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Inspired by the Mona Lisa painting

By Vera Adetunji Published about a year ago 10 min read
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

The beautiful girl in the painting lay before him, her enigmatic smile capturing his heart. For years, he had been drawn to her (The Mona Lisa). The woman whose face has captivated the world for centuries. But for him, she was more than just a painting. She was a symbol of beauty, a muse that had inspired countless artists and writers throughout the ages. And now, as he gazed upon her, he felt as though he had finally found the missing piece of his soul.

He had alwayss been fascinated by the story behind the Mona Lisa. Who was she? What was her story? He had spent years researching her history, tracing her journey from the studio of Leonardo da Vinci to her current home in the Louvre. He had read countless books and articles, studied every detail of the painting, and even traveled to Italy to see the places where she had lived and worked.

And yet, despite all his research, he still felt as though he didn’t know her at all. She remained a mystery, a woman whose secrets were locked away behind her enigmatic smile.

As he stood before the painting, lost in thought, a woman approached him. She was tall and slender, with long dark hair and piercing green eyes. She wore a simple black dress that hugged her curves, and a red scarf that matched the color of her lips.

“Excuse me,” she said, her voice soft and melodious. “I couldn’t help but notice you admiring the Mona Lisa. She’s quite a beauty, isn’t she?”

He turned to her, surprised by her sudden appearance. “Yes, she is,” he said, his eyes still fixed on the painting.

The woman smiled. “I’m a tour guide here at the Louvre,” she said. “If you’d like, I can tell you more about the painting. The story behind it is quite fascinating.”

He nodded, grateful for the distraction. For a moment, he had forgotten that he was not alone in the gallery.

As the woman began to speak, he found himself drawn to her voice. It was like music, soft and sweet, with a hint of mystery and sadness. She told him the story of the painting, how Leonardo had painted it for a wealthy merchant in Florence, and how it had been taken to France by King Francis I. She spoke of the controversies surrounding the painting, the theories about who the woman in the painting was and what her smile meant.

As he listened to her, he felt himself falling under her spell. Her eyes seemed to glow in the dim light, and her voice filled him with a sense of peace and longing.

When she finished her story, he looked at her, his heart pounding in his chest. “Thank you,” he said. “That was beautiful.”

The woman smiled. “It’s my pleasure,” she said. “I love sharing the stories behind the paintings. It’s like peeling back the layers of history and discovering the secrets that lie beneath.”

He nodded, still lost in her beauty. “You’re like the Mona Lisa,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Mysterious and beautiful, with a hint of sadness.”

The woman smiled again, her eyes locked on his. “Perhaps,” she said. “But unlike the Mona Lisa, my secrets are not locked away behind a smile.”

He felt a sudden urge to know more about her, to discover the secrets that lay behind her eyes. “What is your name?” he asked.

The woman hesitated, as though considering whether to reveal her identity. “Isabella,” she said finally. “My name is Isabella.”

He nodded, savoring the sound of her name on his lips. “It’s beautiful,” he said.

Isabella smiled. “Thank you,” she said. “And what is your name?”

He hesitated, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “I’m just a visitor,” he said. “I don’t matter.”

Isabella took his hand, her touch sending shivers down his spine. “Of course you matter,” she said. “Everyone matters. What is your name?”

He looked into her eyes, lost in their depths. “David,” he said finally. “My name is David.”

Isabella smiled again, her smile lighting up the room. “It’s nice to meet you, David,” she said. “Would you like to see some more paintings?”

He nodded, his heart racing. As they walked through the gallery, he felt as though he was walking on air. Isabella showed him some of her favorite paintings, telling him stories about the artists and the people who had inspired them. He listened to her voice, her laughter, and felt as though he had found a kindred spirit.

As they stood before a painting of a garden, Isabella turned to him, her eyes shining. “I have a confession to make,” she said. “I’m not really a tour guide. I just wanted to talk to you.”

He looked at her, surprised. “Why?”

Isabella took a deep breath. “I saw you looking at the Mona Lisa, and I couldn’t help but be drawn to you. There’s something about you, David, something that I can’t quite put my finger on.”

David felt a rush of emotions. He had never felt this way before, as though he had found someone who understood him in ways that no one else could. “I feel the same way about you, Isabella,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Isabella smiled, her eyes shining with joy. “Then let’s go somewhere and talk,” she said. “There’s a café nearby that I love to go to. It’s quiet and cozy, and the coffee is amazing.”

David nodded, his heart pounding with excitement. As they walked through the streets of Paris, he felt as though he was walking on a cloud. He had never felt this way before, as though the world had suddenly become brighter and more beautiful.

As they sat in the café, sipping coffee and talking, David felt as though he had found his soulmate. Isabella was everything he had ever wanted in a woman: smart, funny, beautiful, and mysterious. They talked about everything and nothing, lost in each other’s company.

As the sun began to set, Isabella looked at her watch. “I have to go,” she said, her voice tinged with sadness. “I have another tour to lead.”

David felt a pang of sadness, as though a piece of him was leaving with her. “Will I see you again?” he asked.

Isabella smiled. “Of course,” she said. “I’ll be back here tomorrow. Meet me here, same time, same place?”

David nodded, his heart soaring. “Absolutely,” he said.

As Isabella got up to leave, David felt a sense of longing wash over him. He had never felt this way before, as though he had finally found the missing piece of his soul.

For the rest of the night, he walked through the streets of Paris, lost in thought. He couldn’t stop thinking about Isabella, her beauty, her voice, her smile. He felt as though he had been touched by something magical, something that he could not explain.

The next day, David returned to the Louvre, his heart pounding with anticipation. He walked through the gallery, his eyes fixed on the Mona Lisa. But this time, she was different. She was no longer just a painting. She was a symbol of something greater, something that he had found in Isabella.

As he waited for Isabella to arrive, he felt a sense of nervousness wash over him. What if she didn’t show up? What if she had changed her mind?

But as he turned around, he saw her standing there, her smile lighting up the room. She walked towards him, her eyes locked on his, and he felt as though he had found his home.

Together, they walked through the gallery, lost in each other’s company. They talked about the paintings, the artists, the stories behind them. But mostly, they talked about themselves, about their dreams and fears and hopes.

As they stood before a painting of a sunset, Isabella turned to David. “I have something to tell you,” she said.

David looked at her, his heart racing. “What is it?”

Isabella took a deep breath. “I’m not just a tour guide,” she said. “I’m an artist.”

David felt a sense of surprise wash over him. “Really?” he said. “What kind of artist?”

Isabella smiled. “I paint portraits,” she said. “People’s faces, their expressions, their souls. It’s what I love to do.”

David felt a sense of awe wash over him. “That’s amazing,” he said. “I would love to see some of your work.”

Isabella smiled again. “I’ll show you,” she said. “But first, there’s something I want to do.”

She took his hand and led him to a quiet corner of the gallery. As they stood there, surrounded by the paintings, Isabella turned to him.

“David,” she said, her voice soft and full of emotion. “I know we just met, but I feel as though I’ve known you forever. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a man. You’re kind, and smart, and funny, and beautiful. You make me feel alive in ways that I’ve never felt before. And I know this might sound crazy, but…I think I’m falling in love with you.”

David felt a sense of joy wash over him. He had never felt this way before, as though he had found the one person who understood him in ways that no one else could.

“I feel the same way, Isabella,” he said, his voice full of emotion. “I think I’ve been falling in love with you since the moment I saw you.”

They stood there, lost in each other’s arms, surrounded by the beauty of the paintings around them. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, and nothing else mattered except the two of them.

As they pulled away from each other, Isabella took David’s hand and led him to a nearby bench. She pulled out a small sketchbook and a pencil and began to draw.

David watched in amazement as Isabella’s pencil moved across the page, creating a portrait of him that was both beautiful and haunting. He could feel her gaze on him, studying his every feature, capturing his essence on the page.

When she finished, she handed him the sketch. “It’s not finished,” she said. “But it’s a start.”

David looked at the sketch in awe. He had never seen himself portrayed in such a way, with such depth and emotion. “It’s amazing,” he said. “Thank you.”

Isabella smiled. “I’m glad you like it,” she said. “I want to paint a portrait of you, if that’s okay. I want to capture your soul on canvas.”

David felt a rush of excitement wash over him. “I would love that,” he said.

And so, over the next few weeks, Isabella painted David’s portrait. They spent hours together in her studio, lost in each other’s company, talking and laughing and creating. David watched in amazement as Isabella’s brush moved across the canvas, creating a portrait that was both beautiful and haunting.

When she finished, she unveiled the painting to him. It was a masterpiece, a portrait that captured his soul in ways that he had never thought possible. He could see himself in her eyes, and he knew that he would never forget this moment, this time in his life when he had found the one person who understood him in ways that no one else could.

As they stood before the painting, lost in each other’s arms, David knew that he had found the missing piece of his soul. He had found beauty, and love, and inspiration, all in the form of a beautiful girl whose enigmatic smile had captured his heart.
From that moment on, David and Isabella were inseparable. They spent their days exploring the city, wandering through museums and galleries, and talking for hours on end about art, life, and everything in between. They were two kindred spirits, drawn together by a deep and abiding love of beauty.

As the weeks turned into months, their love only grew stronger. David found himself falling more deeply in love with Isabella every day, and he knew that he could never be without her. He talked to her about his dreams of becoming a famous artist, and she encouraged him to follow his heart, to never give up on his passion.

Together, they worked on their art, inspiring each other to create works that were more beautiful and meaningful than anything they had ever done before. They spent entire nights in Isabella’s studio, lost in the colors and textures of their creations, their souls intertwined in a dance of beauty and love.

But as much as they loved each other, David knew that he could not stay in Paris forever. He had a life back home, a family and friends who were waiting for him. He knew that he would have to leave Isabella eventually, and the thought filled him with a sense of sadness and longing.

One day, as they sat together in a café, sipping coffee and watching the world go by, David knew that the time had come. He took Isabella’s hand in his, and looked into her eyes.

“Isabella,” he said, “I don’t want to leave you. I love you more than anything in the world. But I have to go back home, to my family and my life. Will you come with me?”

Isabella looked at him, her eyes shining with tears. “David,” she said, “I love you too. But Paris is my home. This is where I belong. You have to go back to your life, and I have to stay here. We can’t be together.”

David felt a sense of despair wash over him. He had never felt so alone, so lost. He knew that he would never find anyone like Isabella again, someone who understood him so completely, who shared his love of art and beauty.

But as he looked into Isabella’s eyes, he knew that he would never forget her, that the memory of their love would stay with him forever. And he knew that he would always be grateful for the time they had spent together, for the beauty and love that they had created.

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    VAWritten by Vera Adetunji

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