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Shopkeeping Genie

A young fisherman

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 2 days ago 3 min read
Shopkeeping Genie
Photo by Lisa Yount on Unsplash

In the bustling marketplace of Zahrah, nestled amongst stalls overflowing with silks and spices, resided Hakim, an unassuming shopkeeper with a secret. His shop, The Curious Caravan, wasn't just a place to find trinkets from faraway lands. Hakim was a Shopkeeping Genie, a being bound to the mortal realm through an ancient pact, granting wishes through the careful exchange of objects.

Hakim wasn't your stereotypical genie, confined to a lamp and spouting flamboyant pronouncements. He preferred subtlety, weaving his magic into the very fabric of his shop. Every item held a story, a potential for something extraordinary. A chipped teacup from a forgotten kingdom could grant a glimpse into the past. A tarnished compass might point not to a location, but towards a long-lost love.

One scorching afternoon, a young woman named Zahra, her brow furrowed in worry, entered The Curious Caravan. The midday sun beat down on the marketplace, and desperation etched lines onto her youthful face. Her eyes scanned the shelves overflowing with curios, finally landing on Hakim, who sat calmly behind a counter piled high with leather-bound journals.

"May I help you?" Hakim inquired, his voice a soothing melody despite the desert heat.

Zahra hesitated, then blurted out, "My father, a renowned scholar, is on an expedition deep in the Whispering Dunes. A sandstorm has struck, and I fear for his life. Is there anything… anything you can do?"

Hakim's gaze softened. He understood the desperation in Zahra's voice, the fear for a loved one lost in the unforgiving desert. His eyes drifted to a dusty hourglass nestled amongst a collection of antique navigational tools. Sand swirled lazily within its glass belly, each grain a timeless whisper.

"There might be a way," he said slowly, "but it will require a trade. This hourglass," he gestured towards the object, "once belonged to a renowned desert nomad. It can mark the passage of time with unparalleled precision. However, it only counts down."

Zahra's brow furrowed. "A countdown? But how will that help me find my father?"

Hakim explained the hourglass's magic. When activated, it could reveal the remaining time a person had left, as long as a physical connection existed between them. A lock of hair, a worn scarf, anything imbued with their essence. Zahra, clutching a worn leather pouch containing her father's travel journal, felt a sliver of hope pierce through her despair.

"I'll take it," she declared, her voice resolute.

The trade was made. As Zahra held the hourglass, its sand began its descent, a slow, inexorable countdown. Panic threatened to engulf her, but Hakim placed a comforting hand on hers.

"The desert holds many secrets," he said. "This hourglass might not reveal your father's exact location, but it can tell you how much time you have to find him."

Armed with renewed determination, Zahra raced out of The Curious Caravan. She gathered supplies, hired a seasoned guide, and ventured into the treacherous Whispering Dunes. Days bled into nights, the unforgiving sun scorching the sand and the wind whispering secrets only the desert knew.

Through it all, Zahra clutched the hourglass, the relentless descent of its sand a constant reminder of the dwindling time. It wasn't a map, but a constant push, a reminder that every wasted moment brought her father closer to danger.

Finally, guided by the wisdom of her guide and a newfound resilience sparked by Hakim's cryptic words, they stumbled upon a hidden oasis. There, collapsed beside a life-giving spring, lay Zahra's father, weak but alive.

The hourglass, its sand nearly depleted, held a single grain at its bottom. Relief washed over Zahra, tears blurring her vision. She had found her father, not a moment too soon.

Back in Zahrah, Hakim watched with a knowing smile as Zahra returned the hourglass, her eyes shining with gratitude. The trade was complete, but the true magic lay in the journey she had undertaken. The hourglass hadn't shown her the way, but it had ignited a fire within her, a desperate love that defied the unforgiving sands.

News of Zahra's daring rescue spread through the marketplace, burnishing the legend of The Curious Caravan. People from all walks of life started seeking Hakim's aid, not for extravagant wishes, but for a nudge in the right direction, a spark to ignite their own inner strength.

A young fisherman, yearning for a bountiful catch, received a delicately carved fishing lure said to have belonged to a legendary pirate queen. A timid poet, longing for the courage to share his work, was gifted a worn quill rumored to have once belonged to a renowned storyteller.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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    Moharif YuliantoWritten by Moharif Yulianto

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