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Restoring order

The hunt for the Grimsmold

By Michael Hughes Published 3 years ago 6 min read

The year was 2522, I had enlisted myself on a mission to infiltrate the order, and find the legendary rumored Grimsmold.

The Order was comprised of the highest members of society, they alone held all the power, made all the rules, and were the primary decision makers for every individual.

Legend had it that the Order was holding A powerful relic called the Grimsmold, a heart shaped locket which when opened released all the secrets of the past, and told the story of how to rebuild what once was.

The Orders biggest fear was someone infiltrating, and finding this relic, because it would lead to their ultimate demise.

This structure was put in place in the year 2200 by the order, it came about after a mass war eradicated much of human civilization. Allies turned on each other and all forms of government collapsed upon itself, as no governing system knew how to manage what was left of the once grand world.

From the ashes of what once was rose the Order. They collected the greatest remaining minds of the time to form a social structure, that they believed would work. The problem became that it only worked for them and left the rest of us remaining fighting for our very exhistance.

The Order held all the power, everyone else was desingnated whatever the order felt was needed. The weak were killed off and the strong given their life task.

The Order took away everything that made us human. There were no families, no love, no birth, we were conceived in machines and raised like machines. No affection, no human connection, no love. Each individual assigned their task, and their role in life.

The order felt this was the best way of life, that love, religion, family, and differences are what caused war, and pain, but in reality it’s what Made us human. In taking that away they made one cohesive society, that only effectively played to those that were deemed to be part of the Order.

The task I would be assigned is the teacher. My assigned task is what played the largest part in my journey it was through this I was able to discover the secrets the Order were so desperately trying to keep contained.

The teacher was the only role in society who had access to all records, all knowledge, it was my job as teacher to pass down the critical information neccessary to the youth of the Order for society to continue as the Order had set it up.

The teacher role was one of the most important in the Order’s social structure. We were tasked with holding onto all critical records, and making sure it continued on to those in these powerful roles.

The Order however failed to realize when granted all access some individuals begin to question the way things are.

In my reasearch I was able to discover a Long held legend, the Grimsmold. The object that contained the key to the past, To undoing all the wrong that the Order had done.

With the access I had I also had access to all those in the order. The teacher is assigned to teach the young in the Order the history of our societies past. Each day I would go to the Orders realm, and hold sessions for the youth. Teaching them all pieces to make them know what it takes to make society run “successfully” as the order called it.

It was June 20th 2522 when I decided it was time to try and find the Grimsmold. Just like any other day I ascended to the Pinnacle, the Orders realm. The pinnacle was a large fortress high in the land. It was designed to be the highest place in the land to oversee everything. It was comprised of one large building behind a large fence and many elegant homes for those in the Order. I went through the large gate doors, entered the elegant main building and entered the classroom wing. As I had so Many days before. I begin to teach like I would any other day, and go through the day as I would any other day. The classroom Was bare, not much in it besides a map of the realm, and a shelf with books of the Orders history. The history they wanted told.

On this day however as the day drew to a close instead of heading out of the building I stayed hidden my classroom until the lights went out. I found a spot in the rear of the classroom behind the bookshelf. As the day wound down I slid back there composed myself, got comfortable and awaited night fall.

I knew the order would think I had left having no reason to believe anything else. Night and the cover of night was when I felt I would have my best opportunity, I commenced to wandering the halls, avoiding the cameras, and the mechanical guards. The guards in the orders realm were large animatronics, designed for one reason, ensure no one who didn’t belong got through. I made my way through the hall dipping and dodging as I went down the long hall, which was filled with numerous red doors, embellished with gems, and signs of each major player in the order. Having been in this building so many times I knew the patterns of the guards, and I knew exactly how to avoid them.

I finally came to the end of the long hall, to the records room. I had been In here many times in my exploits to do my research so I knew my way around the room. It was a vast large room, with records of everything, the history of wars, of countries and governments that had exhisted. The history of the major fallout that occurred, the history the order wanted told.

It was in one of my previous exploits that i noticed something strange and out of place. An eagle claw, holding the tattered remains of what once was an American flag. This stood out from the dreary setting of the records room, a room dissolve of any color, the American flag and eagle claw was a splash of color, and an image of what once represented freedom.

Having remembered this sending out it was on this night, I decided i would try to move it and see what it held, perhaps behind it was the legendary Grimsmold. As I pulled on it I heard cranks and levers begin to turn and slowly a wall opened up.

I walked through the opening into a brightly illuminated room, and what stood in the center was the most beautiful heart shaped locket I had ever seen.

It was large, and diamond encrusted. Ruby’s surrounding the entire exterior of the heart. It glowed with the intensity of a 1000 suns under the illuminating light, It was enclosed in a chamber of glass with bright fluorescent light beaming down on it.

I grabbed the hardest object I could find and broke open the glass enclosures sounding an alarm. I knew time was scarce. I grabbed the locket and opened it!

Instantly the world begin to swirl, I was shown images of what used to exist, what was, images of family, and music, and love. Images of life before the order. And then a message appeared asking if this is what I desired if this was where I wanted to be. Asking where I wanted to go. I chose to say yes.

My name is Johnson reed. If you’re reading this it means my mission was successful. This is my manifest. I was able to leave it in the past and successfully change the future. The Grimsmold was the key. The order knew it. We hold the key now. In the end we make our own fate.

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    MHWritten by Michael Hughes

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