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Perfect Day

COMB LILT ICES - This is for the Vocal "Word Hunt " Challenge

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
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This is for the Vocal Word Hunt Challenge that you can read about below.

The Prompt

Write a story that incorporates three words from the provided word search puzzle.

At Home

You put a record on, "Transformer" by Lou Reed, and the song "Perfect Day" comes on and you think "Can today be my perfect day?".

"Perfect Day" is not your favourite song on the album, that is either "Vicious" or "Walk On The Wild Side" and you are still amazed that the BBC didn't ban that for the line:

"But she never lost her head

Even when she was giving head"

I mean they made the Kinks change Coca-Cola to Cherry Cola in "Lola" and Bowie and mott The Hoople change Marks and Sparks to Unmarked Cars in "All The Young Dudes" so how did that escape their notice, maybe it was more innocent times, still transformer is a great album.

You don't have any Sangria in but you make do with a cold can of diet Lilt.

This record and this song have put you in a great mood and you go to the fridge and see the various ices and ice creams that tempt you on this hot day, but you just get a couple of ice cubes to slip into your drink.

Your hair is a mess, but you just run a comb through it to make yourself and little less frizzy and a little more presentable.

You wish you could instantly teleport to see friends around the world or even just up north or down south, but you have your phone and computer and can video call instantly taking into account time differences, Australian friends are half a day away, their ten in the morning is your ten at night, and your friends on the North American landmass are five to eight hours behind, though you do remember work conference calls on land lines with New York, Detroit, Munich, and Tokyo. They are probably a lot simpler now.

Still, you can call your friends later, when they are actually awake and breakfasted, but your perfect day can be even more perfect by calling a few friends and meeting up in town for a drink and maybe some street food.

Two calls and you got a lunch date, a bite to eat at Snackwallah although Meat Stack is tempting. You're not a burger fan but Meat Stack takes it to a very desirably edible level, while Snackwallah is vegan and tastes gorgeous and is probably much better for you. Snackwallah gets the vote.

So that is your perfect day planned, lunch and then a few drinks at No 28 complete with its Helmut Newton wall print of four very powerful naked ladies. The decor is great, fans, Daleks, bird cages, glitter balls, religious icons, camels and llamas cold drinks and great service, and great company with my friends.

That then leaves you time to get off catch a bus back home and then catch up with your friends around this ever-shrinking world, and talk, catch up, and listen to each other's stories.

You take a shower, put on some clean clothes, and comb your hair once again.

You've got twenty minutes before the bus, so put on side one of "Transformer" again. "Vicious" opens it, "Andy's Chest" aint a favorite but "Perfect Day" is today's song, "Hangin' Round" is OK, and then "Walk On The Wild Side" with that Herbie flowers bassline fades and the needle finally leaves the vinyl and the record player clicks off.

You switch the record player off, take your keys and wallet, walk outside, lock the door, and take the bus to continue your perfect day.

Short Story

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

7(1.2m) ֎ Fb ֎ Px ֎ Pn ֎

X ֎ In ֎ YT (0.2m) ֎ T

Vocal Tips


Call Me LesGina HeatherCaroline


DaphsamMisty MelissaMa Coombs

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  3. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  4. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  5. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

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Comments (6)

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran11 months ago

    Your Lilt made me have a craving for any kinda icy cold drink. It's soooo freaking sunny here! Loved your story!

  • Nice slice of life.

  • Veronica Coldiron11 months ago

    This is awesome, engaging and fun!

  • marie e ehlenbach11 months ago

    Great Job!

  • Dana Crandell11 months ago

    Interesting word choices, and an unexpected use for "lilt." A really interesting mix of artists in the video, too. Great job!

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