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Mirror and Me


By Zakir Bhai!!!!Published about a year ago 4 min read

"Mirror and Me"

The hospital was always a place of healing and comfort, a beacon of hope for those in need. But on this night, it was a place of terror. I was a nurse on the night shift, and I had been working for several hours without a break. I was tired, but I knew I had to keep going. That's when I saw it. The mirror in the hallway was shaking.

I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was just tired, but when I opened them again, the mirror was still shaking. I took a step closer, and that's when I saw the reflection. It was a devil, with red eyes and a twisted smile. I stumbled back, trying to make sense of what I was seeing, when suddenly, the mirror shattered into a million pieces.

Water started pouring out of the mirror, drenching the hallway and making it slippery. I tried to run, but I fell, hitting my head on the hard floor. When I woke up, I was lying in a pool of blood. I looked down and saw that my hands were covered in it. I was terrified, but I had to keep moving. I had to find help.

I stumbled down the hallway, trying to find someone, anyone, but the hospital was deserted. It was like everyone had just disappeared. I was about to give up hope when I heard a voice behind me. "You should have never come here," the devil whispered.

I turned around, and there he was, the devil from the mirror. He was real, and he was here to torment me. I tried to run, but my legs wouldn't move. I was trapped. That's when the twists started happening. I saw visions of my past, present, and future, all flashing before my eyes. I saw things I wished I had never seen, things I could never unsee.

But then, I saw something that gave me hope. A vision of my future self, happy and free. I realized that I had the power to change my future. I had the power to fight back against the devil and make it out of this hospital alive.

I summoned all my strength and stood up. I faced the devil, and I told him that I wasn't afraid of him. That I was stronger than he was. And that's when something miraculous happened. The devil disappeared, and the water and blood vanished with him. The hospital was restored to its former state, and I was the only one left.

I made it out of the hospital, and I never looked back. I never forgot what I saw in that mirror, but I refused to let it haunt me. I took control of my life, and I made a happy ending for myself. I was free, and I was finally at peace.

But my story doesn't end there. I soon realized that my experience in the hospital was not unique. Other people had also encountered the devil in the mirror. And it wasn't just in that hospital, it was happening all over the world. People were being haunted by the devil, and they didn't know how to fight back.

So, I made it my mission to help others. I traveled the world, sharing my story and teaching people how to overcome their fear and defeat the devil. I found that the key to defeating the devil was to embrace your own power and believe in yourself.

Years went by, and I became known as the "Mirror Slayer." People came to me for help, and I never turned them away. I fought the devil time and time again, and each time I emerged victorious. I had found my purpose in life, and I was making a difference in the world.

But then, one day, I received a strange letter. It was from the devil himself. He challenged me to a final showdown, and he promised that this time, he would win. I was scared, but I couldn't back down. I couldn't let the devil continue to terrorize people.

I traveled to a remote location, and there he was, waiting for me. The devil was stronger than ever, but I was determined to defeat him. We fought a fierce battle, and in the end, I emerged victorious. The devil was defeated once and for all, and the world was finally safe.

I returned home, a hero. People cheered and celebrated, and I finally felt like I had fulfilled my destiny. I had defeated the devil, and I had brought peace to the world. And that's when I finally looked in the mirror and saw my reflection. It was a reflection of a strong and brave woman, someone who had faced her fears and emerged victorious. And that's when I knew that I would never be afraid of the devil in the mirror again.

From that day on, I lived a life of peace and happiness. I continued to help others, and I inspired generations to come. And whenever I heard the story of the devil in the mirror, I smiled, knowing that I had defeated him once and for all

Short StoryHorror

About the Creator

Zakir Bhai!!!!

I am a person who has a passion for storytelling. I am able to paint a picture in the mind's eye of the reader, drawing them into the world of my stories. I use my writing to evoke emotion, spark imagination, and inspire my readers.

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    Zakir Bhai!!!!Written by Zakir Bhai!!!!

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