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Shadow secrets

A rip between two worlds

By Krissi V.Published 3 years ago 2 min read
The beginning of the end.

“It’s been a long day.” I thought to myself.

The streets were wet and gloomy that night, I wouldn’t doubt there was not anyone to be seen for at least a 10 mile radius.

It’s an old town so there isn’t much around and there’s not that many people anyways. Still this night felt different than the rest.

“Well why are you on the streets alone so late at night?” My psychiatrist asked, as he stared at me blankly, as if what what is to happen next I had brought upon myself.

I let out a I let out a laugh “ I knew you would ask that, it’s a shame how typical these questions are and you never ask the right ones.”

Annoyed with my response he asked again “Why were you on the streets alone so late at night Frejya?”

I sighed and shifted my body to a more relaxed setting. In all honesty, I don’t know why I was out so late that night. It was well past my normal time to go home. I hadn’t seen the store owners closing shops. I hadn’t seen Mrs.James standing on her porch waiting for me to make sure I made it home alright. It was as if the streets itself were dead.

But none of that mattered, this isn’t the question he should be asking.

“You ever get that feeling when your alone? You know that one that makes you feel like your not actually alone?” I asked holding onto my heart shaped locket. “I felt that, on that night.”

“I turned on my street, I live on the corner so it wasn’t to far away but that feeling… I couldn’t shake it.” I remember picking up the pace, “just a few more houses and then I’ll be home.” I thought. I should have just gotten a cab.

“Frejya!” I heard him.

“Frejya!” He called again. “I’ve found you.

“Frejya?” My psychiatrist asked, as if I had zoned out. “You never explained the significance of your locket. You wear it every session and when we begin to talk about that night, right before you provide any REAL answers you hold on to it.”

I looked up at him and I can feel the dark cloud rush over me. “Finally, a real question. I only wish I had some answers myself. I’ve had it since I was little and I was told by my mother to never take it off… ever. She says I did once and that’s how I got this scar. With everything in me, I just can’t remember that day.”

I opened up my blouse and revealed a lined scar. It still had red veins popping along side of it as if it never fully healed.

“Frejya.” I heard a scream. My body froze.

“Frejya” I heard him again and the room went dark.

I felt a cold breeze next to me as the sun was no more. “Dr. Idris?” I said, without moving an inch.

What I heard next, could send chills down anyone’s spine. “Run”

Without a second thought I dashed for the door.

My mother never explained to me what secrets the locket held. Why I was chosen for the path. Who I am. Where I come from.

But most importantly she never mentioned… him.

“My dear Frejya, why do you hurt me so?” He says as if he was mocking me. He let out a laugh and I froze.

That laugh, I had heard once before.


About the Creator

Krissi V.

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    Krissi V.Written by Krissi V.

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