reason this Carnet was so allusive is because it lived in the swampy haunted Forrest of Spirales. Spirales was a foreboding place filled with darkness and certain death to all that entered its depths. Now this particular carnet was not like the rest, he was very friendly and curious and that made his friends and family very unhappy, you see carnets are supposed to be the evil creatures that protect Spirales from the rest of the world. One day Jot decided to go for a walk in the swamp and talk to the trees; as he was walking near the edge of the forest he heard an unusual noise that peaked his interest. He walked all the way to the edge of the trees to peak out to see if he could see what was making this strange noise. He peered through the fog and to his surprise he found a two legged creature stumbling straight toward him! Jot had only ever heard stories about the two legged creatures his parents had told him about called humans. Humans were supposed to be extinct due to the sun exploding a few years ago and turning earth into a desolate place where only the magic creatures could survive. Jot knew he should go for help and leave the weary human to the grown ups but with every whimper and cry of the human, Jot became more curious as to how it had survived the fallout.

Jot decided to investigate despite hearing his mom yelling for him in the distance. Jot had never been outside the safety of the woods but that didn’t matter he was to curious to care about what danger could lie ahead. He decided to stay in the shadows and follow the human for a while to see where it went. As Jot looked at the strange creature he noticed it had no fur to cover its body, it was dirty and looked to be covered in blood, it didn’t have big ears to be able to hear for miles like he did, in fact this human didn’t look dangerous at all like the stories he had been told. He thought to himself “ how could this puny human cause us any harm “.

The human was slowly limping through the swamp moaning and groaning in a language Jot didn’t understand. Jot watched the human stop at a tree that had some strange looking berries on it, the human then picked a few of the berries and plopped them into his weary mouth. Jot watched as the human sat down and leaned up against the tree to rest. Jot then heard the sound of his mother getting worried and rushed back home, but not before taking one last look at the human up close while it slept. Jot thought to himself “ I hope to see this human again tomorrow “ as he wandered back home for dinner. Jots best friend Tad came running up to him screaming “ where have you been?! I thought we were playing hide and seek but you never came to find us jot, if you didn’t want to play you could have just told us you know”. Jot seemed distracted.. so Tad curiously asked “ Jot…are you ok?” Jot looking at his friend said “ I have a secret “

Now, Carnets are magical creatures that can do most anything with their magic. Each Carnet has a different specific magical talent and Jots talent was that he was able to record things in his mind and memory and replay them for others to see kind of like a mini movie of his adventures from the day. So, once Jot showed Tad his secret, Tad was scared and wanted to tell their parents but Jot told him he wanted to see the human again and planned on going out to look for it tonight when everyone in Spirales was asleep weather Tad came with him or not.

Later that night once everyone was asleep, Jot headed out on his adventure to find the human. Jot decided to start in the exact same place he last saw the human. Jot had never been out past bedtime before and was very much enjoying the dark quiet night while walking through the fog of the swampy forest. He made it to the edge of the forest and paused for a brief moment to listen to the quiet of the night. Luckily Carnets have big ears and can hear quite well. He heard a faint grumble in the far distance and thought it may be his human. He was scared to take his first step out of the safety he had always known but with a deep breath he stuck his foot out of the fog and took his step into the unknown world.

It was dark and desolate in this world, and as Jot started walking he was taking everything in, the sights and sounds he heard and thought “ this isn’t much different than home “. He swiftly creeped through the trees and dark of the night and finally saw a shadowy figure not far ahead of him, it was the human! Jot walked closer and closer to the human while trying to stay hidden. The human still dirty and weary was sitting by a fire which Jot had only heard of in stories before. He watched the flame in awe and amazement as it burnt through the wood. The fire was like a mesmerizing beacon calling to Jot to come closer and in mere seconds Jot was standing right behind the human reaching his hand out to try and touch this dancing flame he was so drawn to. The human slowly turned and looked right at Jot and Before he could even move the human and Jot both let out blood curdling screams of pure panic. After a few seconds of just staring and screaming they both calmed down, the human, to weak to do much just grunted and pointed at the fire Jot was so consumed by. Jot and the human did not communicate in the same way. Jot looked at the human and said the word “ fire “, the human grunted some inaudible sounds and Jot assumed he was saying fire in whatever language this mysterious human spoke. Before they could continue the humans eyes glazed over and his skin turned pale, the human had been so malnourished he couldn’t keep himself awake and had passed out and hit the ground. Jot scrambled to find something for the human to eat but Jot didn’t exactly know what they did eat exactly so Jot decided to give the human some of the snack he had brought with him for his adventure that night, food always calmed Jots nerves. Jot cautiously walked over to the human and laid the food in front of him but the human did not move. Jot was curious as to why the human would be so rude as to not accept his offering for food. He realized the human was not awake and was to weak to feed himself, so he did what any brave carnet would do and got two sticks to open the humans mouth and flung some food in there then stepped back and waited. Now this particular food Jots mother had made for dinner and was packed with magical and otherworldly ingredients that humans have most likely never had before. While Jot watched from a safe distance the human started chewing the food and had started to sit up, it was like a superfood and had given the human all his strength back within seconds of eating it.

The human now at full strength was now able to understand Jot and communicate with him, a perk of the magical food he had just consumed. Jot and the human sat by the fire and talked until daybreak when Jot had to be back home. Jot and the human had become fast friends and decided they would see each other again that night.

Jot made it back home safe and sound in just enough time to get a quick nap in before his mother woke him up for the day. Tad and Jot had decided to go to the clubhouse to talk about the adventure of the night. While Jot was replaying the events for him, Tad was in shock and disbelief. Tad screamed “ you fed the human, why would you do such a risky thing! “ Jot allowed Tad to have a second to compose himself before he told Tad all the amazing things they had talked about and that humans were not bad like in the stories they had been told. Now, the clubhouse was just a small little tree branch hanging above the swamp water with just enough room for Tad and Jot to lounge around on. Tad was so in awe of the story Jot was telling he lost his balance and fell right into the water. The water in the swamp was full of dark magical creatures that did not like to be bothered and Tad unfortunately did not know how to swim. Tad had to call out to the creatures of the swamp to help me get out. Once safe and dry Jot and Tad decided they would go see the human together that night.

Nightfall came and the two set off on the quest of finding the human again. They went back to the spot Jot had originally seen the human and sure enough that’s where the human was, waiting for them to get there. Jot and Tad walked over to the human who could now speak and understand the language they spoke. The human introduced himself by the name of Sujet. Sujet was a tall and skinny human with long braided locks of hair that reached all the way to the lower part of his back and had these deep ocean blue eyes. Covered in scars and dirt , Sujet was a warrior of the desolate outside world. Jot and Tad sat down next to Sujet and listened to his stories in amazement. Sujet told the two about what the world was like outside their magic forest swamp, “ you see “ he said, “ I have been wandering around this world for days and have no idea how I got here. “ Jot and Tads eyes widened as they turned to look at eachother and said “ so it must be true “. Sujet looked at the two with a puzzled look on his face and said “ what are you talking about “ Jot said “ Sujet, there is a story that has been told about how the humans went extinct from this planet and the story says that a few of the elite humans survived by living under ground for years before the sun exploded. Its said that the humans that survived made some type of ship and went into the great beyond, that humans call space.” Sujet was in disbelief at the story, after all , if this was true that meant there were other humans out there somewhere. Jot and Tad decided that they would help Sujet find these other humans.

Jot and Tad ventured back home in complete silence while taking in everything that had just happened. When they got back home the elders were in a meeting, which was never a good sign, it meant without a doubt something bad was coming. Jot and Tad creeped in to listen to the meeting. The elders were saying something had fell from the great beyond and they were afraid it was a human due to the extent of the damage that was caused to the magic forcefield around Spirales. Jot and Tad ran to the clubhouse to talk about what they just heard. “surely Sujet didn’t do this” Jot said. “ I don’t know Jot, we do not know much about Sujet sill and he did say he did not know how he got here “ replied Tad. “ you don’t think Sujet is like the humans in the stories do you, Tad ? “squeaked Jot. “ I.. I hope not Jot, I really hope not “ sighed Tad. They sat there in complete silence trying to come up with some idea of how they were going to help Sujet now that the elders were suspicious. After a short while , Tad exclaimed “ Jot, what if there really are other humans out there and they are the ones that did this and that’s why Sujet is wanting to look for them! “ With that the two decided they would go to see Sujet as soon as the elders were asleep and the Forest was quiet.


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    Kari N ReynoldsWritten by Kari N Reynolds

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