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Raverstrike Attack

Tales of the Goddess - Fragments

By Everyday JunglistPublished 7 months ago 6 min read
Image used with License from Adobe Stock

Damn you Elyria, where in the seven hells are you. I need you.... now. Baj's mind raced as he tried desperately to find a way out out his current predicament. The creature he faced had hurt him badly. He was cut in at least ten places, one of which was a very serious deep slash wound to the calf that had nearly taken off his right foot. That wound was bleeding so much it had already caused him to slip twice, and had almost cost him his life the last time he lost his footing. He knew he was outmatched. The creature, known as a raverstrike was a favorite assassin of the Gods and possessed divine strength, speed, and stamina. His expert level hand to hand combat and weapons skills, obtained through years of torturous training at the academy, were all that had kept him alive this long. However, he knew they would not be enough to defeat the raver, only his Goddess could save him now. That thought caused his fury to rise and he screamed and cursed even as he watched his life's blood drain from him. The raverstrike looked at Baj with its large black eyes which had rolled forward in their deeply recessed sockets on each side of its vaguely horse like head. Long arms protruded from each side of its massive seven foot tall well muscled trunk. Each ended in a single razor sharp curved claw, both of which were soaked in Baj's blood. That blood dripped down slowly toward the ground from along the length of each claw and the creature's long tongue protruded outward to lap it up out of the sky as it fell. It was a grotesque sight and when it spoke the tone of it hurt Baj's ears and caused his head to ache and his heart to freeze in his chest. "Your bitch Goddess can't save you human. Loki himself has ordered your death, and I am here to see that his will is done." As it spoke it moved slowly toward Baj maneuvering to within striking distance of its claws, raising one giant arm to throw the killing blow. It was so close now that Baj could feel the heat emanating from the monsters body like a furnace.

He looked directly into its face and spat at it with his last remaining strength. He caught just a glimpse of the blue sky then dropped his head and fell to his knees. Head bowed low he watched a tiny ant moving quickly through the grains of sand at his feet and knew it would would be the last thing he saw. Just as he had resigned himself to his fate, he heard a hissing screetch then felt a gust of wind move over his right shoulder, from the corner of his eye he saw a blur move past at incredible speed. It was his cat familiar Mythos who had appeared seemingly from nowhere only to throw itself wildly at the raverstrike's upraised arm. It landed on that arm with claws outstretched and bit down hard with its teeth as it clawed furiously at any available skin. It was almost comical how small the cat was compared to the raver, and yet his attack had hurt it, not badly, not seriously, but it had hurt, and the creature roared in anger as it whipped its arm back then forward throwing the cat some thirty feet in the air toward the wall of the cavern where the man and beast were engaged in deadly combat. The cat hit the wall with a thud, then slid and bounced down to the ground, landing hard, dead, or so Baj thought. Nothing could survive an impact like that. The death of Mythos brought a rage into Baj the likes of which he did not think possible and he managed to raise himself one last time, racing toward the beast intent on dying on his feet and doing at least some damage before he left this realm to move to the next. He pulled his gradarian tomahawk from the strap on his left leg as he advanced. The sun glinted off its folded silver and perusian steel blade illuminating it like a fire to match the one he felt burning in his heart. The creature hissed quietly "Come human, now you will meet the boatman at the river Styx for the last time. I will take you to him. Personally."

"You will do no such thing foul beast. Not if I have anything to say about it." It was his Goddess, Elyria, she had finally come. "Thank the elder Gods." was the last thing Baj managed to say before he fell to the ground unconcious from loss of blood. "Elyria, you dumb whore, how dare you interfere. I am acting on orders of my master Loki. He will not be pleased to hear that you have kept me from my appointed task." "Do I look like one who gives two whits about the pleasure of that insolent fool? If you think I do then you are gravely mistaken, for I do not. In fact, it gives me the greatest pleasure to think that this will displease him. And it would give me even more pleasure to take your head from your grotesque form and personally deliver it to him in a burlap sack." As she spoke her eyes burned a bright blue and the light from them caused the raver to take several steps back and then it fall to its knees in front of her. "Leave now or that will be your fate. The only reason I let you live is so that you may take a message to your master. Tell him the Goddess Elyria needs to palaver with him on a matter of the gravest importance. And tell him this. I know what you did.. He will know what I mean. Now go, before I change my mind." The raverstrike stood quickly and raced away as fast as its horse like limbs would allow. Powered by divine speed and amplified by fear, that was very fast indeed, and it left a trail of dust behind it as it sped away and was quickly lost from site. Elyria now turned to look at Baj and seeing how gravely injured he was moved as quickly as she could to his side. She bent down and pressed her hand to his forward then spoke softly, "Me ti dýnami ton presvytéron theón sas diatázo na therapéfsete kai na sikotheíte" Roughly translated it was a command to heal and rise and Baj heard the words from the darkness where his mind had found rest. He had no choice but to obey and so he did. He opened his eyes and saw the beauty of the Goddess before him. He gasped in awe and wonder as she had revealed something of her true self and appearance to him through this act of healing. It lasted only for a moment but it burned into his mind and caused him to momentarily forget who he was, where he was, and what was happening. He was literally struck dumb and his mouth fell open, saliva running out of the corners, mind empty of all thought but one. The beauty, the terrible beauty of a God's true form partially revealed. After about 3o seconds he began to regain his composure just enough to see Elyria fall to the ground. Her act of healing had completely exhausted her. Baj swept her up into his arms and whispered softly to her "Oh my Goddess, thank you. Thank you. I will repay this debt I owe you, I swear it to all the Gods." If she had heard him she made no indication. She lay in his arms and he held her there close to him through that entire night, only leaving once to check on the status of poor Mythos. Surprisingly, or perhaps not, of Mythos he could find no trace.


About the Creator

Everyday Junglist

Practicing mage of the natural sciences (Ph.D. micro/mol bio), Thought middle manager, Everyday Junglist, Boulderer, Cat lover, No tie shoelace user, Humorist, Argan oil aficionado. Occasional LinkedIn & Facebook user

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