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Thaw Creatures

Short Story Trilogy Part 1: The Battle at Mount Forel

By Angela GerberPublished 2 years ago 17 min read
Thaw Creatures
Photo by Laura Ollier on Unsplash


Living Conditions

It is the year 2097 and almost 73% of the Polar Ice Caps have melted since the completion of "The Vast Shift". In 2032 the Earth's axis completely switched polarities and melted the glaciers. Most of what is the northern part of North America is at the North pole and under what is remaining of ice. The sun moved closer to the Earth and humans are unable to live above ground. They can soak up the suns energy and grow food in the shade, but if a living being were to step into the direct sun, they would receive major fourth-degree burns.

Many caves and trees in the mountain areas have become humans’ dwellings where they retreat to in what used to be the Earth’s coldest locations due to a shift in the currents in the oceans. The climate driving current in the Atlantic Ocean switched to the Pacific Ocean which causes there to be too much greenery and an over production of oxygen. Fortunately, the water melted from the glaciers cover 50% of the Earths land, limiting the over production of oxygen, and balancing out the oxygen-carbon dioxide ratio.

There are no more wars between countries and separation is a thing from the past due to the global catastrophe. Humans have finally come together to fight for survival of humanity. There is no religion. Science and spirituality of a collective conscience is the new way of the world. It has helped the leaders learn how to survive and find out the truth about the global catastrophe.

Still scientists, while trying to put together the pieces that cause the destruction of the planet, believe that the universe went through a Photon Belt that caused everything to slow, stop for three days, and then speed up in the opposite direction. Lands of lush green turn to deserts, tropical forests and flowing rivers sprung up in the Sahara Desert, and now the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.

With the sun moving about 1.5 million miles closer to the Earth, it is still habitable but some changes in survival have been established. Organic beings cannot stand in the direct sun light, making cave dwelling in the mountains our new homes. Growing food in the shade has become the way of the future. There is no need for chemicals to be used for growing because the plant and animal auras are charged with photons alike the humans. Scientist in the past thought that the introduction of photons would damage the human body causing death, instead it did the opposite.

In the year 2030, scientist solved the “Aura Equation”. They found out that the aura not only exists but that it has its own set of DNA codes, uncompleted, and built to be built upon. With every step in the human evolution tied in with the evolution of the universe, the aura carries the DNA of light that gives every organic being life. In layman’s terms, human beings were meant to mutate and adapt.

The additional DNA added to the DNA structure of the aura with photons (light) from the Vast Shift, improved our ability to process radiation within the body, with-stand higher levels of heat, and the body can heal itself rapidly. There is no cancer, no disease, and though it would be very painful for one to stand in direct sunlight receiving forth degree burns it is not deadly. The world is very different, but humanity has survived.

Residing in the Ice

During the times of the dinosaurs, it was thought they went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous Period. The asteroid Chicxulub that impacted the Yucatan Peninsula off the coast of Mexico was said to be a global killer. It landed early spring, during very cold and winter like conditions in the Artic Circle. Little did they know is that a female T-Rex with three males were frozen up above the Artic Circle. When the asteroid hit, the T-Rex hid in caves underground and froze when the Impact Winter took place right after the global explosion. The Ice Age that took place after kept the T-Rex body alive, frozen, and when the Thaw began in 2032, things from the Earth’s history began to reveal itself.

The T-Rex completely thawed out around the year 2069 and has been striking terror through the hearts of human beings since. What was once four T-Rex, is now 80 today. It is not a huge spike and humans have been able to protect themselves to some degree thanks to alien technology, but the T-Rex population still grows.

In the dimness of this dark time a creature has risen from the volcanic ash and created to form an alliance with humans. While sharing the light of one human alive today, created from alien biotechnology, this human is unknown, and psyche warriors search for this human that will save humanity.

Photon Affect: Mind/Body/Spirit

Photons speed up all atoms. It is an elementary particle of the quantum field that carries light and radio waves once thought to carry to much radiation for human beings to process. However, the Human Aura DNA Chain can internalize this radiation creating another link to its chain and create a force field of protection. This new chain was also able to jump start the human body and brain allowing humans to tap into parts unobtainable prior to The Vast Shift. Humans now can communicate telepathically to other evolved living beings, see the future, and heal quickly. Tapping into consciousness directly to access the past, future, and information on intergalactic species, finally human beings were able to learn how they fit in as a piece of the whole puzzle. A question that puzzled the human mind since the beginning of their existence.


Sitting down and with eyes closed tightly, Jeff realized that today’s meditation was going to take more determination than usual. Meditation has become a part of every military human’s daily activity to help connect to consciousness and receive messages from other villagers and outer planet alien resources. The knowledge of Metaphysics is no longer a fantasy, it is a way of life and how the humans protect themselves.

At a young age a human child is taught in school about the planet’s history, human history, intergalactic history, and how to hone their psyche abilities. When the child evolves into an adult at sixteen years old, they learn how to process the information that comes to them from outside sources whether it is the past, present, or the future. When the young adult becomes seventeen, they start receiving visions of the past, present, and future, and connecting with other beings telepathically. Since age sixteen though, Jeff, the first receiver of these visions, had been receiving dreams about the coming of the Green Dragon. These dreams became known in village society as a prophecy.

The Prophecy of the coming of the Green Dragon reveals that the dragon will come and take its place side by side with the humans and save all life. It also states that, other alien races will finally touch down on Earth and together they are able to move forward in what could be considered the most important galactic event of human existence. Evolution will take another leap. Unfortunately, details of when and who will make the connection with the Green Dragon is unknown, making the idea of the Green Dragon still just a prophecy.


The T-Rexes also known as “The Thaw Creatures”, have started to spread out amongst the lands of Earth. They seem to be moving quickly yet growing slowly in numbers. For some reason their numbers are not growing as rapidly as they could be, but enough to cause havoc amongst the human villages. A Thaw Creature attack is an event with the element of surprise. These creatures move in on its prey slowly and undetected at close range and a village only has so much time to react. It is only out in the “Open” (the outskirts of the villages) when it runs that you can detect a Thaw Creature, but humans must pay close attention to the different rhythms because the ground also slightly shakes continuously from tectonic plates shifting, resembling the footsteps of the creature. It tiptoes up to its prey in close range and the first of those who encounter it always parish.

The Grand Canyon of Greenland in the Forel Mountains which was completely under ice before the Vast Shift is now lush, green, and has a perfect ration of oxygen-carbon dioxide for human, plants, and animals. The Thaw Creature cannot easily handle this ratio that is perfect for humans due to their partitioned lungs and the type of atmosphere they are accustomed to from back during their time. This makes it a little bit safer for humans to survive up in these areas, but the Thaw Creatures have been known to show up from time to time. They are adapting to their new atmosphere with every new generation though and the attacks are starting to increase. With the increase in attacks the military has doubled using both psyche soldiers and guard soldiers.

One young woman took it upon herself to search through the prophecy for answers. This woman, Christinia, a psyche soldier with training also in guard had been having visons and dreams of running across the world to a far-off place where humans don’t inhabit. In her dreams she would come to a place where the mountains were honeycombed and full of a low mist that flowed just above the ground. She would first encounter a version of a Chinese Dragon warning her about the dangers of the Thaw Creatures. This dragon would also share about the Green Dragon and its purpose. The Chinese Dragon would then move along and disappear. Christinia would then feel the warmth coming up from behind her and as she turned her eyes would be meet with the bluest flamed eyes, scales that looked like green diamonds, wings that spread out almost a mile long from tip to tip, and a neck that seemed to reach four stories high. The dragon would then begin to speak into her mind, “come find my counterpart and you shall find thee, a friend to humanity.” Suddenly before Christinia could respond, then vison would end, and she would awaken from her dream.


A boy barely the age of 15 who is smart in every way runs and plays with the other children of the village. Acer, this 15-year-old boy who has an incredibly high IQ and EQ, is incredibly humble and down to earth. His ability to adapt to the world around him and not limit himself to crop planting or science allows him to educate himself in martial arts and the arts of fighting the Thaw Creatures. This way he can one day not only provide for his family, but he can also protect it. Acer has the visions and dreams of the Green Dragon and shares with his childhood friends the adventures with his dragon friend as if he was a storyteller, telling a tall tale to spark the interest of all the children in the village.

“I want to be a professional raconteur one day and share my stories with all the villages. People will gather around in awe, eager to hear my stories of how the Green Dragon saves all of us from the evil Thaw Creatures. His coming is a sign of peace to come. I know it is!” Acer shares excitably to his mother as they roam through the village garden. Acer’s mother oversees the village garden and because of this they always have the freshest fruit and vegetables on their plate.

Acer’s mother would always indulge him in his fairytale-like stories, in hopes that he will grow out of them soon so he can grow up and be a man to a family.

“Allow your head to fly above the clouds but always remember to keep your feet anchored to the ground my son,” his mother would insist when he would finish one of his elaborate stories. He would always smile at her, nod his head in agreement, and then run off to chores. He loved helping his mother. Especially since his father passed away fighting the Thaw Creatures when he was just a baby. Acer never really knew his father but felt a sense of pride for his duty as guard soldier. This is what inspired him to start training. He would protect his family.


The military science department in the head village, an advanced team that tracts the ground vibrations and distinguishes whether the vibrations are from the tectonic plates or from an incoming Thaw Creature, spent another long day reading charts. It was time for the night crew to come in and tract vibrations while the whole village sleeps. The village had developed an advance alarm system that reaches every home in the village.

This alarm had to be silent to the Thaw Creatures to allow the illusion that there was no life in any village they came through. The creatures were instinctually driven hunters and if they detected life, it would become a game to them, a hunt that made it a hundred times harder to get rid of them. The humans could lower the amount of damage and death using this silent alarm, moving further into the cave dwellings, and completely avoiding the creatures all together.

Science in the year 2097 was advanced in the human villages. They had become so by receiving messages from advanced life from alien resources through telepathy. This ability to communicate with the alien race and use their advance military schematics was used in a program with the psyche soldiers called The EE (short for Evolved Empath). Taking the information the alien race would send to the people through mediumship, they could predict and warn people of the villages to move to the safety of their homes while the threat of the Thaw Creature just passed through. The program had been successful for fifty years and had been the key element in the rebuild of humanity. People were able to protect themselves and the humans began to grow in numbers in result of it.

Lately though the attacks began to increase at an alarming rate. It was only a matter of time before they would spend most of their time in the caves hiding. This was no way to live, this was a life of hiding. They decided that an answer needed to be found. Some trained in fighting more and others worked on cracking the Prophecy. This is when Acer came to the attention of Christinia. Rumors of Acer’s tall tales as a boy would reach the different lands and Christinia, the leader of this science development team, the EE, would travel over a hundred miles to meet with Acer and his mother, Dartona. Christinia was certain this journey would lead to the answers she had been searching for or she would die trying.


The decision on how to travel to Mount Forel was an important one Christinia felt, and she felt the best way was to travel by horse. Christinia’s team was not a large one. She would lead a team of five well equipped guard soldiers and one other psyche soldier like herself.

“Sir, we could travel by horse, but it is more dangerous that way. Shouldn’t we take the sky shuttle where the Thaw Creatures cannot reach us? It makes sense to me,” questioned one of the guard soldiers as they were packing the horses for the trip.

“We could but, the hyper drive is not silent enough and if we were to land it could catch the attention of a group of Thaw Creatures and attract unwanted attention. We travel by horse where it is silent enough in case, we encounter the creatures on radar when we get close to the village. This will allow us to remain completely undetected,” Christinia responded.

Without a second thought the lieutenant agreed with his commander and continued to load his horse. Christinia had been viewed as a wise and thoughtful commander in the military due to her ability to do both the job of a guard soldier and a psyche soldier. After all, she was the one who was the strongest in communication/mediumship between the aliens or “sky people” (as they are referred to) and created the tactical techniques and procedures for when an individual comes head-to-head with a Thaw creature. All this by the young ripe age of nineteen years old! All her hard work had paid off with her promotion to commander. This was her first time leading a team of her own and she was eager to complete it successfully.

Christina’s hard work had left no time for building a family life though. She was a tough girl who would have rather spend time sparring with a man than go to dinner with one. No, she was happy with her choice and proud to serve for the preservation of humanity.

Night falls and the team climb up on their horses and set out into the open. Christinia yells out to her team, “We will travel by night so that it is harder for the Thaw Creatures to see us. Keep alert and pay attention to your radars. If something comes up large enough to be a Thaw Creature make sure to whistle instead of vocalizing it so that they will think it is just another animal. Make haste and we will find shelter at dawn and rest during the day hours.” They all motion their horses to gallop and take off into the open.


“Open your eyes child,” a mother says to a son who had been lying in field daydreaming all evening, “It is time to do your chores and head off to your seminary. Come on, hurry up! You don’t want to be late!”

Acer sprung up excitedly and rushed in to get his books for seminary and then rushed off to learn. He was an eager young man now seventeen years old, but still had his head in the clouds about being a professional storyteller and what better place to do that then the seminary where tales that are told are revered as truth, educational, and worship. Rushing as fast as his feet would take him, he reaches the seminary just in time to make the first class of the night.

Acer was a handsome young man that all the girls in the village had a crush on, so they would giggle when he came into the room. Not that he would notice though. His mind was on learning and girls were just not a part of that task yet.

Within the first fifteen minutes of class, the silent alarm was released. This was only the second time the alarm had been triggered in his lifetime, the first was when he was a young boy, and his mother was there to lead him on what to do. So, his first instinct was to look for his mother, not so much this time for leadership but for concern. “I have to get to my mother,” he whispered under his breath. Although strict guidelines stated not to go outside into the village, his home was only three cave doors away next to the main garden. He ran swiftly and reached his mother just in time for the doors of the back room to close.


It was almost nightfall when the commander and her crew received the signal that the village, they were headed to had activated their silent alarm. Since the alarm was created to give people ample time to reach safety, a silent alarm would trigger any time the creatures were more than fifty miles away. Christinia checked her radar and saw that the Thaw Creatures were coming from the other direction in route towards the village, so they packed up and moved swiftly toward the village since they were only a few miles away from.

One of the guards spoke out, “We won’t be able to get into shelter in time when we reach the village.”

Christinia responded as she motioned her horse to take off in quick gallop, “We will have to go up above the village and find a cave to hide in until the creatures pass, come on, let’s make haste!”

They arrive quickly to the silent village within minutes. The village appears as a ghost town with no life. Still, they continue through, making it to a trail that leads them above the village caves. As they search for a top cave to hide in, their radar vibrates red alarm, and on the horizon, they see the group of Thaw Creatures coming towards the village. Christina whispering to her team, “quick find a cave to hide!”

As they moved quickly one of the horses kicked a rock and started a small landslide of rocks falling down the mountain towards the village. A Thaw Creature with a thirst for blood, notices and tip toes up the mountain. Her teeth sharp and large, she is tall, and has claws on every extension of her body including her tail. She is hungry and has picked up the scent of the team. Christina had a decision to make, hide and wait it out or fight.

Just then behind them in the cave they heard movement. All of them turned around to see what was behind them and it was the Green Dragon, awoken from his slumber. At first, they were afraid, but Christinia remembered her dreams and the prophecy. Therefore, boldly she walked towards the dragon and spoke. The dragon could not return words to any human other than his human counterpart. Suddenly the Thaw Creature entered the mouth of the large cave and releases a loud, “ROAR!”. The dragon then placed himself between the humans released a wave of fire that completely cooked the Thaw Creature. After, the dragon flies out in to the open where the other Thaw creatures were in the village.


Below, all the villagers hear the roar and the village "look out" checks to see what is happening. He sees the Green Dragon and the team following behind charging the Thaw Creatures. Relaying what he sees through walkie talkies to all the villagers, slowly they all emerge from their back caves to see the glory of the Green Dragon taking down and killing the Thaw Creatures. When the creatures were all destroyed the dragon came down and landed in front of the team and the villagers who were in rejoice, “The prophecy is true! The Green Dragon has saved us all!”

The dragon spoke yet no one heard his words. Only Acer. Acer moves closer to the dragon and says in shock, “I can hear you.”

The dragon spoke back to Acer, “Yes, my friend, you are the only one who can. We have much work to do. You can call me Gunther, battle warrior.”

Then a flash of light hit both Acer and Gunther at the same time, transporting them into deep consciousness. They both lay there alive, but in deep meditation and unaware of the important messages they were both about to receive.


The village was saved and though both Gunther and Acer lay there on the ground, Christinia was able to connect and see that they were only in a deep connection sleep where their bond would become stronger.

“We can only wait until they wake and then create a plan to travel and save the rest of humanity from all the Thaw Creatures of the world. We will complete this task for the sake of humanity with our soldiers, our dragon, and his boy.”

AdventureFablefamilyFan FictionFantasyHorrorMysterySci FiSeriesShort Story

About the Creator

Angela Gerber

I am an Artist. I love to write, draw, make jewelry, photography, and paint. I am also into the healing arts and metaphysical world. My dream is to write short stories while traveling- living on the road. Tips are appreciated- Thank you :)

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    Angela GerberWritten by Angela Gerber

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