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Sophia's Big News

And an important decision

By Chloe LongstreetPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read

Sophia sat with her back against the pear tree and sighed as she rubbed her stomach. William would be pleased to learn about the baby and the picnic was the perfect way to tell him.

She surveyed the scene in front of her to check one last time for anything that might be out of place. Her husband was a meticulous man who expected perfection in everything. Her job was to make sure it happened.

The picnic blanket stretched out over a patch of grass that the servants combed for any roots, branches, or tough patches that could make the meal uncomfortable. The blanket was ironed and starched before they laid it carefully on the ground.

Next came the china, the linen napkins, and the silver, which was lined up in the correct order without a spot on it. Just because it was an informal picnic didn’t mean she could get away with informal dinnerware or presentation.

Finally the food. The chef prepared a delicious three-course meal that would be served by the attendant who stood nearby under a branch that was heavy with pears.

The pears!

“Marie!” Sophia waved her assistant over. “Have someone go over this tree and pick some of these pears. We certainly can’t have one fall off while William and I are eating.”

“Yes, of course. Sorry I didn’t catch that.”

“No worries, I just noticed it myself.”

Sophia checked her watch. William was due in twenty minutes. That should be enough time for someone to lighten the load on the tree. She decided to give in to the exhaustion she felt for a moment while she waited.

I never realized just how tiring it was to be pregnant…

She dreamed of bad weather, storms and droughts ravaging the earth. Then her child, lost in a storm surge, reaching for her hand. Screaming.

Mama! Mama!

Then, Sophia! Sophia!

“Sophia, my love. What are you doing sleeping by a tree in the middle of the afternoon?”

She woke with a start at her husband’s voice. It felt as though she had just closed her eyes, but a glance at her watch informed her that it had, indeed, been twenty minutes.

“Oh, dear. I honestly don’t know. I just meant to rest my eyes for a moment or two. Here, help me up.”

She reached for her husband and he pulled her to her feet. Then he helped her to the picnic blanket and inspected the setup.

“Beautiful work as always, my love.”

“Only the best for you, my dear husband.”

“I suspect you didn’t arrange all this and drag me here for no reason.”

He smiled at Sophia and the pregnancy butterflies flitted more. Even after all the years of marriage, his smile still made her knees wobble.

“You’re absolutely correct. But first, let’s have some tea. Chef made these amazing antipasto skewers that I’ve been dying to dig into for hours.”

Upon hearing her talk about the food, the attendant slid over and discreetly poured two glasses of iced tea and served up two small plates of antipasto skewers. Despite her eagerness, Sophia struggled to enjoy the food.

“What’s wrong dear?”

She patted at the corners of her mouth with her napkin and smiled.

“I hoped to wait until dessert, but I suppose I should tell you now.”

She pulled the ultrasound picture from her pocket and showed it to him.

“We finally did it, my love. We’re going to have a baby.”

He grabbed the picture from her hand and then pointed to the tiny spot that was their baby.

“There? Is that it?”

“Yes.” She smiled.

“Oh, Soph. I can’t believe it!”

Before she knew what was happening, William jumped up and swung her to her feet, embracing her in a bear hug as he spun her around in a circle.

“William, please!”

“What’s wrong?”

She laughed.

“I love to see you this happy, but I’m so nauseous. You need to be a little more careful, love.”

He put her down sheepishly.

“Sorry. I didn’t think that one through, did I?”

He helped her sit back down.

“Can you eat anything at all?”

“Maybe when the world stops spinning.”

“Well, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m starved. I’m ready for my entree.”

“Go right ahead.”

At his wave, the attendant brought the plates with the main course and William dug right in. Sophia waved to the attendant while her husband wolfed down his meal. “Some peppermint tea would be nice,” she whispered to him discreetly.

When the tea came, it was too hot, but her desperation to overcome her nausea overwhelmed her wish to avoid a burnt tongue. Two small sips had a tremendous effect on her well-being and she made an attempt at the entree. A nibble or two was all she needed to feel better.

When William finished, he stretched out his legs, leaned back on his elbows, and looked up at the sky.

“Well, I guess that settles it then.”

“Settles what?”

“Now that you’re pregnant, we can’t risk staying here any longer. We have to start preparing to move to the sky.”

“Oh, William, really? I’m not sure. It seems so, I don’t know, fatalistic.”

“Soph, you’ve seen the evidence. It’s undeniable. Earth can no longer be saved. If we don’t go to the sky, we will die. Anyone who can afford it is moving up there until we can get a colony established enough on Mars for it to be safe.”

“Yes, I know. Ruin one planet, move to the next.”

“Look, I know you’re bitter about all of this. But with a baby on the way, we can’t risk it. We have to move. It’s not just about you and me anymore.”

Sophia sighed. She knew he was right and they had spoken extensively about moving for the past year. But it still felt wrong.

“I just wish there was something more we could do.”

“Well, we can take all of our people with us. As long as they can pass all the tests.”

“What about the ones who don’t?”

“Look, love. I promise I will do everything I can to bring all the people we care for up there with us. And we can arrange it so those we leave behind have a better chance of surviving if that helps.”

Sophia pushed at the food on the plate in front of her listlessly.



“You know this is the right decision.”

“I do.”

“So you’ll come? You’ll move to the sky?”

“It’s not like I really have a choice.”.

“Great! I’ll start the arrangements first thing in the morning.”

He beamed at her.

“I know you’re going to love it, dear. I just know it.”

Sophia wrapped her hand protectively around her lower belly.

“I have to.”


Sophia and William are the ancestors of one of the main characters in one of my upcoming novels. You can read more about them and other people in the world they inhabit by clicking the links below.

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P.S. I also write about marketing for authors and small businesses on Medium.

Short Story

About the Creator

Chloe Longstreet

Chloe uses Vocal to publish short stories that provide sneak peeks into the background of her books and characters. Follow along here and you will know more than the average reader about her books.

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